Exemplo n.º 1
        public NeuralNet(NeuralNet net1, NeuralNet net2, float mutationRate)
            // Creates a network from crossing over two parent networks, with a chance of mutation

            NeuralNet[] parents = { net1, net2 };
            layers = new int[net1.layers.Length];
            List <float[]>   neuronList = new List <float[]>();
            List <float[]>   biasList   = new List <float[]>();
            List <float[][]> weightList = new List <float[][]>();

            for (int i = 0; i < layers.Length; i++)
                layers[i] = net1.layers[i];
                neuronList.Add(new float[layers[i]]);
                float[]        bias            = new float[layers[i]];
                List <float[]> layerWeightList = new List <float[]>();

                for (int j = 0; j < layers[i]; j++)
                    // Choose a random parent's bias
                    bias[j] = Rand.Choice(parents).biases[i][j];
                    // A small chance of slightly mutating the bias
                    if (Rand.Range(1f) < mutationRate)
                        bias[j] = Math.Max(-0.5f, Math.Min(0.5f, bias[j] + Rand.Range(-0.1f, 0.1f)));

                    if (i > 0)
                        float[] neuronWeights = new float[layers[i - 1]];
                        for (int k = 0; k < layers[i - 1]; k++)
                            // Choose a random parent's weight
                            neuronWeights[k] = Rand.Choice(parents).weights[i - 1][j][k];
                            // A small chance of slightly mutating the weight
                            if (Rand.Range(1f) < mutationRate)
                                neuronWeights[k] = Math.Max(-0.5f, Math.Min(0.5f, neuronWeights[k] + Rand.Range(-0.1f, 0.1f)));

                if (i > 0)

            neurons = neuronList.ToArray();
            biases  = biasList.ToArray();
            weights = weightList.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 2
 public Creature(Vector2 _position, string _name, Simulation _sim, Color _color, NeuralNet _network, int _generation) : base(_position)
     // Constructs a creature using given network, colour, and generation
     name       = _name;
     generation = _generation;
     color      = _color;
     sim        = _sim;
     network    = new NeuralNet(13, sim.settings.hiddenLayerCount, sim.settings.hiddenLayerSize, 4);
     energy     = sim.settings.maxEnergy / 2;
     scale      = 0.1f;
     rotation   = Rand.Range(360);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public Creature(Vector2 _position, string _name, Simulation _sim) : base(_position)
     // Constructs a creature using a random network, colour, and starting at generation 0
     name       = _name;
     generation = 0;
     color      = Rand.RandColor();
     sim        = _sim;
     network    = new NeuralNet(13, sim.settings.hiddenLayerCount, sim.settings.hiddenLayerSize, 4);
     energy     = sim.settings.maxEnergy / 2;
     scale      = 0.1f;
     rotation   = Rand.Range(360);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public CreatureSave(Creature creature)
     name              = creature.name;
     network           = creature.network;
     x                 = creature.position.X;
     y                 = creature.position.Y;
     childrenCount     = creature.childrenCount;
     generation        = creature.generation;
     age               = creature.age;
     reproductionTimer = creature.reproductionTimer;
     energy            = creature.energy;
     colorValue        = creature.color.PackedValue;
     rotation          = creature.rotation;
     scale             = creature.scale;