Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void OnClick()
            Folder folderMapItem = new Folder();
            MapDisplay mdisp = ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Application.Application.ActiveMapDisplay;

            //use this to change the projections 35,-106
            FeatureLayer proj = FeatureLayer.OpenShapefile("C:\\Documents and Settings\\user\\My Documents\\dbox\\Dropbox\\Public\\GISdata\\forProjection.shp");
            // Path for Windows 7: FeatureLayer proj = FeatureLayer.OpenShapefile("C:\\Users\\user\\Dropbox\\Public\\GISdata\\forProjection.shp");
            mdisp.CoordinateSystem2D = proj.CoordinateSystem;
            string center = mdisp.Center.ToString();
            folderMapItem.Name = "Close To Me";
            string[] c = center.Split(null);
            String lon = c[3];
            String lat = c[6];

            MongoClient client = new MongoClient(); // connect to localhost. Deploy at: "mongodb://"
            MongoServer server = client.GetServer();
            MongoDatabase db = server.GetDatabase("rtcc");

            var collection = db.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("cnau");

            var query = Query.Near("loc", double.Parse(c[3]), double.Parse(c[6]));
            //var cursor = collection.Find(query); Put this in foreach so dont need it anymore.

            foreach (BsonDocument item in collection.Find(query).SetLimit(5))
                BsonElement loc = item.GetElement("loc");
                string g = loc.Value.ToString();
                string x = g.Trim(new Char[] { '[', ']' });
                String[] a = x.Split(',');
               // BsonElement name = item.GetElement("name"); Work for all indexes in MongoDB
                // Pass the other data to the notes popups below

                ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Geometry.Point mypoint = new ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Geometry.Point(double.Parse(a[0]), double.Parse(a[1]));

                // Create a Note using the Point geometry.
                Note mypointNote = new Note("MyNote", mypoint, Symbol.Marker.Pushpin.Orange);

                // Populate the Note popup with information about the Point geometry using the ToString method.
                StringBuilder info = new StringBuilder(@"<p><a href=""http://google.com"">Google</a></p>");
                info.AppendLine(@"<p>" + mypoint.ToString() + @"</p>");

                //MapDisplay disp = ESRI.ArcGISExplorer.Application.Application.ActiveMapDisplay;
                mypointNote.Popup.Content = info.ToString();

                // Add the Note to the current Map.


Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes footprint envelope for a metadata record
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="record">CswRecord object</param>
        /// <returns>envelope polygon</returns>
        private AGXG.Polygon makeFootPrint(CswRecord record)

            AGXG.Envelope envelope = new AGXG.Envelope();
                envelope.XMax = record.BoundingBox.Maxx;
                envelope.YMax = record.BoundingBox.Maxy;
                envelope.XMin = record.BoundingBox.Minx;
                envelope.YMin = record.BoundingBox.Miny;
            catch (System.ArgumentException e)
                    envelope.XMax = record.BoundingBox.Minx;
                    envelope.YMax = record.BoundingBox.Maxy;
                    envelope.XMin = record.BoundingBox.Maxx;
                    envelope.YMin = record.BoundingBox.Miny;
                catch (System.ArgumentException e1)
                        envelope.XMax = record.BoundingBox.Minx;
                        envelope.YMax = record.BoundingBox.Miny;
                        envelope.XMin = record.BoundingBox.Maxx;
                        envelope.YMin = record.BoundingBox.Maxy;
                    catch (System.ArgumentException e2)
                        envelope.XMax = record.BoundingBox.Maxx;
                        envelope.YMax = record.BoundingBox.Miny;
                        envelope.XMin = record.BoundingBox.Minx;
                        envelope.YMin = record.BoundingBox.Maxy;


            AGXG.Point p1 = new AGXG.Point();
            p1.SetCoordinates(record.BoundingBox.Maxx, record.BoundingBox.Maxy);

            AGXG.Point p2 = new AGXG.Point();
            p2.SetCoordinates(record.BoundingBox.Maxx, record.BoundingBox.Miny);

            AGXG.Point p3 = new AGXG.Point();
            p3.SetCoordinates(record.BoundingBox.Minx, record.BoundingBox.Miny);

            AGXG.Point p4 = new AGXG.Point();
            p4.SetCoordinates(record.BoundingBox.Minx, record.BoundingBox.Maxy);

            AGXG.Polygon footPrint = new AGXG.Polygon();

            return footPrint;