Exemplo n.º 1
 // clear the serial buffer
 public void flushSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer serialport)
Exemplo n.º 2
        // processData. processData assembles the frames and calls to transitionAction
        public void processData(SerialBuffer sBuffer)
            int i;

            int numBytesToRead = sBuffer.bytesAvailable(); // let's see what we 've got...

                if (remainingBytes == 0)     // previous frame was fully read
                    if (numBytesToRead >= 6) // nead at least 6 bytes to read frame header
                    // get the first 6 bytes (starter(1)+sender-receiverid(2)+frame type(1)+payload length (2))
                    // reading first 6 bytes into FrameHead

                        sBuffer.readBytes(FrameHead, 6);
                        // now cheking for framestarter character mismatch
                        if (FrameHead[0] != framestarter)
                        else     // reamaining bytes should be the payload length plus the terminator and two CRC bytes
                            remainingBytes = FrameHead[4] + FrameHead[5] * 256 + 3;
                else if (numBytesToRead >= remainingBytes)
                {                                           // it's time to get the remaining frame(s)
                    int    totalBytes = remainingBytes + 6; // calculate total length
                    byte[] buffer     = new byte[totalBytes];
                    byte[] remBuffer  = new byte[remainingBytes];
                    // now reading remaining bytes as estimated using the frame header
                    // going altogether
                    sBuffer.readBytes(remBuffer, remainingBytes);

                    // tailoring bufhead and rembuffer into buffer

                    for (i = 0; i < totalBytes; i++)
                        if (i < 6)
                            buffer[i] = FrameHead[i];
                            buffer[i] = remBuffer[i - 6];

                    // now handling the message...
                    // checking terminator and CRC
                    ushort CRC = (ushort)(buffer[totalBytes - 2] + 256 * buffer[totalBytes - 1]);

                    if ((buffer[totalBytes - 3] == frameterminator) && (checkCRC(buffer, totalBytes - 2, CRC)))
                        EZFrame frame = bytes2Frame(buffer);
                        // done
                        if (frame.ReceiverID == NodeID) // packet addressed to this node
                            transitionAction(frame);    // change internal state and act

                    // clearing remaining bytes
                    remainingBytes = 0;

                numBytesToRead = sBuffer.bytesAvailable();
            } while ((numBytesToRead >= remainingBytes) && (remainingBytes > 0));
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Constructor
        public EZRoboNetDevice(byte node_id, byte node_type)
            NodeID      = node_id;
            DevNodeType = node_type;
            // initializing the CommPort and CommPortBuffer
            CommPortBuffer                  = new SerialBuffer();
            CommPort                        = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort("COM1");
            CommPort.BaudRate               = 19200;
            CommPort.WriteBufferSize        = 10000;
            CommPort.ReadBufferSize         = 10000;
            CommPort.Parity                 = System.IO.Ports.Parity.None;
            CommPort.Handshake              = System.IO.Ports.Handshake.None;
            CommPort.StopBits               = System.IO.Ports.StopBits.One;
            CommPort.ReceivedBytesThreshold = 2;
            CommPort.DataReceived          += this.SerialDataReceived;

            // Initializing the Timer
            SyncTimer          = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); // 10 msec interval
            SyncTimer.Interval = 30;                               // 10 msec interval
            SyncTimer.Tick    += SyncTimerTick;
            // initializing state
            state = stIdle;
            // flags
            PacketSendTimeout    = false;
            PacketReceiveTimeout = false;
            PacketQueueOverflow  = false;

            // incoming data processing globals
            remainingBytes = 0;
            FrameHead      = new byte[6];

            // initializing array of incomplete packets
            IncompletePackets = new EZStationPacketFSM[MAX_RECEIVED_PACKETS_NUM];
            // null-ing all entries
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < MAX_RECEIVED_PACKETS_NUM; i++)
                IncompletePackets[i] = null;
            IncompletePacketsNum = 0;

            // initializing array of received packets
            ReceivedPackets    = new EZPacket[MAX_RECEIVED_PACKETS_NUM];
            ReceivedPacketsNum = 0;

            // initializing array of outbound packets
            OutboundPackets    = new EZPacket[MAX_OUTBOUND_PACKETS_NUM];
            OutboundPacketsNum = 0;

            // initializing entity list. No entities registered yet
            EntityList = new RoboEntity[MAX_ENTITY_NUM];

            for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENTITY_NUM; i++)
                EntityList[i] = null;
            EntityNum = 0;

            // starting the NetDevice (opening serial port and starting timer)