Exemplo n.º 1
        private void Sync(EDSMClass edsm)
                mainForm.LogLine("EDSM sync begin");

                List <HistoryEntry> hlfsdunsyncedlist = mainForm.history.FilterByNotEDSMSyncedAndFSD; // first entry is oldest

                if (_syncTo && hlfsdunsyncedlist.Count > 0)                                           // send systems to edsm (verified with dates, 29/9/2016, utc throughout)
                    DateTime logstarttime = DateTime.MinValue;
                    DateTime logendtime   = DateTime.MinValue;

                    mainForm.LogLine("EDSM: Sending " + hlfsdunsyncedlist.Count.ToString() + " flightlog entries");

                    List <HistoryEntry> edsmsystemlog = null;

                    int edsmsystemssent = 0;

                    foreach (var he in hlfsdunsyncedlist)
                        if (Exit)
                            running = false;

                        if (edsmsystemlog == null || he.EventTimeUTC >= logendtime.AddDays(-1))
                            edsm.GetLogs(he.EventTimeUTC.AddDays(-1), null, out edsmsystemlog, out logstarttime, out logendtime);        // always returns a log, time is in UTC as per HistoryEntry and JournalEntry

                        if (logendtime < logstarttime)
                            running = false;

                        if (edsmsystemlog == null)
                            running = false;

                        HistoryEntry ps2 = (from c in edsmsystemlog where c.System.name == he.System.name && c.EventTimeUTC.Ticks == he.EventTimeUTC.Ticks select c).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (ps2 != null)                // it did, just make sure EDSM sync flag is set..
                            string errmsg;              // (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016)
                            bool   firstdiscover;
                            int    edsmid;

                            if (edsm.SendTravelLog(he.System.name, he.EventTimeUTC, he.System.HasCoordinate && !he.IsStarPosFromEDSM, he.System.x, he.System.y, he.System.z, out errmsg, out firstdiscover, out edsmid))
                                if (edsmid != 0 && he.System.id_edsm <= 0)
                                    he.System.id_edsm = edsmid;
                                    EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEntry.UpdateEDSMIDPosJump(he.Journalid, he.System, false, -1);

                                if (firstdiscover)


                            if (errmsg.Length > 0)

                    mainForm.LogLine(string.Format("EDSM Systems sent {0}", edsmsystemssent));

                // TBD Comments to edsm?

                if (_syncFrom)                                                              // Verified ok with time 29/9/2016
                    var json = edsm.GetComments(new DateTime(2011, 1, 1));

                    if (json != null)
                        JObject msg   = JObject.Parse(json);
                        int     msgnr = msg["msgnum"].Value <int>();

                        JArray comments = (JArray)msg["comments"];
                        if (comments != null)
                            int commentsadded = 0;

                            foreach (JObject jo in comments)
                                string name    = jo["system"].Value <string>();
                                string note    = jo["comment"].Value <string>();
                                string utctime = jo["lastUpdate"].Value <string>();
                                int    edsmid  = 0;

                                if (!Int32.TryParse(JSONHelper.GetStringDef(jo["systemId"], "0"), out edsmid))
                                    edsmid = 0;

                                DateTime localtime = DateTime.ParseExact(utctime, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss",
                                                                         CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal).ToLocalTime();

                                SystemNoteClass curnote = SystemNoteClass.GetNoteOnSystem(name, edsmid);

                                if (curnote != null)
                                    // curnote uses local time to store
                                    if (localtime.Ticks > curnote.Time.Ticks)   // if newer, add on (verified with EDSM 29/9/2016)
                                        curnote.Note  += ". EDSM: " + note;
                                        curnote.Time   = localtime;
                                        curnote.EdsmId = edsmid;
                                    curnote           = new SystemNoteClass();
                                    curnote.Note      = note;
                                    curnote.Time      = localtime;
                                    curnote.Name      = name;
                                    curnote.Journalid = 0;
                                    curnote.EdsmId    = edsmid;

                            mainForm.LogLine(string.Format("EDSM Comments downloaded/updated {0}", commentsadded));

                mainForm.LogLine("EDSM sync Done");
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Exception ex:" + ex.Message);
                mainForm.LogLineHighlight("EDSM sync Exception " + ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void FetcherThreadProc()
            bool jupdate = false;

            LastEventTime  = DateTime.UtcNow;
            FirstEventTime = LastEventTime;

            int waittime = 2000; // Max 1 request every 2 seconds, with a backoff if the rate limit is hit

            if (EDSMRequestBackoffTime > DateTime.UtcNow)
                waittime = (int)Math.Min(EDSMMaxLogAgeMinutes * 60000, Math.Min(BackoffInterval.TotalSeconds * 1000, EDSMRequestBackoffTime.Subtract(DateTime.UtcNow).TotalSeconds * 1000));

            while (!ExitRequested.WaitOne(waittime))
                EDSMClass edsm = new EDSMClass {
                    apiKey = Commander.APIKey, commanderName = Commander.EdsmName
                List <HistoryEntry> edsmlogs     = null;
                DateTime            logstarttime = DateTime.MinValue;
                DateTime            logendtime   = DateTime.MinValue;
                int res = -1;

                if (edsm.IsApiKeySet && Commander.SyncFromEdsm && DateTime.UtcNow > EDSMRequestBackoffTime)
                    if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(LastEventTime).TotalMinutes >= EDSMMaxLogAgeMinutes)
                        Trace.WriteLine($"Retrieving logs starting {LastEventTime}");
                        res = edsm.GetLogs(LastEventTime, null, out edsmlogs, out logstarttime, out logendtime);
                    else if (FirstEventTime > GammaStart)
                        Trace.WriteLine($"Retrieving logs ending {FirstEventTime}");
                        res = edsm.GetLogs(null, FirstEventTime, out edsmlogs, out logstarttime, out logendtime);

                if (ExitRequested.WaitOne(0))

                if (res == 429) // Rate Limit Exceeded
                    Trace.WriteLine($"EDSM Log request rate limit hit - backing off for {BackoffInterval.TotalSeconds}s");
                    EDSMRequestBackoffTime = DateTime.UtcNow + BackoffInterval;
                    BackoffInterval        = BackoffInterval + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);
                else if (logstarttime > LastEventTime && logendtime < FirstEventTime)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"Bad start and/or end times returned by EDSM - backing off for {BackoffInterval.TotalSeconds}s");
                    EDSMRequestBackoffTime = DateTime.UtcNow + BackoffInterval;
                    BackoffInterval        = BackoffInterval + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);
                else if (res == 100 && edsmlogs != null)
                    BackoffInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60);

                    if (logendtime > DateTime.UtcNow)
                        logendtime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    List <HistoryEntry> hlfsdlist  = JournalEntry.GetAll(Commander.Nr).OfType <JournalLocOrJump>().OrderBy(je => je.EventTimeUTC).Select(je => HistoryEntry.FromJournalEntry(je, null, false, out jupdate)).ToList();
                    HistoryList         hl         = new HistoryList(hlfsdlist);
                    List <DateTime>     hlfsdtimes = hlfsdlist.Select(he => he.EventTimeUTC).ToList();

                    List <HistoryEntry> toadd = new List <HistoryEntry>();

                    int previdx = -1;
                    foreach (HistoryEntry he in edsmlogs)      // find out list of ones not present
                        int index = hlfsdlist.FindIndex(x => x.System.name.Equals(he.System.name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && x.EventTimeUTC.Ticks == he.EventTimeUTC.Ticks);

                        if (index < 0)
                            // Look for any entries where DST may have thrown off the time
                            foreach (var vi in hlfsdlist.Select((v, i) => new { v = v, i = i }).Where(vi => vi.v.System.name.Equals(he.System.name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                                if (vi.i > previdx)
                                    double hdiff = vi.v.EventTimeUTC.Subtract(he.EventTimeUTC).TotalHours;
                                    if (hdiff >= -2 && hdiff <= 2 && hdiff == Math.Floor(hdiff))
                                        if (vi.v.System.id_edsm <= 0)
                                            vi.v.System.id_edsm = 0;

                                        if (vi.v.System.id_edsm <= 0 || vi.v.System.id_edsm == he.System.id_edsm)
                                            index = vi.i;

                        if (index < 0)
                            HistoryEntry lhe = hlfsdlist[index];

                            if (he.IsEDSMFirstDiscover && !lhe.IsEDSMFirstDiscover)

                            previdx = index;

                    if (toadd.Count > 0)                         // if we have any, we can add
                        TravelLogUnit tlu = new TravelLogUnit(); // need a tlu for it
                        tlu.type        = 2;                     // EDSM
                        tlu.Name        = "EDSM-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        tlu.Size        = 0;
                        tlu.Path        = "EDSM";
                        tlu.CommanderId = EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID;
                        tlu.Add();  // Add to Database

                        using (SQLiteConnectionUser cn = new SQLiteConnectionUser(utc: true))
                            foreach (HistoryEntry he in toadd)
                                JObject jo = EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEntry.CreateFSDJournalEntryJson(he.EventTimeUTC,
                                                                                                               he.System.name, he.System.x, he.System.y, he.System.z,
                                EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEntry je =
                                    EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEntry.CreateFSDJournalEntry(tlu.id, tlu.CommanderId.Value,
                                                                                                  (int)EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.SyncFlags.EDSM, jo);

                                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Add {0} {1}", je.EventTimeUTC, he.System.name));
                                je.Add(jo, cn);

                        LogLine($"Retrieved {toadd.Count} log entries from EDSM, from {logstarttime.ToLocalTime().ToString()} to {logendtime.ToLocalTime().ToString()}");

                        if (logendtime > LastEventTime || logstarttime <= GammaStart)
                            if (OnDownloadedSystems != null)

                    if (logstarttime < FirstEventTime)
                        FirstEventTime = logstarttime;

                    if (logendtime > LastEventTime)
                        LastEventTime = logendtime;