Exemplo n.º 1
 public void DrawBefore2D(GraphicsDevice gd, WorldState state)
     foreach (var avatar in Blueprint.Avatars)
         if ((avatar.Position.Z+0.05f)/2.95f < state.Level) avatar.Draw(gd, state);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void DrawAfter2D(GraphicsDevice gd, WorldState state)
     var pxOffset = state.WorldSpace.GetScreenOffset();
     var _2d = state._2D;
     foreach (var avatar in Blueprint.Avatars)
         if ((avatar.Position.Z + 0.05f) / 2.95f < state.Level)
             avatar.Draw(gd, state);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an object group's thumbnail provided an array of objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objects">The object components to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="gd">GraphicsDevice instance.</param>
        /// <param name="state">WorldState instance.</param>
        /// <returns>Object's ID if the object was found at the given position.</returns>
        public Texture2D GetObjectThumb(ObjectComponent[] objects, Vector3[] positions, GraphicsDevice gd, WorldState state)
            var oldZoom = state.Zoom;
            var oldRotation = state.Rotation;
            /** Center average position **/
            Vector3 average = new Vector3();
            for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++)
                average += positions[i];
            average /= positions.Length;

            state.SilentZoom = WorldZoom.Near;
            state.SilentRotation = WorldRotation.BottomRight;
            state.TempDraw = true;
            var pxOffset = new Vector2(442, 275) - state.WorldSpace.GetScreenFromTile(average);

            var _2d = state._2D;
            Promise<Texture2D> bufferTexture = null;
            state._2D.OBJIDMode = false;
            Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle();
            using (var buffer = state._2D.WithBuffer(BUFFER_THUMB, ref bufferTexture))
                while (buffer.NextPass())
                    for (int i=0; i<objects.Length; i++)
                        var obj = objects[i];
                        var tilePosition = positions[i];

                        //we need to trick the object into believing it is in a set world state.
                        var oldObjRot = obj.Direction;

                        obj.Direction = Direction.NORTH;
                        state.SilentZoom = WorldZoom.Near;
                        state.SilentRotation = WorldRotation.BottomRight;

                        _2d.OffsetPixel(state.WorldSpace.GetScreenFromTile(tilePosition) + pxOffset);
                        obj.Draw(gd, state);

                        //return everything to normal
                        obj.Direction = oldObjRot;
                        state.SilentZoom = oldZoom;
                        state.SilentRotation = oldRotation;
                    bounds = _2d.GetSpriteListBounds();
            bounds.X = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1023, bounds.X));
            bounds.Y = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1023, bounds.Y));
            if (bounds.Width + bounds.X > 1024) bounds.Width = 1024 - bounds.X;
            if (bounds.Height + bounds.Y > 1024) bounds.Height = 1024 - bounds.Y;

            //return things to normal
            state.TempDraw = false;

            var tex = bufferTexture.Get();
            return TextureUtils.Clip(gd, tex, bounds);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an object's ID given an object's screen position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">The object's X position.</param>
        /// <param name="y">The object's Y position.</param>
        /// <param name="gd">GraphicsDevice instance.</param>
        /// <param name="state">WorldState instance.</param>
        /// <returns>Object's ID if the object was found at the given position.</returns>
        public short GetObjectIDAtScreenPos(int x, int y, GraphicsDevice gd, WorldState state)
            /** Draw all objects to a texture as their IDs **/
            var occupiedTiles = Blueprint.GetOccupiedTiles(state.Rotation);
            var oldCenter = state.CenterTile;
            var tileOff = state.WorldSpace.GetTileFromScreen(new Vector2(x, y));
            state.CenterTile += tileOff;
            var pxOffset = state.WorldSpace.GetScreenOffset();
            var _2d = state._2D;
            Promise<Texture2D> bufferTexture = null;

            state.TempDraw = true;
            state._2D.OBJIDMode = true;
            state._3D.OBJIDMode = true;
            using (var buffer = state._2D.WithBuffer(BUFFER_OBJID, ref bufferTexture))

                while (buffer.NextPass())
                    foreach (var tile in occupiedTiles)

                        /** Objects **/
                        if ((tile.Type & BlueprintOccupiedTileType.OBJECT) == BlueprintOccupiedTileType.OBJECT)
                            var objects = Blueprint.GetObjects(tile.TileX, tile.TileY); //TODO: Level
                            foreach (var obj in objects.Objects)
                                if (obj.Level != state.Level) continue;
                                var tilePosition = obj.Position;
                                _2d.OffsetPixel(state.WorldSpace.GetScreenFromTile(tilePosition) + pxOffset);
                                obj.Draw(gd, state);

                    foreach (var avatar in Blueprint.Avatars)
                        avatar.Draw(gd, state);

            state._3D.OBJIDMode = false;
            state._2D.OBJIDMode = false;
            state.TempDraw = false;
            state.CenterTile = oldCenter;

            var tex = bufferTexture.Get();
            Single[] data = new float[1];
            return (short)Math.Round(data[0]*65535f);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Paint to screen
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gd"></param>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        public void Draw(GraphicsDevice gd, WorldState state)
            var _2d = state._2D;
            _2d.ResetMatrices(gd.Viewport.Width, gd.Viewport.Height); //todo: render to texture support
             * Draw static layers

            if (StaticTerrain != null){
                _2d.DrawBasic(StaticTerrain, Vector2.Zero);
            if (StaticFloor != null){
                _2d.DrawBasic(StaticFloor, Vector2.Zero);
            if (StaticArch != null && StaticArchDepth != null)
                _2d.DrawBasicRestoreDepth(StaticArch, StaticArchDepth, Vector2.Zero);

            if (StaticObjects != null && StaticObjectsDepth != null)
                _2d.DrawBasicRestoreDepth(StaticObjects, StaticObjectsDepth, Vector2.Zero);

             * Draw dynamic objects. If an object has been static for X frames move it back into the static layer

            var occupiedTiles = Blueprint.GetOccupiedTiles(state.Rotation);
            var pxOffset = state.WorldSpace.GetScreenOffset();

            foreach (var tile in occupiedTiles)

                /** Objects **/
                if ((tile.Type & BlueprintOccupiedTileType.OBJECT) == BlueprintOccupiedTileType.OBJECT)
                    var objects = Blueprint.GetObjects(tile.TileX, tile.TileY); //TODO: Level
                    foreach (var obj in objects.Objects)
                        if (obj.Level > state.Level) continue;
                        var renderInfo = GetRenderInfo(obj);
                        if (renderInfo.Layer == WorldObjectRenderLayer.DYNAMIC)
                            var tilePosition = obj.Position;
                            _2d.OffsetPixel(state.WorldSpace.GetScreenFromTile(tilePosition) + pxOffset);
                            obj.Draw(gd, state);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup anything that needs a GraphicsDevice
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer"></param>
        public override void Initialize(_3DLayer layer)

             * Setup world state, this object acts as a facade
             * to world objects as well as providing various
             * state settings for the world and helper functions
            State = new WorldState(layer.Device, layer.Device.Viewport.Width/FSOEnvironment.DPIScaleFactor, layer.Device.Viewport.Height/FSOEnvironment.DPIScaleFactor, this);
            State.AmbientLight = new Texture2D(layer.Device, 256, 256);
            State._3D = new FSO.LotView.Utils._3DWorldBatch(State);
            State._2D = new FSO.LotView.Utils._2DWorldBatch(layer.Device, World2D.NUM_2D_BUFFERS,
            State._2D.AmbientLight = State.AmbientLight;

            if (FSOEnvironment.SoftwareDepth) PPXDepthEngine.InitScreenTargets(layer.Device);

            base.Camera = State.Camera;

            HasInitGPU = true;
            HasInit = HasInitGPU & HasInitBlueprint;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public abstract void Draw(GraphicsDevice device, WorldState world);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public void DrawAfter2D(GraphicsDevice gd, WorldState state)
     //gd.RasterizerState.CullMode = CullMode.CullCounterClockwiseFace;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void DrawBefore2D(GraphicsDevice gd, WorldState state)
Exemplo n.º 10
 public virtual void OnWorldChanged(WorldState world)
Exemplo n.º 11
 public virtual void OnScrollChanged(WorldState world)
Exemplo n.º 12
 public virtual void OnRotationChanged(WorldState world)
Exemplo n.º 13
 public virtual void Initialize(GraphicsDevice device, WorldState world)
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new WorldSpace instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="worldPxWidth">Width of world in pixels.</param>
 /// <param name="worldPxHeight">Height of world in pixels.</param>
 /// <param name="state">WorldState instance.</param>
 public WorldSpace(float worldPxWidth, float worldPxHeight, WorldState state)
     this.State = state;
     this.WorldPxWidth = worldPxWidth;
     this.WorldPxHeight = worldPxHeight;
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Prep work before screen is painted
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gd"></param>
        /// <param name="state"></param>
        public void PreDraw(GraphicsDevice gd, WorldState state)
            var damage = Blueprint.Damage;
            var _2d = state._2D;

             * Tasks:
             *  If scroll, zoom or rotation has changed, redraw all static layers
             *  If architecture has changed, redraw appropriate static layer
             *  If there is a new object in the static layer, redraw the static layer
             *  If an objects in the static layer has changed, redraw the static layer and move the object to the dynamic layer
             *  If wall visibility has changed, redraw wall layer (should think about how this works with breakthrough wall mode

            var redrawTerrain = StaticTerrain == null;
            var redrawStaticObjects = false;
            var redrawFloors = false;
            var redrawWalls = false;

            WorldObjectRenderInfo info = null;

            foreach (var item in damage){
                switch (item.Type){
                    case BlueprintDamageType.ROTATE:
                    case BlueprintDamageType.ZOOM:
                    case BlueprintDamageType.SCROLL:
                    case BlueprintDamageType.LEVEL_CHANGED:
                        redrawFloors = true;
                        redrawWalls = true;
                        redrawStaticObjects = true;
                        redrawTerrain = true;
                    case BlueprintDamageType.OBJECT_MOVE:
                        /** Redraw if its in static layer **/
                        info = GetRenderInfo(item.Component);
                        if (info.Layer == WorldObjectRenderLayer.STATIC){
                            redrawStaticObjects = true;
                    case BlueprintDamageType.OBJECT_GRAPHIC_CHANGE:
                        /** Redraw if its in static layer **/
                        info = GetRenderInfo(item.Component);
                        if (info.Layer == WorldObjectRenderLayer.STATIC){
                            redrawStaticObjects = true;
                            info.Layer = WorldObjectRenderLayer.DYNAMIC;
                    case BlueprintDamageType.OBJECT_RETURN_TO_STATIC:
                        info = GetRenderInfo(item.Component);
                        if (info.Layer == WorldObjectRenderLayer.DYNAMIC)
                            redrawStaticObjects = true;
                            info.Layer = WorldObjectRenderLayer.STATIC;
                    case BlueprintDamageType.WALL_CUT_CHANGED:
                        redrawWalls = true;
                    case BlueprintDamageType.FLOOR_CHANGED:
                        redrawFloors = true;
                    case BlueprintDamageType.WALL_CHANGED:
                        redrawWalls = true;

            var occupiedTiles = Blueprint.GetOccupiedTiles(state.Rotation);
            var pxOffset = state.WorldSpace.GetScreenOffset();

            if (redrawTerrain)
                Promise<Texture2D> bufferTexture = null;
                using (var buffer = state._2D.WithBuffer(BUFFER_STATIC_TERRAIN, ref bufferTexture)){
                    while (buffer.NextPass()){
                        Blueprint.Terrain.Draw(gd, state);
                StaticTerrain = bufferTexture.Get();

            if (redrawFloors){
                Promise<Texture2D> bufferTexture = null;
                using (var buffer = state._2D.WithBuffer(BUFFER_STATIC_FLOOR, ref bufferTexture))
                    while (buffer.NextPass())

                        foreach (var tile in occupiedTiles)
                            var tilePosition = new Vector3(tile.TileX, tile.TileY, 0.0f);
                            _2d.OffsetPixel(state.WorldSpace.GetScreenFromTile(tilePosition) + pxOffset);

                            if ((tile.Type & BlueprintOccupiedTileType.FLOOR) == BlueprintOccupiedTileType.FLOOR)
                                var floor = Blueprint.GetFloor(tile.TileX, tile.TileY, 1); //TODO: levels
                                floor.Draw(gd, state);
                StaticFloor = bufferTexture.Get();
                //StaticFloor.Save("C:\\floor.png", ImageFileFormat.Png);

            if (redrawWalls)
                /** Draw archetecture to a texture **/
                Promise<Texture2D> bufferTexture = null;
                Promise<Texture2D> depthTexture = null;
                using (var buffer = state._2D.WithBuffer(BUFFER_ARCHETECTURE_PIXEL, ref bufferTexture, BUFFER_ARCHETECTURE_DEPTH, ref depthTexture))
                    while (buffer.NextPass())
                        Blueprint.FloorComp.Draw(gd, state);
                        Blueprint.WallComp.Draw(gd, state);
                StaticArch = bufferTexture.Get();
                StaticArchDepth = depthTexture.Get();

            if (redrawStaticObjects){
                /** Draw static objects to a texture **/
                Promise<Texture2D> bufferTexture = null;
                Promise<Texture2D> depthTexture = null;
                using (var buffer = state._2D.WithBuffer(BUFFER_STATIC_OBJECTS_PIXEL, ref bufferTexture, BUFFER_STATIC_OBJECTS_DEPTH, ref depthTexture))
                    while (buffer.NextPass())
                        foreach (var tile in occupiedTiles)

                            /** Objects **/
                            if ((tile.Type & BlueprintOccupiedTileType.OBJECT) == BlueprintOccupiedTileType.OBJECT)
                                var objects = Blueprint.GetObjects(tile.TileX, tile.TileY); //TODO: Level
                                foreach (var obj in objects.Objects)
                                    if (obj.Level > state.Level) continue;
                                    var renderInfo = GetRenderInfo(obj);
                                    if (renderInfo.Layer == WorldObjectRenderLayer.STATIC)
                                        var tilePosition = obj.Position;
                                        _2d.OffsetPixel(state.WorldSpace.GetScreenFromTile(tilePosition) + pxOffset);
                                        obj.Draw(gd, state);

                StaticObjects = bufferTexture.Get();
                StaticObjectsDepth = depthTexture.Get();

                //StaticObjects.Save("C:\\static.png", ImageFileFormat.Png);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public virtual void OnZoomChanged(WorldState world)
Exemplo n.º 17
 public virtual void Update(GraphicsDevice device, WorldState world)
Exemplo n.º 18
 public void PreDraw(GraphicsDevice gd, WorldState state)
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup anything that needs a GraphicsDevice
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer"></param>
        public override void Initialize(_3DLayer layer)

             * Setup world state, this object acts as a facade
             * to world objects as well as providing various
             * state settings for the world and helper functions
            State = new WorldState(layer.Device, layer.Device.Viewport.Width, layer.Device.Viewport.Height, this);
            State._3D = new FSO.LotView.Utils._3DWorldBatch(State);
            State._2D = new FSO.LotView.Utils._2DWorldBatch(layer.Device, World2D.NUM_2D_BUFFERS, World2D.BUFFER_SURFACE_FORMATS);
            base.Camera = State.Camera;

            HasInitGPU = true;
            HasInit = HasInitGPU & HasInitBlueprint;
