Exemplo n.º 1
 public void Multiply(EPointF pnt)
     x      *= pnt.X;
     y      *= pnt.Y;
     width  *= pnt.X;
     height *= pnt.Y;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ArrayList GetSpritesUnderLoc(EPointF a_pnt, int a_nMaxNumSprites)
            ArrayList  aSprites  = new ArrayList();
            SortedList plSprites = new SortedList();
            int        n         = 0;

            GetVisibleOffspringZSorted(ref plSprites, ref n);
            for (int i = plSprites.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Sprite  sp        = (Sprite)plSprites.GetByIndex(i);
                EPointF pntSprite = sp.ConvRootLocToParentLoc(a_pnt);
                if (sp.Rect == null)

                if (sp.Rect.Contains(pntSprite))
                    if (aSprites.Count == a_nMaxNumSprites)
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void MoveToCoordinate()
            string s = tbCoordinate.Text;

            s = s.Trim();
            s = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(s, @"[^0-9^;^.^-]", "");
            string[] ss = s.Split(";".ToCharArray(), 2);

            //System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo fi = new System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo();
            //fi.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = ".";
            EPointF pnt = new EPointF();

            if (ss.GetLength(0) > 0)
                pnt.X = Convert.ToSingle(ss[0]);
            if (ss.GetLength(0) > 1)
                pnt.Y = Convert.ToSingle(ss[1]);

            tbCoordinate.Text = pnt.X.ToString() + ";" + pnt.Y.ToString();

Exemplo n.º 4
        public bool CheckChildrenMouse(MouseEventArgs e, EPointF a_pntLocalLoc, bool a_bButtonAction, bool a_bDown)
            bool bContinueChecking = true;

            m_bLooping    = true;
            a_pntLocalLoc = this.ConvParentLocToSrcLoc(a_pntLocalLoc);

            for (int i = this._slChildrenLocZSorted.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Sprite sp = (Sprite)this._slChildrenLocZSorted.GetByIndex(i);
//			foreach (DataRowView row in m_dvChildrenLocZInverseSorted) //m_dvChildrenLocZInverseSorted m_dvChildrenLocZSorted
//			{
//				Sprite sp = ((Sprite)m_plChildrenByHash[(int)row["Hash"]]);
                if (sp.ChildCount > 0)
                    bContinueChecking = sp.CheckChildrenMouse(e, a_pntLocalLoc, a_bButtonAction, a_bDown);

                if (bContinueChecking && sp.MouseActive)
                    bContinueChecking = sp.CheckMouse(e, a_pntLocalLoc, a_bButtonAction, a_bDown);

                if (!bContinueChecking)

            m_bLooping = false;

Exemplo n.º 5
        public TestCircle()
            m_pntVel = new EPointF(0,0);
            m_pntThrust = new EPoint(0,0);

            aKeysPressedX = new ArrayList();
            aKeysPressedY = new ArrayList();

            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(40,40, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
            g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(Color.Red), 0,0,40,40);
            MemberSpriteBitmap mb = new MemberSpriteBitmap(bmp);
            Member = mb;

            m_aLines = new ArrayList();
            for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                TestLine line = new TestLine(m_endogine);
                line.SetLine(new EPointF((i)*150,0), new EPointF((i+1)*150,150));

            LocZ = 10;
            Loc = new EPointF(171,171);
            m_endogine.KeyEvent+=new KeyEventHandler(m_endogine_KeyEvent);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void ExpandSpecial(EPointF pnt)
     this.Left   = pnt.X < this.Left?pnt.X:this.Left;
     this.Top    = pnt.Y < this.Top?pnt.Y:this.Top;
     this.Right  = pnt.X > this.Right?pnt.X:this.Right;
     this.Bottom = pnt.Y > this.Bottom?pnt.Y:this.Bottom;
 private MeterBar Create1DMeter(EPointF ptLoc, string prop, float max)
     MeterBar bar = new MeterBar();
     bar.Rect = new ERectangleF(ptLoc.X, ptLoc.Y, 100, 8);
     bar.MaxValue = max;
     bar.SetAutoFetch(this._car, prop);
     return bar;
Exemplo n.º 8
 public Quad(EPointF p1, EPointF p2, EPointF p3, EPointF p4)
     this._points    = new EPointF[4];
     this._points[0] = p1;
     this._points[1] = p2;
     this._points[2] = p3;
     this._points[3] = p4;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static EPointF FromLengthAndAngle(float a_fLength, float a_fAngle)
            EPointF pnt = new EPointF(0, -1);

            pnt.Angle  = a_fAngle;
            pnt.Length = a_fLength;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public EPointF ConvRootLocToParentLoc(EPointF a_pnt)
     if (Parent != null)
         a_pnt = Parent.ConvRootLocToSrcLoc(a_pnt);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public Quad(EPointF p1, EPointF p2, EPointF p3, EPointF p4)
     this._points = new EPointF[4];
     this._points[0] = p1;
     this._points[1] = p2;
     this._points[2] = p3;
     this._points[3] = p4;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public EPointF ConvParentLocToRootLoc(EPointF a_pntLoc)
            if (m_spParent == null)

Exemplo n.º 13
        public JogShuttle()
            // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer.

            m_pntFactor = new EPointF(1,1);
            m_pntWrappedAdd = new EPoint();
            m_pntActiveAxes = new EPoint(1,1);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public JogShuttle()
            // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer.

            m_pntFactor     = new EPointF(1, 1);
            m_pntWrappedAdd = new EPoint();
            m_pntActiveAxes = new EPoint(1, 1);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public EPointF ConvRootLocToSrcLoc(EPointF a_pnt)
     //convert a loc in root (normally stage) space to source space.
     //One calculation per link can make it slow in deep trees.
     if (Parent != null)
         a_pnt = Parent.ConvRootLocToSrcLoc(a_pnt);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public EPointF ConvParentLocToDrawLoc(EPointF a_pntLoc, Sprite a_spDraw)
            if (m_spParent == null || (m_spParent != null && m_spParent == a_spDraw))

            a_pntLoc = m_spParent.ConvSrcLocToParentLoc(a_pntLoc);
            return(m_spParent.ConvParentLocToDrawLoc(a_pntLoc, a_spDraw));
Exemplo n.º 17
        public EPointF MapPointFromRectAToRectB(EPointF a_pnt, ERectangleF a_rctA, ERectangleF a_rctB)
            EPointF pntNew = new EPointF(a_pnt.X - a_rctA.Left, a_pnt.Y - a_rctA.Top);

            pntNew.X /= a_rctA.Width;
            pntNew.Y /= a_rctA.Height;

            pntNew.X = pntNew.X * a_rctB.Width + a_rctB.Left;
            pntNew.Y = pntNew.Y * a_rctB.Height + a_rctB.Top;
Exemplo n.º 18
        //ParentLoc = point relative to the output rect (Rect) - source loc after move/scale/rotate
        public EPointF ConvSrcLocToParentLoc(EPointF a_pntLoc)
            //if (Member==null)
            //	return a_pntLoc;
//			PointF pntFract = new PointF(a_pntLoc.X/m_mb.Size.Width, a_pntLoc.Y/m_mb.Size.Height);
            EPointF pntFract = new EPointF(a_pntLoc.X / SourceRect.Width, a_pntLoc.Y / SourceRect.Height);

            pntFract.X = pntFract.X * m_rctDstParent.Width + m_rctDstParent.Left;
            pntFract.Y = pntFract.Y * m_rctDstParent.Height + m_rctDstParent.Top;
Exemplo n.º 19
        private void PlayerBall_MouseEvent(Sprite sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e, MouseEventType t)
            if (t == Sprite.MouseEventType.Down)
                forceMarker.Visible = true;
            else if (t == Sprite.MouseEventType.StillDown)
                MemberSpriteBitmap mb = forceMarker.Member;
                if (mb!=null)

                //this.MouseDownLoc.X, this.MouseDownLoc.Y
                ERectangleF rctLine = ERectangleF.FromLTRB(this.Loc.X, this.Loc.Y, this.MouseLastLoc.X, this.MouseLastLoc.Y);
                forceVector = rctLine.Size;

                if (rctLine.Width != 0 && rctLine.Height != 0)
                    Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap((int)Math.Abs(rctLine.Width)+1, (int)Math.Abs(rctLine.Height)+1, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
                    Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);

                    ERectangleF rctOrigo = rctLine.Copy();

                    Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 2);
                    g.DrawLine(pen, rctOrigo.X, rctOrigo.Y, rctOrigo.X+rctOrigo.Width, rctOrigo.Y+rctOrigo.Height);

                    EPointF locOffset = new EPointF();
                    if (rctOrigo.Width < 0)
                        locOffset.X = rctOrigo.Width;
                    if (rctOrigo.Height < 0)
                        locOffset.Y = rctOrigo.Height;

                    mb = new MemberSpriteBitmap(bmp);
                    forceMarker.Member = mb;
                    forceMarker.Loc = this.Loc + locOffset;
                    forceMarker.Member = null;
            else if (t == Sprite.MouseEventType.UpOutside || t == Sprite.MouseEventType.Click)
                this.Velocity = forceVector*-0.1f;

                forceMarker.Visible = false;
                MemberSpriteBitmap mb = forceMarker.Member;
                if (mb!=null)
                    forceMarker.Member = null;
Exemplo n.º 20
        public ValueEdit()

            m_pntDefault = new EPointF();
            m_pntStart = new EPointF();
            m_pntCurrent = new EPointF();

            jsShuttle.Factor = new EPointF(0.1f,0.1f);
Exemplo n.º 21
        public ValueEdit()

            m_pntDefault = new EPointF();
            m_pntStart   = new EPointF();
            m_pntCurrent = new EPointF();

            jsShuttle.Factor = new EPointF(0.1f, 0.1f);
Exemplo n.º 22
        private void Send(EPointF pnt)
            m_pntCurrent = pnt;

            lblCurrent.Text = pnt.X.ToString("#0.0") + ";  " + pnt.Y.ToString("#0.0");

            if (ValueChanged != null)
                ValueChanged(this, pnt);
Exemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Transforms a point in a rectangle to where it would be in the quad
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pnt"></param>
 /// <param name="rect"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public EPointF MapFromRect(EPointF pnt, ERectangleF rect)
     EPointF fract = pnt / rect.Size;
     EPointF pntTopOfQuadAtX = (this._points[1] - this._points[0])*fract.X + this._points[0];
     EPointF pntBottomOfQuadAtX = (this._points[2] - this._points[3]) * fract.X + this._points[3];
     EPointF inQuad = (pntBottomOfQuadAtX - pntTopOfQuadAtX) * fract.Y + pntTopOfQuadAtX;
     return inQuad;
     //pntFract = point(float(a_pnt[1])/a_rct.width, float(a_pnt[2])/a_rct.height)
     //pntTopOfQuadAtX = (a_aQuad[2]-a_aQuad[1])*pntFract[1]+a_aQuad[1]
     //pntBottomOfQuadAtX = (a_aQuad[3]-a_aQuad[4])*pntFract[1]+a_aQuad[4]
     //return (pntBottomOfQuadAtX-pntTopOfQuadAtX)*pntFract[2] + pntTopOfQuadAtX
Exemplo n.º 24
        private void Init(bool bAutoSetParent)
            m_aChildrenToRemove        = new ArrayList();
            m_plChildrenByHash         = new Hashtable();
            this._slChildrenLocZSorted = new SortedFloatList();

            m_sID    = "";
            m_nInk   = (int)RasterOps.ROPs.Copy;
            m_nBlend = 255;

            m_matrix = new Matrix4();
            m_vPivot = new Vector3();

            m_fLocZ       = 0.0f;
            m_pntLoc      = new EPointF(0.0f, 0.0f);
            m_pntScale    = new EPointF(1.0f, 1.0f);
            m_pntRegPoint = new EPoint(0, 0);

            m_rctSrcClip   = new ERectangle(0, 0, 1, 1);
            m_clr          = Color.White;
            m_rctDstParent = new ERectangleF(0, 0, 0, 0);

            m_aBehaviors = new ArrayList();

            m_nMemberAnimFrame = 0;

            m_dtChildren = new DataTable();
            m_dtChildren.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(System.String));
            m_dtChildren.Columns.Add("LocZ", typeof(System.Double));
            m_dtChildren.Columns.Add("Hash", typeof(System.Int32));

            m_pntMouseDown = new EPoint();
            m_pntMouseLast = new EPoint();
            _pntMouse      = new EPoint();

            if (bAutoSetParent && m_endogine != null && m_endogine.Stage != null)
                Parent = m_endogine.Stage.DefaultParent;

            m_renderStrategy = m_endogine.Stage.CreateRenderStrategy();


            //TODO: make this optional (takes some resources)
            Sprite[] lcs = new Sprite[1];
            lcs[0] = this;
            EH.Instance.LatestCreatedSprites = lcs;
Exemplo n.º 25
        public PlayerShot(EPointF pntStart)
            this.Velocity = new EPointF(0,-4);
            this.Loc = pntStart;

            string anim = "PlayerShot";
            if (!EH.Instance.CastLib.FrameSets.Exists(anim))
                PicRef.CreatePicRefs("SpaceInv\\PlayerShot", 2, 2);
            Endogine.Animation.BhAnimator an = new Endogine.Animation.BhAnimator(this, anim);

            this.Color = GameMain.Instance.m_clrOffwhite;
            //TODO: never disposed properly
Exemplo n.º 26
        public ERectangleF CalcRectInDrawTarget()
//			ERectangleF rctTmp = m_rctDstParent.Copy();
//			if (Member != null && Member.GotAnimation)
//				rctTmp.Offset(Member.GetOffsetForFrame(this.MemberAnimationFrame).ToEPointF()*-1);

            //TODO: check if anything was invalidated since last frame - if not, use a cached value instead of re-calculating.
            EPointF pnt1 = ConvParentLocToDrawLoc(m_rctDstParent.Location, m_spDrawTarget);

            EPointF pnt2 = ConvParentLocToDrawLoc(m_rctDstParent.BottomRight, m_spDrawTarget);

            return(new ERectangleF(pnt1.X, pnt1.Y, pnt2.X - pnt1.X, pnt2.Y - pnt1.Y));
Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms a point in a rectangle to where it would be in the quad
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pnt"></param>
        /// <param name="rect"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public EPointF MapFromRect(EPointF pnt, ERectangleF rect)
            EPointF fract              = pnt / rect.Size;
            EPointF pntTopOfQuadAtX    = (this._points[1] - this._points[0]) * fract.X + this._points[0];
            EPointF pntBottomOfQuadAtX = (this._points[2] - this._points[3]) * fract.X + this._points[3];
            EPointF inQuad             = (pntBottomOfQuadAtX - pntTopOfQuadAtX) * fract.Y + pntTopOfQuadAtX;

            //pntFract = point(float(a_pnt[1])/a_rct.width, float(a_pnt[2])/a_rct.height)
            //pntTopOfQuadAtX = (a_aQuad[2]-a_aQuad[1])*pntFract[1]+a_aQuad[1]
            //pntBottomOfQuadAtX = (a_aQuad[3]-a_aQuad[4])*pntFract[1]+a_aQuad[4]
            //return (pntBottomOfQuadAtX-pntTopOfQuadAtX)*pntFract[2] + pntTopOfQuadAtX
Exemplo n.º 28
        public override void EnterFrame()

            float f = (float)Math.Sin((float)this._frameNum/7f);
            EPointF ptNew = EPointF.FromLengthAndAngle(50, f*0.5f);

            if (this._ptOffset == null)
                this._ptOffset = ptNew;
            EPointF ptDiff = ptNew - this._ptOffset;
            this._ptOffset = ptNew;
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void OnMouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            EPointF pntMouse = new EPointF(e.X, e.Y);

            //MessageBox.Show(this.m_formMdiParent, "Aloha!");
            //MessageBox.Show(this.m_formMdiParent.ActiveMdiChild, "Aloha!");

            if (m_bSendMouseEventsToSprites || true) //TODO: ....
                Stage.RootSprite.CheckChildrenMouse(e, pntMouse, true, true);
                //select a sprite on stage:
                if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right || (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && System.Windows.Forms.Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Control))
                    int nNumSprites = -1;
                    if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left)
                        nNumSprites = 1;
                    m_aSpritesInContextMenu = Stage.RootSprite.GetSpritesUnderLoc(pntMouse, nNumSprites);

                    if (m_aSpritesInContextMenu.Count > 1 ||
                        (m_aSpritesInContextMenu.Count == 1 && e.Button == MouseButtons.Right))
                        System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu cxmn = new ContextMenu();
                        foreach (Sprite sp in m_aSpritesInContextMenu)
                            cxmn.MenuItems[cxmn.MenuItems.Count - 1].Click += new EventHandler(ContextMenu_Click);
                        cxmn.MenuItems.Add("Exit edit mode");
                        cxmn.Show(this.Stage.RenderControl, new Point(e.X, e.Y));
                    else if (m_aSpritesInContextMenu.Count == 1)
                        m_sceneGraphViewer.SelectedSprite = (Sprite)m_aSpritesInContextMenu[0];

            m_pntMouseLoc.X = e.X;
            m_pntMouseLoc.Y = e.Y;
            m_bMouseDown    = true;
            if (MouseButtonEvent != null)
                MouseButtonEvent(sender, e, true);
Exemplo n.º 30
        public override void Move(EPointF a_pnt)
            base.Move (a_pnt);

            if (this.m_bExploding)

            if (this.Animator != null)
                this.Animator.Animator.StepSize = 1;
                this.Animator.Animator.StepSize = 0;
Exemplo n.º 31
 protected override void OnMouse(MouseEventArgs e, MouseEventType t)
     if (t == MouseEventType.Down)
         this.Color = Color.FromArgb(this.Color.R, this.Color.G, 0);
     else if (t == MouseEventType.Up || t == MouseEventType.UpOutside || t == MouseEventType.Click)
         this.Color = Color.FromArgb(this.Color.R, this.Color.G, 255);
     else if (t == MouseEventType.Enter)
         this.Color = Color.FromArgb(0, this.Color.G, this.Color.B);
     else if (t == MouseEventType.Leave)
         this.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, this.Color.G, this.Color.B);
     else if (t == MouseEventType.StillDown)
         Scaling = new EPointF(1.0f+0.005f*e.X, 1);
         Loc = new EPointF(e.X, e.Y);
         Blend = (int)(100*e.X*1.0/100);
Exemplo n.º 32
        public void SetLine(EPointF a_pnt1, EPointF a_pnt2)
            m_rct = ERectangleF.FromLTRB(a_pnt1.X, a_pnt1.Y, a_pnt2.X, a_pnt2.Y);
            if (Member!=null)

            Loc = m_rct.Location;

            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap((int)Math.Abs(m_rct.Width),(int)Math.Abs(m_rct.Height), PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
            //Point pnt1 = a_pnt1;
            //if (a_pnt1.Y <= a_pnt2.Y && a_pnt1.X <= a_pnt2.X)
            g.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.White, 1), new Point(0,0), new Point((int)m_rct.Width, (int)m_rct.Height));

            MemberSpriteBitmap mb = new MemberSpriteBitmap(bmp);
            Member = mb;
Exemplo n.º 33
        public override void EnterFrame()
            if (m_nExplodeCnt > 0)

                EPointF pntMove = new EPointF();
                if (this.m_keys.GetKeyActive("left"))
                    pntMove.X = -2;
                else if (this.m_keys.GetKeyActive("right"))
                    pntMove.X = 2;

            base.EnterFrame ();
Exemplo n.º 34
 public void WrapPointInside(EPointF pnt)
     if (pnt.X < this.Left)
         pnt.X = this.Right - (this.Left - pnt.X);
     else if (pnt.X > this.Right)
         pnt.X = this.Left + (pnt.X - this.Right);
     if (pnt.Y < this.Top)
         pnt.Y = this.Bottom - (this.Top - pnt.Y);
     else if (pnt.Y > this.Bottom)
         pnt.Y = this.Top + (pnt.Y - this.Bottom);
Exemplo n.º 35
        public virtual Interactor.Base CreateInteractor(TrackPlayer tp, ChannelMessage cm)
            EPointF ptLoc = new EPointF();
            int note = cm.Data1;
            int strength = cm.Data2;
            int duration = 10;

            Interactor.Base interactor = null;
            LocSetter.Base locSetter = null;

            Endogine.Node node = this._trackSettings[tp.Track.Name];
            if (node != null)
                if (node["Interactor"]!=null)
                    string sType = "MusicGame.Midi.Interactor."+node["Interactor"].Text;
                    Type type = Type.GetType(sType);
                    System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo cons = type.GetConstructor(new Type[]{});
                    interactor = (Interactor.Base)cons.Invoke(new object[]{});
                if (node["LocSetter"]!=null)
                    string sType = "MusicGame.Midi.LocSetter." + node["LocSetter"].Text;
                    Type type = Type.GetType(sType);
                    System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo cons = type.GetConstructor(new Type[]{});
                    locSetter = (LocSetter.Base)cons.Invoke(new object[]{});

            if (interactor==null)
                interactor = new Interactor.Default();
            //			if (locSetter==null)
            //				locSetter = new LocSetter.Default();

            interactor.Prepare(tp.Track.Name, cm.MidiChannel, this._readAheadMsecs, note, strength, duration, ptLoc);
            if (locSetter!=null)
                locSetter.Parent = interactor;

            return interactor;
Exemplo n.º 36
        public override void EnterFrame()

            bool bCollided = false;
            m_pntVel.X = m_pntThrust.X*3;
            //m_pntVel.X = -4;
            m_pntVel.Y = m_pntThrust.Y*3;
            //m_pntVel.Y = -4;
            EPointF pntCollision;
            EPointF pntCircleAtCollision;
            EPointF pntNormal = new EPointF(0,0);
            for (int i = 0; i < m_aLines.Count; i++)
                TestLine line = (TestLine)m_aLines[i];
                if (Endogine.Collision.Collision.CalcCircleLineCollision(Loc, SourceRect.Width/2, m_pntVel, line.m_rct, out pntCollision, out pntCircleAtCollision))
                    //pntCollision, out pntCircleAtCollision
                    EPointF pntDiff = new EPointF(pntCircleAtCollision.X-pntCollision.X, pntCircleAtCollision.Y-pntCollision.Y);

                    SpriteOneFrame sp = new SpriteOneFrame(m_endogine);
                    sp.MemberName = "Cross";
                    sp.Loc = pntCollision;
                    sp.LocZ = 11;

                    sp = new SpriteOneFrame(m_endogine);
                    sp.MemberName = "Cross";
                    sp.Loc = pntCircleAtCollision;
                    sp.LocZ = 11;
                    sp.Color = Color.Green;

                    double dAngle = Math.Atan2(pntDiff.X, -pntDiff.Y);
                    float fDist = 1;
                    Loc = new EPointF(fDist*(float)Math.Sin(dAngle)+pntCircleAtCollision.X, -fDist*(float)Math.Cos(dAngle)+pntCircleAtCollision.Y);
                    bCollided = true;
            if (!bCollided)
Exemplo n.º 37
        public Ball(int a_nType, PlayArea a_playArea)
            Parent = a_playArea;
            m_playArea = a_playArea;

            string sClr = "";
            switch (a_nType)
                case 0:
                    sClr = "Red";
                case 1:
                    sClr = "Green";
                case 2:
                    sClr = "Blue";
                case 3:
                    sClr = "Yellow";
                case 4:
                    sClr = "Purple";
                case 5:
                    sClr = "White";
                case 6:
                    sClr = "Black";
                case 7:
                    sClr = "Orange";
            BallType = a_nType;

            MemberName = "Ball"+sClr;

            m_pntVel = new EPointF(0,0);
Exemplo n.º 38
        //        private Sound m_sndStep1;
        //        private Sound m_sndStep2;
        public InvadersGrid()
            this.SourceRect = new ERectangle(0,0,1,1);

            this._invaders = new List<Invader>();

            int nColumns = 11;
            int nRows = 5;

            //nColumns = 0;
            //nRows = 0;

            this._columnSortedInvaders = new SortedList<int, SortedList<int, Invader>>();
            for (int i = 0; i < nColumns; i++)
                this._columnSortedInvaders.Add(i, new SortedList<int, Invader>());

            for (int y = 0; y < nRows; y++)
                string anim = "Invader03";
                if (y >= 3)
                    anim = "Invader01";
                else if (y>=1)
                    anim = "Invader02";

                for (int x = 0; x<nColumns; x++)
                    Invader invader = new Invader();
                    invader.Loc = new EPointF((x-1)*32,(y-1)*32) + new EPointF(185,124);
                    invader.Parent = this;

                    this._columnSortedInvaders[x].Add(y, invader);

            this.m_pntMovement = new EPointF(4,0);
Exemplo n.º 39
        public DrumForm()
            if (Endogine.Audio.SoundManager.DefaultSoundManager == null)
                throw new Exception("No sound system .dll found!");
            this.Rect = new ERectangleF(0,0,600,150);
            this.m_pntGridCellSize = new EPoint(35,40);
            this.m_pntGridStart = new EPointF(10,50);
            this.MouseActive = true;

            this.m_tracks = new Track[2];

            string[] aSounds = new string[]{"drumsnare.wav", "drumbass.wav"};
            for (int nChannel = 0; nChannel < aSounds.Length; nChannel++)
                Track track = new Track(aSounds[nChannel], m_nNumNotes, this.m_pntGridCellSize);
                track.Parent = this;
                track.Loc = new EPointF(0,nChannel*this.m_pntGridCellSize.Y)+m_pntGridStart;
                this.m_tracks[nChannel] = track;

            this.m_tracks[0].LoadPattern(new int[]{0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0});
            this.m_tracks[1].LoadPattern(new int[]{1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0});

            this.m_spPlaybackHead = new Sprite();
            this.m_spPlaybackHead.MemberName = "Cross";
            this.m_spPlaybackHead.Parent = this;
            this.m_spPlaybackHead.Loc = m_pntGridStart;

            this.m_timer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(this.Tick), null, 0, 125);

            this._listener = new Endogine.Audio.Listener();

            this._pk = new PlayKeyboard();
Exemplo n.º 40
        public override void EnterFrame()
            float f = (float)Math.Sin((double)this.FramesAlive*0.5f);
            float factor = 1f-(float)this.FramesAlive/70;

            EPointF ptNew = new EPointF(0,this._intensity*f*factor*20);
            if (this._ptOffset==null)
                this._ptOffset = ptNew;
            EPointF ptDiff = ptNew-this._ptOffset;
            this._ptOffset = ptNew;

            //this.Parent.Rotation = f*(float)Math.PI*intensity;

            base.EnterFrame ();

            if (factor <= 0)
                //this.Parent.Rotation = 0;
Exemplo n.º 41
        public void GetMouseCheckOrder(EPointF a_pntLocalLoc, ArrayList sprites)
            a_pntLocalLoc = this.ConvParentLocToSrcLoc(a_pntLocalLoc);
            for (int i = this._slChildrenLocZSorted.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Sprite sp = (Sprite)this._slChildrenLocZSorted.GetByIndex(i);
                //foreach (DataRowView row in m_dvChildrenLocZInverseSorted)
                //	Sprite sp = ((Sprite)m_plChildrenByHash[(int)row["Hash"]]);
                if (sp.ChildCount > 0)
                    sp.GetMouseCheckOrder(a_pntLocalLoc, sprites);

                if (sp.MouseActive)
                    if (sp.Rect.Contains(a_pntLocalLoc))
Exemplo n.º 42
 public void MakePointInside(EPointF pnt)
     if (pnt.X < this.Left)
         pnt.X = this.Left;
     else if (pnt.X > this.Right)
         pnt.X = this.Right;
     if (pnt.Y < this.Top)
         pnt.Y = this.Top;
     else if (pnt.Y > this.Bottom)
         pnt.Y = this.Bottom;
     //pnt.X = Math.Max(pnt.X, x);
     //pnt.X = Math.Min(pnt.X, Right);
     //pnt.Y = Math.Max(pnt.Y, y);
     //pnt.Y = Math.Min(pnt.Y, Bottom);
Exemplo n.º 43
        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms a point in the quad to where it would be if the quad was stretched out to a rectangle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pnt"></param>
        /// <param name="rect"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public EPointF MapToRect(EPointF pnt, ERectangleF rect)
            //--Courtesy of NoiseCrime

            float x = pnt.X;
            float y = pnt.Y;

            float af = this._points[0].X - this._points[1].X - this._points[3].X + this._points[2].X;
            float bf = this._points[1].X - this._points[0].X;
            float cf = this._points[3].X - this._points[0].X;
            float df = this._points[0].X;

            float ef = this._points[0].Y - this._points[1].Y - this._points[3].Y + this._points[2].Y;
            float ff = this._points[1].Y - this._points[0].Y;
            float gf = this._points[3].Y - this._points[0].Y;
            float hf = this._points[0].Y;

            float A = af * ff - bf * ef;
            float B = ef * x - af * y + af * hf - df * ef + cf * ff - bf * gf;
            float C = gf * x - cf * y + cf * hf - df * gf;
            float D = af * gf - cf * ef;

            float u, v;
            float tmpBResult = 0;
            if (Math.Abs(A) > 0.00001f)
                tmpBResult = (B * B) - (4f * A * C);

                if (tmpBResult < 0)
                    return null;

                tmpBResult = (float)Math.Sqrt(tmpBResult);

                u = (-B - tmpBResult) / (2f * A);

                float u2 = 0;
                //  If our u is outside our range.
                if ((u < 0) || (u > 1))
                    u2 = (-B + tmpBResult) / (2f * A);

                // If u2 is in the correct range, use u2
                if ((u2 >= 0) && (u2 <= 1))
                    u = u2;
                else //pick whichever is closest to range (0...1)
                    if (Math.Abs(u2 - 0.5f) < Math.Abs(u - 0.5f))
                        u = u2;
                if ((int)Math.Round(B) != 0)
                    u = -C / B;
                    u = 0; //return null; //!!@ "Error Quad mapping U = 0")

            if (Math.Abs(D) > 0.00001f)
                float temp = af * u + cf;
                v = -1f;

                if ((temp > 0.00001f) || (temp < -0.00001f))
                    v = (x - bf * u - df) / temp;
                    v = 0; //return null; //    v = 0 -- !!@ "Error Quad mapping V = 0

                if ((v < 0) || (v > 1))
                    float E = ef * x - af * y + af * hf - df * ef - cf * ff + bf * gf;
                    float F = ff * x - bf * y + bf * hf - df * ff;

                    float tmpEResult = E * E - 4f * D * F;
                    if (tmpBResult < 0) //TODO: he meant tmpEResult, no?
                        return null;

                    tmpBResult = (float)Math.Sqrt(tmpBResult); //TODO: he meant tmpEResult, no?

                    // If our result is going to be outside our rect, use the alternative value for the quadratic equation.
                    v = (-E + tmpEResult) / (2f * D);

                    if ((v < 0) || (v > 1))
                        float v2 = (-E - tmpEResult) / (2f * D);
                        // If v2 is in the correct range, use u2
                        if ((v2 >= 0) && (v2 <= 1))
                            v = v2;
                        else // pick whichever is closest to range (0...1)
                            if (Math.Abs(v2 - 0.5f) < Math.Abs(v - 0.5f))
                                v = v2;
                float E = ef * x - af * y + af * hf - df * ef - cf * ff + bf * gf;
                float F = ff * x - bf * y + bf * hf - df * ff;

                if ((int)Math.Round(E) != 0)
                    v = -F / E;
                    return null; //Error Quad mapping VE= 0")

            //--JB 041001:
            float pToh = u * rect.Width + rect.X; //-rect.X + prect[1] + 0.0) --+ 0.5
            float pTov = v * rect.Height + rect.Y; //-prect[2] + prect[2] + 0.0) --+ 0.5

            return new EPointF(pToh, pTov);
Exemplo n.º 44
        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms a point in the quad to where it would be if the quad was stretched out to a rectangle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pnt"></param>
        /// <param name="rect"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public EPointF MapToRect(EPointF pnt, ERectangleF rect)
            //--Courtesy of NoiseCrime

            float x = pnt.X;
            float y = pnt.Y;

            float af = this._points[0].X - this._points[1].X - this._points[3].X + this._points[2].X;
            float bf = this._points[1].X - this._points[0].X;
            float cf = this._points[3].X - this._points[0].X;
            float df = this._points[0].X;

            float ef = this._points[0].Y - this._points[1].Y - this._points[3].Y + this._points[2].Y;
            float ff = this._points[1].Y - this._points[0].Y;
            float gf = this._points[3].Y - this._points[0].Y;
            float hf = this._points[0].Y;

            float A = af * ff - bf * ef;
            float B = ef * x - af * y + af * hf - df * ef + cf * ff - bf * gf;
            float C = gf * x - cf * y + cf * hf - df * gf;
            float D = af * gf - cf * ef;

            float u, v;
            float tmpBResult = 0;

            if (Math.Abs(A) > 0.00001f)
                tmpBResult = (B * B) - (4f * A * C);

                if (tmpBResult < 0)

                tmpBResult = (float)Math.Sqrt(tmpBResult);

                u = (-B - tmpBResult) / (2f * A);

                float u2 = 0;
                //  If our u is outside our range.
                if ((u < 0) || (u > 1))
                    u2 = (-B + tmpBResult) / (2f * A);

                // If u2 is in the correct range, use u2
                if ((u2 >= 0) && (u2 <= 1))
                    u = u2;
                else //pick whichever is closest to range (0...1)
                if (Math.Abs(u2 - 0.5f) < Math.Abs(u - 0.5f))
                    u = u2;
                if ((int)Math.Round(B) != 0)
                    u = -C / B;
                    u = 0; //return null; //!!@ "Error Quad mapping U = 0")

            if (Math.Abs(D) > 0.00001f)
                float temp = af * u + cf;
                v = -1f;

                if ((temp > 0.00001f) || (temp < -0.00001f))
                    v = (x - bf * u - df) / temp;
                    v = 0; //return null; //    v = 0 -- !!@ "Error Quad mapping V = 0
                if ((v < 0) || (v > 1))
                    float E = ef * x - af * y + af * hf - df * ef - cf * ff + bf * gf;
                    float F = ff * x - bf * y + bf * hf - df * ff;

                    float tmpEResult = E * E - 4f * D * F;
                    if (tmpBResult < 0) //TODO: he meant tmpEResult, no?

                    tmpBResult = (float)Math.Sqrt(tmpBResult); //TODO: he meant tmpEResult, no?

                    // If our result is going to be outside our rect, use the alternative value for the quadratic equation.
                    v = (-E + tmpEResult) / (2f * D);

                    if ((v < 0) || (v > 1))
                        float v2 = (-E - tmpEResult) / (2f * D);
                        // If v2 is in the correct range, use u2
                        if ((v2 >= 0) && (v2 <= 1))
                            v = v2;
                        else // pick whichever is closest to range (0...1)
                        if (Math.Abs(v2 - 0.5f) < Math.Abs(v - 0.5f))
                            v = v2;
                float E = ef * x - af * y + af * hf - df * ef - cf * ff + bf * gf;
                float F = ff * x - bf * y + bf * hf - df * ff;

                if ((int)Math.Round(E) != 0)
                    v = -F / E;
                    return(null); //Error Quad mapping VE= 0")

            //--JB 041001:
            float pToh = u * rect.Width + rect.X;  //-rect.X + prect[1] + 0.0) --+ 0.5
            float pTov = v * rect.Height + rect.Y; //-prect[2] + prect[2] + 0.0) --+ 0.5

            return(new EPointF(pToh, pTov));
Exemplo n.º 45
 public Quad(EPointF[] points)
     this._points = points;
Exemplo n.º 46
		protected override void EnterFrame()
			EPointF pnt = new EPointF(
				(float)Math.Sin(this.pntLocSpeed.Y*m_nCnt)) * this.pntLocAmount;
			this.pntOffset = pnt;
			m_sp.Rotation = (float)Math.Sin(fRotationSpeed*m_nCnt)*fRotationAmount;

Exemplo n.º 47
 private void m_frame_MouseEvent(Sprite sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e, MouseEventType t)
     if (t == Sprite.MouseEventType.StillDown)
         EPointF pntDiff = new EPointF(e.X-m_frame.MouseLastLoc.X, e.Y-m_frame.MouseLastLoc.Y);
Exemplo n.º 48
 public EPointF GetGfxLocFromGridLoc(EPointF a_pnt)
     return new EPointF(
Exemplo n.º 49
        private void DoPhysics(float msecsPassed)
            float timeDelta = msecsPassed / 1000;

            if (this._inputSteerAngle != 0)
                int i = 0;
            float sn = (float)Math.Sin(this._angle);
            float cs = (float)Math.Cos(this._angle);

            //SAE convention: x is to the front of the car, y is to the right, z is down

            //transform velocity in world reference frame to velocity in car reference frame
            localVel.X = cs * this._velocity.Y + sn * this._velocity.X;
            localVel.Y = -sn * this._velocity.Y + cs * this._velocity.X;

            //Lateral force on wheels
            //Resulting velocity of the wheels as result of the yaw rate of the car body
            //v = yawrate * r where r is distance of wheel to CG (approx. half wheel base)
            //yawrate (ang.velocity) must be in rad/s

            float yawspeed = this._carType.Wheelbase * 0.5f * this._angularVelocity;
            float rot_angle = 0;
            if (localVel.X == 0) //TODO: fix singularity
                rot_angle = 0;
                rot_angle = (float)Math.Atan2(yawspeed, localVel.X); //localVel.X, yawspeed);

            //Calculate the side slip angle of the car (a.k.a. beta)
            float sideslip = 0;
            if (localVel.X == 0) //TODO: fix singularity
                sideslip = 0;
                sideslip = (float)Math.Atan2(localVel.Y, localVel.X); //localVel.X, localVel.Y);

            //Calculate slip angles for front and rear wheels (a.k.a. alpha)
            slipanglefront = sideslip + rot_angle - this._inputSteerAngle * Math.Sign(localVel.X);
            slipanglerear = sideslip - rot_angle;

            //weight per axle = half car mass times 1G (=9.8m/s^2)
            float weight = this._carType.Mass * 9.8f * 0.5f;

            //lateral force on front wheels = (Ca * slip angle) capped to friction circle * load
            EPointF flatf = new EPointF();
            flatf.Y = this._environment.CornerStiffnessF * slipanglefront;
            flatf.Y = Math.Min(this._environment.MaxGrip, flatf.Y);
            flatf.Y = Math.Max(-this._environment.MaxGrip, flatf.Y);
            flatf.Y *= weight;
            if (this._useFrontSlip)
                flatf.Y *= 0.5f;

            //lateral force on rear wheels
            EPointF flatr = new EPointF();
            flatr.Y = this._environment.CornerStiffnessR * slipanglerear;
            flatr.Y = Math.Min(this._environment.MaxGrip, flatr.Y);
            flatr.Y = Math.Max(-this._environment.MaxGrip, flatr.Y);
            flatr.Y *= weight;
            if (this._useRearSlip)
                flatr.Y *= 0.5f;

            //longitudinal force on rear wheels - very simple traction model
            EPointF ftraction = new EPointF();
            ftraction.X = 100f * (this._inputThrottle - this._inputBrake * Math.Sign(localVel.X));
            if (this._useRearSlip)
                ftraction.X *= 0.5f;

            //    Forces and torque on body

            //drag and rolling resistance
            EPointF pntAbs = new EPointF(Math.Abs(localVel.X), Math.Abs(localVel.Y));
            EPointF resistance = (localVel * this._environment.Resistance + localVel * pntAbs * this._environment.Drag) * -1;
            //resistance.x = -(RESISTANCE * velocity.x + DRAG * velocity.x * ABS(velocity.x));
            //resistance.y = -(RESISTANCE * velocity.y + DRAG * velocity.y * ABS(velocity.y));

            //sum forces
            force = new EPointF();
            force.X = ftraction.X + (float)Math.Sin(this._inputSteerAngle) * flatf.X + flatr.X + resistance.X;
            force.Y = ftraction.Y + (float)Math.Cos(this._inputSteerAngle) * flatf.Y + flatr.Y + resistance.Y;

            ////JB: mechanical friction and cylinders
            //force.X += -1000*localVel.X;

            //torque on body from lateral forces
            float torque = this._carType.CenterOfMassToFront * flatf.Y - this._carType.CenterOfMassToRear * flatr.Y;

            // Acceleration

            //Newton F = m.a, therefore a = F/m
            localAcceleration = force / this._carType.Mass;
            float angular_acceleration = torque / this._carType.Inertia;

            //  Velocity and position

            //transform acceleration from car reference frame to world reference frame
            acceleration = new EPointF(
                cs * localAcceleration.Y + sn * localAcceleration.X,
                -sn * localAcceleration.Y + cs * localAcceleration.X);

            //velocity is integrated acceleration
            this._velocity += acceleration * timeDelta;

            //position is integrated velocity
            this.Loc += this._velocity * timeDelta*20;

            //  Angular velocity and heading

            //integrate angular acceleration to get angular velocity
            this._angularVelocity += angular_acceleration * timeDelta;

            //integrate angular velocity to get angular orientation
            this._angle += this._angularVelocity * timeDelta;
Exemplo n.º 50
        public override void EnterFrame()
            float minStep = (float)Math.PI / 32;
            if (this._keys.GetKeyActive("right"))
                this._inputSteerAngle = Math.Max(this._inputSteerAngle - minStep, -(float)Math.PI / 4);
            if (this._keys.GetKeyActive("left"))
                this._inputSteerAngle = Math.Min(this._inputSteerAngle + minStep, (float)Math.PI / 4);

            if (this._inputSteerAngle > 0)
                this._inputSteerAngle -= minStep / 4;
                if (this._inputSteerAngle < 0)
                    this._inputSteerAngle = 0;
            else if (this._inputSteerAngle < 0)
                this._inputSteerAngle += minStep / 4;
                if (this._inputSteerAngle > 0)
                    this._inputSteerAngle = 0;

            if (this._keys.GetKeyActive("up"))
                this._targetSpeed += 1;
                this._inputThrottle = Math.Min(this._inputThrottle + 10, 100f);
            else if (this._keys.GetKeyActive("down"))
                this._targetSpeed -= 1;
                this._inputThrottle = Math.Max(this._inputThrottle - 10, -60f);
                if (localVel.X > 0)
                    if (localVel.X > 0.5f)
                        this._inputThrottle = -25;
                    else if (this._inputThrottle == 0)
                        this._velocity = new EPointF();

            //if (this.Velocity.Length < this._targetSpeed)
            //    this._inputThrottle = 30;
            //else if (this.Velocity.Length > this._targetSpeed)
            //    this._inputThrottle = -30;

            if (this._inputThrottle > 0)
                this._inputThrottle -= 5;
            else if (this._inputThrottle < 0)
                this._inputThrottle += 5;

            if (this._keys.GetKeyActive("action"))
                this._inputBrake = 100;
                this._inputThrottle = 0;
                this._inputBrake = 0;

            if (this._lastFrameTicks > 0)
                int timeDelta = (int)(DateTime.Now.Ticks - this._lastFrameTicks);
                if (timeDelta > 0)
                    this.DoPhysics(timeDelta / 10000);
            this._lastFrameTicks = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            this.Rotation = -this._angle;
            ERectangleF rct = new ERectangleF(new EPointF(), EH.Instance.Stage.ControlSize.ToEPointF());
            EPointF loc = this.Loc.Copy();
            this.Loc = loc;

Exemplo n.º 51
 public EPointF GetGridLocFromGfxLoc(EPointF a_pnt)
     return new EPointF(a_pnt.X*2/BallDiameter, a_pnt.Y/BallDiameter*2/HeightProportion);
     //return new Point((int)(a_pnt.X*2/BallDiameter), (int)Math.Round((a_pnt.Y/BallDiameter*2/HeightProportion)));
Exemplo n.º 52
 public Camera()
     this.SourceRect  = Parent.SourceRect.Copy();
     this.Rect        = Parent.Rect.Copy();
     m_pntLocInternal = new EPointF();
Exemplo n.º 53
 public void InitWithValue(EPointF pnt)
     DefaultValue = pnt;
     StartValue   = pnt;
     CurrentValue = pnt;
Exemplo n.º 54
 public override void Start()
     Random rnd = new Random();
     this.Interactor.Loc = new EPointF(rnd.Next(100), rnd.Next(100)) + new EPointF(300,300);
     this._locOrg = this.Interactor.Loc.Copy();
Exemplo n.º 55
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            EPointF pnt = (EPointF)obj;

            return(pnt.X == x && pnt.Y == y);
Exemplo n.º 56
 public EPoint RoundToClosestGridLoc(EPointF a_pntLoc)
     int y = (int)Math.Round(a_pntLoc.Y);
     float x = a_pntLoc.X/2 + (y%(2+CeilingNumStepsDown))*0.5f;
     x = (int)Math.Round(x)*2 - (y % (2+CeilingNumStepsDown));
     if (x < 0)
         x = 0;
     else if (x >= GridSize.Width)
         x = GridSize.Width-1-y%2;
     return new EPoint((int)x, y);
Exemplo n.º 57
 public ParallaxLayer()
     m_pntScrollFactor = new EPointF(1, 1);
     this.SourceRect   = new ERectangle(0, 0, 1, 1);
     this.Rect         = new ERectangleF(0, 0, 1, 1);
Exemplo n.º 58
 public ParallaxLayer()
     m_pntScrollFactor = new EPointF(1,1);
     this.SourceRect = new ERectangle(0,0,1,1);
     this.Rect = new ERectangleF(0,0,1,1);
Exemplo n.º 59
        public override void SubDraw()
            ERectangleF rctDraw = m_sp.CalcRectInDrawTarget();
            //TODO: if same rect as last time, use a cached matrix instead of re-calculating all this.

//			if (m_sp.Picture != null)
//			{
//				ERectangleF x = rctDraw.Copy();
//				x.Intersect(new ERectangleF(0,0,600,600));
//				if (!x.IsEmpty && !x.IsNegative)
//				{
//					x.Width+=1;
//				}
//			}

            Matrix QuadMatrix = Matrix.Scaling(rctDraw.Width, rctDraw.Height, 1);

            EPointF pntRegOff = m_sp.RegPoint.ToEPointF() / new EPointF(m_sp.SourceRect.Width, m_sp.SourceRect.Height) * new EPointF(rctDraw.Width, rctDraw.Height);

            QuadMatrix.Multiply(Matrix.Translation(-pntRegOff.X, pntRegOff.Y, 0));
            QuadMatrix.Multiply(Matrix.Translation(pntRegOff.X, -pntRegOff.Y, 0));

            EPointF pntLoc = new EPointF(rctDraw.X - device.Viewport.Width / 2, rctDraw.Y - device.Viewport.Height / 2);

            QuadMatrix.Multiply(Matrix.Translation(pntLoc.X, -pntLoc.Y, 0f));

            Stage3D stage = ((Stage3D)EH.Instance.Stage);

            stage.ZCurrent += stage.ZStep;
            QuadMatrix.M43  = 10000f - stage.ZCurrent - 1;
            //QuadMatrix.M43 = 10000f-m_sp.LocZ-1;
//			if (this.m_sp.Parent.Name == "Bar" && (this.m_sp.Name == "2;1" || this.m_sp.Name == "2;2"))
//			{
//				this.m_sp.CalcInParent();
//				m_sp.CalcRectInDrawTarget();
//				float x = rctDraw.Bottom;
//				x++;
//			}

            device.Material = m_mtrl;

            //TODO: (in controlling mechanism:) render order by RenderStates somehow? I hear that state changes are expensive
            switch (m_sp.Ink)
            case RasterOps.ROPs.Copy:
                if (this.m_sp.Member.GotAlpha || true)                         //this.m_mtrl.Diffuse.A != 255)
                    device.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = true;
                    device.RenderState.SourceBlend      = Blend.SourceAlpha;
                    device.RenderState.DestinationBlend = Blend.InvSourceAlpha;

                    if (this.m_mtrl.Diffuse.A != 255)
                        device.TextureState[0].AlphaArgument1 = TextureArgument.TextureColor;
                        device.TextureState[0].AlphaArgument2 = TextureArgument.Diffuse;
                        device.TextureState[0].AlphaOperation = TextureOperation.Modulate;

                        device.TextureState[0].ColorArgument1 = TextureArgument.TextureColor;
                        device.TextureState[0].ColorArgument2 = TextureArgument.Diffuse;
                        device.TextureState[0].ColorOperation = TextureOperation.Modulate;

                        device.TextureState[1].AlphaOperation = TextureOperation.Disable;
                        device.TextureState[1].ColorOperation = TextureOperation.Disable;
                    device.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = false;

            case RasterOps.ROPs.AddPin:
                device.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = true;
                device.RenderState.DestinationBlend = Blend.InvSourceColor;
                device.RenderState.SourceBlend      = Blend.One;

            case RasterOps.ROPs.Multiply:
                device.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = true;
                device.RenderState.BlendOperation   = BlendOperation.Min;                       //device.RenderState.SourceBlend = Blend.DestinationColor same?

            case RasterOps.ROPs.BgTransparent:
                device.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = true;
                device.RenderState.SourceBlend      = Blend.SourceAlpha;
                device.RenderState.DestinationBlend = Blend.InvSourceAlpha;

//					if (m_sp.Blend!=255)
//					{
//						device.RenderState.BlendFactor = Color.FromArgb(0, m_sp.Blend, m_sp.Blend,m_sp.Blend);//m_sp.Blend, m_sp.Blend, m_sp.Blend);
//						device.RenderState.AlphaSourceBlend = Blend.BlendFactor;
//					}

            case RasterOps.ROPs.Lightest:
                device.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = true;
                device.RenderState.BlendOperation   = BlendOperation.Max;

            case RasterOps.ROPs.SubtractPin:                     //OK
                device.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = true;
                device.RenderState.SourceBlend      = Blend.Zero;
                device.RenderState.DestinationBlend = Blend.InvSourceColor;

            case RasterOps.ROPs.Difference:                     //Hmm..
                device.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = true;
                device.RenderState.SourceBlend      = Blend.InvDestinationColor;
                device.RenderState.DestinationBlend = Blend.InvSourceColor;

            case RasterOps.ROPs.D3DTest1:
                //Director blend ink (by sprite's Blend value)
                device.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = true;
                device.RenderState.BlendFactor      = Color.FromArgb(0, m_sp.Blend, m_sp.Blend, m_sp.Blend);                  //m_sp.Blend, m_sp.Blend, m_sp.Blend);
                device.RenderState.SourceBlend      = Blend.BlendFactor;
                device.RenderState.DestinationBlend = Blend.InvBlendFactor;

            case RasterOps.ROPs.D3DTest2:
                //Alpha channel blending
                device.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = true;
                device.RenderState.BlendFactor      = Color.FromArgb(0, m_sp.Blend, m_sp.Blend, m_sp.Blend);
                device.RenderState.SourceBlend      = Blend.SourceAlpha;
                device.RenderState.DestinationBlend = Blend.InvSourceAlpha;

            case RasterOps.ROPs.D3DTest3:
                //don't understand this one...
                device.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = true;
                device.RenderState.SourceBlend      = Blend.InvSourceColor;

            case RasterOps.ROPs.D3DTest4:
                //device.RenderState.AlphaTestEnable = false;
                //device.RenderState.ReferenceAlpha = 0x01;
                //device.RenderState.AlphaFunction = Compare.GreaterEqual;
                device.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = true;
                //device.RenderState.BlendFactor = Color.FromArgb(m_sp.Blend, 255,255,255);//m_sp.Blend, m_sp.Blend, m_sp.Blend);
                device.RenderState.BlendFactor = Color.FromArgb(0, m_sp.Blend, m_sp.Blend, m_sp.Blend);                       //m_sp.Blend, m_sp.Blend, m_sp.Blend);
                //device.RenderState.AlphaSourceBlend = Blend.BlendFactor;
                //device.RenderState.AlphaDestinationBlend = Blend.BlendFactor;
                device.RenderState.SourceBlend      = Blend.BlendFactor;
                device.RenderState.DestinationBlend = Blend.InvBlendFactor;
                //device.RenderState.Ambient = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 255, 255);
                //m_mtrl.Ambient = m_mtrl.Diffuse = Color.FromArgb(10, m_mtrl.Diffuse.R, m_mtrl.Diffuse.G, m_mtrl.Diffuse.B);
                //device.RenderState.BlendFactor = Color.FromArgb(10, 127, 127, 127);
                //device.RenderState.DiffuseMaterialSource = ColorSource.Material;
                //device.RenderState.BlendOperation = BlendOperation.Add;
                //device.SetTextureStageState(0, TextureStageStates.AlphaArgument0, 100f);
                //device.Material = m_mtrl;

                //device.SetRenderState(RenderStates.DestinationBlend, 4);
                //device.RenderState.SourceBlend = Blend.BothSourceAlpha; //let's though key only?
                //device.RenderState.DestinationBlend = Blend.SourceColor; //some transparency in grayish areas?
                //device.RenderState.BlendOperation = BlendOperation.Subtract; ??
                //device.RenderState.BlendOperation = BlendOperation.Add;
                //device.SetRenderState(RenderStates.BlendFactor, 0.5f);
                //device.RenderState.SourceBlend = Blend.SourceAlpha;
                //device.RenderState.DestinationBlend = Blend.InvSourceAlpha;
                //device.RenderState.BlendFactor = Color.FromArgb(127, 127, 127, 127);
                //device.RenderState.BlendFactor = Color.FromArgb(127, 255, 255, 255);
                //m_mtrl.Diffuse = Color.FromArgb(127, m_mtrl.Diffuse.R, m_mtrl.Diffuse.G, m_mtrl.Diffuse.B);
                //device.SetTextureStageState(0, TextureStageStates.AlphaArgument1, 100f);

                //http://www.two-kings.de/tutorials/d3d.html //disappeared??
                // http://www.toymaker.info/Games/html/render_states.html

            device.SetTexture(0, m_sp.Member.Texture);

            device.SamplerState[0].MagFilter = this.m_sp.TextureMagFilter;
            device.SamplerState[0].MinFilter = this.m_sp.TextureMinFilter;

            device.SetStreamSource(0, vertexBuffer, 0);
            device.VertexFormat = customVertexFlags;
            device.SetTransform(TransformType.View, QuadMatrix);
            device.DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, 0, numVerts - 2);
Exemplo n.º 60
        private void jsShuttle_DraggingEvent(object sender, Endogine.EPointF pntDelta)
            EPointF pnt = jsShuttle.GetDelta();

            Send(m_pntCurrent + pnt);