Exemplo n.º 1
        // not called..

        private JArray Path2JSON(AStar AS)
            JArray ja      = new JArray();
            Node   oldnode = null;

            foreach (Node n in AS.PathByNodes)
                JObject jo = new JObject();

                double dist = 0;

                if (oldnode != null)
                    dist = SystemData.Distance(n.System, oldnode.System);

                oldnode    = n;
                jo["name"] = n.System.name;
                //jo.Add("name", n.Name);
                jo["x"]    = n.X;
                jo["y"]    = n.Y;
                jo["z"]    = n.Z;
                jo["dist"] = Math.Round(dist * 100) / 100;


            // serialize JSON directly to a file
            using (StreamWriter file = File.CreateText(@"route.json"))
                JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
                serializer.Serialize(file, ja);

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void AddHistoryRow(bool insert, SystemPosition item, SystemPosition item2)
            SystemClass sys1 = null, sys2;
            double      dist;

            sys1 = SystemData.GetSystem(item.Name);
            if (sys1 == null)
                sys1 = new SystemClass(item.Name);
                if (SQLiteDBClass.globalSystemNotes.ContainsKey(sys1.SearchName))
                    sys1.Note = SQLiteDBClass.globalSystemNotes[sys1.SearchName].Note;
            if (item2 != null)
                sys2 = SystemData.GetSystem(item2.Name);
                if (sys2 == null)
                    sys2 = new SystemClass(item2.Name);
                sys2 = null;

            item.curSystem  = sys1;
            item.prevSystem = sys2;
            if (!insert)
                if (item.vs == null)
                    SystemPosition known = visitedSystems.First(x => x.Name == item.Name);
                    if (known != null)
                        item.vs = known.vs;

            string diststr = "";

            dist = 0;
            if (sys2 != null)
                if (sys1.HasCoordinate && sys2.HasCoordinate)
                    dist = SystemData.Distance(sys1, sys2);
                    dist = DistanceClass.Distance(sys1, sys2);

                if (dist > 0)
                    diststr = dist.ToString("0.00");

            item.strDistance = diststr;

            //richTextBox_History.AppendText(item.time + " " + item.Name + Environment.NewLine);

            object[] rowobj = { item.time, item.Name, diststr, item.curSystem.Note, "█" };
            int      rownr;

            if (insert)
                dataGridViewTravel.Rows.Insert(0, rowobj);
                rownr = 0;
                rownr = dataGridViewTravel.Rows.Count - 1;

            var cell = dataGridViewTravel.Rows[rownr].Cells[1];

            cell.Tag = item;

            dataGridViewTravel.Rows[rownr].DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = (sys1.HasCoordinate) ? _discoveryForm.theme.VisitedSystemColor : _discoveryForm.theme.NonVisitedSystemColor;

            cell = dataGridViewTravel.Rows[rownr].Cells[4];
            cell.Style.ForeColor = (item.vs == null) ? Color.FromArgb(defaultMapColour) : Color.FromArgb(item.vs.MapColour);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void RunTrilaterationWorker()
            var systemsEntries = new Dictionary <SystemClass, Trilateration.Entry>();

            for (int i = 0, count = dataGridViewDistances.Rows.Count - 1; i < count; i++)
                var systemCell   = dataGridViewDistances[0, i];
                var distanceCell = dataGridViewDistances[1, i];

                if (systemCell.Tag == null || distanceCell.Value == null)

                var system = (SystemClass)systemCell.Tag;
                if (system != null && system.HasCoordinate)
                    var culture  = new CultureInfo("en-US");
                    var distance = double.Parse(distanceCell.Value.ToString().Replace(",", "."), culture);

                    var entry = new Trilateration.Entry(system.x, system.y, system.z, distance);

                    systemsEntries.Add(system, entry);

            if (systemsEntries.Count < 3)

            Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
                LogText("Starting trilateration..." + Environment.NewLine);
                labelStatus.Text      = "Calculating…";
                labelStatus.BackColor = Color.Gold;

            var trilateration = new Trilateration {
                Logger = Console.WriteLine

            foreach (var item in systemsEntries)

            //var trilaterationResultCS = trilateration.RunCSharp();
            var trilaterationAlgorithm = radioButtonAlgorithmJs.Checked
                ? Trilateration.Algorithm.RedWizzard_Emulated
                : Trilateration.Algorithm.RedWizzard_Native;

            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();


            var trilaterationResult = trilateration.Run(trilaterationAlgorithm);

            var spentTimeString = (stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0).ToString("0.0000") + "ms";

            lastTrilatelationResult  = trilaterationResult;
            lastTrilatelationEntries = systemsEntries;

            if (trilaterationResult.State == Trilateration.ResultState.Exact)
                Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
                    SystemClass s1, s2, s3;

                    s1 = SystemData.GetSystem("Sol");
                    s2 = SystemData.GetSystem("Sagittarius A*");
                    s3 = new SystemClass();

                    s3.x = trilaterationResult.Coordinate.X;
                    s3.y = trilaterationResult.Coordinate.Y;
                    s3.z = trilaterationResult.Coordinate.Z;

                    LogText("Trilateration successful (" + spentTimeString + "), exact coordinates found." + Environment.NewLine);
                    LogText("x=" + trilaterationResult.Coordinate.X + ", y=" + trilaterationResult.Coordinate.Y + ", z=" + trilaterationResult.Coordinate.Z + " Sol: " + SystemData.Distance(s1, s3).ToString("0.0") + " Sag A* " + SystemData.Distance(s2, s3).ToString("0.0") + Environment.NewLine);
                    labelStatus.Text      = "Success, coordinates found!";
                    labelStatus.BackColor = Color.LawnGreen;
            else if (trilaterationResult.State == Trilateration.ResultState.NotExact || trilaterationResult.State == Trilateration.ResultState.MultipleSolutions)
                Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
                    LogText("Trilateration not successful (" + spentTimeString + "), only approximate coordinates found." + Environment.NewLine);
                    //LogText("x=" + trilaterationResult.Coordinate.X + ", y=" + trilaterationResult.Coordinate.Y + ", z=" + trilaterationResult.Coordinate.Z + Environment.NewLine);
                    LogText("Enter more distances." + Environment.NewLine);
                    labelStatus.Text      = "Enter More Distances";
                    labelStatus.BackColor = Color.Orange;
            else if (trilaterationResult.State == Trilateration.ResultState.NeedMoreDistances)
                Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
                    LogText("Trilateration not successful (" + spentTimeString + "), coordinates not found." + Environment.NewLine);
                    LogText("Enter more distances." + Environment.NewLine);
                    labelStatus.Text      = "Enter More Distances";
                    labelStatus.BackColor = Color.Red;

            // update trilaterated coordinates
            if (trilaterationResult.Coordinate != null)
                Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
                    textBoxCoordinateX.Text = trilaterationResult.Coordinate.X.ToString();
                    textBoxCoordinateY.Text = trilaterationResult.Coordinate.Y.ToString();
                    textBoxCoordinateZ.Text = trilaterationResult.Coordinate.Z.ToString();
                    if (TargetSystem != null)
                        TargetSystem.x = trilaterationResult.Coordinate.X;
                        TargetSystem.y = trilaterationResult.Coordinate.Y;
                        TargetSystem.z = trilaterationResult.Coordinate.Z;
                    toolStripButtonMap.Enabled = (TargetSystem != null);

                var suggestedSystems = GetListOfSuggestedSystems(trilaterationResult.Coordinate.X,
                                                                 trilaterationResult.Coordinate.Z, 16);

                Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => PopulateSuggestedSystems(suggestedSystems)));
                Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
                    textBoxCoordinateX.Text = "?";
                    textBoxCoordinateY.Text = "?";
                    textBoxCoordinateZ.Text = "?";

            //var hasInvalidDistances = false;

            // update dataGrid with calculated distances and status
            var entriesDistances = trilaterationResult.EntriesDistances;

            for (int i = 0, count = dataGridViewDistances.Rows.Count - 1; i < count; i++)
                var systemCell             = dataGridViewDistances[0, i];
                var calculatedDistanceCell = dataGridViewDistances[2, i];
                var statusCell             = dataGridViewDistances[3, i];

                var system = (SystemClass)systemCell.Tag;

                if (system == null)

                if (system.HasCoordinate)
                    calculatedDistanceCell.Value = null;
                    statusCell.Value             = null;
                if (entriesDistances == null || systemCell.Value == null || systemCell.Tag == null)

                if (!systemsEntries.ContainsKey(system)) // calculated without this system, so skip the row

                var systemEntry        = systemsEntries[system];
                var calculatedDistance = entriesDistances[systemEntry];

                calculatedDistanceCell.Value = calculatedDistance.ToString();

                if (systemEntry.Distance == calculatedDistance)
                    calculatedDistanceCell.Style.ForeColor = Color.Green;
                    statusCell.Value           = "OK";
                    statusCell.Style.ForeColor = Color.Green;
                    //hasInvalidDistances = true;
                    calculatedDistanceCell.Style.ForeColor = Color.Salmon;
                    statusCell.Value           = "Wrong distance?";
                    statusCell.Style.ForeColor = Color.Salmon;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void AddHistoryRow(bool insert, SystemPosition item, SystemPosition item2)
            SystemClass sys1 = null, sys2;
            double      dist;

            sys1 = SystemData.GetSystem(item.Name);
            if (sys1 == null)
                sys1 = new SystemClass(item.Name);
                if (SQLiteDBClass.globalSystemNotes.ContainsKey(sys1.SearchName))
                    sys1.Note = SQLiteDBClass.globalSystemNotes[sys1.SearchName].Note;
            if (item2 != null)
                sys2 = SystemData.GetSystem(item2.Name);
                if (sys2 == null)
                    sys2 = new SystemClass(item2.Name);
                sys2 = null;

            item.curSystem  = sys1;
            item.prevSystem = sys2;

            string diststr = "";

            dist = 0;
            if (sys2 != null)
                if (sys1.HasCoordinate && sys2.HasCoordinate)
                    dist = SystemData.Distance(sys1, sys2);
                    dist = DistanceClass.Distance(sys1, sys2);

                if (dist > 0)
                    diststr = dist.ToString("0.00");

            item.strDistance = diststr;

            //richTextBox_History.AppendText(item.time + " " + item.Name + Environment.NewLine);

            object[] rowobj = { item.time, item.Name, diststr, item.curSystem.Note };
            int      rownr;

            if (insert)
                dataGridView1.Rows.Insert(0, rowobj);
                rownr = 0;
                rownr = dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1;

            var cell = dataGridView1.Rows[rownr].Cells[1];

            cell.Tag = item;

            if (!sys1.HasCoordinate)      // Mark all systems without coordinates
                cell.Style.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void Route(string s1, string s2, float maxrange, int mode)
            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            if (lastJumprange != maxrange)
                G = new Graph();
                PrepareNodes(G, out nodes, maxrange, mode);
                //Console.WriteLine("Prepare nodes time: {0}", sw.Elapsed);
                lastJumprange = maxrange;

            AStar AS = new AStar(G);

            Node start, stop;

            start = nodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.System.SearchName == s1.ToLower());
            stop  = nodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.System.SearchName == s2.ToLower());
            bool res;

            if (start == null)
                AppendText("Start system:  " + s1 + " unknown");
            if (stop == null)
                AppendText("Destination system:  " + s2 + " unknown");

            sw = new Stopwatch();

            res = AS.SearchPath(start, stop);

            AppendText("Searching route from " + s1 + " to " + s2 + Environment.NewLine);
            AppendText("Find route Time: " + sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString("0.000s") + Environment.NewLine);
            AppendText("Total distance: " + SystemData.Distance(s1, s2).ToString("0.00") + Environment.NewLine);
            AppendText("Max jumprange:" + maxrange + Environment.NewLine);

            double totdist = 0;
            int    jumps   = 0;

            if (res)
                foreach (Arc A in AS.PathByArcs)
                    double dist = SystemData.Distance(A.StartNode.System.name, A.EndNode.System.name);
                    AppendText(A.EndNode.System.name + " \tDist: " + dist.ToString("0.00") + " ly" + Environment.NewLine);
                    totdist += dist;


                // JArray ja = Path2JSON(AS);
                Console.WriteLine("No result !");

            AppendText("Total distance: " + totdist.ToString("0.00") + Environment.NewLine);
            AppendText("Jumps: " + jumps + Environment.NewLine);