private async Task GetAndBindData(LibrariesViewModel model, Cache cache)
            //clear any error messages
            model.PostcodeLookupError = string.Empty;

            // need to convert miles to metres
            Int32 rad = (int)ConvertMilesToMetres(60);

            // call the appropriate method which returns a dataset
            DataSet ds = await GetNearestLibrariesRadialFromCms(rad, model.Postcode, cache);

            if (ds != null)
                // get a default view on the dataset which we can then sort
                DataView dv = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;
                // sort by distance
                dv.Sort = "Miles ASC";

                // bind data
                foreach (DataRowView row in dv)
                    var libraryResult = new LibraryResult();
                    libraryResult.Name        = row["Name"].ToString();
                    libraryResult.Url         = new Uri(row["URL"].ToString(), UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
                    libraryResult.Description = row["Description"].ToString();
                    libraryResult.MilesAway   = (double)row["Miles"];

            if (model.Libraries.Count == 0)
                model.PostcodeLookupError = Properties.Resources.ErrorNoLibrariesFound;
        // GET: Default
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(string postcode)
            // Ensure there's one version of this URL so that the data is consistent in Google Analytics
            if (Path.GetFileName(Request.RawUrl).ToUpperInvariant() == "DEFAULT.ASPX")
                return(new RedirectResult(Url.Content("~/"), true));

            var model           = new LibrariesViewModel();
            var templateRequest = new EastSussexGovUKTemplateRequest(Request);

                model.WebChat = await templateRequest.RequestWebChatSettingsAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Catch and report exceptions - don't throw them and cause the page to fail
                model.TemplateHtml = await templateRequest.RequestTemplateHtmlAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Catch and report exceptions - don't throw them and cause the page to fail

        // GET: Default
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(string pc)
            var model = new LibrariesViewModel();

            model.Postcode = pc;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Postcode))
                    await GetAndBindData(model, HttpContext.Cache);
                catch (SoapException ex)
                    if (!ex.Message.Contains("The postcode entered appears to be incorrect.") &&
                        !ex.Message.Contains("The postcode entered could not be found."))

                    var helper = new SoapExceptionWrapper(ex);
                    model.PostcodeLookupError = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Properties.Resources.ErrorFromWebService, helper.Message, helper.Description);

            var templateRequest = new EastSussexGovUKTemplateRequest(Request);

                // Do this if you want your page to support web chat. It should, unless you have a reason not to.
                model.WebChat = await templateRequest.RequestWebChatSettingsAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Catch and report exceptions - don't throw them and cause the page to fail
                // Do this to load the template controls.
                model.TemplateHtml = await templateRequest.RequestTemplateHtmlAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Catch and report exceptions - don't throw them and cause the page to fail
