Exemplo n.º 1
 public CreateChunkPlan(string Name, Schema Columns, Workspace Space)
     this._name = Name;
     this._columns = Columns;
     this._space = Space;
     this.Name = "CREATE_CHUNK";
Exemplo n.º 2
 public RecordSet(string Directory, string Name, Schema S, long MaxRecords)
     : this(S)
     this.MaxRecords = MaxRecords;
     Header h = new Header(Directory, Name, 0, this, HeaderType.Table);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public CreateTablePlan(string Directory, string Name, Schema Columns, int Size)
     : base()
     this._columns = Columns;
     this._dir = Directory;
     this._name = Name;
     this._size = Size;
     this.Name = "CREATE_TABLE";
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override string Unparse(Schema S)

            List<string> text = new List<string>();
            foreach (FNode ln in this.Children)
            return this._Func.Unparse(text.ToArray(), S);

Exemplo n.º 5
        public FNodeSet(Schema Columns, Key Fields)
            : this()

            this.AllowNameDotName = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < Fields.Count; i++)
                this.Add(Columns.ColumnName(Fields[i]), new FNodeFieldRef(null, Fields[i], Columns.ColumnAffinity(Fields[i]), Columns.ColumnSize(Fields[i]), null));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public FNodeSet(Schema Columns, bool AlloowDotNames)
     : this()
     this.AllowNameDotName = AlloowDotNames;
     for (int i = 0; i < Columns.Count; i++)
         this.Add(Columns.ColumnName(i), new FNodeFieldRef(null, i, Columns.ColumnAffinity(i), Columns.ColumnSize(i), null));
Exemplo n.º 7
        // Statics //
        public static DataSet CreateOfType(DataSet Basis, string Dir, string Name, Schema Columns, long MaxSize)

            if (Basis.IsBig)
                return new Table(Dir, Name, Columns, MaxSize);
            else if (Basis.ToRecordSet.IsAttached)
                return new RecordSet(Dir, Name, Columns, MaxSize);
                return new RecordSet(Columns);

Exemplo n.º 8
 // Constructor //
 public RecordSet(Schema NewColumns, Header NewHeader, List<Record> NewCache, Key NewOrderBy)
     this._Columns = NewColumns;
     this._Cache = NewCache;
     this._OrderBy = NewOrderBy;
     this._Head = NewHeader;
     if (NewHeader != null)
         this._MaxRecordCount = NewHeader.MaxRecordCount;
         this._GhostName = NewHeader.Name;
         this._MaxRecordCount = EstimateMaxRecords(NewColumns);
         this._GhostName = "CHUNK";
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Repoint(Schema OriginalSchema, Schema NewSchema)

            if (this._idx >= OriginalSchema.Count)
                throw new Exception("Original schema is invalid");
            if (OriginalSchema.ColumnAffinity(this._idx) != this._affinity)
                throw new Exception("Original schema is invalid");

            string name = OriginalSchema.ColumnName(this._idx);
            int new_index = NewSchema.ColumnIndex(name);

            if (new_index == -1)
                throw new Exception("New schema is invalid");
            if (NewSchema.ColumnAffinity(new_index) != this._affinity)
                throw new Exception("New schema is invalid");

            this._idx = new_index;

Exemplo n.º 10
	    // Constructor //
	    public RecordReader(RecordSet From, Predicate Where)
		    this._ptrRecord = DEFAULT_POINTER;
		    this._Data = From;
		    this._Where = Where;
            // Assign the where to a register pointing to 'this' //
            StreamRegister reg = new StreamRegister(this);
            // Fix the default //
            if (!Where.Default)
			    this._IsFiltered = true;
                while (!this.CheckFilter && !this.EndOfData)

            // This is used to handle the writer class that inherits the reader //
            if (From != null)
                this._columns = From.Columns;
Exemplo n.º 11
        // Records //
        public static Record ToRecord(string Text, Schema Columns, char[] Delims, char Escape)

            // Split the data //
            string[] t = Splitter.Split(Text, Delims, Escape, false, Cell.NULL_STRING_TEXT);

            // Check the length //
            if (t.Length != Columns.Count)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Text has {0} fields, but schema has {1} fields", t.Length, Columns.Count));

            // Build the record //
            RecordBuilder rb = new RecordBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < t.Length; i++)
                rb.Add(Cell.Parse(t[i], Columns.ColumnAffinity(i)));
            return rb.ToRecord();

Exemplo n.º 12
 public static DataSet CreateOfType(DataSet Basis, Schema Columns)
     return CreateOfType(Basis, Basis.Directory, Header.TempName(), Columns, Basis.MaxRecords);
Exemplo n.º 13
        private static Table ReadTableSafe2(byte[] Mem, int Location)

             * Read:
             *      Header
             *      Schema
             *      SortKey
             *      Record Collection

            // Read header //
            Record rh;
            Location = ReadRecordSafe2(Mem, Location, 11, out rh);
            TableHeader h = new TableHeader(rh);

            // Read schema //
            List<Record> s_cache = new List<Record>();
            Location = BinarySerializer.ReadRecordsSafe2(Mem, Location, h.ColumnCount, 4, s_cache);
            Schema s = new Schema(s_cache);

            // Read key //
            Record rk;
            Location = ReadRecordSafe2(Mem, Location, (int)h.KeyCount, out rk);
            Key k = new Key(rk);

            // Read record cache //
            List<Record> d_cache = new List<Record>();
            Location = BinarySerializer.ReadRecordsSafe2(Mem, Location, (int)h.Size, 2, d_cache);

            // Return recordset //
            return new Table(h, s, d_cache, k);

Exemplo n.º 14
 public string UnParse(Schema Columns)
     return this._Node.Unparse(Columns);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public override string Unparse(Schema S)
     return this._Heap.Scalars[this._Pointer].ToString();
Exemplo n.º 16
 public static FNode Field(Schema Columns, string Name)
     return Field(Columns, Name, null);
Exemplo n.º 17
            public NN_Layer(bool Bias, Key Fields, Schema Columns)
                : this()

                // Check if rendered //
                if (this._IsRendered)
                    throw new Exception("Layer already rendered");

                // Add the bias node //
                if (Bias)
                    this._Nodes.Add(new NeuralNodeStatic("DATA_BIAS", 1));

                // Add the references //
                for (int i = 0; i < Fields.Count; i++)
                    this._Nodes.Add(new NeuralNodeReference(Columns.ColumnName(Fields[i]), Fields[i]));

                // Tag as rendered //
                this._IsRendered = true;

Exemplo n.º 18
 public FNodeSet(Schema Columns)
     : this(Columns, false)
Exemplo n.º 19
        public static RecordWriter GetWriter(Workspace Enviro, Schema Columns, HScriptParser.Return_actionContext context)

            // Get the table name //
            string name = context.full_table_name().table_name().IDENTIFIER().GetText();
            string db =
                (context.full_table_name().database_name() == null)
                ? "GLOBAL"
                : context.full_table_name().database_name().GetText();

            // Figure out if we need to append //
            bool appendto =
                (context.K_INSERT() != null)
                ? true
                : false;

            // Global -- Append //
            if (context.full_table_name().database_name() == null && appendto)
                if (Enviro.ChunkHeap.Exists(name))
                    return Enviro.ChunkHeap[name].OpenWriter();
                throw new HScriptCompileException(string.Format("Chunk '{0}' does not exist", name));

            // Static -- Append //
            if (appendto)
                string fullname = db + "." + name;
                if (Enviro.Exists(db, name))
                    return Enviro.GetStaticTable(db, name).OpenWriter();
                throw new HScriptCompileException(string.Format("Table '{0}' does not exist", fullname));

            // Global -- Create New //
            if (context.full_table_name().database_name() == null)
                RecordSet data = new RecordSet(Columns);
                Enviro.ChunkHeap.Reallocate(name, data);
                return data.OpenWriter();

            // Static -- Create New //
            string dir = Enviro.Connections[db];
            Table t = new Table(dir, name, Columns);
            return t.OpenWriter();

Exemplo n.º 20
        private static RecordSet ReadRecordSet(BinaryReader Reader)

             * Read:
             *      Header
             *      Schema
             *      SortKey
             *      Record Collection

            // Read header //
            Header h = new Header(BinarySerializer.ReadRecord(Reader, 10));

            // Read schema //
            Schema s = new Schema(BinarySerializer.ReadRecords(Reader, h.ColumnCount, 4));

            // Read key //
            Key k = new Key(BinarySerializer.ReadRecord(Reader, (int)h.KeyCount));

            // Read record cache //
            List<Record> l = BinarySerializer.ReadRecords(Reader, h.RecordCount, s.Count);

            // Return recordset //
            return new RecordSet(s, h, l, k);

Exemplo n.º 21
 public string Unparse(Schema Columns)
     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
     foreach (FNode n in this._Nodes)
         sb.Append(n.Unparse(Columns) + " , ");
     return sb.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 22
            public NN_Layer(NodeReduction Connector, ScalarFunction Activator, Key Fields, Schema Columns)
                : this()

                // Check if rendered //
                if (this._IsRendered)
                    throw new Exception("Layer already rendered");

                // Add the references //
                for (int i = 0; i < Fields.Count; i++)
                    this._Nodes.Add(new NeuralNodePrediction(Columns.ColumnName(Fields[i]), Activator, Connector, Fields[i]));

                // Tag as rendered //
                this._IsRendered = true;

Exemplo n.º 23
 public static Record ToRecord(string Text, Schema Columns, char[] Delims)
     return ToRecord(Text, Columns, Delims, char.MaxValue);
Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a schema from another schema
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">The starting point schema</param>
        /// <param name="K">A key representing the columns to keep</param>
        /// <returns>A schema</returns>
        public static Schema Split(Schema S, Key K)

            Schema s = new Schema();
            for (int i = 0; i < K.Count; i++)
                s.Add(S.ColumnName(K[i]), S.ColumnAffinity(K[i]), S.ColumnNull(K[i]), S.ColumnSize(K[i]));
            return s;

Exemplo n.º 25
        public static DataSet CreateData(Workspace Enviro, Schema Columns, HScriptParser.Full_table_nameContext context)

            // Get the name //
            string t_name = context.table_name().IDENTIFIER().GetText();

            // Global context //
            if (context.database_name() == null)
                RecordSet rs = new RecordSet(Columns);
                Enviro.ChunkHeap.Reallocate(t_name, rs);
                return rs;

            // Table context //
            if (context.database_name() != null)
                string d_base = context.database_name().IDENTIFIER().GetText();
                if (!Enviro.Connections.Exists(d_base))
                    throw new HScriptCompileException("Connection to '{0}' does not exist", d_base);
                string dir = Enviro.Connections[d_base];
                Table t = new Table(dir, t_name, Columns);
                return t;

            throw new HScriptCompileException("Cannot create data '{0}'", t_name);

Exemplo n.º 26
        private static Table ReadTable(BinaryReader Reader)

             * Read:
             *      Header
             *      Schema
             *      SortKey
             *      Record Collection

            // Read header //
            TableHeader h = new TableHeader(BinarySerializer.ReadRecord(Reader, 10));

            // Read schema //
            Schema s = new Schema(BinarySerializer.ReadRecords(Reader, h.ColumnCount, 4));

            // Read key //
            Key k = new Key(BinarySerializer.ReadRecord(Reader, (int)h.KeyCount));

            // Read record cache //
            List<Record> l = BinarySerializer.ReadRecords(Reader, h.Size, 2);

            // Return recordset //
            return new Table(h, s, l, k);

Exemplo n.º 27
 public override string Unparse(Schema S)
     return this._value.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 28
 public string Unparse(Schema Columns)
     return this._Expression.Unparse(Columns);
Exemplo n.º 29
 public static FNode Field(Schema Columns, string Name, Register Memory)
     int idx = Columns.ColumnIndex(Name);
     return Field(idx, Columns.ColumnAffinity(idx), Columns.ColumnSize(idx), Memory);
Exemplo n.º 30
        // Statics //
        /// <summary>
        /// Combines two schemas; throws an exception if two columns have the same name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S1">The left schema</param>
        /// <param name="S2">The right schema</param>
        /// <returns>A combined schema</returns>
        public static Schema Join(Schema S1, Schema S2)

            Schema s = new Schema();
            for (int i = 0; i < S1.Count; i++)
                s.Add(S1.ColumnName(i), S1.ColumnAffinity(i), S1.ColumnNull(i), S1.ColumnSize(i));
            for (int i = 0; i < S2.Count; i++)
                s.Add(S2.ColumnName(i), S2.ColumnAffinity(i), S2.ColumnNull(i), S2.ColumnSize(i));
            return s;
