Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public static void Main(string[] argv)
            if (argv.Length != 1)
                log.Info("Usage: java AceDomReader <APF file>");
            File        f   = new File(argv[0]);
            AceDocument doc = ParseDocument(f);

            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Processed ACE document:\n" + doc);
            List <List <AceRelationMention> > r = doc.GetAllRelationMentions();

            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("size: " + r.Count);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Detects the head word of this mention
        /// Heuristic:
        /// (a) the last token in mHead, if there are no prepositions
        /// (b) the last word before the first preposition
        /// Note: the mHead must be already matched against tokens!
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void DetectHeadToken(AceDocument doc)
            List <int> preps = new List <int>();

            for (int i = mHead.GetTokenStart(); i <= mHead.GetTokenEnd(); i++)
                // found a prep
                if (Contains(preps, doc.GetToken(i).GetPos()) && i > mHead.GetTokenStart())
                    mHeadTokenPosition = i - 1;
            // set as the last word in mHead
            mHeadTokenPosition = mHead.GetTokenEnd();
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>Extracts info about one relation mention</summary>
        private static AceEventMention ParseEventMention(INode node, AceDocument doc)
            string     id     = GetAttributeValue(node, "ID");
            AceCharSeq extent = ParseCharSeq(GetChildByName(node, "extent"));
            AceCharSeq anchor = ParseCharSeq(GetChildByName(node, "anchor"));
            // create the mention
            AceEventMention mention = new AceEventMention(id, extent, anchor);
            // find the mention args
            IList <INode> args = GetChildrenByName(node, "event_mention_argument");

            foreach (INode arg in args)
                string           role  = GetAttributeValue(arg, "ROLE");
                string           refid = GetAttributeValue(arg, "REFID");
                AceEntityMention am    = doc.GetEntityMention(refid);
                if (am != null)
                    mention.AddArg(am, role);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>Extracts info about one relation mention</summary>
        private static AceRelationMention ParseRelationMention(INode node, AceDocument doc)
            string     id     = GetAttributeValue(node, "ID");
            AceCharSeq extent = ParseCharSeq(GetChildByName(node, "extent"));
            string     lc     = GetAttributeValue(node, "LEXICALCONDITION");
            // create the mention
            AceRelationMention mention = new AceRelationMention(id, extent, lc);
            // find the mention args
            IList <INode> args = GetChildrenByName(node, "relation_mention_argument");

            foreach (INode arg in args)
                string           role  = GetAttributeValue(arg, "ROLE");
                string           refid = GetAttributeValue(arg, "REFID");
                AceEntityMention am    = doc.GetEntityMention(refid);
                if (am != null)
                    if (Sharpen.Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(role, "arg-1"))
                        mention.GetArgs()[0] = new AceRelationMentionArgument(role, am);
                        if (Sharpen.Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(role, "arg-2"))
                            mention.GetArgs()[1] = new AceRelationMentionArgument(role, am);
                            throw new Exception("Invalid relation mention argument role: " + role);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>Parses one ACE specification</summary>
        /// <returns>Simply displays the events to stdout</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        /// <exception cref="Org.Xml.Sax.SAXException"/>
        /// <exception cref="Javax.Xml.Parsers.ParserConfigurationException"/>
        public static AceDocument ParseDocument(File f)
            // parse the Dom document
            IDocument document = ReadDocument(f);
            // create the ACE document object
            INode       docElement = document.GetElementsByTagName("document").Item(0);
            AceDocument aceDoc     = new AceDocument(GetAttributeValue(docElement, "DOCID"));
            // read all entities
            INodeList entities    = document.GetElementsByTagName("entity");
            int       entityCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < entities.GetLength(); i++)
                INode node = entities.Item(i);
                // the entity type and subtype
                string id      = GetAttributeValue(node, "ID");
                string type    = GetAttributeValue(node, "TYPE");
                string subtype = GetAttributeValue(node, "SUBTYPE");
                string cls     = GetAttributeValue(node, "CLASS");
                // create the entity
                AceEntity entity = new AceEntity(id, type, subtype, cls);
                // fetch all mentions of this event
                IList <INode> mentions = GetChildrenByName(node, "entity_mention");
                // parse all its mentions
                foreach (INode mention1 in mentions)
                    AceEntityMention mention = ParseEntityMention(mention1);
            //log.info("Parsed " + entityCount + " XML entities.");
            // read all relations
            INodeList relations = document.GetElementsByTagName("relation");

            for (int i_1 = 0; i_1 < relations.GetLength(); i_1++)
                INode node = relations.Item(i_1);
                // the relation type, subtype, tense, and modality
                string id       = GetAttributeValue(node, "ID");
                string type     = GetAttributeValue(node, "TYPE");
                string subtype  = GetAttributeValue(node, "SUBTYPE");
                string modality = GetAttributeValue(node, "MODALITY");
                string tense    = GetAttributeValue(node, "TENSE");
                // create the relation
                AceRelation relation = new AceRelation(id, type, subtype, modality, tense);
                // XXX: fetch relation_arguments here!
                // fetch all mentions of this relation
                IList <INode> mentions = GetChildrenByName(node, "relation_mention");
                // traverse all mentions
                foreach (INode mention1 in mentions)
                    AceRelationMention mention = ParseRelationMention(mention1, aceDoc);
            // read all events
            INodeList events = document.GetElementsByTagName("event");

            for (int i_2 = 0; i_2 < events.GetLength(); i_2++)
                INode node = events.Item(i_2);
                // the event type, subtype, tense, and modality
                string id         = GetAttributeValue(node, "ID");
                string type       = GetAttributeValue(node, "TYPE");
                string subtype    = GetAttributeValue(node, "SUBTYPE");
                string modality   = GetAttributeValue(node, "MODALITY");
                string polarity   = GetAttributeValue(node, "POLARITY");
                string genericity = GetAttributeValue(node, "GENERICITY");
                string tense      = GetAttributeValue(node, "TENSE");
                // create the event
                AceEvent @event = new AceEvent(id, type, subtype, modality, polarity, genericity, tense);
                // fetch all mentions of this relation
                IList <INode> mentions = GetChildrenByName(node, "event_mention");
                // traverse all mentions
                foreach (INode mention1 in mentions)
                    AceEventMention mention = ParseEventMention(mention1, aceDoc);
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>Fetches the id of the sentence that contains this mention</summary>
 public virtual int GetSentence(AceDocument doc)