Exemplo n.º 1
 // Does calculation of WCET.
 private void calculation()
     // Check if automatic or manual calculation.
     if (_automatic) {
         // Start loop and create new Generation.
         Generation myGeneration = new Generation(_aSettings.populationSize, _param, _aSettings.mutationRate, _aSettings.crossoverCount, this);
         _bestGenom = myGeneration.getBestGenom();
             // Call Functions in GUI to show results.
             _printResult(myGeneration, myGeneration.getBestGenom());
             // Crossover and Mutate Generation.
             // Select Genes from Generation with selected Selection Strategy & Create new Generation but use existing genoms.
             myGeneration = new Generation(_aSettings.strategy.select(generation2Array(myGeneration)), _aSettings.populationSize, _aSettings.mutationRate, _aSettings.crossoverCount, this);
             // Change bestGenom if necessary.
             if (_bestGenom.fittness < myGeneration.getBestGenom().fittness) {
                 _bestGenom = myGeneration.getBestGenom();
         } while (again());
         // Finish and return Genom with WCET.
     // Do Manual calculation.
     else {
         // Create Genom.
         Genom myGenom = new Genom(_param,this);
         // Return Genom to GUI.
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void createGenes(uint givenGenes)
            Parameter genomParameter;
            Random ran;
            int countAnalog = _blaram.analog.Length;
            int countDigital = _blaram.digital.Length;
            int countEnums = _blaram.enums.Length;
            float[] analogVal = new float[countAnalog];
            bool[] digitalVal = new bool[countDigital];
            int[] enumVal = new int[countEnums];
            for (uint k = givenGenes; k < this._size; k++)
                ran = new Random();
                for (int i = 0; i < countAnalog; i++) // Erzeugung Random Analogwerte

                    analogVal[i] = (float)ran.NextDouble();
                for (int i = 0; i < countDigital; i++) // Erzeugung Random Digitalwerte
                    digitalVal[i] = rndBoolean();
                for (int i = 0; i < countEnums; i++) // Erzeugung Random Enum werte
                    enumVal[i] = ran.Next(10);
                genomParameter = new Parameter(analogVal, digitalVal, enumVal); //Parameter und Genomerzeugung
                _genomArray[k] = new Genom(genomParameter,_ea);
                //Calculate Fittness.

Exemplo n.º 3
 public Genom getBestGenom()
     Genom dummy = new Genom(null,null);
     dummy.fittness = 0;
     for (int k = 0; k < _genomArray.Length; k++)
         if (_genomArray[k].fittness > dummy.fittness)
             dummy = _genomArray[k];
     return dummy;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public Genom getBestGenom()
     Genom dummy = new Genom(null);
     return dummy;