Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// objectum inicializalasa
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tag"></param>
 /// <param name="dr"></param>
 /// <param name="sorindex"></param>
 /// <param name="tablanev"></param>
 /// <param name="fak"></param>
 /// <param name="leiroe"></param>
 public void AzonositoInit(TablainfoTag tag, DataRow dr, int sorindex, string tablanev, FakUserInterface fak, bool leiroe)
     _fak = fak;
     _tablatag = tag;
     _sorindex = sorindex;
     _leiroe = leiroe;
     _adatsor = dr;
     if (dr == null && tablanev == "BASE")
         _azon = "BASE";
         _verzioinfok = fak.VerzioInfok["R"];
         _kellverzio = false;
         _leiroenyem = true;
         if (!_leiroe)
             _tablanev = "BASE";
             _szint = "R";
             _selectstring = "";
             _orderstring = " order by PARENT,SORSZAM";
             _beszurhat = "I";
             _modosithat = "I";
             _sorazonositomezo = "SZOVEG";
             _sort = "SORREND";
             _szovegcolname = "SZOVEG";
             _enyem = false;
             _lehetcombo = true;
             _azon = "BASE";
             _azontip = "BASEBASE";
             _combofileba = "SZINT";
             _comboszovegbe = new string[] { "SZOVEG" };
             _combosort = "SORREND";
             _tablanev = "LEIRO";
             _szint = "R";
             _selectstring = " where AZON='" + _azon + "' and TABLANEV='BASE'";
             _orderstring = " order by VERZIO_ID,AZON,TABLANEV,ADATNEV";
             _beszurhat = "N";
             _modosithat = "I";
             _torolheto = false;
             _enyem = true;
             _sorazonositomezo = "ADATNEV";
             _sort = "ADATNEV";
             _szovegcolname = "ADATNEV";
     else if (dr == null || leiroe)    // leiro
         if (dr == null)
             _azon = "LEIR";
             _tablanev = "LEIRO";
             _enyem = true;
             _leiroenyem = true;
             _szint = "R";
             _kellverzio = false;
             _azon = dr["AZON"].ToString();
             _tablanev = dr["TABLANEV"].ToString();
             if (dr.Table.TableName == "TARTAL")
                 _enyem = _fak.SetBoolByIgenNem(dr["ENYEM"].ToString());
                 _leiroenyem = _fak.SetBoolByIgenNem(dr["LEIROENYEM"].ToString());
             _szint = "R";
             _kellverzio = true;
         _selectstring = " where AZON='" + _azon + "' and TABLANEV='" + _tablanev + "'";
         _orderstring = " order by VERZIO_ID,AZON,TABLANEV,ADATNEV";
         _beszurhat = "N";
         _modosithat = "I";
         _torolheto = false;
         _sorazonositomezo = "ADATNEV";
         _sort = "ADATNEV";
         _szovegcolname = "ADATNEV";
         _verzioinfok = fak.VerzioInfok["R"];
         //if (_tablanev == "TARTAL" && _fak.Alkalmazas != "TERVEZO")
         //    _ownernev = "OWNER";
         //    UpdateSelectString();
     else if (dr != null)
         if (_tablanev == "LEIRO")
             _szovegcolname = "SORSZOV";
             _enyem = true;
             _verzioinfok = fak.VerzioInfok["R"];
         else if (_tablanev == "TARTAL")
             string savsel = _selectstring;
             _selectstring = " where AZON='" + dr["AZON"].ToString() + "'";
             if (savsel != "")
                 _selectstring += " AND " + savsel;
             _orderstring = " order by VERZIO_ID,SORREND, AZONTIP,AZONTIP1,AZONTIP2";
             _sorazonositomezo = "AZONTIP";
             _sort = "SORREND";
             _azontip = _azon + _tablanev;
             _modosithat = "I";
             _torolheto = true;
             _enyem = false;
             _leiroenyem = true;
             if (_azon != "SZRM")
                 _beszurhat = "I";
                 _beszurhat = "N";
             _kellverzio = true;
         else if (_tablanev == "KODTAB" || _tablanev == "OSSZEF" || _tablanev == "ADATSZOLG" ||
             _tablanev == "LISTA" || _tablanev == "STATISZTIKA")
             _leiroenyem = true;
             _selectstring = " where KODTIPUS='" + _kodtipus + "'";
             if (_tablanev == "OSSZEF")
                 _beszurhat = "N";
                 _torolheto = false;
         else if (_tablanev == "VALTOZASNAPLO")
             string tim = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();
             tim = tim.Replace(".", "-");
             if (tim.EndsWith("-"))
                 tim = tim.Substring(0, tim.Length - 1);
             string lastm = "{d '" + tim + "'}";
             _selectstring = " where LAST_MOD>" + lastm;
             if (_fak.Alkalmazas != "TERVEZO")
                 _selectstring += " AND (ALKALM = '' OR ALKALM = '" + _fak.Alkalmazas + "')";
         else if (_tablanev == "USERLOG" ||_tablanev == "CEGKEZELOKIOSZT" || _tablanev == "CEGSZERZODES" )
             if (_fak.AlkalmazasId != "")
                 _selectstring = " where ALKALMAZAS_ID='" + _fak.AlkalmazasId + "'";
         if (_leiroe || _tablanev == "TARTAL")
             _verzioinfok = _fak.VerzioInfok["R"];
         else if (_szint != "" && _adatfajta != "")
         //               {
             _verzioinfok = _fak.VerzioInfok[_szint];
             if (_verzioinfok == null)
                 _verzioinfok = _fak.VerzioInfok["C"];