Exemplo n.º 1
        public static MetaEntityTypeStore Parse(EdmxFile file, string fullName, MetaEntitySetStore entitySetStore = null)
            var xEl = file.Storage.D("EntityType").WithName(fullName.LastPart());

            if (xEl != null)
                var m = new MetaEntityTypeStore();

                m.FullName = fullName;
                m.Name = fullName.LastPart();
                m.EntitySetStore = entitySetStore;

                var keyNames = (from k in xEl.D("PropertyRef") select k.Att("Name")).ToList();

                m.PropertiesStores = (from p in xEl.D("Property")
                                       select new MetaPropertyStore()
                                              		FullName = fullName + '.' + p.Att("Name"),
                                                    Name = p.Att("Name"),
                                                    Nullable = p.Att("Nullable") == "true",
                                                    Type = p.Att("Type"),
                                                    EntityTypeStore = m,
                                                    isKey = keyNames.Contains(p.Att("Name"))

                return m;

            return null;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///	Links a MetaEntityType with a MetaEntityTypeStore all the way down do the properties.
        /// </summary>
        /// <example>
        ///		Mapping Xml:
        ///		<![CDATA[
        ///    <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="Movies.Movie">
        ///      <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="movies">
        ///        <ScalarProperty Name="GenreId" ColumnName="genre_id" />
        ///        <ScalarProperty Name="Published" ColumnName="published" />
        ///        <ScalarProperty Name="Synopsis" ColumnName="synopsis" />
        ///        <ScalarProperty Name="Name" ColumnName="name" />
        ///        <ScalarProperty Name="Id" ColumnName="movie_id" />
        ///        <ComplexProperty Name="Shooting">
        ///          <ScalarProperty Name="Country" ColumnName="shooting_country" />
        ///          <ScalarProperty Name="State" ColumnName="shooting_state" />
        ///          <ScalarProperty Name="City" ColumnName="shooting_city" />
        ///        </ComplexProperty>
        ///      </MappingFragment>
        ///    </EntityTypeMapping>
        ///		]]>
        /// </example>
        public static void Link(MetaEntityType et, MetaEntityTypeStore ets, XElement mapping)
            var propDic = (from prop in et.Properties select prop).ToDictionary(k => k.Name);
            var stPropDic = (from prop in ets.PropertiesStores select prop).ToDictionary(k => k.Name);

            foreach (var scP in mapping.d("ScalarProperty"))
                MetaScalarProperty.Link(propDic[scP.Att("Name")], stPropDic[scP.Att("ColumnName")]);

            var cPropDic = (from prop in et.ComplexProperties select prop).ToDictionary(k => k.Name);
            var stCPropDic = (from prop in ets.PropertyStores select prop).ToDictionary(k => k.Name);

            foreach (var scP in mapping.d("ComplexProperty"))
                MetaScalarProperty.Link(propDic[scP.Att("Name")], stPropDic[scP.Att("ColumnName")]);
             * */