Exemplo n.º 1
        public virtual Object3d Clone() 
            Object3d obj = new Object3d();
                obj.m_name = UVDLPApp.Instance().Engine3D.GetUniqueName( this.m_name); // need to find unique name
                obj.m_fullname = this.m_fullname;
                obj.tag = this.tag;

                foreach (Polygon ply in m_lstpolys)
                    Polygon pl2 = new Polygon();
                    pl2.m_color = ply.m_color;
                    pl2.m_points = new Point3d[3];
                    pl2.m_points[0] = new Point3d(ply.m_points[0]);
                    pl2.m_points[1] = new Point3d(ply.m_points[1]);
                    pl2.m_points[2] = new Point3d(ply.m_points[2]);
                foreach (Polygon ply in obj.m_lstpolys) 
                    foreach (Point3d pnt in ply.m_points) 
                        obj.m_lstpoints.Add(pnt); // a fair bit of overlap, but whatever...
            catch (Exception ex) 
            return obj;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static Object3d Sphere(float radius, int rings, int sectors)
                Object3d sp = new Object3d();
                sp.Name = "Sphere";
                float R = 1f/(float)(rings-1);
                float S = 1f/(float)(sectors-1);

                float M_PI = (float)Math.PI;// *0.0174532925f; // with deg2rad
                float M_PI_2 = M_PI / 2;
                for(int r = 0; r < rings; r++) 
                    for(int s = 0; s < sectors; s++) 
                        float y =(float) Math.Sin( - M_PI_2 + M_PI * r * R );
                        float x = (float)Math.Cos(2 * M_PI * s * S) * (float)Math.Sin(M_PI * r * R);
                        float z = (float)Math.Sin(2 * M_PI * s * S) * (float)Math.Sin(M_PI * r * R);

                        Point3d pnt = new Point3d(x * radius, y * radius, z * radius);

                //indices.resize(rings * sectors * 4);
                //std::vector<GLushort>::iterator i = indices.begin();
                for(int r = 0; r < rings - 1; r++) 
                    for (int s = 0; s < sectors - 1; s++)
                        Polygon p1 = new Polygon();
                        Polygon p2 = new Polygon();
                        p1.m_points = new Point3d[3];
                        p2.m_points = new Point3d[3];
                        p1.m_points[2] = sp.m_lstpoints[r * sectors + s];
                        p1.m_points[1] = sp.m_lstpoints[r * sectors + (s + 1)];
                        p1.m_points[0] = sp.m_lstpoints[(r + 1) * sectors + (s + 1)];

                        p2.m_points[2] = sp.m_lstpoints[(r + 1) * sectors + (s + 1)];
                        p2.m_points[1] = sp.m_lstpoints[(r + 1) * sectors + s];
                        p2.m_points[0] = sp.m_lstpoints[r * sectors + s];                        
                sp.Rotate(90 * 0.0174532925f, 0, 0);
                return sp;            
            catch(Exception ex)
                return null;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public ISectData(Object3d o, Polygon p, Point3d isect, Point3d orgin, Vector3d dir) 
     intersect = new Point3d();
     origin = new Point3d();
     direction = new Vector3d();
     obj = o;
     poly = p;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public PolyLine3d(PolyLine3d src)
     tag = 0;
     m_color = src.m_color;
     m_derived = src.m_derived;
     minx = src.minx;
     miny = src.miny;
     minz = src.minz;
     maxx = src.maxx;
     maxy = src.maxy;
     maxz = src.maxz;
     linewidth = 1;
     visible = true;
     m_points = new List<Point3d>();
     foreach (Point3d pnt in src.m_points)
         Point3d p = new Point3d(pnt.x, pnt.y, pnt.z);
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// This will return true if this poly and the specified share and edge (2 points)
 /// use this sparingly, it's a n^2 time routine 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ply"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool SharesEdge(Polygon ply) 
     bool ret = false;
     int cnt = 0;
     foreach(Point3d pnt in m_points)
         foreach (Point3d pnt2 in ply.m_points) 
             if (pnt.Matches(pnt2)) 
     if (cnt == 2) 
         ret = true;
     return ret;
Exemplo n.º 6
 // given the top or bottom starting index, make the surface face
 private void MakeTopBottomFace(int idx, int numdivs, bool top)
         int centeridx = idx + numdivs;
         for (int cnt = 0; cnt < numdivs; cnt++)
             Polygon plt = new Polygon();
             plt.m_points = new Point3d[3]; // create some point storage
             plt.m_points[0] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[centeridx]; // the first point is always the center pointt
             if (top)
                 plt.m_points[2] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[(cnt + 1) % numdivs + idx];
                 plt.m_points[1] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[idx + cnt];
                 plt.m_points[1] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[(cnt + 1) % numdivs + idx];
                 plt.m_points[2] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[idx + cnt];
     catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 7
        void FillTriangleInMap(Polygon ply)
            // order points by height
            Point3d p1 = ply.m_points[0];
            Point3d p2 = ply.m_points[1];
            Point3d p3 = ply.m_points[2];
            OrderPoints(ref p1, ref p2);
            OrderPoints(ref p2, ref p3);
            OrderPoints(ref p1, ref p2);

            // find first crossing line
            int ix = (int)((p1.x - m_platex) / m_spacing);
            float x = (float)(ix + 1)*m_spacing + m_platex;
            if (p2.x <= x)
                FillColumnInMap(ix, p1.y, p2.y);
                if (p3.x < x) // all in the same column
                    FillColumnInMap(ix, p1.y, p3.y);
            float m13 = (p3.y - p1.y) / (p3.x - p1.x);
            float n13 = p1.y - (m13 * p1.x);
            float oy1, oy2;
            if (p2.x > x)
                float m12 = (p2.y - p1.y) / (p2.x - p1.x);
                float n12 = p1.y - (m12 * p1.x);
                oy1 = p1.y;
                oy2 = p1.y;
                while (p2.x > x)
                    float y1 = m12 * x + n12;
                    float y2 = m13 * x + n13;
                    FillColumnInMap(ix, y1, y2, oy1, oy2);
                    oy1 = y1;
                    oy2 = y2;
                    x += m_spacing;
            if (p3.x < x)
                // same column as p2
                FillColumnInMap(ix, p2.y, p3.y);
            float m23 = (p3.y - p2.y) / (p3.x - p2.x);
            float n23 = p2.y - (m23 * p2.x);
            oy1 = p2.y;
            oy2 = p2.y;
            while (p3.x > x)
                float y1 = m23 * x + n23;
                float y2 = m13 * x + n13;
                FillColumnInMap(ix, y1, y2, oy1, oy2);
                oy1 = y1;
                oy2 = y2;
                x += m_spacing;
            FillColumnInMap(ix, oy1, oy2, p3.y, p3.y);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static bool IntersectPoly(Polygon poly, Point3d start, Point3d end,ref  Point3d intersection)
     if (intersect3D_RayTriangle(start, end, poly, ref intersection) == 1)
         return true;
     return false;
Exemplo n.º 9
        // intersect3D_RayTriangle(): find the 3D intersection of a ray with a triangle
        //    Input:  a ray R, and a triangle T
        //    Output: *I = intersection point (when it exists)
        //    Return: -1 = triangle is degenerate (a segment or point)
        //             0 =  disjoint (no intersect)
        //             1 =  intersect in unique point I1
        //             2 =  are in the same plane
        static int intersect3D_RayTriangle(Point3d startp, Point3d endp, Polygon T,ref Point3d I)
           // Vector3d u, v, n;              // triangle vectors
           // Vector3d dir, w0, w;           // ray vectors

            float r, a, b;              // params to calc ray-plane intersect

            // get triangle edge vectors and plane normal
            //u = T.m_points[1] - T.m_points[0];
            u.Set(T.m_points[1].x - T.m_points[0].x, T.m_points[1].y - T.m_points[0].y, T.m_points[1].z - T.m_points[0].z);
            //v = T.m_points[2] - T.m_points[0];
            v.Set(T.m_points[2].x - T.m_points[0].x, T.m_points[2].y - T.m_points[0].y, T.m_points[2].z - T.m_points[0].z);
            n = Vector3d.cross(u , v);              // cross product
            //n = T.m_normal;
            //if (n == 0)             // triangle is degenerate
            //    return -1;                  // do not deal with this case

            //dir = endp - startp;//dir = R.P1 - R.P0;              // ray direction vector
            dir.Set(endp.x - startp.x, endp.y - startp.y, endp.z - startp.z);
            //w0 = startp - T.m_points[0];//w0 = R.P0 - T.V0;
            w0.Set(startp.x - T.m_points[0].x, startp.y - T.m_points[0].y, startp.z - T.m_points[0].z);
            a = (float)-Vector3d.dot(n, w0); //a = -dot(n, w0);
            b = (float)Vector3d.dot(n, dir);//b = dot(n, dir);
            if(Math.Abs(b) < .0001)
            {     // ray is  parallel to triangle plane
                if (a == 0)                 // ray lies in triangle plane
                    return 2;
                else return 0;              // ray disjoint from plane

            // get intersect point of ray with triangle plane
            r = a / b;
            if (r < 0.0)                    // ray goes away from triangle
                return 0;                   // => no intersect
            // for a segment, also test if (r > 1.0) => no intersect

            //*I = R.P0 + r * dir;            // intersect point of ray and plane
            I.x = startp.x + r * dir.x;
            I.y = startp.y + r * dir.y;
            I.z = startp.z + r * dir.z;
            if (float.IsNaN(I.x)) 
                // what's going on here?
                I.x = -1.0f;
            // is I inside T?
            double uu, uv, vv, wu, wv, D;
            uu = Vector3d.dot(u, u);
            uv = Vector3d.dot(u, v);
            vv = Vector3d.dot(v, v);
            //w = I - T.m_points[0];// V0;
            w.Set(I.x - T.m_points[0].x,I.y - T.m_points[0].y,I.z - T.m_points[0].z);// V0;
            wu = Vector3d.dot(w, u);
            wv = Vector3d.dot(w, v);
            D = uv * uv - uu * vv;

            // get and test parametric coords
            double s, t;
            s = (uv * wv - vv * wu) / D;
            if (s < 0.0 || s > 1.0)         // I is outside T
                return 0;
            t = (uv * wu - uu * wv) / D;
            if (t < 0.0 || (s + t) > 1.0)  // I is outside T
                return 0;

            return 1;                       // I is in T
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// This function loads an ascii STL file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool LoadSTL_ASCII(string filename) 
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename);
                m_fullname = filename;
                m_name = Path.GetFileName(filename);
                //first line should be "solid <name> " 
                string line = sr.ReadLine();
                string []toks = line.Split(' ');
                if (!toks[0].ToLower().StartsWith("solid"))
                    return false; // does not start with "solid"
                while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                    line = sr.ReadLine().Trim();//facet
                    if (line.ToLower().StartsWith("facet"))
                        line = sr.ReadLine().Trim();//outerloop
                        if (!line.ToLower().StartsWith("outer loop")) 
                            return false;
                        Polygon poly = new Polygon();//create a new polygon                        
                        m_lstpolys.Add(poly); // add it to the object's polygon list
                        poly.m_points = new Point3d[3]; // create the storage for 3 points 
                        for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; idx++)//read the point, will break somehow on bad 4 vertext faces.
                            poly.m_points[idx] = new Point3d(); // create a new point at the poly's indexed point list
                            m_lstpoints.Add(poly.m_points[idx]); // add this point to the object's list of point

                            char[] delimiters = new char[] { ' ' };
                            line = sr.ReadLine().Trim(); // vertex
                            toks = line.Split(delimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            if (!toks[0].ToLower().Equals("vertex")) 
                                return false;
                            poly.m_points[idx].x = (float)float.Parse(toks[1].Trim(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any);
                            poly.m_points[idx].y = (float)float.Parse(toks[2].Trim(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any);
                            poly.m_points[idx].z = (float)float.Parse(toks[3].Trim(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any);                           

                        line = sr.ReadLine().Trim();//endloop
                        if (!line.Equals("endloop")) 
                            return false;
                        line = sr.ReadLine().Trim().ToLower(); // endfacet
                        if (!line.Equals("endfacet"))
                            return false;

                    } // endfacet
                    else if (line.ToLower().StartsWith("endsolid"))

                        Update(); // initial positions please...
                        DebugLogger.Instance().LogError("Error in LoadSTL ASCII, facet expected");
                } // end of input stream
            catch (Exception ex ) 
                return false;
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 11
 void AddTriangle(int v1, int v2, int v3)
     Point3d pt1 = m_pointList[v1].pt;
     Point3d pt2 = m_pointList[v2].pt;
     Point3d pt3 = m_pointList[v3].pt;
     Polygon p = new Polygon();
     p.m_points = new Point3d[] { pt1, pt2, pt3 };
     // calculate normal
     Vector3d edge1 = new Vector3d(pt1.x - pt2.x, pt1.y - pt2.y, pt1.z - pt2.z);
     Vector3d edge2 = new Vector3d(pt3.x - pt2.x, pt3.y - pt2.y, pt3.z - pt2.z);
     p.m_normal = Vector3d.cross(edge1, edge2);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public bool LoadSTL_Binary(string filename) 
            BinaryReader br = null;
                br = new BinaryReader(File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open));
                m_fullname = filename;
                m_name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);
                byte[] data = new byte[80];
                data = br.ReadBytes(80); // read the header
                uint numtri = br.ReadUInt32();
                for (uint c = 0; c < numtri; c++) 
                    Polygon p = new Polygon();
                    m_lstpolys.Add(p); // add this polygon to the object
                    p.m_normal.Load(br); // load the normal
                    p.m_points = new Point3d[3]; // create storage
                    for (int pc = 0; pc < 3; pc++) //iterate through the points
                        Point3d pnt = new Point3d();
                        p.m_points[pc] = pnt;
                    uint attr = br.ReadUInt16(); // attribute COULD be used for color 
                    The VisCAM and SolidView software packages use the two "attribute byte count" bytes at the end of every triangle to store a 15-bit RGB color:

                        bit 0 to 4 are the intensity level for blue (0 to 31),
                        bits 5 to 9 are the intensity level for green (0 to 31),
                        bits 10 to 14 are the intensity level for red (0 to 31),
                        bit 15 is 1 if the color is valid, or 0 if the color is not valid (as with normal STL files).
                    byte R, G, B, used;
                    B = (byte)((attr & 0x001f)<<3);
                    G = (byte)((attr>>5 & 0x001f)<<3);
                    R = (byte)((attr>>10 & 0x001f)<<3);

                    used = (byte)(attr >> 15 & 0x0001);
                    if (used != 0) 
                        p.m_colorsource = Color.FromArgb(255, R, G, B);
                        p.m_color = p.m_colorsource;

                Update(); // initial positions please...
                return true;
            catch (Exception) 
                return false;
Exemplo n.º 13
        //determine when on the model it was selected
        public void Select(Polygon ply)
            //based on the polygon passed in, we need to identify which segment of the model this belongs to
            m_seltype = eSelType.eWhole; // mark it whole

            for (int c = psi_base; c < pei_base; c++)
                if(ply == m_lstpolys[c])
                    m_seltype = eSelType.eBase;
            for (int c = psi_tip; c < pei_tip; c++)
                if (ply == m_lstpolys[c])
                    m_seltype = eSelType.eTip;

            for (int c = 0; c < m_lstpolys.Count; c++)
                m_lstpolys[c].m_color = Color.Yellow;
Exemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// This function loads an ascii STL file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool LoadSTL_ASCII(string filename)
                StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename);
                m_fullname = filename;
                m_name = Path.GetFileName(filename);
                //first line should be "solid <name> "
                string line = sr.ReadLine();
                string []toks = line.Split(' ');
                if (!toks[0].ToLower().StartsWith("solid"))
                    return false; // does not start with "solid"
                while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                    line = sr.ReadLine().Trim();
                    if (line.ToLower().StartsWith("facet"))
                        line = sr.ReadLine().Trim();//outerloop
                        Polygon poly = new Polygon();//create a new polygon
                        m_lstpolys.Add(poly); // add it to the polygon list
                        poly.m_points = new Point3d[3]; // create the storage

                        for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; idx++)//read the point
                            Point3d tmp = new Point3d(); // create a temp point
                            char[] delimiters = new char[] {' '};
                            line = sr.ReadLine().Trim();//outerloop
                            toks = line.Split(delimiters,StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                           // tmp.x = float.Parse(toks[1].Trim());
                           // tmp.y = float.Parse(toks[2].Trim());
                           // tmp.z = float.Parse(toks[3].Trim());
                            float tf = 0.0f;
                             Single.TryParse(toks[1],out tf);
                             tmp.x = tf;
                             Single.TryParse(toks[2], out tf);
                             tmp.y = tf;
                             Single.TryParse(toks[3], out tf);
                             tmp.z = tf;
                            poly.m_points[idx] = AddUniqueVert(tmp);

                        line = sr.ReadLine().Trim();//endloop
            catch (Exception )
                return false;
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public bool GenerateFromBitmap(string file, ScaleFactor f)
                m_name = Path.GetFileName(file);
                Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(file);
                // add 3d points
                for (int y = 0; y < bm.Height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < bm.Width; x++)
                        Color   clr = bm.GetPixel(x, y);
                        Point3d pnt = new Point3d();
                        pnt.x = f.x * ((double)x);
                        pnt.y = f.y * ((double)y);
                        pnt.z = f.z * ((double)clr.R);
                // now generate polys
                for (int y = 0; y < bm.Height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < bm.Width; x++)
                        if (y == (bm.Height - 1))
                        if (x == (bm.Width - 1))
                        Polygon ply = new Polygon();
                        ply.m_points = new Point3d[3];
                        int idx1 = (y * bm.Width) + x;
                        int idx2 = (y * bm.Width) + x + 1;
                        int idx3 = (y * bm.Width) + x + bm.Width;
                        ply.m_points[0] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[idx1];
                        ply.m_points[1] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[idx2];
                        ply.m_points[2] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[idx3];

                        Polygon ply2 = new Polygon();
                        ply2.m_points    = new Point3d[3];
                        idx1             = (y * bm.Width) + x + 1;
                        idx2             = (y * bm.Width) + x + bm.Width + 1;
                        idx3             = (y * bm.Width) + x + bm.Width;
                        ply2.m_points[0] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[idx1];
                        ply2.m_points[1] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[idx2];
                        ply2.m_points[2] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[idx3];

            catch (Exception)
Exemplo n.º 16
        void FillTiles()
            m_tilePointsTop = new Point3d[m_ntilesx + 1, m_ntilesy + 1];
            m_tilePointsBot = new Point3d[m_ntilesx + 1, m_ntilesy + 1];
            int x, y;
            for (x = 0; x < m_ntilesx; x++)
                for (y = 0; y < m_ntilesy; y++)
                    if (m_tileMap[x, y])
                        Polygon plt = new Polygon();
                        plt.m_points = new Point3d[3];
                        plt.m_points[0] = GetTilePointTop(x, y);
                        plt.m_points[1] = GetTilePointTop(x + 1, y);
                        plt.m_points[2] = GetTilePointTop(x + 1, y + 1);
                        plt = new Polygon();
                        plt.m_points = new Point3d[3];
                        plt.m_points[0] = GetTilePointTop(x, y);
                        plt.m_points[1] = GetTilePointTop(x + 1, y + 1);
                        plt.m_points[2] = GetTilePointTop(x, y + 1);

                        Polygon plb = new Polygon();
                        plb.m_points = new Point3d[3];
                        plb.m_points[0] = GetTilePointBot(x, y);
                        plb.m_points[1] = GetTilePointBot(x + 1, y + 1);
                        plb.m_points[2] = GetTilePointBot(x + 1, y);
                        plb = new Polygon();
                        plb.m_points = new Point3d[3];
                        plb.m_points[0] = GetTilePointBot(x, y);
                        plb.m_points[1] = GetTilePointBot(x, y + 1);
                        plb.m_points[2] = GetTilePointBot(x + 1, y + 1);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public bool GenerateFromBitmap(string file, Vector3d f) 
                m_name = Path.GetFileName(file);
                Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(file);
                // add 3d points
                for (int y = 0; y < bm.Height; y++) 
                    for (int x = 0; x < bm.Width; x++) 
                        Color clr = bm.GetPixel(x, y);
                        Point3d pnt = new Point3d();
                        pnt.x = f.x * ((float)x);
                        pnt.y = f.y * ((float)y);
                        pnt.z = f.z * ((float)clr.R);
                // now generate polys
                for (int y = 0; y < bm.Height  ; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < bm.Width ; x++)
                        if (y == (bm.Height - 1)) continue;
                        if (x == (bm.Width - 1)) continue;
                        Polygon ply = new Polygon();
                        ply.m_points = new Point3d[3];
                        int idx1 = (y * bm.Width) + x;
                        int idx2 = (y * bm.Width) + x + 1;
                        int idx3 = (y * bm.Width) + x + bm.Width ;
                        ply.m_points[0] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[idx1];
                        ply.m_points[1] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[idx2];
                        ply.m_points[2] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[idx3];
                        Polygon ply2 = new Polygon();
                        ply2.m_points = new Point3d[3];
                        idx1 = (y * bm.Width) + x + 1;
                        idx2 = (y * bm.Width) + x + bm.Width + 1;
                        idx3 = (y * bm.Width) + x + bm.Width;
                        ply2.m_points[0] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[idx1];
                        ply2.m_points[1] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[idx2];
                        ply2.m_points[2] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[idx3];

                return true;
            catch (Exception) 
                return false;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public bool LoadDXF(string filename) 
           StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename);
           m_fullname = filename;
           m_name = Path.GetFileName(filename);
           while (!sr.EndOfStream) 
               string line = sr.ReadLine();
               line = line.Trim();
               if (line.ToUpper() == "3DFACE") 
                   Polygon poly = new Polygon();//create a new polygon
                   m_lstpolys.Add(poly); // add it to the polygon list
                   Point3d []pnts;
                   LoadDXFPolyPoints(out pnts, sr);
                   poly.m_points = new Point3d[pnts.Length]; // create the storage
                   int idx = 0;
                   foreach(Point3d p in pnts)
                       poly.m_points[idx++] = AddUniqueVert(p);
           if (NumPolys > 0)
               return true;
               return false;
       }catch( Exception)
           return false;            
Exemplo n.º 19
 public bool LoadSTL_Binary(string filename) 
     BinaryReader br = null;
         br = new BinaryReader(File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open));
         m_fullname = filename;
         m_name = Path.GetFileName(filename);
         byte[] data = new byte[80];
         data = br.ReadBytes(80); // read the header
         uint numtri = br.ReadUInt32();
         for (uint c = 0; c < numtri; c++) 
             Polygon p = new Polygon();
             m_lstpolys.Add(p); // add this polygon to the object
             p.m_normal.Load(br); // load the normal
             p.m_points = new Point3d[3]; // create storage
             for (int pc = 0; pc < 3; pc++) //iterate through the points
                 Point3d pnt = new Point3d();
                 p.m_points[pc] = pnt;
             uint attr = br.ReadUInt16(); // not used attribute
         Update(); // initial positions please...
         return true;
     catch (Exception) 
         return false;
Exemplo n.º 20
        void AddShape(float[] shape, Point3d ptTop, Point3d ptBot, float scale, int rotate90)
            int i;
            int npoints = shape.Length / 2;
            // create 3d points from shape
            Point3d[] ptops = new Point3d[npoints];
            Point3d[] pbots = new Point3d[npoints];
            for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++)
                ptops[i] = CreatePoint(shape[i*2], shape[i*2 + 1], ptTop.z, scale, rotate90, ptTop.x, ptTop.y);
                pbots[i] = CreatePoint(shape[i*2], shape[i*2 + 1], ptBot.z, scale, rotate90, ptBot.x, ptBot.y);

            // top + bottom
            for (i = 0; i < npoints-1; i++)
                Polygon plt = new Polygon();
                plt.m_points = new Point3d[3]; 
                plt.m_points[0] = ptTop;
                plt.m_points[1] = ptops[i + 1];
                plt.m_points[2] = ptops[i]; 
                Polygon plb = new Polygon();
                plb.m_points = new Point3d[3]; 
                plb.m_points[0] = ptBot;
                plb.m_points[1] = pbots[i];
                plb.m_points[2] = pbots[i + 1];  
            // side
            for (i = 1; i < npoints-2; i ++)
                Polygon plt = new Polygon();
                plt.m_points = new Point3d[3]; 
                plt.m_points[0] = ptops[i];
                plt.m_points[1] = ptops[i + 1];
                plt.m_points[2] = pbots[i];
                Polygon plb = new Polygon();
                plb.m_points = new Point3d[3]; 
                plb.m_points[0] = ptops[i+1];
                plb.m_points[1] = pbots[i + 1];
                plb.m_points[2] = pbots[i];
Exemplo n.º 21
        public bool LoadObjFile(string fileName)
              if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
                     return false;           
              if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                     DebugLogger.Instance().LogError("3ds file could not be found " + fileName);
                     return false;
                     //        throw new ArgumentException("3ds file could not be found", "fileName");
                 this.m_fullname = fileName;
                 this.m_name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);
              using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(fileName))
                    int curLineNo = 0;            
                    string line = null;
                    bool done = false;
                    //ArrayList lclpoints = new ArrayList();
                    ArrayList lclply = new ArrayList();
                    ArrayList lclnrm = new ArrayList();

                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                  if (done || line.Trim() == string.Empty || line.StartsWith("#"))
                  string[] parts = line.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                  switch (parts[0])
                  case "v": // vertex               
                        Point3d pnt = new Point3d();
                        float[] v = ParseVector(parts);
                        pnt.x = v[0];
                        pnt.y = v[1];
                        pnt.z = v[2];
                  case "vn": // vertex normal
                  //case "g":
                //    done = true;
                //    break;
                  case "f":            // a face                          
                    if (parts.Length < 3)
                      throw new FormatException(string.Format("Face found with less three indices (line {0})", curLineNo));              
                    Polygon ply;
                    int fp1, fp2, fp3;
                    // 4 pointed poly becomes 2 tris
                    // 5 pointed poly becomes 3 tris
                    // 6 pointed poly becomes 4 tris
                    int numpnts = parts.Length - 1; // take off one 
                    int numpoly = numpnts - 2;
                    int partidx = 1;
                    fp1 = ParseFacePart(parts[partidx]) - 1; // point 0 is common to all polygons
                    for (int c = 0; c < numpoly; c++) 
                        ply = new Polygon(); // create a new poly
                        m_lstpolys.Add(ply); // add it to this object
                        ply.m_points = new Point3d[3]; // create point storage
                        //set the points
                        fp2 = ParseFacePart(parts[partidx]) - 1;
                        fp3 = ParseFacePart(parts[partidx+1]) - 1;

                        ply.m_points[0] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[fp1];
                        ply.m_points[1] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[fp2];
                        ply.m_points[2] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[fp3];

                        ply.Update(); // update all the info
                         // Console.WriteLine("v: {0} n: {1} q:{2}", vectors.Count,normals.Count, quads.Count);
              return true;
          catch (Exception ex) 
              return false;
Exemplo n.º 22
         *  Given a radius length r and an angle t in radians and a circle's center (h,k),
         *  you can calculate the coordinates of a point on the circumference as follows
         *  (this is pseudo-code, you'll have to adapt it to your language):
         *  float x = r*cos(t) + h;
         *  float y = r*sin(t) + k;

        public void Create(double bottomradius, double topradius, double height, int numdivscirc, int numdivsheight)
            //generate sets of points that describe a circle vertically
            // int idx = 0; // this points to the first point in the circle
            double zlev = 0.0; // start at the bottom of the cylinder

            //Name = "Cylinder";
            // for (int cnt = 0; cnt < numdivsheight; cnt++)
            // {
            GenerateCirclePoints(bottomradius, numdivscirc, zlev); // bottom
            zlev += height;
            GenerateCirclePoints(topradius, numdivscirc, zlev);    // top
            // now generate side polygons
            for (int cnt = 0; cnt < numdivscirc; cnt++)
                /* left
                 * 3
                 | \
                 | 2   1
                 | right
                 | 2   3
                 | _____
                 \   |
                 \  |
                 \ |
                 \|  1

                // the left looks correct
                int     topidx = numdivscirc + 1; // index to the first point in the top circle
                Polygon plyl   = new Polygon();
                plyl.m_points    = new Point3d[3]; // create some point storage
                plyl.m_points[0] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[cnt];
                plyl.m_points[1] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[(cnt + 1) % numdivscirc];
                plyl.m_points[2] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[cnt + topidx];

                // bottom faces
                int     centeridx = numdivscirc;
                Polygon plb       = new Polygon();
                plb.m_points    = new Point3d[3];                  // create some point storage
                plb.m_points[0] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[centeridx]; // the first point is always the center point
                plb.m_points[1] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[(cnt + 1) % numdivscirc];
                plb.m_points[2] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[cnt];

                Polygon plyr = new Polygon();
                plyr.m_points    = new Point3d[3];                                           // create some point storage
                plyr.m_points[0] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[(cnt + 1) % numdivscirc];
                plyr.m_points[1] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[((cnt + 1) % numdivscirc) + topidx]; //
                plyr.m_points[2] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[cnt + topidx];                       // the point directly above it


                //int topidx = numdivscirc + 1; // index to the first point in the top circle
                // top faces
                centeridx = topidx + numdivscirc;
                Polygon plt = new Polygon();
                plt.m_points    = new Point3d[3];                  // create some point storage
                plt.m_points[0] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[centeridx]; // the first point is always the center pointt
                plt.m_points[2] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[(cnt + 1) % numdivscirc + topidx];
                plt.m_points[1] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[topidx + cnt];
            //idx += numdivscirc;
            // }
Exemplo n.º 23
        private Object3d ConvertFrom(List<csgjs_polygon> lstply) 
            Object3d obj = new Object3d();
            for (int i = 0; i < lstply.Count; i++)
                csgjs_polygon poly = lstply[i];

                for (int j = 2; j < poly.vertices.Count; j++)
                    Polygon ply = new Polygon(); // create a new polygon
                    ply.m_points = new Point3d[3];
                    obj.m_lstpolys.Add(ply); //add it to the list

                    Point3d p0 = new Point3d();
                    Point3d p1 = new Point3d();
                    Point3d p2 = new Point3d();

                    p0.Set(poly.vertices[0].pos.x, poly.vertices[0].pos.y, poly.vertices[0].pos.z);
                    p1.Set(poly.vertices[j - 1].pos.x, poly.vertices[j - 1].pos.y, poly.vertices[j - 1].pos.z);
                    p2.Set(poly.vertices[j].pos.x, poly.vertices[j].pos.y, poly.vertices[j].pos.z);

                    ply.m_points[0] = p0;
                    ply.m_points[1] = p1;
                    ply.m_points[2] = p2;

            return obj;
Exemplo n.º 24
        Object3d ProcessObjectChunk(ThreeDSChunk chunk, Object3d e)
            while (chunk.BytesRead < chunk.Length)
                ThreeDSChunk child = new ThreeDSChunk(reader);

                switch ((Groups)child.ID)
                    case Groups.C_OBJECT_MESH:

                        ProcessObjectChunk(child, e);

                    case Groups.C_OBJECT_VERTICES:

                        //e.vertices = ReadVertices(child);
                        e.m_lstpoints = ReadVertices(child);

                    case Groups.C_OBJECT_FACES:

                        //e.indices =
                        Triangle []tris = ReadIndices(child);
                        foreach (Triangle t in tris)
                            Polygon p = new Polygon();
                            p.m_points = new Point3d[3];
                            p.m_points[0] = (Point3d)e.m_lstpoints[t.vertex1];
                            p.m_points[1] = (Point3d)e.m_lstpoints[t.vertex2];
                            p.m_points[2] = (Point3d)e.m_lstpoints[t.vertex3];
                        if (child.BytesRead < child.Length)
                            ProcessObjectChunk(child, e);

                    case Groups.C_OBJECT_MATERIAL:

                        string name2 = ProcessString(child);
                        Console.WriteLine("	Uses Material: {0}", name2);

                        Material mat;
                        if (materials.TryGetValue(name2, out mat))
                            e.material = mat;
                            Console.WriteLine(" Warning: Material '{0}' not found. ", name2);


                    case Groups.C_OBJECT_UV:

                        int cnt = reader.ReadUInt16();
                        child.BytesRead += 2;

                        Console.WriteLine("	TexCoords: {0}", cnt);
                        //e.texcoords = new TexCoord[cnt];
                        //TexCoord tc = new TexCoord();
                        for (int ii = 0; ii < cnt; ii++)
                            //should add this to a list somewhere
                            TexCoord tc = new TexCoord(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle());

                        child.BytesRead += (cnt * (4 * 2));




                chunk.BytesRead += child.BytesRead;
                //Console.WriteLine ( "	ID: {0} Length: {1} Read: {2}", chunk.ID.ToString("x"), chunk.Length , chunk.BytesRead );
            return e;
Exemplo n.º 25
        private static void CreateGroundPlane()
            m_gp = new Object3d();
            m_gp.Name = "GroundPlane";
            Point3d p0=new Point3d(-500,-500,0);
            Point3d p1=new Point3d(500,-500,0);
            Point3d p2=new Point3d(500,500,0);
            Point3d p3=new Point3d(-500,500,0);

            Polygon ply0 = new Polygon();
            ply0.m_points = new Point3d[3];
            ply0.m_points[0] = p0;
            ply0.m_points[1] = p1;
            ply0.m_points[2] = p2;

            Polygon ply1 = new Polygon();
            ply1.m_points = new Point3d[3];
            ply1.m_points[0] = p0;
            ply1.m_points[1] = p2;
            ply1.m_points[2] = p3;
            m_gp.tag = Object3d.OBJ_GROUND; // groundplane tag
           // p1.m

Exemplo n.º 26
        public static bool IntersectPoly(Polygon poly, Point3d start, Point3d end,ref  Point3d intersection)
            //intersect a Polygon with a ray in world space
            bool retval = false;
            double deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ, t, T, S;
            double A, B, C, D;//the Polygon plane
            double denom;

            if (TstPnt[0] == null)  // create if not created already
                TstPnt[0] = new TestPoint();
                TstPnt[1] = new TestPoint();
                TstPnt[2] = new TestPoint();
                TstPnt[3] = new TestPoint();

            A = poly.plane.a;
            B = poly.plane.b;
            C = poly.plane.c;
            D = poly.plane.d;
            deltaX = end.x - start.x;
            deltaY = end.y - start.y;
            deltaZ = end.z - start.z;

            denom = (A * deltaX + B * deltaY + C * deltaZ);

            if (denom == 0.0)//ray is parallel, no intersection
                retval = false;
                return retval;
            T = (-1) / denom;
            S = (A * start.x + B * start.y + C * start.z);
            t = (S + D) * T;
            //at this point we have a possible intersection
            //project to a major world axis and test for containment in the poly
            intersection.x = (float)(start.x + (t * deltaX));
            intersection.y = (float)(start.y + (t * deltaY));
            intersection.z = (float)(start.z + (t * deltaZ));

            numTstPnt = poly.m_points.Length;
            // test the X/Y plane
            for (long counter = 0; counter < poly.m_points.Length; counter++)
                TstPnt[counter].X = poly.m_points[counter].x;
                TstPnt[counter].Y = poly.m_points[counter].y;
            if (CrossingsTest(intersection.x, intersection.y) == 1)
                retval = true;
                return retval;
            // Test the X/Z plane
            for (long counter = 0; counter < poly.m_points.Length; counter++)
                TstPnt[counter].X = poly.m_points[counter].x;
                TstPnt[counter].Y = poly.m_points[counter].z;
            if (CrossingsTest(intersection.x, intersection.y) == 1)
                retval = true;
            return retval;
Exemplo n.º 27
            Given a radius length r and an angle t in radians and a circle's center (h,k),
         *  you can calculate the coordinates of a point on the circumference as follows
         *  (this is pseudo-code, you'll have to adapt it to your language):
            float x = r*cos(t) + h;
            float y = r*sin(t) + k;
        public void Create(double bottomradius, double topradius, double height, int numdivscirc, int numdivsheight)
            //generate sets of points that describe a circle vertically
               // int idx = 0; // this points to the first point in the circle
            double zlev = 0.0; // start at the bottom of the cylinder
            //Name = "Cylinder";
               // for (int cnt = 0; cnt < numdivsheight; cnt++)
               // {
            GenerateCirclePoints(bottomradius, numdivscirc, zlev); // bottom
            zlev += height;
            GenerateCirclePoints(topradius, numdivscirc, zlev); // top
            // now generate side polygons
            for (int cnt = 0; cnt < numdivscirc; cnt++)
                /* left
                 | \
                 2   1


                 2   3
                 \   |
                  \  |
                   \ |

                // the left looks correct
                int topidx = numdivscirc + 1; // index to the first point in the top circle
                Polygon plyl = new Polygon();
                plyl.m_points = new Point3d[3]; // create some point storage
                plyl.m_points[0] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[cnt];
                plyl.m_points[1] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[(cnt + 1) % numdivscirc];
                plyl.m_points[2] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[cnt + topidx];

                // bottom faces
                int centeridx = numdivscirc;
                Polygon plb = new Polygon();
                plb.m_points = new Point3d[3]; // create some point storage
                plb.m_points[0] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[centeridx]; // the first point is always the center point
                plb.m_points[1] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[(cnt + 1) % numdivscirc];
                plb.m_points[2] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[cnt];

                Polygon plyr = new Polygon();
                plyr.m_points = new Point3d[3]; // create some point storage
                plyr.m_points[0] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[(cnt + 1) % numdivscirc];
                plyr.m_points[1] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[((cnt + 1) % numdivscirc) + topidx]; //
                plyr.m_points[2] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[cnt + topidx]; // the point directly above it


                //int topidx = numdivscirc + 1; // index to the first point in the top circle
                // top faces
                centeridx = topidx + numdivscirc;
                Polygon plt = new Polygon();
                plt.m_points = new Point3d[3]; // create some point storage
                plt.m_points[0] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[centeridx]; // the first point is always the center pointt
                plt.m_points[2] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[(cnt + 1) % numdivscirc + topidx];
                plt.m_points[1] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[topidx + cnt];

            //idx += numdivscirc;
               // }
Exemplo n.º 28
         The object selection plane is used to help move objects around
         * This is a plane is centered at the object center and faces the center of the view
         * This is used to determine an intersection along the plane to help move the object
         * This is created by picking a center point, and using the camera's forward and right vectors to generate
         * 2 polygons that form a forward-facing plane at a distance of the camera to the point along the forward vector
         * parameters:
         * center is the  center of the currently selected object
         * fromcamera is the vector from the camera to the center of the selected object
         * cameraup is the up vector of the camera
        public static void UpdateObjectSelectionPlane(Point3d center, Vector3d cameraup, Vector3d cameraright)
            //get the currently selected object
            //create 2 polygons
            //forward facing towards the camera
             p0   p1
             |\    |
             | \   |
             |  *  | object center
             |   \ |
             |    \|
             p3   p2
            Point3d p0;
            Point3d p1;
            Point3d p2;
            Point3d p3;

            if (m_selplane == null)
                m_selplane = new Object3d();
                m_selplane.Name = "Selection Plane";
                p0 = new Point3d();
                p1 = new Point3d();
                p2 = new Point3d();
                p3 = new Point3d();
                // add the points
                //new polygon
                Polygon ply0 = new Polygon();
                ply0.m_points = new Point3d[3];
                //set poly points
                ply0.m_points[0] = p0;
                ply0.m_points[1] = p1;
                ply0.m_points[2] = p2;
                //add the polygon to the model

                Polygon ply1 = new Polygon();
                ply1.m_points = new Point3d[3];
                ply1.m_points[0] = p0;
                ply1.m_points[1] = p2;
                ply1.m_points[2] = p3;
                m_selplane.tag = Object3d.OBJ_SEL_PLANE; // groundplane tag
                //references to already created points
                p0 = m_selplane.m_lstpoints[0];
                p1 = m_selplane.m_lstpoints[1];
                p2 = m_selplane.m_lstpoints[2];
                p3 = m_selplane.m_lstpoints[3];
            float scaler = 100.0f;

            p0.Set((cameraup.x / 2) - (cameraright.x / 2), (cameraup.y / 2) - (cameraright.y / 2), (cameraup.z/2) - (cameraright.z/2));
            p1.Set((cameraup.x / 2) + (cameraright.x / 2), (cameraup.y / 2) + (cameraright.y / 2), (cameraup.z / 2) + (cameraright.z / 2));
            p2.Set((-cameraup.x / 2) + (cameraright.x / 2), (-cameraup.y / 2) + (cameraright.y / 2), (-cameraup.z / 2) + (cameraright.z / 2));
            p3.Set((-cameraup.x / 2) - (cameraright.x / 2), (-cameraup.y / 2) - (cameraright.y / 2), (-cameraup.z / 2) - (cameraright.z / 2));

            p0.x *= scaler;
            p0.y *= scaler;
            p0.z *= scaler;

            p1.x *= scaler;
            p1.y *= scaler;
            p1.z *= scaler;

            p2.x *= scaler;
            p2.y *= scaler;
            p2.z *= scaler;

            p3.x *= scaler;
            p3.y *= scaler;
            p3.z *= scaler;

            // initial positions
            // center it on the object
            m_selplane.Translate(center.x, center.y, center.z);
Exemplo n.º 29
        private void makeWalls(int li, int ui, int numdivs)
            for (int cnt = 0; cnt < numdivs; cnt++)
                int topidx = ui;// +1;// numdivs + 1; // index to the first point in the top circle
                Polygon plyl = new Polygon();
                plyl.m_points = new Point3d[3]; // create some point storage
                plyl.m_points[0] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[cnt + li];
                plyl.m_points[1] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[((cnt + 1) % numdivs) + li];
                plyl.m_points[2] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[cnt + topidx + li];

                Polygon plyr = new Polygon();
                plyr.m_points = new Point3d[3]; // create some point storage
                plyr.m_points[0] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[(cnt + 1) % numdivs + li];
                plyr.m_points[1] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[((cnt + 1) % numdivs) + topidx + li]; //
                plyr.m_points[2] = (Point3d)m_lstpoints[cnt + topidx + li]; // the point directly above it

Exemplo n.º 30
 public bool SpheresIntersect(Polygon ply) 
     bool retval = false;
     Vector3d vec = m_center - ply.m_center;
     float dist = (vec.x * vec.x) + (vec.y * vec.y) + (vec.z * vec.z);
     float mindist = m_radius * ply.m_radius;
     if (dist <= (mindist * mindist))
         retval = true;
     return retval;