public void GetString()
            var handWritten = new HandWritten();
            var proxy       = new HandWrittenProxy(handWritten, new InvocationHandler(async invocation =>
                var returnValue = await invocation.Proceed();
                return((string)returnValue + "test");
            var result = proxy.GetString();

            Assert.AreEqual(HandWritten.GetStringReturnValue + "test", result);
        public async void SumAsync()
            var handWritten = new HandWritten();
            var proxy       = new HandWrittenProxy(handWritten, new InvocationHandler(async invocation =>
                var value = (int)await invocation.Proceed();
                return(value + 3);
            var result = await proxy.SumAsync(1, 2);

            Assert.AreEqual(6, result);
        public void DoSomething()
            var handWritten = new HandWritten();
            var proxy       = new HandWrittenProxy(handWritten, new InvocationHandler(async invocation =>
                await invocation.Proceed();

        public void StringPropertySet()
            var handWritten = new HandWritten();
            var proxy       = new HandWrittenProxy(handWritten, new InvocationHandler(async invocation =>
                invocation.Arguments[0] = "AStringValue" + invocation.Arguments[0];
                await invocation.Proceed();

            proxy.StringProperty = "test";
            Assert.AreEqual("AStringValue" + "test", handWritten.StringProperty);
        public void StringPropertyGet()
            var handWritten = new HandWritten();

            handWritten.StringProperty = "AStringProperty";
            var proxy = new HandWrittenProxy(handWritten, new InvocationHandler(async invocation =>
                var returnValue = await invocation.Proceed();
                return((string)returnValue + "test");
            var result = proxy.StringProperty;

            Assert.AreEqual("AStringProperty" + "test", result);
        public void StringPropertyPropertyInfo()
            var          handWritten = new HandWritten();
            PropertyInfo property    = null;
            var          proxy       = new HandWrittenProxy(handWritten, new InvocationHandler(async invocation =>
                var returnValue = await invocation.Proceed();
                property        = invocation.Property;
                return((string)returnValue + "test");

            // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable (We are trying to invoke the accessor, but only to set the property variable above)
            var result = proxy.StringProperty;

            Assert.AreEqual(nameof(HandWritten.StringProperty), property.Name);
        public void GetStringThrowsExcpetionIfAsync()
            var handWritten = new HandWritten();
            var proxy       = new HandWrittenProxy(handWritten, new InvocationHandler(async invocation =>
                await Task.Delay(1);
                var returnValue = await invocation.Proceed();
                return((string)returnValue + "test");

                Assert.Fail("Should have thrown an InvalidAsyncException");
            catch (InvalidAsyncException)