Exemplo n.º 1
        private void btnImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog o = new OpenFileDialog();
            o.CheckFileExists = true;
            o.Filter = "Supported images |*.png;*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.tif;*.tiff;*.gif;*.ico;*.icon|" +
                       "BitMaP (*.bmp)|*.bmp|" +
                       "Portable Network Graphic (*.png)|*.png|" +
                       "JPEG (*.jpg)|*.jpg;*.jpeg|" +
                       "Tagged Image File Format (*.tiff)|*.tiff;*.tif|" +
                       "Graphic Interchange Format (*.gif)|*.gif|" +
                       "Icon (*.ico)|*.ico;*.icon";
            o.Multiselect = false;
            if (o.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)

            Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(o.FileName);

            // Get tiles + palette from the current image
            byte[] tiles = new byte[0];
            Color[] pal = new Color[0];

            if (radioOriginalPal.Checked)
                BMP bmp = new BMP(o.FileName);
                tiles = bmp.Tiles;
                pal = bmp.Palette.Palette[0];
                try { Actions.Indexed_Image(bitmap, image.FormatColor, out tiles, out pal); }
                catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return; }

            // Swap palettes if "Swap palette" is checked. Try to change the colors to the old palette
            if (radioSwapPal.Checked)
                try { Actions.Swap_Palette(ref tiles, palette.Palette[(int)numPal.Value], pal, image.FormatColor); }
                catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return; }

            // If the tile form is horizontal convert to it
            if (image.FormTile == TileForm.Horizontal || isMap)
                tiles = Actions.HorizontalToLineal(tiles, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, image.BPP, 8);
                image.FormTile = TileForm.Horizontal;

            // Create a map file
            if (isMap && checkMapCmp.Checked)
                map.Set_Map(Actions.Create_Map(ref tiles, image.BPP, image.TileSize), map.CanEdit, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
            else if (isMap)
                int num_tiles = (tiles.Length * 8 / image.BPP) / (image.TileSize * image.TileSize);
                map.Set_Map(Actions.Create_BasicMap(num_tiles), map.CanEdit);

            // Set the data
            image.Set_Tiles(tiles, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height, image.FormatColor, image.FormTile, image.CanEdit, 8);

            if (radioReplacePal.Checked)
                palette.Set_Palette(pal, (int)numPal.Value);

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void Import_File(string path, int banki)
            Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(path);
            Console.WriteLine("Importing image {0} to bank {1}", path, banki.ToString());

            OAM[] oams = (OAM[])sprite.Banks[banki].oams.Clone();
            Color[][] pals = (Color[][])palette.Palette.Clone();
            byte[] imgData = (byte[])image.Tiles.Clone();

            // Get data from image
            byte[] tiles = new byte[0];
            Color[] pal = new Color[0];

            if (radioOriginalPal.Checked)
                BMP bmp = new BMP(path);
                tiles = bmp.Tiles;
                if (image.FormatColor != bmp.FormatColor)
                    if (image.FormatColor == ColorFormat.colors16)
                        tiles = Helper.BitsConverter.Bits4ToByte(tiles);
                    else if (image.FormatColor == ColorFormat.colors256)
                        tiles = Helper.BitsConverter.BytesToBit4(tiles);
                pal = bmp.Palette.Palette[0];

            uint addedSize = 0;

            // Get the data of a oam and add to the end of the image
            for (int i = 0; i < oams.Length; i++)
                if (!checkListOAM.GetItemChecked(i))

                Console.WriteLine("Processing cell {0}", oams[i].num_cell.ToString());
                byte[] cellImg;
                if (!radioOriginalPal.Checked)
                    Bitmap subImg = (Bitmap)bitmap.Clone(new Rectangle(
                        oams[i].obj1.xOffset + 256, oams[i].obj0.yOffset + 128,
                        oams[i].width, oams[i].height),
                    Actions.Indexed_Image(subImg, image.FormatColor, out cellImg, out pal);
                    cellImg = Actions.Get_OAMdata(oams[i], tiles, image.FormatColor);

                // Swap palettes if "Swap palette" is checked. Try to change the colors to the old palette
                if (radioSwapPal.Checked)
                    try { Actions.Swap_Palette(ref cellImg, palette.Palette[oams[i].obj2.index_palette], pal, image.FormatColor, numThreshold.Value); }
                    catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); return; }
                else if (radioReplacePal.Checked) // Set the palette
                    pals[oams[i].obj2.index_palette] = pal;

                if (image.FormTile == TileForm.Horizontal)
                    cellImg = Actions.HorizontalToLineal(cellImg, oams[i].width, oams[i].height, image.BPP, 8);

                // If Add image is checked add the new image to the end of the original file and change the tileOffset
                if (radioImgAdd.Checked)
                    uint added = 0;
                    uint size = (sprite.Banks[banki].data_size > 0) ? sprite.Banks[banki].data_size + addedSize : (uint)imgData.Length;
                    uint offset = Actions.Add_Image(ref imgData, cellImg, sprite.Banks[banki].data_offset, size, (uint)(0x20 << (int)sprite.BlockSize), out added) - sprite.Banks[banki].data_offset;
                    addedSize += added;

                    offset = (offset / 0x20) >> (int)this.sprite.BlockSize;
                    if (offset >= 0x400)
                            "The characters data size has exceeded the boundaries of what is permitted!\r\nSome characters will not be displayed.");

                    oams[i].obj2.tileOffset = offset;
                    oams[i].obj1.flipX = 0;
                    oams[i].obj1.flipY = 0;
                else   // Replace the old image
                    uint tileOffset = oams[i].obj2.tileOffset;
                    tileOffset = (uint)(tileOffset << (byte)sprite.BlockSize) * 0x20 + sprite.Banks[banki].data_offset;
                    Array.Copy(cellImg, 0, imgData, tileOffset, cellImg.Length);

            if (sprite.Banks[banki].data_size > 0)
                sprite.Banks[banki].data_size += addedSize;
                for (int i = banki + 1; i < sprite.Banks.Length; i++) sprite.Banks[i].data_offset += addedSize;

            // If everthing goes right then set the new data
            int height = (imgData.Length * 8 / image.BPP) / image.Width;
            image.Set_Tiles(imgData, image.Width, height, image.FormatColor, image.FormTile, image.CanEdit);
            sprite.Banks[banki].oams = oams;

            bitmap = null;