Exemplo n.º 1
        /////////////////////////////// Image processing //////////////////////////////

        // Performs the image conversion/processing/etc that you want to perform
        void ProcessImage(ImageDataType imageData)
            byte[] pixels = imageData.pixels;
            int    width  = imageData.width;
            int    height = imageData.height;
            int    i;
            // remember that we're working in BGR color ... so the actual width is 3x
            int  w = width * 3;
            byte tmp;

            // sanity check
            if ((pixels == null) || (width == 0) || (height == 0))

            // you could use imageData.getName() to perform different analysis in the same
            // program ....

            // as an example ... swap red and blue values
            for (i = 0; i < w * height; i += 3)
                // normal image format is BGR ... first byte is blue
                tmp = pixels[i];
                // swap red and blue
                pixels[i] = pixels[i + 2];

                pixels[i + 2] = tmp;

            // note this this is an inplace filter so you don't need an additional image array
            // but you've now corrupted the original image ...
Exemplo n.º 2
        /////////////////////////////// Main //////////////////////////////////////////
        // This method will be called when the thread is started.
        public void run()
            // holds the variable name being sent by RR
            string varName;
            // holds the received and prehaps processed image data
            byte[] varData = new byte[DATA_BUFFER];
            // byte array for incoming integer number
            byte[] number = new byte[4];

            IPAddress myIp = IPAddress.Parse("");
            IPEndPoint ipEnd = new IPEndPoint(myIp, SERVER_PORTNUM);

            Socket server = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

            Console.WriteLine("RoboRealm Java Socket Server v0.0.1 Listening On Port "+SERVER_PORTNUM+"....\n");

             		ImageDataType imageData = new ImageDataType();

            while (isRunning)
                Console.WriteLine("Waiting ...\n");


                Socket client = server.Accept();


                client.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.SendTimeout, TIMEOUT);
                client.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveTimeout, TIMEOUT);

                NetworkStream networkStream = new NetworkStream(client);
                BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(networkStream);
                BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(networkStream);


                int len=0;

                while (true)

                    // *1* Comment the next line out after debugging is done!!
                    Console.WriteLine("Processing "+imageData.count+"\r");

                        while (true)
                            // read in variable length
                            binaryReader.Read(number, 0, 4);
                            len = byteToInt(number);
                            // if length <=0 on the variable name then we're done
                            if (len<=0) break;
                            // read in variable name but if the name is longer than 64 characters
                            // then grab the first 64 chars only
                            byte[] varNameChar = new byte[len];
                            binaryReader.Read(varNameChar, 0, len);
                            varName = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(varNameChar);

                            // read in the variable's data length
                            binaryReader.Read(number, 0, 4);
                            len = byteToInt(number);
                            // if the data is less than 1024 read it in now ..
                            if (len<DATA_BUFFER)
                                binaryReader.Read(varData, 0, len);

                            // handle this variable
                            if (ProcessVariable(binaryWriter, binaryReader, imageData, varName, varData, len)<0)

                        //Done collecting variables.

                        // termination signal -1 on attribute length
                        if (len==-1) break;

                        // process image

                        //Returning variables.

                        // Write out the processed image back to RoboRealm using stdout.
                        // You can also write back any other variables to use in
                        // other parts of the program.
                        // The format is the same as the input.
                        ReturnBytesVariable(binaryWriter, "image", imageData.pixels, imageData.width*imageData.height*3);

                        //Returned image;

                        // Send back the count as an example of how to feed back variables into RoboRealm
                        ReturnIntVariable(binaryWriter, "count", imageData.count);

                        // write out end of message

                        // flush all data back to RR
                        // continue by waiting for next image request
                    catch (Exception e)
                        //ignore any timeout errors by closing connection and restarting
                        //Console.WriteLine("Caught exception " + e.ToString() + "\n" + e.StackTrace);


                if (len==-1) break;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Parses the variables sent by RR into the appropriate structure. You can add
        // your own processing routines here to handle other variables that may get sent.
        int ProcessVariable(BinaryWriter writer, BinaryReader reader, ImageDataType imageData, string name, byte[] data, int len)
            name = name.ToLower();

            // determine what we've got
            if (name.Equals("name"))
                imageData.name = name;
            // determine what we've got
            if (name.Equals("width"))
                imageData.width = byteToInt(data);
            if (name.Equals("height"))
                imageData.height = byteToInt(data);
            if (name.Equals("image"))
                if ((imageData.width==0)||(imageData.height==0))
                    ReturnError(writer, "Error - missing image dimensions before image data!");
                    Console.WriteLine("Error - missing image dimensions before image data!");
                    return -1;

                if (len!=(imageData.width*imageData.height*3))
                    ReturnError(writer, "Error - length of data and dimensions of image\n        disagree! (width:"+imageData.width+" height:"+imageData.height+" len:"+len+")\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Error - length of data and dimensions of image\n        disagree! (width:"+imageData.width+" height:"+imageData.height+" len:"+len+")\n");
                    return -1;

                // we only need to allocate once! The program will remain
                // active for as long as processing continues ...
                if (imageData.pixels==null)
                    imageData.pixels = new byte[len];
                    imageData.allocLen = len;
                    // but we need to check to see if the image size has changed that we have
                    // enough room to load it in
                    if (imageData.allocLen<len)
                        imageData.pixels = new byte[len];
                        imageData.allocLen = len;

                // we did not read in the image data yet since it is always > 1024 ..
                int res;
                if ((res=readBytes(imageData.pixels, reader, len))!=len)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error - read failed. Wanted "+len+" bytes but got "+res+"\n");
                    return -1;
                // skip this variable
                if (len>DATA_BUFFER)
                    while (len > 0)

            return 1;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /////////////////////////////// Image processing //////////////////////////////
        // Performs the image conversion/processing/etc that you want to perform
        void ProcessImage(ImageDataType imageData)
            byte[] pixels = imageData.pixels;
            int width = imageData.width;
            int height = imageData.height;
            int i;
            // remember that we're working in BGR color ... so the actual width is 3x
            int w=width*3;
            byte tmp;

            // sanity check
            if ((pixels==null)||(width==0)||(height==0)) return;

            // you could use imageData.getName() to perform different analysis in the same
            // program ....

            // as an example ... swap red and blue values
            for (i=0;i<w*height;i+=3)
                // normal image format is BGR ... first byte is blue
                tmp = pixels[i];
                // swap red and blue
                pixels[i] = pixels[i+2];

                pixels[i+2] = tmp;

            // note this this is an inplace filter so you don't need an additional image array
            // but you've now corrupted the original image ...
Exemplo n.º 5
        /////////////////////////////// Main //////////////////////////////////////////
        // This method will be called when the thread is started.
        public void run()
            // holds the variable name being sent by RR
            string varName;

            // holds the received and prehaps processed image data
            byte[] varData = new byte[DATA_BUFFER];
            // byte array for incoming integer number
            byte[] number = new byte[4];

            IPAddress  myIp  = IPAddress.Parse("");
            IPEndPoint ipEnd = new IPEndPoint(myIp, SERVER_PORTNUM);

            Socket server = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);


            Console.WriteLine("RoboRealm Java Socket Server v0.0.1 Listening On Port " + SERVER_PORTNUM + "....\n");

            ImageDataType imageData = new ImageDataType();

            while (isRunning)
                Console.WriteLine("Waiting ...\n");


                Socket client = server.Accept();


                client.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.SendTimeout, TIMEOUT);
                client.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReceiveTimeout, TIMEOUT);

                NetworkStream networkStream = new NetworkStream(client);
                BinaryWriter  binaryWriter  = new BinaryWriter(networkStream);
                BinaryReader  binaryReader  = new BinaryReader(networkStream);

                imageData.count = 0;

                int len = 0;

                while (true)

                    // *1* Comment the next line out after debugging is done!!
                    Console.WriteLine("Processing " + imageData.count + "\r");

                        while (true)
                            // read in variable length
                            binaryReader.Read(number, 0, 4);
                            len = byteToInt(number);
                            // if length <=0 on the variable name then we're done
                            if (len <= 0)
                            // read in variable name but if the name is longer than 64 characters
                            // then grab the first 64 chars only
                            byte[] varNameChar = new byte[len];
                            binaryReader.Read(varNameChar, 0, len);
                            varName = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(varNameChar);

                            // read in the variable's data length
                            binaryReader.Read(number, 0, 4);
                            len = byteToInt(number);
                            // if the data is less than 1024 read it in now ..
                            if (len < DATA_BUFFER)
                                binaryReader.Read(varData, 0, len);

                            // handle this variable
                            if (ProcessVariable(binaryWriter, binaryReader, imageData, varName, varData, len) < 0)
                                len = -1;

                        //Done collecting variables.

                        // termination signal -1 on attribute length
                        if (len == -1)

                        // process image

                        //Returning variables.

                        // Write out the processed image back to RoboRealm using stdout.
                        // You can also write back any other variables to use in
                        // other parts of the program.
                        // The format is the same as the input.
                        ReturnBytesVariable(binaryWriter, "image", imageData.pixels, imageData.width * imageData.height * 3);

                        //Returned image;

                        // Send back the count as an example of how to feed back variables into RoboRealm
                        ReturnIntVariable(binaryWriter, "count", imageData.count);

                        // write out end of message

                        // flush all data back to RR
                        // continue by waiting for next image request
                    catch (Exception e)
                        //ignore any timeout errors by closing connection and restarting
                        //Console.WriteLine("Caught exception " + e.ToString() + "\n" + e.StackTrace);


                if (len == -1)
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Parses the variables sent by RR into the appropriate structure. You can add
        // your own processing routines here to handle other variables that may get sent.
        int ProcessVariable(BinaryWriter writer, BinaryReader reader, ImageDataType imageData, string name, byte[] data, int len)
            name = name.ToLower();

            // determine what we've got
            if (name.Equals("name"))
                imageData.name = name;
            // determine what we've got
            if (name.Equals("width"))
                imageData.width = byteToInt(data);
            if (name.Equals("height"))
                imageData.height = byteToInt(data);
            if (name.Equals("image"))
                if ((imageData.width == 0) || (imageData.height == 0))
                    ReturnError(writer, "Error - missing image dimensions before image data!");
                    Console.WriteLine("Error - missing image dimensions before image data!");

                if (len != (imageData.width * imageData.height * 3))
                    ReturnError(writer, "Error - length of data and dimensions of image\n        disagree! (width:" + imageData.width + " height:" + imageData.height + " len:" + len + ")\n");
                    Console.WriteLine("Error - length of data and dimensions of image\n        disagree! (width:" + imageData.width + " height:" + imageData.height + " len:" + len + ")\n");

                // we only need to allocate once! The program will remain
                // active for as long as processing continues ...
                if (imageData.pixels == null)
                    imageData.pixels   = new byte[len];
                    imageData.allocLen = len;
                    // but we need to check to see if the image size has changed that we have
                    // enough room to load it in
                    if (imageData.allocLen < len)
                        imageData.pixels   = new byte[len];
                        imageData.allocLen = len;

                // we did not read in the image data yet since it is always > 1024 ..
                int res;
                if ((res = readBytes(imageData.pixels, reader, len)) != len)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error - read failed. Wanted " + len + " bytes but got " + res + "\n");
                // skip this variable
                if (len > DATA_BUFFER)
                    while (len > 0)
