public void LoadLevel(ContentManager content, GraphicsDeviceManager graphics, Camera camera, StateComponents stateComponents, bool createEntities = true)
     this.stateComponents = stateComponents;
     if(stateComponents.StateSpaceComponents != null)
         this.stateSpaceComponents = stateComponents.StateSpaceComponents;
     sprites = content.Load<Texture2D>(DevConstants.Graphics.SpriteSheet);
     dungeonSprites = content.Load<Texture2D>(dungeonSpriteFile);
     messageFont = content.Load<SpriteFont>(DevConstants.Graphics.MessageFont);
     asciiDisplay = content.Load<SpriteFont>(DevConstants.Graphics.AsciiFont);
     optionFont = content.Load<SpriteFont>(DevConstants.Graphics.OptionFont);
     UI = content.Load<Texture2D>(DevConstants.Graphics.UISheet);
     camera.AttachedToPlayer = true;
         LevelChangeSystem.CreateGameplayInfo(stateComponents, stateSpaceComponents);
         DungeonCreationSystem.TallGrassGeneration(ref dungeonGrid, dungeonDimensions, stateSpaceComponents.random, freeTiles, stateSpaceComponents);
         DungeonCreationSystem.WaterGeneration(ref dungeonGrid, dungeonDimensions, stateSpaceComponents.random, freeTiles, stateSpaceComponents, waterTiles);
         DungeonCreationSystem.CreateDungeonDrops(stateSpaceComponents, dungeonGrid, dungeonDimensions, freeTiles);
         DungeonCreationSystem.CreateDungeonMonsters(stateSpaceComponents, dungeonGrid, dungeonDimensions, DevConstants.Grid.CellSize, freeTiles);
         LevelChangeSystem.LoadPlayerSkillset(stateComponents, stateSpaceComponents);
     mapToPlayer = new DijkstraMapTile[(int)dungeonDimensions.X, (int)dungeonDimensions.Y];
Exemplo n.º 2
 public MenuState(IStateSpace space, Camera camera, ContentManager content, GraphicsDeviceManager graphics,
     IState prevState = null, MouseState mouseState = new MouseState(), GamePadState gamePadState = new GamePadState(), KeyboardState keyboardState = new KeyboardState(), DungeonInfo saveInfo = null)
     this.Content = new ContentManager(content.ServiceProvider, "Content");
     Graphics = graphics;
     PrevMouseState = mouseState;
     PrevGamepadState = gamePadState;
     PrevKeyboardState = keyboardState;
     StateComponents = saveInfo == null ? new StateComponents() : saveInfo.stateComponents;
     SetStateSpace(space, camera, saveInfo == null);
     previousState = prevState;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public PlayingState(IStateSpace space, Camera camera, ContentManager content, GraphicsDeviceManager graphics, 
     IState prevState = null, MouseState mouseState = new MouseState(), GamePadState gamePadState = new GamePadState(), KeyboardState keyboardState = new KeyboardState(), DungeonInfo saveInfo = null)
     this.Content = new ContentManager(content.ServiceProvider, "Content");
     Graphics = graphics;
     PrevMouseState = mouseState;
     PrevGamepadState = gamePadState;
     PrevKeyboardState = keyboardState;
     SkillLevelsComponent newPlayerStats = new SkillLevelsComponent() { CurrentHealth = 100, Health = 100, Accuracy = 100, Defense = 10, Wealth = 0, MinimumDamage = 1, MaximumDamage = 3, DieNumber = 1 };
     StateComponents = saveInfo == null ? new StateComponents() { PlayerSkillLevels = newPlayerStats } : saveInfo.stateComponents;
     SetStateSpace(space, camera, saveInfo == null);
     previousState = prevState;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public PauseState(Camera camera, ContentManager content, GraphicsDeviceManager graphics, IState prevState, MouseState mouseState = new MouseState(), GamePadState gamePadState = new GamePadState(), KeyboardState keyboardState = new KeyboardState())
     this.Content = new ContentManager(content.ServiceProvider, "Content");
     Graphics = graphics;
     PrevMouseState = mouseState;
     PrevGamepadState = gamePadState;
     PrevKeyboardState = keyboardState;
     StateComponents = new StateComponents();
     titleText = content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts/TitleText");
     optionText = content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts/OptionText");
     optionSelection = 0;
     menuOptions = new Option[optionsAmount];
     Title = "GAME PAUSED";
     menuOptions[0] = new Option() { Enabled = true, Message = "OPTIONS" };
     menuOptions[1] = new Option() { Enabled = true, Message = "SAVE AND RETURN TO TITLE" };
     menuOptions[2] = new Option() { Enabled = true, Message = "UNPAUSE" };
     previousState = prevState;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public TitleState(Camera camera, ContentManager content, GraphicsDeviceManager graphics, MouseState mouseState = new MouseState(), GamePadState gamePadState = new GamePadState(), KeyboardState keyboardState = new KeyboardState())
     this.Content = new ContentManager(content.ServiceProvider, "Content");
     Graphics = graphics;
     PrevMouseState = mouseState;
     PrevGamepadState = gamePadState;
     PrevKeyboardState = keyboardState;
     StateComponents = new StateComponents();
     titleText = content.Load<SpriteFont>(DevConstants.Graphics.TitleText);
     optionText = content.Load<SpriteFont>(DevConstants.Graphics.OptionFont);
     optionSelection = 0;
     menuOptions = new Option[optionsAmount];
     menuOptions[0] = new Option() { Enabled = true, Message = "NEW GAME" };
     menuOptions[1] = new Option() { Enabled = false, Message = "CONTINUE" };
     menuOptions[2] = new Option() { Enabled = true, Message = "OPTIONS" };
     menuOptions[3] = new Option() { Enabled = true, Message = "QUIT GAME" };
     previousState = null;
     FileIO.LoadDungeonData(ref DungeonInfo);
     if (DungeonInfo != null)
         menuOptions[1].Enabled = true;
        public void LoadLevel(ContentManager content, GraphicsDeviceManager graphics, Camera camera, StateComponents stateComponents, bool createEntities = true)
            Title = "GAME SETTINGS";
            titleText = content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts/TitleText");
            optionText = content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts/OptionText");
            smallText = content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts/InfoText");
            optionSelection = 0;
            menuOptions = new Option[optionsAmount];

            //Resolution Option
            menuOptions[(int)Options.RESOLUTION] = new Option() { Message = "RESOLUTION: ", OptionsCollection = new List<object>(), Selection = 0 };
            //Set to current resolution after populating resolutions
            foreach (DisplayMode display in GraphicsAdapter.DefaultAdapter.SupportedDisplayModes)
                Vector2 resolution = new Vector2(display.Width, display.Height);
                if(!menuOptions[(int)Options.RESOLUTION].OptionsCollection.Contains(resolution) && resolution.X > 900)
            menuOptions[(int)Options.RESOLUTION].Selection = 
                menuOptions[(int)Options.RESOLUTION].OptionsCollection.FindIndex(x => (Vector2)x == gameSettings.Resolution) > 0 ? 
                menuOptions[(int)Options.RESOLUTION].OptionsCollection.FindIndex(x => (Vector2)x == gameSettings.Resolution) : 0;

            //Scale Options
            menuOptions[(int)Options.GRAPHICS_SCALE] = new Option() { Message = "GRAPHICS SCALE: ", OptionsCollection = new List<object>(), Selection = 0 };
            //Set to current scale after populating scale resolutions
            menuOptions[(int)Options.GRAPHICS_SCALE].Selection =
                menuOptions[(int)Options.GRAPHICS_SCALE].OptionsCollection.FindIndex(x => Convert.ToDouble(x) == (double)gameSettings.Scale) > 0 ?
                menuOptions[(int)Options.GRAPHICS_SCALE].OptionsCollection.FindIndex(x => Convert.ToDouble(x) == (double)gameSettings.Scale) : 0;

            //Borderless Option
            menuOptions[(int)Options.BORDERLESS] = new Option() { Message = "WINDOW BORDERLESS: ", OptionsCollection = new List<object>(), Selection = 0 };
            //Set to current borderless option
            menuOptions[(int)Options.BORDERLESS].Selection = menuOptions[(int)Options.BORDERLESS].OptionsCollection.FindIndex(x => (bool)x == gameSettings.Borderless);

            //Vsync Option
            menuOptions[(int)Options.VSYNC] = new Option() { Message = "VSYNC: ", OptionsCollection = new List<object>(), Selection = 0 };
            //Set to current vsync option
            menuOptions[(int)Options.VSYNC].Selection = menuOptions[(int)Options.VSYNC].OptionsCollection.FindIndex(x => (bool)x == gameSettings.Vsync);

            //Message Filter Option
            menuOptions[(int)Options.GLOW_FILTER] = new Option() { Message = "SHOW GLOWING BORDERS: ", OptionsCollection = new List<object>(), Selection = 0 };
            //Set to current message filter option
            menuOptions[(int)Options.GLOW_FILTER].Selection = menuOptions[(int)Options.GLOW_FILTER].OptionsCollection.FindIndex(x => (bool)x == gameSettings.ShowGlow);

            //Save Changes
            menuOptions[(int)Options.SAVE_CHANGES] = new Option() { Message = "[SAVE CHANGES]", OptionsCollection = null, Selection = 0 };

            //Restore default
            menuOptions[(int)Options.RESTORE_DEFAULTS] = new Option() { Message = "[RESTORE DEFAULTS]", OptionsCollection = null, Selection = 0 };

            menuOptions[(int)Options.CANCEL] = new Option() { Message = "[CANCEL]", OptionsCollection = null, Selection = 0 };
