         * rowIndex and columnName act as the starting point for filling in data with Column headings.
         * In an excel prefilled with column names, rowIndex and columnName should still point to the first Column heading.
         * */
        public static bool InsertPlainData(string connection, string query, string excelFilePath, string sheetName, string columnName, uint rowIndex, bool inlcudeHeadings = true)
            bool success = true;

                using (SpreadsheetDocument spreadSheet = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(excelFilePath, true))
                    var       excelEditor = new ExcelEditor(spreadSheet, sheetName);
                    DataTable dt          = excelEditor.GetDataTable(query, connection);
                    excelEditor.ExportDataTable(spreadSheet, columnName, rowIndex, dt, inlcudeHeadings);
            catch (Exception exception)
                success = false;
        public static bool InsertDataTable(DataTable dt, Stream excelFile, string sheetName, string columnName, uint rowIndex, bool inlcudeHeadings = true)
            bool success = true;

                using (SpreadsheetDocument spreadSheet = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(excelFile, true))
                    var excelEditor = new ExcelEditor(spreadSheet, sheetName);
                    if (excelEditor.SheetPrepared)
                        excelEditor.ExportDataTable(spreadSheet, columnName, rowIndex, dt, inlcudeHeadings);
            catch (Exception e)
                success = false;