Exemplo n.º 1
 public void newBattle(int mapWidth, int mapHeight)
     mapX            = mapWidth;
     mapY            = mapHeight;
     lastUnit1Damage = 0;
     lastUnit2Damage = 0;
     lastU1          = -1;
     lastU2          = -1;
     lastCalc1       = "";
     lastCalc2       = "";
     lastResult1     = EnumResult.Nothing;
     lastResult2     = EnumResult.Nothing;
     lastMove        = enumMoveType.Nothing;
     lastUnit1       = null;
     lastUnit2       = null;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void changeUnitStance(ref MapUnit[] playerUnits, int thisUnit, stanceEnum toStance)
            lastUnit1       = (MapUnit)playerUnits[thisUnit].Clone();
            lastUnit2       = null;
            lastMove        = enumMoveType.Stance;
            lastU1          = thisUnit;
            lastU2          = -1;
            lastResult1     = EnumResult.Nothing;
            lastResult2     = EnumResult.Nothing;
            lastUnit1Damage = 0;
            lastUnit2Damage = 0;
            lastCalc1       = "";
            lastCalc2       = "";

            playerUnits[thisUnit].stanceUnit = toStance;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void moveUnit(ref MapUnit[] playerUnits, int moveUnit, int newX, int newY)
            lastUnit1       = (MapUnit)playerUnits[moveUnit].Clone();
            lastUnit2       = null;
            lastMove        = enumMoveType.Move;
            lastU1          = moveUnit;
            lastU2          = -1;
            lastResult1     = EnumResult.Advance;
            lastResult2     = EnumResult.Nothing;
            lastUnit1Damage = 0;
            lastUnit2Damage = 0;
            lastCalc1       = "";
            lastCalc2       = "";

            playerUnits[moveUnit].x = newX;
            playerUnits[moveUnit].y = newY;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public int fightUnits(ref MapUnit[] playerUnits, int fromUnit, int toUnit, int maxUnits, bool showBattle)
            if (fromUnit > -1 && toUnit > -1)
                if (showBattle == true)
                    lastUnit1 = (MapUnit)playerUnits[fromUnit].Clone();
                    lastUnit2 = (MapUnit)playerUnits[toUnit].Clone();
                    lastMove  = enumMoveType.Attack;
                    lastU1    = fromUnit;
                    lastU2    = toUnit;
                    lastCalc1 = "";
                    lastCalc2 = "";
                    notePlayerWeights(ref playerUnits, maxUnits);

                playerUnits[fromUnit].support = calculateSupport(ref playerUnits, fromUnit, maxUnits);
                playerUnits[toUnit].support   = calculateSupport(ref playerUnits, toUnit, maxUnits);

                int fireWeight1    = calculateAttackWeight(ref playerUnits, fromUnit);
                int defenseWeight1 = calculateDefenseWeight(ref playerUnits, fromUnit, true);
                if (defenseWeight1 <= 0)
                    defenseWeight1 = 1;

                int fireWeight2    = calculateAttackWeight(ref playerUnits, toUnit);
                int defenseWeight2 = calculateDefenseWeight(ref playerUnits, toUnit, true);
                if (defenseWeight2 <= 0)
                    defenseWeight2 = 1;

                int effectiveDamage1 = fireWeight1 / defenseWeight2;
                if (effectiveDamage1 == 0)
                    effectiveDamage1 = Constants.MINIMUM_EFFECTIVE_DAMAGE;

                int effectiveDamage2 = fireWeight2 / defenseWeight1;
                if (effectiveDamage2 == 0)
                    effectiveDamage2 = Constants.MINIMUM_EFFECTIVE_DAMAGE;

                // special case if artillery into infantry square
                if (playerUnits[fromUnit].typeUnit == unitEnum.Artillery &&
                    playerUnits[toUnit].typeUnit == unitEnum.Infantry && playerUnits[toUnit].stanceUnit == stanceEnum.Square)
                    defenseWeight2 = Convert.ToInt32(defenseWeight2 * Constants.WEIGHT_SQUARE_ARTILLERY);

                // special case if cavalry into infantry square
                if (playerUnits[fromUnit].typeUnit == unitEnum.Cavalry &&
                    playerUnits[toUnit].typeUnit == unitEnum.Infantry && playerUnits[toUnit].stanceUnit == stanceEnum.Square)
                    defenseWeight2 = Convert.ToInt32(defenseWeight2 * Constants.WEIGHT_SQUARE_CAVALRY);

                // special case if infantry into infantry square
                if (playerUnits[fromUnit].typeUnit == unitEnum.Infantry &&
                    playerUnits[toUnit].typeUnit == unitEnum.Infantry && playerUnits[toUnit].stanceUnit == stanceEnum.Square)
                    defenseWeight2 = Convert.ToInt32(defenseWeight2 * Constants.WEIGHT_SQUARE_INFANTRY);

                if (showBattle == true)
                    lastResult1 = EnumResult.StandOff;
                    lastResult2 = EnumResult.StandOff;
                    lastCalc1   = fireWeight1.ToString() + "/" + defenseWeight1.ToString();
                    lastCalc2   = fireWeight2.ToString() + "/" + defenseWeight2.ToString();

                playerUnits[toUnit].strength -= effectiveDamage1;
                playerUnits[toUnit].morale   -= effectiveDamage1;
                if (playerUnits[toUnit].morale < 0)
                    playerUnits[toUnit].morale = 0;

                if (showBattle == true)
                    lastUnit2Damage = effectiveDamage1;

                if (playerUnits[toUnit].strength <= 0)
                    if (showBattle == true)
                        lastResult2 = EnumResult.Destroyed;
                    killUnit(ref playerUnits, toUnit, fromUnit, maxUnits, showBattle);

                playerUnits[fromUnit].strength -= effectiveDamage2;
                playerUnits[fromUnit].morale   -= effectiveDamage2;

                if (showBattle == true)
                    lastUnit1Damage = effectiveDamage2;

                if (playerUnits[fromUnit].morale < 0)
                    playerUnits[fromUnit].morale = 0;
                if (playerUnits[fromUnit].strength <= 0)
                    if (showBattle == true)
                        lastResult1 = EnumResult.Destroyed;
                    killUnit(ref playerUnits, fromUnit, toUnit, maxUnits, showBattle);

                if (showBattle == true)
                    if (lastResult1 == EnumResult.Destroyed && lastResult2 != EnumResult.Destroyed)
                        lastResult2 = EnumResult.Victory;

                    if (lastResult2 == EnumResult.Destroyed && lastResult1 != EnumResult.Destroyed)
                        lastResult1 = EnumResult.Victory;

                // Retreat or kill one of units neither already died
                if (isUnitDead(ref playerUnits, fromUnit) == false && isUnitDead(ref playerUnits, toUnit) == false)
                    if (effectiveDamage1 > effectiveDamage2)
                        if (showBattle == true)
                            lastResult1 = EnumResult.Advance;
                            lastResult2 = EnumResult.Retreat;
                        retreatUnit(ref playerUnits, toUnit, fromUnit, maxUnits, showBattle);
                        if (showBattle == true)
                            lastResult1 = EnumResult.Retreat;
                            lastResult2 = EnumResult.Advance;
                        retreatUnit(ref playerUnits, fromUnit, toUnit, maxUnits, showBattle);

                return(effectiveDamage1 + effectiveDamage2);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public int fireAtUnit(ref MapUnit[] playerUnits, int fromUnit, int toUnit, int maxUnits, bool showBattle)
            if (fromUnit > -1 && toUnit > -1)
                if (playerUnits[fromUnit].player != playerUnits[toUnit].player)
                    if (showBattle == true)
                        lastUnit1 = (MapUnit)playerUnits[fromUnit].Clone();
                        lastUnit2 = (MapUnit)playerUnits[toUnit].Clone();
                        lastMove  = enumMoveType.Fire;
                        lastU1    = fromUnit;
                        lastU2    = toUnit;
                        lastCalc1 = "";
                        lastCalc2 = "";
                        notePlayerWeights(ref playerUnits, maxUnits);

                    int distanceFire = calculateDistance(playerUnits[fromUnit].x, playerUnits[fromUnit].y, playerUnits[toUnit].x, playerUnits[toUnit].y);

                    playerUnits[fromUnit].support = calculateSupport(ref playerUnits, fromUnit, maxUnits);
                    playerUnits[toUnit].support   = calculateSupport(ref playerUnits, toUnit, maxUnits);

                    int fireWeight    = calculateFireWeight(ref playerUnits, fromUnit);
                    int defenseWeight = calculateDefenseWeight(ref playerUnits, toUnit, false);
                    if (defenseWeight <= 0)
                        defenseWeight = 1;

                    if (playerUnits[fromUnit].typeUnit == unitEnum.Infantry)
                        fireWeight = Convert.ToInt32(fireWeight * Math.Pow(Constants.SHOOT_INFANTRY_ENERGYLOSS, distanceFire));

                    if (playerUnits[fromUnit].typeUnit == unitEnum.Artillery)
                        fireWeight = Convert.ToInt32(fireWeight * Math.Pow(Constants.SHOOT_ARTILLERY_ENERGYLOSS, distanceFire));

                    // special case if artillery into infantry square
                    if (playerUnits[fromUnit].typeUnit == unitEnum.Artillery && playerUnits[toUnit].typeUnit == unitEnum.Infantry && playerUnits[toUnit].stanceUnit == stanceEnum.Square)
                        defenseWeight = Convert.ToInt32(defenseWeight * Constants.WEIGHT_FIRESQUARE_ARTILLERY);

                    // special case if infantry into infantry square
                    if (playerUnits[fromUnit].typeUnit == unitEnum.Infantry && playerUnits[toUnit].typeUnit == unitEnum.Infantry && playerUnits[toUnit].stanceUnit == stanceEnum.Square)
                        defenseWeight = Convert.ToInt32(defenseWeight * Constants.WEIGHT_FIRESQUARE_INFANTRY);

                    if (showBattle == true)
                        lastCalc1 = fireWeight.ToString();
                        lastCalc2 = defenseWeight.ToString();

                    int effectiveDamage = fireWeight / defenseWeight;
                    if (effectiveDamage == 0)
                        effectiveDamage = Constants.MINIMUM_EFFECTIVE_DAMAGE;

                    if (showBattle == true)
                        //MessageBox.Show("TESTING: fireWeight: " + fireWeight.ToString() + " - defenseWeight: " + defenseWeight.ToString() + " - effectiveDamage: " + effectiveDamage.ToString());

                    Random rand         = new Random();
                    int    chanceMorale = playerUnits[fromUnit].morale / rand.Next(5, Constants.MAX_RANDOM_MORALE_LOSS);
                    if (chanceMorale <= 0)
                        chanceMorale = 1;

                    playerUnits[toUnit].strength -= effectiveDamage;
                    playerUnits[toUnit].morale   -= (effectiveDamage + chanceMorale);
                    if (playerUnits[toUnit].morale < 0)
                        playerUnits[toUnit].morale = 0;

                    if (showBattle == true)
                        lastUnit1Damage = 0;
                        lastUnit2Damage = effectiveDamage;
                        lastResult1     = EnumResult.StandOff;
                        lastResult2     = EnumResult.Damaged;

                    if (playerUnits[toUnit].strength <= 0)
                        if (showBattle == true)
                            lastResult1 = EnumResult.Victory;
                            lastResult2 = EnumResult.Destroyed;
                        killUnit(ref playerUnits, toUnit, fromUnit, maxUnits, showBattle);

Exemplo n.º 6
        // using minimax type of algorithm
        public int makeMove(ref MapUnit[] playerUnits, playerEnum player, int maxUnits, int thisDepth, int maxDepth, int bestWeight)
            traceProgress("makeMove() - *** DEPTH *** " + thisDepth.ToString() + " bestweight:" + bestWeight.ToString());

            // already got end-condition, then this recurse not needed
            if (bestWeight == Constants.MAXIMUM_WEIGHT)

            if (modelBattleEngine == null)
                modelBattleEngine = new BattleEngine();
                modelBattleEngine.newBattle(mapX, mapY);

            MapUnit[] modelUnits = new MapUnit[maxUnits];
            for (int mu = 0; mu < maxUnits; mu++)
                modelUnits[mu] = (MapUnit)playerUnits[mu].Clone();

            if (thisDepth == 0)
                movesConsidered = 0;
                deadUnits       = modelBattleEngine.countDeadUnits(ref modelUnits, player, maxUnits);

                bestU        = -1;
                bestF        = -1;
                bestX        = -1;
                bestY        = -1;
                bestMoveType = enumMoveType.Nothing;
                bestStance   = stanceEnum.Nothing;

                traceProgress("makeMove() - *** INITIALISE *** max:" + mapX.ToString() + "," + mapY.ToString());

            int startingWeight = calculateWeight(ref modelUnits, ref modelBattleEngine, player, maxUnits);

            traceProgress("makeMove() - startingWeight:" + startingWeight.ToString());

            int u = 0;

            while (u < maxUnits && bestWeight != Constants.MAXIMUM_WEIGHT)
                if (player == modelUnits[u].player && modelUnits[u].strength > 0)
                    traceProgress("makeMove() - UNIT:" + modelUnits[u].description);

                    // Moves
                    int moveOffset = modelBattleEngine.possibleMoves(modelUnits[u].typeUnit, modelUnits[u].stanceUnit);

                    int startX = modelUnits[u].x - moveOffset;
                    int endX   = modelUnits[u].x + moveOffset;
                    if (startX < 0)
                        startX = 0;
                    if (endX >= mapX)
                        endX = mapX - 1;

                    for (int i = startX; i <= endX; i++)
                        int startY = modelUnits[u].y - moveOffset;
                        int endY   = modelUnits[u].y + moveOffset;
                        if (startY < 0)
                            startY = 0;
                        if (endY >= mapY)
                            endY = mapY - 1;

                        for (int j = startY; j <= endY; j++)
                            if (bestWeight != Constants.MAXIMUM_WEIGHT)
                                playerEnum enemyPlayer       = (player == playerEnum.Red)? playerEnum.Blue : playerEnum.Red;
                                int        livingEnemyBefore = modelBattleEngine.countLivingUnits(ref modelUnits, enemyPlayer, maxUnits);

                                MapUnit oldUnit                    = (MapUnit)modelUnits[u].Clone();
                                MapUnit oldAttackedUnit            = null;
                                int     nearestEnemyBefore         = modelBattleEngine.findNearestFriend(ref modelUnits, u, maxUnits, true);
                                int     nearestEnemyDistanceBefore = modelBattleEngine.calculateDistance(ref modelUnits, nearestEnemyBefore, u);

                                int  f            = modelBattleEngine.findUnit(ref modelUnits, i, j, maxUnits);
                                int  playerWeight = Constants.MINIMUM_WEIGHT;
                                bool noChange     = false;
                                if (f > -1)
                                    if (f != u && modelUnits[f].player != modelUnits[u].player && modelUnits[f].strength > 0)

                                        // nearby enemy unit, try attacking
                                        oldAttackedUnit = (MapUnit)modelUnits[f].Clone();

                                        modelUnits[u].x = i;
                                        modelUnits[u].y = j;

                                        modelBattleEngine.fightUnits(ref modelUnits, u, f, maxUnits, false);

                                        traceProgress("makeMove() - Attack:" + modelUnits[f].description);
                                        noChange = true;

                                    // empty square, so try moving
                                    modelUnits[u].x = i;
                                    modelUnits[u].y = j;

                                    traceProgress("makeMove() - Move:" + i.ToString() + "," + j.ToString());

                                if (noChange == false)
                                    if (thisDepth < maxDepth)
                                        if (pruneFar == true)
                                            // stop moves away from enemy
                                            int nearestEnemyAfter         = modelBattleEngine.findNearestFriend(ref modelUnits, u, maxUnits, true);
                                            int nearestEnemyDistanceAfter = modelBattleEngine.calculateDistance(ref modelUnits, nearestEnemyAfter, u);

                                            if (nearestEnemyDistanceAfter > nearestEnemyDistanceBefore)
                                                playerWeight = Constants.MINIMUM_WEIGHT;
                                                // if not at maxDepth, then recurse for unpruned tree
                                                playerWeight = makeMove(ref modelUnits, player, maxUnits, thisDepth + 1, maxDepth, bestWeight);
                                            // if all enemy dead, then this is end condition!
                                            int livingEnemyAfter = modelBattleEngine.countLivingUnits(ref modelUnits, enemyPlayer, maxUnits);
                                            if (livingEnemyAfter <= 0)
                                                playerWeight = Constants.MAXIMUM_WEIGHT;
                                                // if not at maxDepth, then recurse
                                                playerWeight = makeMove(ref modelUnits, player, maxUnits, thisDepth + 1, maxDepth, bestWeight);

                                                if (livingEnemyAfter < livingEnemyBefore)

                                        traceProgress("makeMove() - RecursedWeight:" + playerWeight.ToString());
                                        // finally at max depth, what is the weighting?
                                        playerWeight = calculateWeight(ref modelUnits, ref modelBattleEngine, player, maxUnits);

                                        traceProgress("makeMove() - playerWeight:" + playerWeight.ToString());

                                    if (playerWeight > bestWeight)
                                        if (f > -1)
                                            if (modelUnits[u].player != modelUnits[f].player)
                                                bestWeight   = playerWeight;
                                                bestX        = i;
                                                bestY        = j;
                                                bestU        = u;
                                                bestF        = f;
                                                bestMoveType = enumMoveType.Attack;

                                                traceProgress("makeMove() - Set bestWeight:" + playerWeight.ToString());
                                                traceProgress("makeMove() - To Attack:" + modelUnits[f].description);
                                            bestWeight   = playerWeight;
                                            bestX        = i;
                                            bestY        = j;
                                            bestU        = u;
                                            bestF        = -1;
                                            bestMoveType = enumMoveType.Move;

                                            traceProgress("makeMove() - Set bestWeight:" + playerWeight.ToString());
                                            traceProgress("makeMove() - To Move:" + i.ToString() + "," + j.ToString());

                                // undo hypothetical move
                                modelUnits[u] = (MapUnit)oldUnit.Clone();

                                // undo hypothetical attack
                                if (f > -1 && oldAttackedUnit != null)
                                    modelUnits[f] = (MapUnit)oldAttackedUnit.Clone();

                        // try changing stance
                        int     stanceWeight  = Constants.MINIMUM_WEIGHT;
                        int     numberStances = 0;
                        MapUnit oldStanceUnit = (MapUnit)modelUnits[u].Clone();

                        switch (modelUnits[u].typeUnit)
                        case (unitEnum.Artillery):
                            numberStances = 2;

                        case (unitEnum.Cavalry):
                            numberStances = 2;

                        case (unitEnum.Infantry):
                            numberStances = 3;

                            numberStances = 0;

                        int us = 1;
                        while (us <= numberStances)
                            bool       stanceChange  = false;
                            stanceEnum currentStance = stanceEnum.Nothing;

                            switch (us)
                            case (1):
                                if (modelUnits[u].stanceUnit != stanceEnum.Line)
                                    modelUnits[u].stanceUnit = stanceEnum.Line;
                                    currentStance            = stanceEnum.Line;
                                    stanceChange             = true;

                            case (2):
                                if (modelUnits[u].stanceUnit != stanceEnum.Column)
                                    //modelUnits[u].stanceUnit = stanceEnum.Column;
                                    //currentStance = stanceEnum.Column;
                                    //stanceChange = true;

                            case (3):
                                if (modelUnits[u].stanceUnit != stanceEnum.Square)
                                    modelUnits[u].stanceUnit = stanceEnum.Square;
                                    currentStance            = stanceEnum.Square;
                                    stanceChange             = true;

                            if (stanceChange == false)
                                stanceWeight = Constants.MINIMUM_WEIGHT;
                                traceProgress("makeMove() - Set stance:" + currentStance.ToString());


                                if (thisDepth < maxDepth)
                                    stanceWeight = makeMove(ref modelUnits, player, maxUnits, thisDepth + 1, maxDepth, bestWeight);
                                    traceProgress("makeMove() - recursedWeight:" + stanceWeight.ToString());
                                    stanceWeight = calculateWeight(ref modelUnits, ref modelBattleEngine, player, maxUnits);
                                    traceProgress("makeMove() - stanceWeight:" + stanceWeight.ToString());

                            if (stanceWeight > bestWeight && currentStance != stanceEnum.Nothing)
                                bestWeight   = stanceWeight;
                                bestU        = u;
                                bestStance   = currentStance;
                                bestMoveType = enumMoveType.Stance;

                                traceProgress("makeMove() - Set bestWeight:" + stanceWeight.ToString());
                                traceProgress("makeMove() - stance:" + currentStance.ToString());

                            // undo hypothetical stance change
                            modelUnits[u] = (MapUnit)oldStanceUnit.Clone();

                        // try firing at all nearby units
                        int fireWeight = Constants.MINIMUM_WEIGHT;
                        int fireOffset = modelBattleEngine.possibleFire(modelUnits[u].typeUnit, modelUnits[u].stanceUnit);
                        if (fireOffset > 0)
                            int uf = 0;
                            while (uf < maxUnits && bestWeight != Constants.MAXIMUM_WEIGHT)
                                if (modelUnits[u].player != modelUnits[uf].player && modelUnits[uf].strength > 0)
                                    playerEnum enemyPlayer       = (player == playerEnum.Red)? playerEnum.Blue : playerEnum.Red;
                                    int        livingEnemyBefore = modelBattleEngine.countLivingUnits(ref modelUnits, enemyPlayer, maxUnits);

                                    MapUnit oldFireUnit = (MapUnit)modelUnits[uf].Clone();

                                    traceProgress("makeMove() - Fire At:" + modelUnits[uf].description);

                                    int distanceFire = modelBattleEngine.calculateDistance(ref modelUnits, uf, u);
                                    if (distanceFire <= fireOffset)
                                        traceProgress("makeMove() - Distance:" + distanceFire.ToString());

                                        modelBattleEngine.fireAtUnit(ref modelUnits, u, uf, maxUnits, false);

                                        if (thisDepth < maxDepth)
                                            // if all enemy dead, then this is end condition!
                                            int livingEnemyAfter = modelBattleEngine.countLivingUnits(ref modelUnits, enemyPlayer, maxUnits);
                                            if (livingEnemyAfter <= 0)
                                                fireWeight = Constants.MAXIMUM_WEIGHT;
                                                // if not at maxDepth, then recurse
                                                fireWeight = makeMove(ref modelUnits, player, maxUnits, thisDepth + 1, maxDepth, bestWeight);

                                                if (livingEnemyAfter < livingEnemyBefore)

                                            traceProgress("makeMove() - recursedWeight:" + fireWeight.ToString());
                                            fireWeight = calculateWeight(ref modelUnits, ref modelBattleEngine, player, maxUnits);

                                            traceProgress("makeMove() - fireWeight:" + fireWeight.ToString());

                                        if (fireWeight > bestWeight)
                                            bestWeight   = fireWeight;
                                            bestU        = u;
                                            bestF        = uf;
                                            bestMoveType = enumMoveType.Fire;

                                            traceProgress("makeMove() - Set Fire:" + modelUnits[uf].description);

                                        // undo hypothetical fire
                                        modelUnits[uf] = (MapUnit)oldFireUnit.Clone();



            if (bestU > -1 && thisDepth == 0)
                bool moveMade = false;
                traceProgress("makeMove() - *** MAKE COMPUTER MOVE ***");

                switch (bestMoveType)
                case (enumMoveType.Move):
                    if (bestX > -1 && bestY > -1)
                        modelBattleEngine.moveUnit(ref playerUnits, bestU, bestX, bestY);
                        moveMade = true;

                        traceProgress("makeMove() - *** MOVE UNIT ***");
                        traceProgress("makeMove() - " + playerUnits[bestU].description + " to " + bestX.ToString() + "," + bestY.ToString());

                case (enumMoveType.Attack):
                    if (bestX > -1 && bestY > -1)
                        playerUnits[bestU].x = bestX;
                        playerUnits[bestU].y = bestY;

                        modelBattleEngine.fightUnits(ref playerUnits, bestU, bestF, maxUnits, true);
                        moveMade = true;

                        traceProgress("makeMove() - *** ATTACK UNIT ***");
                        traceProgress("makeMove() - " + playerUnits[bestU].description + " to " + playerUnits[bestF].description);

                case (enumMoveType.Fire):
                    modelBattleEngine.fireAtUnit(ref playerUnits, bestU, bestF, maxUnits, true);
                    moveMade = true;

                    traceProgress("makeMove() - *** FIRE ON UNIT ***");
                    traceProgress("makeMove() - " + playerUnits[bestU].description + " to " + playerUnits[bestF].description);

                case (enumMoveType.Stance):
                    modelBattleEngine.changeUnitStance(ref playerUnits, bestU, bestStance);
                    moveMade = true;

                    traceProgress("makeMove() - *** CHANGE STANCE ***");
                    traceProgress("makeMove() - " + playerUnits[bestU].description + " to " + bestStance.ToString());

                    traceProgress("makeMove() - *** ERROR - DEFAULT CASE ***");
                    moveMade = false;

                traceProgress("makeMove() - moves considered:" + movesConsidered.ToString());

                Debug.Assert(moveMade == true, "No move made", "madeMove() failed to create a move!");

                if (moveMade == false)
                    bestWeight = Constants.MINIMUM_WEIGHT;

            traceProgress("makeMove() - return weight:" + bestWeight.ToString());