Exemplo n.º 1
         * Collects all the informations contained in this object like the target
         * host, the protocol; the more information contained in
         * {@link DSRESTCommand} input parameter as the type of request, the method
         * to call then to return the url to run
         * @param the
         *            specific DSRESTCommand
         * @return a requested url

        private String BuildRequestURL(DSRESTCommand command)
            String LPathPrefix = getUrlPath();
            int    LPort       = getPort();
            String LHost       = getHost();
            String LMethodName = command.getText();
            String LProtocol   = getProtocol();

            if (LProtocol.Equals(""))
                LProtocol = "http";
            if (LHost.Equals(""))
                LHost = "localhost";
            if (!LPathPrefix.Equals(""))
                LPathPrefix = "/" + LPathPrefix;
            String LPortString = "";

            if (LPort > 0)
                LPortString = ":" + Convert.ToInt32(LPort);
            if (command.getRequestType() == DSHTTPRequestType.GET ||
                command.getRequestType() == DSHTTPRequestType.DELETE)
                LMethodName = LMethodName.Substring(0, LMethodName.IndexOf(".")) + "/" + LMethodName.Substring(LMethodName.IndexOf(".") + 1);
                LMethodName = LMethodName.Replace("\"", "");
                LMethodName = LMethodName.Substring(0, LMethodName.IndexOf(".")) + "/%22" + LMethodName.Substring(LMethodName.IndexOf(".") + 1) + "%22";
                LMethodName = LMethodName.Replace("\"", "%22");
            String LContext = getContext();

            if (LContext.Equals(""))
                LContext = "datasnap/";
            String LUrl = LProtocol + "://" +
                          encodeURIComponent(LHost) + LPortString + LPathPrefix + "/" + LContext + "rest/" + LMethodName + "/";

            SessionID = getSessionID();
Exemplo n.º 2
   	 * Collects all the informations contained in this object like the target
   	 * host, the protocol; the more information contained in
   	 * {@link DSRESTCommand} input parameter as the type of request, the method
   	 * to call then to return the url to run
   	 * @param the
   	 *            specific DSRESTCommand
   	 * @return a requested url
 private String BuildRequestURL(DSRESTCommand command)
     String LPathPrefix = getUrlPath();
     int LPort = getPort();
     String LHost = getHost();
     String LMethodName = command.getText();
     String LProtocol = getProtocol();
     if (LProtocol.Equals(""))
         LProtocol = "http";
     if (LHost.Equals(""))
         LHost = "localhost";
     if (!LPathPrefix.Equals(""))
         LPathPrefix = "/" + LPathPrefix;
     String LPortString = "";
     if (LPort > 0)
         LPortString = ":" + Convert.ToInt32(LPort);
     if (command.getRequestType() == DSHTTPRequestType.GET
         || command.getRequestType() == DSHTTPRequestType.DELETE)
         LMethodName = LMethodName.Substring(0, LMethodName.IndexOf(".")) + "/" + LMethodName.Substring(LMethodName.IndexOf(".") + 1);
         LMethodName = LMethodName.Replace("\"", "");
         LMethodName = LMethodName.Substring(0, LMethodName.IndexOf(".")) + "/%22" + LMethodName.Substring(LMethodName.IndexOf(".") + 1) + "%22";
         LMethodName = LMethodName.Replace("\"", "%22");
     String LContext = getContext();
     if (LContext.Equals(""))
         LContext = "datasnap/";
     String LUrl = LProtocol + "://" +
             encodeURIComponent(LHost) + LPortString + LPathPrefix + "/" + LContext + "rest/" + LMethodName + "/";
     SessionID = getSessionID();
     return LUrl;
Exemplo n.º 3
         * Execute the request from a specific {@link DSRESTCommand} input, that
         * will contain useful information to construct the URL as the type of
         * request, the method to execute and the parameters to be passed. This
         * information be added to those contained in this object as protocol,
         * target host, context... They form the complete request to execute. This
         * method is need to pass parameters correctly or under the parameter
         * direction, it will be append on the url string or written in the body of
         * the request. Upon receipt of the response will have to check the
         * correctness of the received parameters and set them in the
         * {@link DSRESTCommand}.
         * @param command the specific {@link DSRESTCommand}
         * @param Sender DSAdmin
         * @param callback Delegate
         * @param EXCallback Delegate
        public void execute(DSRESTCommand command, DSAdmin Sender, Delegate callback, Delegate EXCallback = null)
            TJSONArray _parameters = null;
            String URL = BuildRequestURL(command);
            LinkedList<DSRESTParameter> ParametersToSend = new LinkedList<DSRESTParameter>();
            if (command.getParameters().Count > 0)
                foreach (DSRESTParameter parameter in command.getParameters())
                    if (parameter.Direction == DSRESTParamDirection.Input ||
                            parameter.Direction == DSRESTParamDirection.InputOutput)
            if (command.getRequestType() == DSHTTPRequestType.GET ||
                    command.getRequestType() == DSHTTPRequestType.DELETE)
                foreach (DSRESTParameter parameter in ParametersToSend)
                    URL += encodeURIComponent(parameter) + '/';
            else // POST or PUT
                bool CanAddParamsToUrl = true;
                _parameters = new TJSONArray();
                foreach (DSRESTParameter parameter in ParametersToSend)
                    if (CanAddParamsToUrl && isURLParameter(parameter))
                        URL += encodeURIComponent(parameter) + '/';
                    else // add the json rapresentation in the body
                        CanAddParamsToUrl = false;
            HttpWebRequest Client = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(URL + "?" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString());

            HTTPExecutor _executor = null;
                switch (command.getRequestType())
                    case DSHTTPRequestType.GET:
                            _executor = new HTTPGETExecutor(this, Client, command, Sender, callback, EXCallback);
                    case DSHTTPRequestType.DELETE:
                            _executor = new HTTPDELETEExecutor(this, Client, command, Sender, callback, EXCallback);
                    case DSHTTPRequestType.POST:
                            _executor = new HTTPPOSTExecutor(this, Client, command, Sender, callback, EXCallback, _parameters);
                    case DSHTTPRequestType.PUT:
                            _executor = new HTTPPUTExecutor(this, Client, command, Sender, callback, EXCallback, _parameters);
                    default: { break; }

                if (_executor != null)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new DBXException(ex.Message);
            catch (DBXException e)
                throw new DBXException(e.Message);
Exemplo n.º 4
         * Execute the request from a specific {@link DSRESTCommand} input, that
         * will contain useful information to construct the URL as the type of
         * request, the method to execute and the parameters to be passed. This
         * information be added to those contained in this object as protocol,
         * target host, context... They form the complete request to execute. This
         * method is need to pass parameters correctly or under the parameter
         * direction, it will be append on the url string or written in the body of
         * the request. Upon receipt of the response will have to check the
         * correctness of the received parameters and set them in the
         * {@link DSRESTCommand}.
         * @param command the specific {@link DSRESTCommand}
         * @param Sender DSAdmin
         * @param callback Delegate
         * @param EXCallback Delegate
        public void execute(DSRESTCommand command, DSAdmin Sender, Delegate callback, Delegate EXCallback = null)
            TJSONArray _parameters = null;
            String     URL         = BuildRequestURL(command);
            LinkedList <DSRESTParameter> ParametersToSend = new LinkedList <DSRESTParameter>();

            if (command.getParameters().Count > 0)
                foreach (DSRESTParameter parameter in command.getParameters())
                    if (parameter.Direction == DSRESTParamDirection.Input ||
                        parameter.Direction == DSRESTParamDirection.InputOutput)
            if (command.getRequestType() == DSHTTPRequestType.GET ||
                command.getRequestType() == DSHTTPRequestType.DELETE)
                foreach (DSRESTParameter parameter in ParametersToSend)
                    URL += encodeURIComponent(parameter) + '/';
            else // POST or PUT
                bool CanAddParamsToUrl = true;
                _parameters = new TJSONArray();
                foreach (DSRESTParameter parameter in ParametersToSend)
                    if (CanAddParamsToUrl && isURLParameter(parameter))
                        URL += encodeURIComponent(parameter) + '/';
                    else // add the json rapresentation in the body
                        CanAddParamsToUrl = false;
            HttpWebRequest Client = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(URL + "?" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString());

            HTTPExecutor _executor = null;

                switch (command.getRequestType())
                case DSHTTPRequestType.GET:
                    _executor = new HTTPGETExecutor(this, Client, command, Sender, callback, EXCallback);

                case DSHTTPRequestType.DELETE:
                    _executor = new HTTPDELETEExecutor(this, Client, command, Sender, callback, EXCallback);

                case DSHTTPRequestType.POST:
                    _executor = new HTTPPOSTExecutor(this, Client, command, Sender, callback, EXCallback, _parameters);

                case DSHTTPRequestType.PUT:
                    _executor = new HTTPPUTExecutor(this, Client, command, Sender, callback, EXCallback, _parameters);

                default: { break; }

                if (_executor != null)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new DBXException(ex.Message);
            catch (DBXException e)
                throw new DBXException(e.Message);