public LoginViewController(CoreViewController parent) : base()
            // setup our timer
            LoginSuccessfulTimer           = new System.Timers.Timer();
            LoginSuccessfulTimer.AutoReset = false;
            LoginSuccessfulTimer.Interval  = 1;

            Parent = parent;
        public LoginViewController(CoreViewController parent)
            : base()
            // setup our timer
            LoginSuccessfulTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
            LoginSuccessfulTimer.AutoReset = false;
            LoginSuccessfulTimer.Interval = 1;

            Parent = parent;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // This method is invoked when the application has loaded and is ready to run. In this
        // method you should instantiate the window, load the UI into it and then make the window
        // visible.
        // You have 17 seconds to return from this method, or iOS will terminate your application.
        public override bool FinishedLaunching( UIApplication app, NSDictionary options )
            // create a new window instance based on the screen size
            window = new UIWindow( UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds );

            // If you have defined a root view controller, set it here:
            CoreViewController = new CoreViewController();
            window.RootViewController = CoreViewController;

            // make the window visible
            window.MakeKeyAndVisible( );

            // start up the delegate and actual location service
            Location.Location.Instance.OnRegionEnteredDelegate = CoreViewController.RegionEntered;

            Location.Location.Instance.Create( null );

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
        // This method is invoked when the application has loaded and is ready to run. In this
        // method you should instantiate the window, load the UI into it and then make the window
        // visible.
        // You have 17 seconds to return from this method, or iOS will terminate your application.
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
            // create a new window instance based on the screen size
            window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);

            // If you have defined a root view controller, set it here:
            CoreViewController        = new CoreViewController();
            window.RootViewController = CoreViewController;

            // make the window visible
            window.MakeKeyAndVisible( );

            // start up the delegate and actual location service
            Location.Location.Instance.OnRegionEnteredDelegate = CoreViewController.RegionEntered;


Exemplo n.º 5
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            // First setup the SpringboardReveal button, which rests in the upper left
            // of the MainNavigationUI. (We must do it here because the ContainerViewController's
            // NavBar is the active one.)
            NSString buttonLabel = new NSString("");

            HomeButton      = new UIButton(UIButtonType.System);
            HomeButton.Font = Rock.Mobile.PlatformSpecific.iOS.Graphics.FontManager.GetFont("Bh", 36);
            HomeButton.SetTitle(buttonLabel.ToString( ), UIControlState.Normal);
            HomeButton.SetTitleColor(Theme.GetColor(Config.Instance.VisualSettings.TopHeaderTextColor), UIControlState.Normal);
            HomeButton.SetTitleColor(UIColor.DarkGray, UIControlState.Disabled);

            // determine its dimensions
            CGSize buttonSize = buttonLabel.StringSize(HomeButton.Font);

            HomeButton.Bounds = new CGRect(0, 0, buttonSize.Width, buttonSize.Height);

            // set its callback
            HomeButton.TouchUpInside += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                // clear any current family VC
                CurrentFamilyInfoViewController = null;

                // reset our stack
                SubNavigationController.View.SetNeedsLayout( );

                // turn off the home button
                HomeButton.Enabled = false;

                // and enable the add family button
                AddFamilyButton.Enabled = true;

            // set the "Add Family" button
            buttonLabel = new NSString("");

            AddFamilyButton      = new UIButton(UIButtonType.System);
            AddFamilyButton.Font = Rock.Mobile.PlatformSpecific.iOS.Graphics.FontManager.GetFont("Bh", 36);
            AddFamilyButton.SetTitle(buttonLabel.ToString( ), UIControlState.Normal);
            AddFamilyButton.SetTitleColor(Theme.GetColor(Config.Instance.VisualSettings.TopHeaderTextColor), UIControlState.Normal);
            AddFamilyButton.SetTitleColor(UIColor.DarkGray, UIControlState.Disabled);

            // determine its dimensions
            buttonSize             = buttonLabel.StringSize(HomeButton.Font);
            AddFamilyButton.Bounds = new CGRect(0, 0, buttonSize.Width, buttonSize.Height);

            // set its callback
            AddFamilyButton.TouchUpInside += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                // clear any current family VC
                CurrentFamilyInfoViewController = null;

                // and present a new family page
                PresentNewFamilyPage( );

            UIBarButtonItem[] leftItems = new UIBarButtonItem[]
                new UIBarButtonItem(HomeButton),
                new UIBarButtonItem(AddFamilyButton)
            this.NavigationItem.SetLeftBarButtonItems(leftItems, false);

            CreateSubNavigationController( );

            SearchFamiliesViewController = new SearchFamiliesViewController(this);
            SubNavigationController.PushViewController(SearchFamiliesViewController, true);

            HomeButton.Enabled = false;

            SettingsViewController = new SettingsViewController(this);

            // set our theme
Exemplo n.º 6
 public ContainerViewController(CoreViewController parent) : base( )
     Parent = parent;
 public ContainerViewController( CoreViewController parent )
     : base()
     Parent = parent;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public FirstRunViewController(CoreViewController parent) : base( )
     Parent = parent;
 public FirstRunViewController( CoreViewController parent )
     : base()
     Parent = parent;
        public override void ViewDidLoad()

            // set our theme

            // and the busy indicator
            BusyIndicator                 = PlatformBusyIndicator.Create( );
            BusyIndicator.Color           = 0x999999FF;
            BusyIndicator.BackgroundColor = 0;
            BusyIndicator.Opacity         = 0;

            // setup the header label
            HeaderLabel = new UILabel( );
            Theme.StyleLabel(HeaderLabel, Config.Instance.VisualSettings.LabelStyle);
            HeaderLabel.Font = FontManager.GetFont(Settings.General_RegularFont, 32);
            HeaderLabel.Text = "Family Manager";
            HeaderLabel.SizeToFit( );
            HeaderLabel.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center;

            UserNameField = new UIInsetTextField();

            Theme.StyleTextField(UserNameField, Config.Instance.VisualSettings.TextFieldStyle);
            UserNameField.InputAssistantItem.LeadingBarButtonGroups  = null;
            UserNameField.InputAssistantItem.TrailingBarButtonGroups = null;
            UserNameField.Font = FontManager.GetFont(Settings.General_RegularFont, Config.Instance.VisualSettings.MediumFontSize);
            UserNameField.Layer.AnchorPoint      = CGPoint.Empty;
            UserNameField.AutocorrectionType     = UITextAutocorrectionType.No;
            UserNameField.AutocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationType.None;
            UserNameField.Placeholder            = "Username";
            UserNameField.ShouldReturn          += (textField) =>


            PasswordField = new UIInsetTextField();

            Theme.StyleTextField(PasswordField, Config.Instance.VisualSettings.TextFieldStyle);
            PasswordField.InputAssistantItem.LeadingBarButtonGroups  = null;
            PasswordField.InputAssistantItem.TrailingBarButtonGroups = null;
            PasswordField.Layer.AnchorPoint = CGPoint.Empty;
            PasswordField.Font = FontManager.GetFont(Settings.General_RegularFont, Config.Instance.VisualSettings.MediumFontSize);
            PasswordField.AutocorrectionType     = UITextAutocorrectionType.No;
            PasswordField.AutocapitalizationType = UITextAutocapitalizationType.None;
            PasswordField.Placeholder            = "Password";
            PasswordField.SecureTextEntry        = true;

            PasswordField.ShouldReturn += (textField) =>


            // obviously attempt a login if login is pressed
            LoginButton = UIButton.FromType(UIButtonType.System);

            Theme.StyleButton(LoginButton, Config.Instance.VisualSettings.PrimaryButtonStyle);
            LoginButton.SetTitle("Login", UIControlState.Normal);
            LoginButton.Font = FontManager.GetFont(Settings.General_RegularFont, Config.Instance.VisualSettings.SmallFontSize);
            LoginButton.SizeToFit( );
            LoginButton.Layer.AnchorPoint = CGPoint.Empty;
            LoginButton.TouchUpInside    += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>

            // setup the result
            LoginResult = new UILabel( );
            Theme.StyleLabel(LoginResult, Config.Instance.VisualSettings.LabelStyle);
            LoginResult.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center;

            // version
            Version = new UILabel();
            Version.Layer.AnchorPoint = CGPoint.Empty;
            Version.TextColor         = UIColor.White;
            Version.TextAlignment     = UITextAlignment.Center;
            Version.Text = Strings.General_Version;
            Theme.StyleLabel(Version, Config.Instance.VisualSettings.LabelStyle);
            Version.Font = Version.Font.WithSize(14);