Exemplo n.º 1
        public bool ReadJournalLog(out JournalEntry jent, bool resetOnError = false)
            while (ReadLine(out jent, l => ProcessLine(l, resetOnError)))
                if (jent == null)

                //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Read line {0} from {1}", line, this.FileName));

                return true;

            jent = null;
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void ReadCmdLineJournal(string file) //DEBUG ONLY FROM COMMAND LINE
            System.IO.StreamReader filejr = new System.IO.StreamReader(file);
            string   line;
            string   system = "";
            StarScan ss     = new StarScan();

            Dictionary <string, string> items = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            while ((line = filejr.ReadLine()) != null)
                if (line.Equals("END"))

                if (line.Length > 0)
                    JObject jo = (JObject)JObject.Parse(line);

                    //JSONPrettyPrint jpp = new JSONPrettyPrint(EliteDangerous.JournalFieldNaming.StandardConverters(), "event;timestamp", "_Localised", (string)jo["event"]);
                    //string s = jpp.PrettyPrintStr(line, 80);

                    EliteDangerous.JournalEntry je = EliteDangerous.JournalEntry.CreateJournalEntry(line);

                    if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Location)
                        EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalLocOrJump jl = je as EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalLocOrJump;
                        system = jl.StarSystem;
                    else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump)
                        EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump jfsd = je as EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump;
                        system = jfsd.StarSystem;
                    else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Scan)
                        ss.Process(je as EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalScan, new SystemClassDB(system));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void NewEntry(EliteDangerous.JournalEntry je) // hooked into journal monitor and receives new entries.. Also call if you programatically add an entry
            if (je.CommanderId == history.CommanderId)       // we are only interested at this point accepting ones for the display commander
                foreach (HistoryEntry he in history.AddJournalEntry(je, h => LogLineHighlight(h)))
                        OnNewEntry?.Invoke(he, history);        // major hook
                        OnNewEntrySecond?.Invoke(he, history);  // secondary hook..


            if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame)
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void ProcessWithUserDb(EliteDangerous.JournalEntry je, HistoryEntry prev, SQLiteConnectionUser conn)       // called after above with a USER connection
     materialscommodities = MaterialCommoditiesList.Process(je, prev?.materialscommodities, conn, EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.ClearMaterials, EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.ClearCommodities);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static HistoryEntry FromJournalEntry(EliteDangerous.JournalEntry je, HistoryEntry prev, bool checkedsm, out bool journalupdate, SQLiteConnectionSystem conn = null)
            ISystem isys    = prev == null ? new SystemClass("Unknown") : prev.System;
            int     indexno = prev == null ? 1 : prev.Indexno + 1;

            int mapcolour = 0;

            journalupdate = false;
            bool starposfromedsm = false;

            if (je.EventTypeID == EliteDangerous.JournalTypeEnum.Location || je.EventTypeID == EliteDangerous.JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump)
                EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalLocOrJump jl   = je as EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalLocOrJump;
                EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump   jfsd = je as EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump;

                ISystem newsys;

                if (jl.HasCoordinate)       // LAZY LOAD IF it has a co-ord.. the front end will when it needs it
                    newsys         = new SystemClass(jl.StarSystem, jl.StarPos.X, jl.StarPos.Y, jl.StarPos.Z);
                    newsys.id_edsm = jl.EdsmID < 0 ? 0 : jl.EdsmID;               // pass across the EDSMID for the lazy load process.

                    if (jfsd != null && jfsd.JumpDist <= 0 && isys.HasCoordinate) // if we don't have a jump distance (pre 2.2) but the last sys does, we can compute
                        jfsd.JumpDist = SystemClass.Distance(isys, newsys);       // fill it out here
                        journalupdate = true;
                {                           // Default one
                    newsys         = new SystemClass(jl.StarSystem);
                    newsys.id_edsm = jl.EdsmID;

                    if (checkedsm)                                          // see if we can find the right system
                        SystemClass s = SystemClass.FindEDSM(newsys, conn); // has no co-ord, did we find it?

                        if (s != null)                                      // yes, use, and update the journal with the esdmid, and also the position if we have a co-ord
                        {                                                   // so next time we don't have to do this again..
                            newsys = s;

                            if (jfsd != null && jfsd.JumpDist <= 0 && newsys.HasCoordinate && isys.HasCoordinate) // if we don't have a jump distance (pre 2.2) but the last sys does, we can compute
                                jfsd.JumpDist = SystemClass.Distance(isys, newsys);                               // fill it out here.  EDSM systems always have co-ords, but we should check anyway
                                journalupdate = true;

                            if (jl.EdsmID <= 0 && newsys.id_edsm > 0)
                                journalupdate = true;

                if (jfsd != null)
                    if (jfsd.JumpDist <= 0 && isys.HasCoordinate && newsys.HasCoordinate) // if no JDist, its a really old entry, and if previous has a co-ord
                        jfsd.JumpDist = SystemClass.Distance(isys, newsys);               // fill it out here
                        journalupdate = true;

                    mapcolour = jfsd.MapColor;

                isys            = newsys;
                starposfromedsm = jl.HasCoordinate ? jl.StarPosFromEDSM : newsys.HasCoordinate;

            string summary, info, detailed;

            je.FillInformation(out summary, out info, out detailed);

            HistoryEntry he = new HistoryEntry
                Indexno           = indexno,
                EntryType         = je.EventTypeID,
                Journalid         = je.Id,
                journalEntry      = je,
                System            = isys,
                EventTimeUTC      = je.EventTimeUTC,
                MapColour         = mapcolour,
                EdsmSync          = je.SyncedEDSM,
                EDDNSync          = je.SyncedEDDN,
                StartMarker       = je.StartMarker,
                StopMarker        = je.StopMarker,
                EventSummary      = summary,
                EventDescription  = info,
                EventDetailedInfo = detailed,
                IsStarPosFromEDSM = starposfromedsm

            if (prev != null && prev.travelling)      // if we are travelling..
                he.travelled_distance    = prev.travelled_distance;
                he.travelled_missingjump = prev.travelled_missingjump;

                if (he.IsFSDJump)
                    double dist = ((EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump)je).JumpDist;
                    if (dist <= 0)
                        he.travelled_distance += dist;

                he.travelled_seconds = prev.travelled_seconds;
                TimeSpan diff = he.EventTimeUTC.Subtract(prev.EventTimeUTC);

                if (he.EntryType != EliteDangerous.JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame && diff < new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0))   // time between last entry and load game is not real time
                    he.travelled_seconds += diff;

                if (he.StopMarker || he.StartMarker)
                    he.travelling         = false;
                    he.EventDetailedInfo += ((he.EventDetailedInfo.Length > 0) ? Environment.NewLine : "") + "Travelled " + he.travelled_distance.ToString("0.0") +
                                            ((he.travelled_missingjump > 0) ? " LY(" + he.travelled_missingjump + " unknown distance jumps)" : " LY") +
                                            " time " + he.travelled_seconds;

                    he.travelled_distance = 0;
                    he.travelled_seconds  = new TimeSpan(0);
                    he.travelling         = true;
                    he.EventDetailedInfo += ((he.EventDetailedInfo.Length > 0) ? Environment.NewLine : "") + "Travelling";

                    if (he.IsFSDJump)
                        he.EventDetailedInfo += " distance " + he.travelled_distance.ToString("0.0") + ((he.travelled_missingjump > 0) ? " LY (*)" : " LY");

                    he.EventDetailedInfo += " time " + he.travelled_seconds;

            if (he.StartMarker)
                he.travelling = true;

            // WORK out docked/landed state

            if (prev != null)
                if (prev.docked.HasValue)                   // copy docked..
                    he.docked = prev.docked;
                if (prev.landed.HasValue)
                    he.landed = prev.landed;

                he.wheredocked = prev.wheredocked;

            if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Location)
                EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalLocation jl = je as EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalLocation;
                he.docked      = jl.Docked;
                he.wheredocked = jl.Docked ? jl.StationName : "";
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Docked)
                EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalDocked jl = je as EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalDocked;
                he.docked      = true;
                he.wheredocked = jl.StationName;
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Undocked)
                he.docked = false;
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Touchdown)
                he.landed = true;
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Liftoff)
                he.landed = false;
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame)
                he.landed = (je as EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalLoadGame).StartLanded;

Exemplo n.º 6
        protected JournalReaderEntry ProcessLine(string line, bool resetOnError)
            int cmdrid = -2;        //-1 is hidden, -2 is never shown

            if (TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.HasValue)
                cmdrid = TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.Value;
                // System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("TLU says commander {0} at {1}", cmdrid, TravelLogUnit.Name));

            if (line.Length == 0)

            JObject      jo = null;
            JournalEntry je = null;

                jo = JObject.Parse(line);
                je = JournalEntry.CreateJournalEntry(jo);
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Bad journal line:\n{line}");

                if (resetOnError)

            if (je == null)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Bad journal line:\n{line}");

            if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Fileheader)
                JournalEvents.JournalFileheader header = (JournalEvents.JournalFileheader)je;

                if (header.Beta && !disable_beta_commander_check)
                    TravelLogUnit.type |= 0x8000;

                if (header.Part > 1)
                    JournalEvents.JournalContinued contd = JournalEntry.GetLast <JournalEvents.JournalContinued>(je.EventTimeUTC.AddSeconds(1), e => e.Part == header.Part);

                    // Carry commander over from previous log if it ends with a Continued event.
                    if (contd != null && Math.Abs(header.EventTimeUTC.Subtract(contd.EventTimeUTC).TotalSeconds) < 5 && contd.CommanderId >= 0)
                        TravelLogUnit.CommanderId = contd.CommanderId;
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame)
                string newname = (je as JournalEvents.JournalLoadGame).LoadGameCommander;

                if ((TravelLogUnit.type & 0x8000) == 0x8000)
                    newname = "[BETA] " + newname;

                EDCommander _commander = EDCommander.GetCommander(newname);

                if (_commander == null)
                    EDCommander onlyc = EDCommander.GetAll().FirstOrDefault();
                    if (EDCommander.NumberOfCommanders == 1 && onlyc != null && onlyc.Name == "Jameson (Default)")
                        onlyc.Name     = newname;
                        onlyc.EdsmName = newname;
                        EDCommander.Update(new List <EDCommander> {
                        }, false);
                        _commander = EDCommander.Create(newname, null, EDJournalClass.GetDefaultJournalDir().Equals(TravelLogUnit.Path) ? "" : TravelLogUnit.Path);

                cmdrid = _commander.Nr;

                if (!TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.HasValue)
                    TravelLogUnit.CommanderId = cmdrid;
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("TLU {0} updated with commander {1}", TravelLogUnit.Path, cmdrid));

            je.TLUId       = (int)TravelLogUnit.id;
            je.CommanderId = cmdrid;

            return(new JournalReaderEntry {
                JournalEntry = je, Json = jo
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void ParseJournalFiles(Func <bool> cancelRequested, Action <int, string> updateProgress, bool forceReload = false)
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Scanned " + m_watcherfolder);

            Dictionary <string, TravelLogUnit> m_travelogUnits = TravelLogUnit.GetAll().Where(t => (t.type & 0xFF) == 3).GroupBy(t => t.Name).Select(g => g.First()).ToDictionary(t => t.Name);

            // order by file write time so we end up on the last one written
            FileInfo[] allFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(m_watcherfolder, "Journal.*.log", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Select(f => new FileInfo(f)).OrderBy(p => p.LastWriteTime).ToArray();

            List <EDJournalReader> readersToUpdate = new List <EDJournalReader>();

            for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.Length; i++)
                FileInfo fi = allFiles[i];

                var reader = OpenFileReader(fi, m_travelogUnits);

                if (!m_travelogUnits.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name))
                    m_travelogUnits[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader.TravelLogUnit;
                    reader.TravelLogUnit.type = 3;

                if (!netlogreaders.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name))
                    netlogreaders[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader;

                if (forceReload)
                    // Force a reload of the travel log
                    reader.TravelLogUnit.Size = 0;

                if (reader.filePos != fi.Length || i == allFiles.Length - 1)  // File not already in DB, or is the last one

            for (int i = 0; i < readersToUpdate.Count; i++)
                using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                    EDJournalReader reader = readersToUpdate[i];
                    updateProgress(i * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name);

                    List <JournalReaderEntry>        entries  = reader.ReadJournalLog(true).ToList(); // this may create new commanders, and may write to the TLU db
                    ILookup <DateTime, JournalEntry> existing = JournalEntry.GetAllByTLU(reader.TravelLogUnit.id).ToLookup(e => e.EventTimeUTC);

                    using (DbTransaction tn = cn.BeginTransaction())
                        foreach (JournalReaderEntry jre in entries)
                            if (!existing[jre.JournalEntry.EventTimeUTC].Any(e => JournalEntry.AreSameEntry(jre.JournalEntry, e, ent1jo: jre.Json)))
                                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Write Journal to db {0} {1}", jre.JournalEntry.EventTimeUTC, jre.JournalEntry.EventTypeStr));
                                jre.JournalEntry.Add(jre.Json, cn, tn);



                    updateProgress((i + 1) * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name);

                    lastnfi = reader;

            updateProgress(-1, "");
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void FetcherThreadProc()
            bool jupdate = false;

            LastEventTime  = DateTime.UtcNow;
            FirstEventTime = LastEventTime;

            int waittime = 2000; // Max 1 request every 2 seconds, with a backoff if the rate limit is hit

            if (EDSMRequestBackoffTime > DateTime.UtcNow)
                waittime = (int)Math.Min(EDSMMaxLogAgeMinutes * 60000, Math.Min(BackoffInterval.TotalSeconds * 1000, EDSMRequestBackoffTime.Subtract(DateTime.UtcNow).TotalSeconds * 1000));

            while (!ExitRequested.WaitOne(waittime))
                EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass {
                    apiKey = Commander.APIKey, commanderName = Commander.EdsmName
                List <HistoryEntry> edsmlogs     = null;
                DateTime            logstarttime = DateTime.MinValue;
                DateTime            logendtime   = DateTime.MinValue;
                int res = -1;

                if (edsm.IsApiKeySet && Commander.SyncFromEdsm && DateTime.UtcNow > EDSMRequestBackoffTime)
                    if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(LastEventTime).TotalMinutes >= EDSMMaxLogAgeMinutes)
                        Trace.WriteLine($"Retrieving logs starting {LastEventTime}");
                        res = edsm.GetLogs(LastEventTime, null, out edsmlogs, out logstarttime, out logendtime);
                    else if (FirstEventTime > GammaStart)
                        Trace.WriteLine($"Retrieving logs ending {FirstEventTime}");
                        res = edsm.GetLogs(null, FirstEventTime, out edsmlogs, out logstarttime, out logendtime);

                if (ExitRequested.WaitOne(0))

                if (res == 429) // Rate Limit Exceeded
                    Trace.WriteLine($"EDSM Log request rate limit hit - backing off for {BackoffInterval.TotalSeconds}s");
                    EDSMRequestBackoffTime = DateTime.UtcNow + BackoffInterval;
                    BackoffInterval        = BackoffInterval + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);
                else if (logstarttime > LastEventTime && logendtime < FirstEventTime)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"Bad start and/or end times returned by EDSM - backing off for {BackoffInterval.TotalSeconds}s");
                    EDSMRequestBackoffTime = DateTime.UtcNow + BackoffInterval;
                    BackoffInterval        = BackoffInterval + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);
                else if (res == 100 && edsmlogs != null)
                    BackoffInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);

                    if (logendtime > DateTime.UtcNow)
                        logendtime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    List <HistoryEntry> hlfsdlist  = JournalEntry.GetAll(Commander.Nr).OfType <JournalLocOrJump>().OrderBy(je => je.EventTimeUTC).Select(je => HistoryEntry.FromJournalEntry(je, null, false, out jupdate)).ToList();
                    HistoryList         hl         = new HistoryList(hlfsdlist);
                    List <DateTime>     hlfsdtimes = hlfsdlist.Select(he => he.EventTimeUTC).ToList();

                    List <HistoryEntry> toadd = new List <HistoryEntry>();

                    int previdx = -1;
                    foreach (HistoryEntry he in edsmlogs)      // find out list of ones not present
                        int index = hlfsdlist.FindIndex(x => x.System.name.Equals(he.System.name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && x.EventTimeUTC.Ticks == he.EventTimeUTC.Ticks);

                        if (index < 0)
                            // Look for any entries where DST may have thrown off the time
                            foreach (var vi in hlfsdlist.Select((v, i) => new { v = v, i = i }).Where(vi => vi.v.System.name.Equals(he.System.name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                                if (vi.i > previdx)
                                    double hdiff = vi.v.EventTimeUTC.Subtract(he.EventTimeUTC).TotalHours;
                                    if (hdiff >= -2 && hdiff <= 2 && hdiff == Math.Floor(hdiff))
                                        if (vi.v.System.id_edsm <= 0)
                                            vi.v.System.id_edsm = 0;

                                        if (vi.v.System.id_edsm <= 0 || vi.v.System.id_edsm == he.System.id_edsm)
                                            index = vi.i;

                        if (index < 0)
                            HistoryEntry lhe = hlfsdlist[index];

                            if (he.IsEDSMFirstDiscover && !lhe.IsEDSMFirstDiscover)

                            previdx = index;

                    if (toadd.Count > 0)                         // if we have any, we can add
                        TravelLogUnit tlu = new TravelLogUnit(); // need a tlu for it
                        tlu.type        = 2;                     // EDSM
                        tlu.Name        = "EDSM-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        tlu.Size        = 0;
                        tlu.Path        = "EDSM";
                        tlu.CommanderId = EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID;
                        tlu.Add();  // Add to Database

                        using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                            foreach (HistoryEntry he in toadd)
                                JObject jo = EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEntry.CreateFSDJournalEntryJson(he.EventTimeUTC,
                                                                                                               he.System.name, he.System.x, he.System.y, he.System.z,
                                EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEntry je =
                                    EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEntry.CreateFSDJournalEntry(tlu.id, tlu.CommanderId.Value,
                                                                                                  (int)EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.SyncFlags.EDSM, jo);

                                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Add {0} {1}", je.EventTimeUTC, he.System.name));
                                je.Add(jo, cn);

                        LogLine($"Retrieved {toadd.Count} log entries from EDSM, from {logstarttime.ToLocalTime().ToString()} to {logendtime.ToLocalTime().ToString()}");

                        if (logendtime > LastEventTime || logstarttime <= GammaStart)
                            if (OnDownloadedSystems != null)

                    if (logstarttime < FirstEventTime)
                        FirstEventTime = logstarttime;

                    if (logendtime > LastEventTime)
                        LastEventTime = logendtime;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public bool ReadJournalLog(out JournalEntry je)
            int cmdrid = -2;        //-1 is hidden, -2 is never shown

            if (TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.HasValue)
                cmdrid = TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.Value;
               // System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("TLU says commander {0} at {1}", cmdrid, TravelLogUnit.Name));

            string line;
            while (this.ReadLine(out line))
                if (line.Length == 0)

                //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Read line {0} from {1}", line, this.FileName));

                    je = JournalEntry.CreateJournalEntry(line);
                    if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FileHeader)
                        JournalEvents.JournalFileHeader header = (JournalEvents.JournalFileHeader)je;

                        if (header.Beta && !disable_beta_commander_check)
                            TravelLogUnit.type |= 0x8000;
                    else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame)
                        string newname = (je as JournalEvents.JournalLoadGame).LoadGameCommander;

                        if ((TravelLogUnit.type & 0x8000) == 0x8000)
                            newname = "[BETA] " + newname;

                        EDCommander _commander = EDDiscovery2.EDDConfig.Instance.ListOfCommanders.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name.Equals(newname, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

                        if (_commander == null)
                            _commander = EDDiscovery2.EDDConfig.Instance.GetNewCommander(newname,null, EDJournalClass.GetDefaultJournalDir().Equals(TravelLogUnit.Path)?"":TravelLogUnit.Path);

                        cmdrid = _commander.Nr;

                        if (!TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.HasValue)
                            TravelLogUnit.CommanderId = cmdrid;
                            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("TLU {0} updated with commander {1}", TravelLogUnit.Path, cmdrid));

                    je.TLUId = (int)TravelLogUnit.id;
                    je.CommanderId = cmdrid;

                    return true;
                catch (  Exception )          // CreateJournal Entry may except, in which case, the line is crap


            je = null;
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected JournalEntry ProcessLine(string line, bool resetOnError)
            int cmdrid = -2;        //-1 is hidden, -2 is never shown

            if (TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.HasValue)
                cmdrid = TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.Value;
                // System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("TLU says commander {0} at {1}", cmdrid, TravelLogUnit.Name));

            if (line.Length == 0)

            JournalEntry je = null;

                je = JournalEntry.CreateJournalEntry(line);
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Bad journal line:\n{line}");

                if (resetOnError)

            if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Fileheader)
                JournalEvents.JournalFileheader header = (JournalEvents.JournalFileheader)je;

                if (header.Beta && !disable_beta_commander_check)
                    TravelLogUnit.type |= 0x8000;
            else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.LoadGame)
                string newname = (je as JournalEvents.JournalLoadGame).LoadGameCommander;

                if ((TravelLogUnit.type & 0x8000) == 0x8000)
                    newname = "[BETA] " + newname;

                EDCommander _commander = EDDiscovery2.EDDConfig.Instance.ListOfCommanders.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name.Equals(newname, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

                if (_commander == null)
                    if (EDDiscovery2.EDDConfig.Instance.ListOfCommanders.Count == 1 && EDDiscovery2.EDDConfig.Instance.ListOfCommanders[0].Name == "Jameson (Default)")
                        EDDiscovery2.EDDConfig.Instance.ListOfCommanders[0].Name     = newname;
                        EDDiscovery2.EDDConfig.Instance.ListOfCommanders[0].EdsmName = newname;
                        EDDiscovery2.EDDConfig.Instance.UpdateCommanders(EDDiscovery2.EDDConfig.Instance.ListOfCommanders); // replaces it
                        _commander = EDDiscovery2.EDDConfig.Instance.GetNewCommander(newname, null, EDJournalClass.GetDefaultJournalDir().Equals(TravelLogUnit.Path) ? "" : TravelLogUnit.Path);

                cmdrid = _commander.Nr;

                if (!TravelLogUnit.CommanderId.HasValue)
                    TravelLogUnit.CommanderId = cmdrid;
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("TLU {0} updated with commander {1}", TravelLogUnit.Path, cmdrid));

            je.TLUId       = (int)TravelLogUnit.id;
            je.CommanderId = cmdrid;

Exemplo n.º 11
        static public void ParseFiles(string datapath, out string error, int defaultMapColour, Func <bool> cancelRequested, Action <int, string> updateProgress, bool forceReload = false, Dictionary <string, NetLogFileReader> netlogreaders = null, int currentcmdrid = -1)
            error = null;

            if (datapath == null)
                error = "Netlog directory not set!";

            if (!Directory.Exists(datapath))   // if logfiles directory is not found
                error = "Netlog directory is not present!";

            if (netlogreaders == null)
                netlogreaders = new Dictionary <string, NetLogFileReader>();

            if (currentcmdrid < 0)
                currentcmdrid = EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID;

            // TLUs
            List <TravelLogUnit> tlus = TravelLogUnit.GetAll();
            Dictionary <string, TravelLogUnit>            netlogtravelogUnits  = tlus.Where(t => t.type == 1).GroupBy(t => t.Name).Select(g => g.First()).ToDictionary(t => t.Name);
            Dictionary <long, string>                     travellogunitid2name = netlogtravelogUnits.Values.ToDictionary(t => t.id, t => t.Name);
            Dictionary <string, List <JournalLocOrJump> > vsc_lookup           = JournalEntry.GetAll().OfType <JournalLocOrJump>().GroupBy(v => v.TLUId).Where(g => travellogunitid2name.ContainsKey(g.Key)).ToDictionary(g => travellogunitid2name[g.Key], g => g.ToList());

            // list of systems in journal, sorted by time
            List <JournalLocOrJump> vsSystemsEnts = JournalEntry.GetAll(currentcmdrid).OfType <JournalLocOrJump>().OrderBy(j => j.EventTimeUTC).ToList();

            // order by file write time so we end up on the last one written
            FileInfo[] allFiles = Directory.EnumerateFiles(datapath, "netLog.*.log", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Select(f => new FileInfo(f)).OrderBy(p => p.LastWriteTime).ToArray();

            List <NetLogFileReader> readersToUpdate = new List <NetLogFileReader>();

            for (int i = 0; i < allFiles.Length; i++)
                FileInfo fi = allFiles[i];

                var reader = OpenFileReader(fi, netlogtravelogUnits, vsc_lookup, netlogreaders);

                if (!netlogtravelogUnits.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name))
                    netlogtravelogUnits[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader.TravelLogUnit;

                if (!netlogreaders.ContainsKey(reader.TravelLogUnit.Name))
                    netlogreaders[reader.TravelLogUnit.Name] = reader;

                if (forceReload)
                    // Force a reload of the travel log
                    reader.TravelLogUnit.Size = 0;

                if (reader.filePos != fi.Length || i == allFiles.Length - 1)  // File not already in DB, or is the last one

            for (int i = 0; i < readersToUpdate.Count; i++)
                using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                    int ji = 0;

                    NetLogFileReader reader = readersToUpdate[i];
                    updateProgress(i * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name);

                    using (DbTransaction tn = cn.BeginTransaction())
                        foreach (JObject jo in reader.ReadSystems(cancelRequested, currentcmdrid))
                            jo["EDDMapColor"] = defaultMapColour;

                            JournalLocOrJump je = new JournalFSDJump(jo)
                                TLUId       = (int)reader.TravelLogUnit.id,
                                CommanderId = currentcmdrid,

                            while (ji < vsSystemsEnts.Count && vsSystemsEnts[ji].EventTimeUTC < je.EventTimeUTC)
                                ji++;   // move to next entry which is bigger in time or equal to ours.

                            JournalLocOrJump prev = (ji > 0 && (ji - 1) < vsSystemsEnts.Count) ? vsSystemsEnts[ji - 1] : null;
                            JournalLocOrJump next = ji < vsSystemsEnts.Count ? vsSystemsEnts[ji] : null;

                            bool previssame = (prev != null && prev.StarSystem.Equals(je.StarSystem, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && (!prev.HasCoordinate || !je.HasCoordinate || (prev.StarPos - je.StarPos).LengthSquared < 0.01));
                            bool nextissame = (next != null && next.StarSystem.Equals(je.StarSystem, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) && (!next.HasCoordinate || !je.HasCoordinate || (next.StarPos - je.StarPos).LengthSquared < 0.01));

                            // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", ji, vsSystemsEnts[ji].EventTimeUTC, je.EventTimeUTC);

                            if (!(previssame || nextissame))
                                je.Add(jo, cn, tn);
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Add {0} {1}", je.EventTimeUTC, jo.ToString());



                    if (updateProgress != null)
                        updateProgress((i + 1) * 100 / readersToUpdate.Count, reader.TravelLogUnit.Name);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public List <JournalEntry> ScanForNewEntries()
            var             entries   = new List <JournalEntry>();
            int             netlogpos = 0;
            EDJournalReader nfi       = null;

                string filename = null;

                if (m_netLogFileQueue.TryDequeue(out filename))      // if a new one queued, we swap to using it
                    nfi     = OpenFileReader(new FileInfo(filename));
                    lastnfi = nfi;
                    System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Change in file, scan {0}", lastnfi.FileName));
                else if (ticksNoActivity >= 30 && (lastnfi == null || (!File.Exists(lastnfi.FileName) || lastnfi.filePos >= new FileInfo(lastnfi.FileName).Length)))
                    if (lastnfi == null)
                        Trace.Write($"No last file - scanning for journals");
                    else if (!File.Exists(lastnfi.FileName))
                        Trace.WriteLine($"File {lastnfi.FileName} not found - scanning for journals");
                        Trace.WriteLine($"No activity on {lastnfi.FileName} for 60 seconds ({lastnfi.filePos} >= {new FileInfo(lastnfi.FileName).Length} - scanning for new journals");

                    HashSet <string> tlunames  = new HashSet <string>(TravelLogUnit.GetAllNames());
                    string[]         filenames = Directory.EnumerateFiles(m_watcherfolder, "Journal.*.log", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                                                 .Select(s => new { name = Path.GetFileName(s), fullname = s })
                                                 .Where(s => !tlunames.Contains(s.name))
                                                 .OrderBy(s => s.name)
                                                 .Select(s => s.fullname)
                    ticksNoActivity = 0;
                    foreach (var name in filenames)
                        nfi     = OpenFileReader(new FileInfo(name));
                        lastnfi = nfi;
                    nfi = lastnfi;


                if (nfi != null)
                    if (nfi.TravelLogUnit.id == 0)
                        nfi.TravelLogUnit.type = 3;

                    netlogpos = nfi.TravelLogUnit.Size;
                    List <JournalEntry> ents = nfi.ReadJournalLog().ToList();

                    if (ents.Count > 0)
                        using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                            using (DbTransaction txn = cn.BeginTransaction())
                                ents = ents.Where(je => JournalEntry.FindEntry(je).Count == 0).ToList();

                                foreach (JournalEntry je in ents)
                                    je.Add(cn, txn);
                                    ticksNoActivity = 0;



            catch (Exception ex)
                // Revert and re-read the failed entries
                if (nfi != null && nfi.TravelLogUnit != null)
                    nfi.TravelLogUnit.Size = netlogpos;

                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Net tick exception : " + ex.Message);