/// <summary> Retrieves all related entities of type 'LocationEntity' using a relation of type '1:n'.</summary>
		/// <param name="forceFetch">if true, it will discard any changes currently in the collection and will rerun the complete query instead</param>
		/// <param name="entityFactoryToUse">The entity factory to use for the GetMultiManyToOne() routine.</param>
		/// <param name="filter">Extra filter to limit the resultset.</param>
		/// <returns>Filled collection with all related entities of the type constructed by the passed in entity factory</returns>
		public virtual EPICCentralDL.CollectionClasses.LocationCollection GetMultiLocations(bool forceFetch, IEntityFactory entityFactoryToUse, IPredicateExpression filter)
 			if( ( !_alreadyFetchedLocations || forceFetch || _alwaysFetchLocations) && !this.IsSerializing && !this.IsDeserializing && !this.InDesignMode)
				_locations.EntityFactoryToUse = entityFactoryToUse;
				_locations.GetMultiManyToOne(this, filter);
				_alreadyFetchedLocations = true;
			return _locations;