Exemplo n.º 1
        public static BoxPrimitive CreatePrimitive(GraphicsDevice graphics, Texture2D textureMap, int width, int height, Point top, Point sides, Point bottom)
            BoxPrimitive.BoxTextureCoords coords = new BoxPrimitive.BoxTextureCoords(textureMap.Width, textureMap.Height, width, height, sides, sides, top, bottom, sides, sides);
            BoxPrimitive cube = new BoxPrimitive(graphics, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, coords);

            return cube;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void InitializeFromChunk(VoxelChunk chunk, DesignationSet DesignationSet, WorldManager World)

            BoxPrimitive bedrockModel    = Library.GetVoxelPrimitive("Bedrock");
            var          sliceStack      = new List <RawPrimitive>();
            var          cache           = new Cache();
            int          maxViewingLevel = World.Renderer.PersistentSettings.MaxViewingLevel;

            for (var localY = 0; localY < maxViewingLevel - chunk.Origin.Y && localY < VoxelConstants.ChunkSizeY; ++localY) // Todo: Only iterate inside the chunk.
                RawPrimitive sliceGeometry = null;

                lock (chunk.Data.SliceCache)
                    var cachedSlice = chunk.Data.SliceCache[localY];

                    if (cachedSlice != null)


                        if (GameSettings.Default.GrassMotes)


                    sliceGeometry = new RawPrimitive
                        Vertices = null,
                        Indexes  = null

                    chunk.Data.SliceCache[localY] = sliceGeometry;

                if (GameSettings.Default.CalculateRamps)
                    UpdateCornerRamps(World.ChunkManager, chunk, localY);
                    UpdateNeighborEdgeRamps(World.ChunkManager, chunk, localY);

                if (GameSettings.Default.GrassMotes)

                BuildSliceGeometry(chunk, bedrockModel, cache, localY, sliceGeometry, DesignationSet, World);


            var combinedGeometry = RawPrimitive.Concat(sliceStack);

            Vertices    = combinedGeometry.Vertices;
            VertexCount = combinedGeometry.VertexCount;
            Indexes     = combinedGeometry.Indexes.Select(s => (ushort)s).ToArray();
            IndexCount  = combinedGeometry.IndexCount;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void InitializeDefaultLibrary(GraphicsDevice graphics, Texture2D cubeTexture)
            if (PrimitiveMap.Count > 0)

            BoxPrimitive grassCube       = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 0), new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0));
            BoxPrimitive dirtCube        = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0));
            BoxPrimitive stoneCube       = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(4, 2), new Point(1, 0), new Point(4, 2));
            BoxPrimitive sandCube        = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, 1));
            BoxPrimitive ironCube        = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(4, 1), new Point(1, 2), new Point(4, 1));
            BoxPrimitive goldCube        = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(3, 1), new Point(0, 2), new Point(3, 1));
            BoxPrimitive coalCube        = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(3, 2), new Point(2, 2), new Point(2, 2));
            BoxPrimitive manaCube        = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(7, 1), new Point(6, 1), new Point(7, 1));
            BoxPrimitive frostCube       = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 1), new Point(2, 1), new Point(2, 0));
            BoxPrimitive scaffoldCube    = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(7, 0), new Point(7, 0), new Point(7, 0));
            BoxPrimitive plankCube       = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(4, 0), new Point(4, 0), new Point(4, 0));
            BoxPrimitive waterCube       = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, cubeTexture.Width, cubeTexture.Height, new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 0));
            BoxPrimitive cobblestoneCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(5, 2), new Point(5, 2), new Point(5, 2));
            BoxPrimitive magicCube       = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 10), new Point(0, 10), new Point(0, 10));
            BoxPrimitive bedrockCube     = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(6, 2), new Point(6, 2), new Point(6, 2));
            BoxPrimitive brownTileCube   = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(5, 0), new Point(5, 0), new Point(5, 0));
            BoxPrimitive blueTileCube    = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(6, 0), new Point(6, 0), new Point(6, 0));
            BoxPrimitive tilledSoilCube  = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(5, 1), new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0));

            emptyType = new VoxelType
                Name             = "empty",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                IsBuildable      = false

            VoxelType tilledSoil = new VoxelType
                Name             = "TilledSoil",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                StartingHealth   = 20,
                CanRamp          = true,
                IsBuildable      = false,
                ParticleType     = "dirt_particle",
                IsSoil           = true

            RegisterType(tilledSoil, tilledSoilCube);

            VoxelType brownTileFloor = new VoxelType
                Name             = "BrownTileFloor",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                StartingHealth   = 20,
                CanRamp          = false,
                IsBuildable      = false,
                ParticleType     = "stone_particle"

            RegisterType(brownTileFloor, brownTileCube);

            VoxelType blueTileFloor = new VoxelType
                Name             = "BlueTileFloor",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                StartingHealth   = 20,
                CanRamp          = false,
                IsBuildable      = false,
                ParticleType     = "stone_particle"

            RegisterType(blueTileFloor, blueTileCube);

            VoxelType cobblestoneFloor = new VoxelType
                Name                  = "CobblestoneFloor",
                ReleasesResource      = false,
                StartingHealth        = 20,
                CanRamp               = false,
                IsBuildable           = false,
                ParticleType          = "stone_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true

            RegisterType(cobblestoneFloor, cobblestoneCube);
            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 8), new Point(5, 2), new Point(5, 2), cobblestoneFloor.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType stockpileType = new VoxelType
                Name                  = "Stockpile",
                ReleasesResource      = false,
                StartingHealth        = 20,
                CanRamp               = false,
                IsBuildable           = false,
                ParticleType          = "stone_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true

            RegisterType(stockpileType, plankCube);

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 9), new Point(4, 0), new Point(4, 0), stockpileType.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType plankType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Plank",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 1.0f,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Wood,
                StartingHealth       = 20,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                CanRamp               = true,
                RampSize              = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable           = true,
                ParticleType          = "stone_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 9), new Point(4, 0), new Point(4, 0), plankType.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType magicType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Magic",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.0f,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Mana,
                StartingHealth       = 1,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                CanRamp               = false,
                IsBuildable           = false,
                ParticleType          = "star_particle",
                ExplosionSound        = ContentPaths.Audio.wurp,
                HasTransitionTextures = false,
                EmitsLight            = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 10), new Point(15, 10), new Point(15, 10), magicType.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType scaffoldType = new VoxelType
                Name                 = "Scaffold",
                StartingHealth       = 20,
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 1.0f,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Wood,
                ReleasesResource     = false,
                CanRamp              = false,
                RampSize             = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable          = true,
                ParticleType         = "stone_particle"

            VoxelType grassType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Grass",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.1f,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Dirt,
                StartingHealth       = 10,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                CanRamp               = true,
                RampSize              = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable           = false,
                ParticleType          = "dirt_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true,
                IsSoil = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 3), new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0), grassType.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType frostType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Frost",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.1f,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Dirt,
                StartingHealth       = 10,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                CanRamp               = true,
                RampSize              = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable           = false,
                ParticleType          = "dirt_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 4), new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0), frostType.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType desertGrass = new VoxelType
                Name = "DesertGrass",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.1f,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Sand,
                StartingHealth       = 10,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                CanRamp               = true,
                RampSize              = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable           = false,
                ParticleType          = "sand_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 6), new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, 1), desertGrass.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType jungleGrass = new VoxelType
                Name = "JungleGrass",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.1f,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Dirt,
                StartingHealth       = 10,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                CanRamp               = true,
                RampSize              = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable           = false,
                ParticleType          = "dirt_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 5), new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0), jungleGrass.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType dirtType = new VoxelType
                Name                 = "Dirt",
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Dirt,
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.3f,
                StartingHealth       = 10,
                RampSize             = 0.5f,
                CanRamp              = true,
                IsBuildable          = true,
                ParticleType         = "dirt_particle",
                IsSoil               = true

            VoxelType stoneType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Stone",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.5f,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Stone,
                StartingHealth       = 30,
                IsBuildable          = true,
                ParticleType         = "stone_particle"

            VoxelType bedrockType = new VoxelType
                Name           = "Bedrock",
                StartingHealth = 255,
                IsBuildable    = false,
                IsInvincible   = true

            VoxelType waterType = new VoxelType
                Name             = "water",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                IsBuildable      = false,
                StartingHealth   = 255

            VoxelType sandType = new VoxelType
                Name             = "Sand",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                StartingHealth   = 5,
                CanRamp          = true,
                RampSize         = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable      = false,
                ParticleType     = "sand_particle"

            VoxelType ironType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Iron",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.99f,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Iron,
                StartingHealth       = 80,
                IsBuildable          = false,
                ParticleType         = "stone_particle"

            ResourceSpawns["Iron"] = new ResourceSpawnRate
                VeinSize           = 0.2f,
                VeinSpawnThreshold = 0.9f,
                MinimumHeight      = -100,
                MaximumHeight      = 100,
                Probability        = 0.5f

            VoxelType coalType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Coal",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.99f,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Coal,
                StartingHealth       = 75,
                IsBuildable          = false,
                ParticleType         = "stone_particle"

            ResourceSpawns["Coal"] = new ResourceSpawnRate
                VeinSize           = 0.085f,
                VeinSpawnThreshold = 0.9f,
                MinimumHeight      = -100,
                MaximumHeight      = 100,
                Probability        = 0.5f

            VoxelType goldType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Gold",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 1.0f,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Gold,
                StartingHealth       = 90,
                IsBuildable          = false,
                ParticleType         = "stone_particle"

            ResourceSpawns["Gold"] = new ResourceSpawnRate
                VeinSize           = 0.07f,
                VeinSpawnThreshold = 0.8f,
                MinimumHeight      = -150,
                MaximumHeight      = 15,
                Probability        = 0.6f

            VoxelType manaType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Mana",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 1.0f,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Mana,
                StartingHealth       = 200,
                IsBuildable          = false,
                ParticleType         = "stone_particle"

            ResourceSpawns["Mana"] = new ResourceSpawnRate
                VeinSize           = 0.05f,
                VeinSpawnThreshold = 0.85f,
                MinimumHeight      = -800,
                MaximumHeight      = 8,
                Probability        = 0.5f

            RegisterType(grassType, grassCube);
            RegisterType(frostType, frostCube);
            RegisterType(desertGrass, grassCube);
            RegisterType(jungleGrass, grassCube);
            RegisterType(emptyType, null);
            RegisterType(dirtType, dirtCube);
            RegisterType(stoneType, stoneCube);
            RegisterType(waterType, waterCube);
            RegisterType(sandType, sandCube);
            RegisterType(ironType, ironCube);
            RegisterType(goldType, goldCube);
            RegisterType(manaType, manaCube);
            RegisterType(plankType, plankCube);
            RegisterType(scaffoldType, scaffoldCube);
            RegisterType(bedrockType, bedrockCube);
            RegisterType(coalType, coalCube);
            RegisterType(magicType, magicCube);

            foreach (VoxelType type in VoxelType.TypeList)
                Types[type.Name] = type;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static void RegisterType(VoxelType type, BoxPrimitive primitive)
     PrimitiveMap[type] = primitive;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static void BuildVoxelTopFaceGeometry(
            RawPrimitive Into,
            VoxelChunk Chunk,
            Cache Cache,
            BoxPrimitive Primitive,
            VoxelHandle V,
            BoxPrimitive.BoxTextureCoords UVs)
            if (!IsFaceVisible(V, BoxFace.Top, Chunk.Manager, out var _))

            var faceDescriptor = Primitive.GetFace(BoxFace.Top);
            int exploredVerts  = 0;
            var vertexColors   = new VertexColorInfo[4];
            var vertexTint     = new Color[4];

            // Find all verticies to use for geometry later, and for the fringe
            var vertexPositions = new Vector3[4];

            for (int faceVertex = 0; faceVertex < faceDescriptor.VertexCount; faceVertex++)
                var vertex      = Primitive.Vertices[faceDescriptor.VertexOffset + faceVertex];
                var voxelVertex = Primitive.VertexClassifications[faceDescriptor.VertexOffset + faceVertex];

                var rampOffset = Vector3.Zero;
                if (V.IsExplored && V.Type.CanRamp && ShouldRamp(voxelVertex, V.RampType))
                    rampOffset = new Vector3(0, -0.5f, 0);

                var worldPosition = V.WorldPosition + vertex.Position + rampOffset;
                //worldPosition += VertexNoise.GetNoiseVectorFromRepeatingTexture(worldPosition);

                vertexPositions[faceVertex] = worldPosition;

            // Figure out if this vertex is adjacent to any explored voxel.
            if (V.IsExplored)
                exploredVerts = 4;
                for (int faceVertex = 0; faceVertex < faceDescriptor.VertexCount; ++faceVertex)
                    var voxelVertex         = Primitive.VertexClassifications[faceDescriptor.VertexOffset + faceVertex];
                    var cacheKey            = GetCacheKey(V, voxelVertex);
                    var anyNeighborExplored = true;

                    if (!Cache.ExploredCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out anyNeighborExplored))
                        anyNeighborExplored = VoxelHelpers.EnumerateVertexNeighbors2D(V.Coordinate, voxelVertex)
                                              .Select(c => new VoxelHandle(V.Chunk.Manager, c))
                                              .Any(n => n.IsValid && n.IsExplored);
                        Cache.ExploredCache.Add(cacheKey, anyNeighborExplored);

                    if (anyNeighborExplored)
                        exploredVerts += 1;

            for (int faceVertex = 0; faceVertex < faceDescriptor.VertexCount; ++faceVertex)
                var voxelVertex = Primitive.VertexClassifications[faceDescriptor.VertexOffset + faceVertex];
                var cacheKey    = GetCacheKey(V, voxelVertex);

                VertexColorInfo vertexColor;
                if (!Cache.LightCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out vertexColor))
                    vertexColor = CalculateVertexLight(V, voxelVertex, Chunk.Manager);
                    Cache.LightCache.Add(cacheKey, vertexColor);

                vertexColors[faceVertex] = vertexColor;

                vertexTint[faceVertex] = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

                // Turn face solid black if there are no explored neighbors - this is an optimization; it means we do not need to apply a solid black decal.
                if (exploredVerts != 4)
                    var anyNeighborExplored = true;
                    if (!Cache.ExploredCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out anyNeighborExplored))
                        throw new InvalidProgramException("Failed cache lookup");

                    if (!anyNeighborExplored)
                        vertexTint[faceVertex] = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

                vertexTint[faceVertex] = new Color(vertexTint[faceVertex].ToVector4() * V.Type.Tint.ToVector4());

            if (exploredVerts != 0)
                var baseUVs = UVs.Uvs[11]; // EW

                var baseUVBounds = new Vector4(baseUVs.X + 0.001f, baseUVs.Y + 0.001f, baseUVs.X + (1.0f / 16.0f) - 0.001f, baseUVs.Y + (1.0f / 16.0f) - 0.001f);

                // Draw the base voxel
                                   Cache.AmbientValues, Primitive,
                                   baseUVs, baseUVBounds);

                if (V.GrassType != 0)
                    BuildGrassFringeGeometry(Into, Chunk, Cache, Primitive, V, vertexColors, vertexTint, vertexPositions, faceDescriptor);

                if (V.DecalType != 0)
                    BuildDecalGeometry(Into, Chunk, Cache, Primitive, V, vertexColors, vertexTint, vertexPositions, faceDescriptor, exploredVerts);
                // Apparently being unexplored hides all grass and decals. Is that the behavior we actually want?

                if (!Debugger.Switches.HideSliceTop)
                    var indexOffset = Into.VertexCount;

                    for (int faceVertex = 0; faceVertex < faceDescriptor.VertexCount; faceVertex++)
                        Into.AddVertex(new ExtendedVertex(
                                           vertexPositions[faceVertex] + VertexNoise.GetNoiseVectorFromRepeatingTexture(vertexPositions[faceVertex]),
                                           new Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
                                           new Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
                                           new Vector2(12.5f / 16.0f, 0.5f / 16.0f),
                                           new Vector4(12.0f / 16.0f, 0.0f, 13.0f / 16.0f, 1.0f / 16.0f)));

                    for (int idx = faceDescriptor.IndexOffset; idx < faceDescriptor.IndexCount +
                         faceDescriptor.IndexOffset; idx++)
                        ushort offset  = Primitive.Indexes[idx];
                        ushort offset0 = Primitive.Indexes[faceDescriptor.IndexOffset];
                        Into.AddIndex((short)(indexOffset + offset - offset0));
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Do not delete: Used to generate block icon texture for menu.
        public static Texture2D RenderIcons(GraphicsDevice device, Shader shader, ChunkManager chunks, int width, int height, int tileSize)
            if (width == -1)
                int sqrt = (int)(Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(PrimitiveMap.Count)));
                width  = MathFunctions.NearestPowerOf2(sqrt * tileSize);
                height = MathFunctions.NearestPowerOf2(sqrt * tileSize);

            RenderTarget2D toReturn = new RenderTarget2D(device, width, height, false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth16, 16, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);

            shader.MainTexture              = chunks.ChunkData.Tilemap;
            shader.SelfIlluminationEnabled  = true;
            shader.SelfIlluminationTexture  = chunks.ChunkData.IllumMap;
            shader.EnableShadows            = false;
            shader.EnableLighting           = false;
            shader.ClippingEnabled          = false;
            shader.CameraPosition           = new Vector3(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            shader.VertexColorTint          = Color.White;
            shader.LightRampTint            = Color.White;
            shader.SunlightGradient         = chunks.ChunkData.SunMap;
            shader.AmbientOcclusionGradient = chunks.ChunkData.AmbientMap;
            shader.TorchlightGradient       = chunks.ChunkData.TorchMap;
            Viewport         oldview      = device.Viewport;
            List <VoxelType> voxelsByType = Types.Select(type => type.Value).ToList();

            voxelsByType.Sort((a, b) => a.ID < b.ID ? -1 : 1);
            int rows = height / tileSize;
            int cols = width / tileSize;

            device.ScissorRectangle  = new Rectangle(0, 0, tileSize, tileSize);
            device.RasterizerState   = RasterizerState.CullNone;
            device.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
            Vector3 half = Vector3.One * 0.5f;

            half = new Vector3(half.X, half.Y, half.Z);
            foreach (EffectPass pass in shader.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
                foreach (var type in voxelsByType)
                    int          row       = type.ID / cols;
                    int          col       = type.ID % cols;
                    BoxPrimitive primitive = GetPrimitive(type);
                    if (primitive == null)

                    if (type.HasTransitionTextures)
                        primitive = new BoxPrimitive(device, 1, 1, 1, type.TransitionTextures[new BoxTransition()]);

                    device.Viewport = new Viewport(col * tileSize, row * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize);
                    Matrix viewMatrix       = Matrix.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(-1.2f, 1.0f, -1.5f), Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up);
                    Matrix projectionMatrix = Matrix.CreateOrthographic(1.5f, 1.5f, 0, 5);
                    shader.View       = viewMatrix;
                    shader.Projection = projectionMatrix;
                    shader.World      = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-half);
            device.Viewport = oldview;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void GetRightFace(BoxPrimitive.BoxTextureCoords uvs, out int idx, out int count)
     idx = 30;
     count = 6;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private static void BuildGrassFringeGeometry(
            RawPrimitive Into,
            VoxelChunk Chunk,
            Cache Cache,
            BoxPrimitive Primitive,
            VoxelHandle V,
            VertexColorInfo[] VertexColors,
            Color[] VertexTint,
            Vector3[] VertexPositions,
            BoxPrimitive.FaceDescriptor Face,
            int ExploredVerts)
            if (V.GrassType == 0)

            var decalType = Library.GetGrassType(V.GrassType);

            AddGrassGeometry(Into, Cache.AmbientValues, Primitive, V, Face, ExploredVerts, VertexPositions, VertexColors, VertexTint, decalType);

            // Draw fringe
            if (decalType.FringeTransitionUVs == null)

            for (var s = 0; s < 4; ++s)
                var neighborCoord = V.Coordinate + VoxelHelpers.ManhattanNeighbors2D[s];
                var neighbor      = new VoxelHandle(Chunk.Manager, neighborCoord);

                if (!neighbor.IsValid)

                var aboveNeighbor = new VoxelHandle(Chunk.Manager, neighborCoord + new GlobalVoxelOffset(0, 1, 0));

                if (!aboveNeighbor.IsValid || aboveNeighbor.IsEmpty)
                    // Draw horizontal fringe.
                    if (!neighbor.IsEmpty)
                        if (neighbor.GrassType != 0 &&
                            Library.GetGrassType(neighbor.GrassType).FringePrecedence >= decalType.FringePrecedence)

                    // Twizzle vertex positions.
                    var newPositions = new Vector3[4];
                    newPositions[FringeIndicies[s, 0]] = VertexPositions[FringeIndicies[s, 4]];
                    newPositions[FringeIndicies[s, 1]] = VertexPositions[FringeIndicies[s, 4]]
                                                         + (VoxelHelpers.ManhattanNeighbors2D[s].AsVector3() * 0.5f);
                    newPositions[FringeIndicies[s, 2]] = VertexPositions[FringeIndicies[s, 5]]
                                                         + (VoxelHelpers.ManhattanNeighbors2D[s].AsVector3() * 0.5f);
                    newPositions[FringeIndicies[s, 3]] = VertexPositions[FringeIndicies[s, 5]];

                    var newColors = new VertexColorInfo[4];
                    newColors[FringeIndicies[s, 0]] = VertexColors[FringeIndicies[s, 4]];
                    newColors[FringeIndicies[s, 1]] = VertexColors[FringeIndicies[s, 4]];
                    newColors[FringeIndicies[s, 2]] = VertexColors[FringeIndicies[s, 5]];
                    newColors[FringeIndicies[s, 3]] = VertexColors[FringeIndicies[s, 5]];

                    var slopeTweak = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                    if (neighbor.IsEmpty)
                        slopeTweak.Y = -0.5f;
                        slopeTweak.Y = 0.125f;

                    newPositions[FringeIndicies[s, 1]] += slopeTweak;
                    newPositions[FringeIndicies[s, 2]] += slopeTweak;

                    var newTints = new Color[4];
                    newTints[FringeIndicies[s, 0]] = VertexTint[FringeIndicies[s, 4]];
                    newTints[FringeIndicies[s, 1]] = VertexTint[FringeIndicies[s, 4]];
                    newTints[FringeIndicies[s, 2]] = VertexTint[FringeIndicies[s, 5]];
                    newTints[FringeIndicies[s, 3]] = VertexTint[FringeIndicies[s, 5]];

                                       Cache.AmbientValues, Primitive,
                    // Draw vertical fringe!

                    var newPositions = new Vector3[4];
                    newPositions[FringeIndicies[s, 0]] = VertexPositions[FringeIndicies[s, 4]];
                    newPositions[FringeIndicies[s, 1]] = VertexPositions[FringeIndicies[s, 4]]
                                                         + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f)
                                                         + (VoxelHelpers.ManhattanNeighbors2D[s].AsVector3() * -0.05f);
                    newPositions[FringeIndicies[s, 2]] = VertexPositions[FringeIndicies[s, 5]]
                                                         + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f)
                                                         + (VoxelHelpers.ManhattanNeighbors2D[s].AsVector3() * -0.05f);
                    newPositions[FringeIndicies[s, 3]] = VertexPositions[FringeIndicies[s, 5]];

                    var newColors = new VertexColorInfo[4];
                    newColors[FringeIndicies[s, 0]] = VertexColors[FringeIndicies[s, 4]];
                    newColors[FringeIndicies[s, 1]] = VertexColors[FringeIndicies[s, 4]];
                    newColors[FringeIndicies[s, 2]] = VertexColors[FringeIndicies[s, 5]];
                    newColors[FringeIndicies[s, 3]] = VertexColors[FringeIndicies[s, 5]];

                    var newTints = new Color[4];
                    newTints[FringeIndicies[s, 0]] = VertexTint[FringeIndicies[s, 4]];
                    newTints[FringeIndicies[s, 1]] = VertexTint[FringeIndicies[s, 4]];
                    newTints[FringeIndicies[s, 2]] = VertexTint[FringeIndicies[s, 5]];
                    newTints[FringeIndicies[s, 3]] = VertexTint[FringeIndicies[s, 5]];

                                       Cache.AmbientValues, Primitive,

            for (var s = 0; s < 4; ++s)
                var neighborCoord = V.Coordinate + VoxelHelpers.DiagonalNeighbors2D[s];
                var handle        = new VoxelHandle(Chunk.Manager, neighborCoord);

                if (handle.IsValid)
                    if (!handle.IsEmpty)
                        if (handle.GrassType != 0 &&
                            Library.GetGrassType(handle.GrassType).FringePrecedence >= decalType.FringePrecedence)

                    var manhattanA = new VoxelHandle(Chunk.Manager, V.Coordinate + VoxelHelpers.ManhattanNeighbors2D[s]);
                    if (!manhattanA.IsValid || (manhattanA.GrassType == V.GrassType))

                    manhattanA = new VoxelHandle(Chunk.Manager, V.Coordinate + VoxelHelpers.ManhattanNeighbors2D[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 5]]);
                    if (!manhattanA.IsValid || (manhattanA.GrassType == V.GrassType))

                    // Twizzle vertex positions.
                    var newPositions = new Vector3[4];
                    var pivot        = VertexPositions[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 4]];
                    var nDelta       = VoxelHelpers.DiagonalNeighbors2D[s].AsVector3();

                    newPositions[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 0]] = pivot;
                    newPositions[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 1]] = pivot + new Vector3(nDelta.X * 0.5f, 0, 0);
                    newPositions[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 2]] = pivot + new Vector3(nDelta.X * 0.5f, 0, nDelta.Z * 0.5f);
                    newPositions[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 3]] = pivot + new Vector3(0, 0, nDelta.Z * 0.5f);

                    var slopeTweak = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                    if (handle.IsEmpty)
                        slopeTweak.Y = -0.5f;
                        slopeTweak.Y = 0.125f;

                    newPositions[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 1]] += slopeTweak;
                    newPositions[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 2]] += slopeTweak;
                    newPositions[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 3]] += slopeTweak;

                    var newColors = new VertexColorInfo[4];
                    newColors[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 0]] = VertexColors[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 4]];
                    newColors[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 1]] = VertexColors[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 4]];
                    newColors[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 2]] = VertexColors[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 4]];
                    newColors[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 3]] = VertexColors[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 4]];

                    var newTints = new Color[4];
                    newTints[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 0]] = VertexTint[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 4]];
                    newTints[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 1]] = VertexTint[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 4]];
                    newTints[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 2]] = VertexTint[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 4]];
                    newTints[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 3]] = VertexTint[FringeIndicies[4 + s, 4]];

                                       Cache.AmbientValues, Primitive,
                                       new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f),
                                       decalType.FringeTransitionUVs[4 + s].UV,
                                       decalType.FringeTransitionUVs[4 + s].Bounds);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void GetFace(BoxFace face, BoxPrimitive.BoxTextureCoords uvs, out int index, out int count)
     switch (face)
         case BoxFace.Back:
             GetBackFace(uvs, out index, out count);
         case BoxFace.Front:
             GetFrontFace(uvs, out index, out count);
         case BoxFace.Left:
             GetLeftFace(uvs, out index, out count);
         case BoxFace.Right:
             GetRightFace(uvs, out index, out count);
         case BoxFace.Top:
             GetTopFace(uvs, out index, out count);
         case BoxFace.Bottom:
             GetBottomFace(uvs, out index, out count);
     index = 0;
     count = 0;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public void GetLeftFace(BoxPrimitive.BoxTextureCoords uvs, out int idx, out int count)
     idx = 24;
     count = 6;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public void GetBottomFace(BoxPrimitive.BoxTextureCoords uvs, out int idx, out int count)
     idx = 18;
     count = 6;
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static void BuildVoxelGeometryFromPrimitive(RawPrimitive Into, VoxelChunk Chunk, Cache Cache, VoxelHandle v, BoxPrimitive primitive)
            var tint = v.Type.Tint;

            var uvs = primitive.UVs;

            if (v.Type.HasTransitionTextures && v.IsExplored)
                uvs = ComputeTransitionTexture(new VoxelHandle(v.Chunk.Manager, v.Coordinate));

            BuildVoxelTopFaceGeometry(Into, Chunk, Cache, primitive, v, uvs, 0);

            for (int i = 1; i < 6; i++)
                BuildVoxelFaceGeometry(Into, Chunk, Cache, primitive, v, tint, uvs, Matrix.Identity, i, true);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void InitializeFromChunk(VoxelChunk chunk)
            if (chunk == null)

            BoxPrimitive bedrockModel = VoxelLibrary.GetPrimitive("Bedrock");
            var          sliceStack   = new List <RawPrimitive>();
            var          cache        = new Cache();

            for (var y = 0; y < chunk.Manager.ChunkData.MaxViewingLevel; ++y)
                RawPrimitive sliceGeometry = null;

                lock (chunk.Data.SliceCache)
                    var cachedSlice = chunk.Data.SliceCache[y];

                    if (chunk.Data.VoxelsPresentInSlice[y] == 0)

                        if (cachedSlice != null)
                            chunk.Data.SliceCache[y] = null;

                    if (cachedSlice != null)


                        if (GameSettings.Default.GrassMotes)


                    sliceGeometry = new RawPrimitive
                        Vertices = new ExtendedVertex[128],
                        Indexes  = new short[128]

                    chunk.Data.SliceCache[y] = sliceGeometry;

                if (GameSettings.Default.CalculateRamps)
                    UpdateCornerRamps(chunk, y);
                    UpdateNeighborEdgeRamps(chunk, y);

                if (GameSettings.Default.GrassMotes)

                BuildSliceGeometry(chunk, bedrockModel, cache, y, sliceGeometry);


            var combinedGeometry = RawPrimitive.Concat(sliceStack);

            Vertices    = combinedGeometry.Vertices;
            VertexCount = combinedGeometry.VertexCount;
            Indexes     = combinedGeometry.Indexes.Select(s => (ushort)s).ToArray();
            IndexCount  = combinedGeometry.IndexCount;

            chunk.NewPrimitive         = this;
            chunk.NewPrimitiveReceived = true;
Exemplo n.º 14
        private static void BuildVoxelFaceGeometry(
            RawPrimitive Into,
            VoxelChunk Chunk,
            Cache Cache,
            BoxPrimitive Primitive,
            VoxelHandle V,
            Color Tint,
            BoxPrimitive.BoxTextureCoords UVs,
            Matrix VertexTransform,
            int i,
            bool ApplyLighting)
            var face  = (BoxFace)i;
            var delta = FaceDeltas[i];

            var faceVoxel = new VoxelHandle(Chunk.Manager, V.Coordinate + GlobalVoxelOffset.FromVector3(delta));

            if (!IsFaceVisible(V, faceVoxel, face))

            var faceDescriptor = Primitive.GetFace(face);
            var indexOffset    = Into.VertexCount;

            for (int faceVertex = 0; faceVertex < faceDescriptor.VertexCount; faceVertex++)
                var vertex      = Primitive.Vertices[faceDescriptor.VertexOffset + faceVertex];
                var voxelVertex = Primitive.Deltas[faceDescriptor.VertexOffset + faceVertex];
                var vertexColor = new VertexColorInfo
                    SunColor     = 255,
                    AmbientColor = 255,
                    DynamicColor = 255,

                if (ApplyLighting)
                    var cacheKey = GetCacheKey(V, voxelVertex);

                    if (!Cache.LightCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out vertexColor))
                        vertexColor = CalculateVertexLight(V, voxelVertex, Chunk.Manager);
                        Cache.LightCache.Add(cacheKey, vertexColor);

                    Cache.AmbientValues[faceVertex] = vertexColor.AmbientColor;

                var rampOffset = Vector3.Zero;
                if (V.IsExplored && V.Type.CanRamp && ShouldRamp(voxelVertex, V.RampType))
                    rampOffset = new Vector3(0, -V.Type.RampSize, 0);

                var baseWorldPosition = V.WorldPosition + vertex.Position + rampOffset;
                var noise             = VertexNoise.GetNoiseVectorFromRepeatingTexture(baseWorldPosition);
                var localPosition     = Vector3.Transform(vertex.Position + rampOffset + noise, VertexTransform);

                Into.AddVertex(new ExtendedVertex(
                                   V.WorldPosition + localPosition,
                                   UVs.Uvs[faceDescriptor.VertexOffset + faceVertex],
                                   UVs.Bounds[faceDescriptor.IndexOffset / 6]));

            bool flippedQuad = ApplyLighting && (Cache.AmbientValues[0] + Cache.AmbientValues[2] >
                                                 Cache.AmbientValues[1] + Cache.AmbientValues[3]);

            for (int idx = faceDescriptor.IndexOffset; idx < faceDescriptor.IndexCount +
                 faceDescriptor.IndexOffset; idx++)
                ushort offset  = flippedQuad ? Primitive.FlippedIndexes[idx] : Primitive.Indexes[idx];
                ushort offset0 = flippedQuad ? Primitive.FlippedIndexes[faceDescriptor.IndexOffset] : Primitive.Indexes[faceDescriptor.IndexOffset];
                Into.AddIndex((short)(indexOffset + offset - offset0));
Exemplo n.º 15
 public void GetTopFace(BoxPrimitive.BoxTextureCoords uvs, out int idx, out int count)
     idx = 12;
     count = 6;
Exemplo n.º 16
        private static void BuildVoxelTopFaceGeometry(
            RawPrimitive Into,
            VoxelChunk Chunk,
            Cache Cache,
            BoxPrimitive Primitive,
            VoxelHandle V,
            BoxPrimitive.BoxTextureCoords UVs,
            int i)
            var face  = (BoxFace)i;
            var delta = FaceDeltas[i];

            var faceVoxel = new VoxelHandle(Chunk.Manager, V.Coordinate + GlobalVoxelOffset.FromVector3(delta));

            if (!IsFaceVisible(V, faceVoxel, face))

            var faceDescriptor = Primitive.GetFace(face);
            int exploredVerts  = 0;
            var vertexColors   = new VertexColorInfo[4];
            var vertexTint     = new Color[4];

            // Find all verticies to use for geometry later, and for the fringe
            var vertexPositions = new Vector3[4];

            for (int faceVertex = 0; faceVertex < faceDescriptor.VertexCount; faceVertex++)
                var vertex      = Primitive.Vertices[faceDescriptor.VertexOffset + faceVertex];
                var voxelVertex = Primitive.Deltas[faceDescriptor.VertexOffset + faceVertex];

                var rampOffset = Vector3.Zero;
                if (V.IsExplored && V.Type.CanRamp && ShouldRamp(voxelVertex, V.RampType))
                    rampOffset = new Vector3(0, -V.Type.RampSize, 0);

                var worldPosition = V.WorldPosition + vertex.Position + rampOffset;
                //worldPosition += VertexNoise.GetNoiseVectorFromRepeatingTexture(worldPosition);

                vertexPositions[faceVertex] = worldPosition;

            if (V.IsExplored)
                exploredVerts = 4;
                for (int faceVertex = 0; faceVertex < faceDescriptor.VertexCount; ++faceVertex)
                    var  voxelVertex         = Primitive.Deltas[faceDescriptor.VertexOffset + faceVertex];
                    var  cacheKey            = GetCacheKey(V, voxelVertex);
                    bool anyNeighborExplored = true;

                    if (!Cache.ExploredCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out anyNeighborExplored))
                        anyNeighborExplored = VoxelHelpers.EnumerateVertexNeighbors2D(V.Coordinate, voxelVertex)
                                              .Select(c => new VoxelHandle(V.Chunk.Manager, c))
                                              .Any(n => n.IsValid && n.IsExplored);
                        Cache.ExploredCache.Add(cacheKey, anyNeighborExplored);

                    if (anyNeighborExplored)
                        exploredVerts += 1;

            for (int faceVertex = 0; faceVertex < faceDescriptor.VertexCount; ++faceVertex)
                var voxelVertex = Primitive.Deltas[faceDescriptor.VertexOffset + faceVertex];
                var cacheKey    = GetCacheKey(V, voxelVertex);

                VertexColorInfo vertexColor;
                if (!Cache.LightCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out vertexColor))
                    vertexColor = CalculateVertexLight(V, voxelVertex, Chunk.Manager);
                    Cache.LightCache.Add(cacheKey, vertexColor);

                vertexColors[faceVertex] = vertexColor;

                vertexTint[faceVertex] = new Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
                if (exploredVerts != 4)
                    bool anyNeighborExplored = true;
                    if (!Cache.ExploredCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out anyNeighborExplored))
                        throw new InvalidProgramException("Failed cache lookup");

                    if (!anyNeighborExplored)
                        vertexTint[faceVertex] = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

                vertexTint[faceVertex] = new Color(vertexTint[faceVertex].ToVector4() * V.Type.Tint.ToVector4());

            if (exploredVerts != 0)
                var baseUVs = UVs.Uvs[11]; // EW

                var baseUVBounds = new Vector4(baseUVs.X + 0.001f, baseUVs.Y + 0.001f, baseUVs.X + (1.0f / 16.0f) - 0.001f, baseUVs.Y + (1.0f / 16.0f) - 0.001f);

                // Draw central top tile.
                                   Cache.AmbientValues, Primitive,
                                   baseUVs, baseUVBounds);

                if (V.GrassType != 0)
                    BuildGrassFringeGeometry(Into, Chunk, Cache, Primitive, V, vertexColors,
                                             vertexTint, vertexPositions, faceDescriptor, exploredVerts);
                if (!Debugger.Switches.HideSliceTop)
                    var indexOffset = Into.VertexCount;

                    for (int faceVertex = 0; faceVertex < faceDescriptor.VertexCount; faceVertex++)
                        Into.AddVertex(new ExtendedVertex(
                                           vertexPositions[faceVertex] + VertexNoise.GetNoiseVectorFromRepeatingTexture(vertexPositions[faceVertex]),
                                           new Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
                                           new Color(0, 0, 0, 255),
                                           new Vector2(12.5f / 16.0f, 0.5f / 16.0f),
                                           new Vector4(12.0f / 16.0f, 0.0f, 13.0f / 16.0f, 1.0f / 16.0f)));

                    for (int idx = faceDescriptor.IndexOffset; idx < faceDescriptor.IndexCount +
                         faceDescriptor.IndexOffset; idx++)
                        ushort offset  = Primitive.Indexes[idx];
                        ushort offset0 = Primitive.Indexes[faceDescriptor.IndexOffset];
                        Into.AddIndex((short)(indexOffset + offset - offset0));
Exemplo n.º 17
 public void GetFace(BoxFace face, BoxPrimitive.BoxTextureCoords uvs, out int index, out int count, out int vertexOffset, out int vertexCount)
     vertexCount = 4;
     count = 6;
     vertexOffset = 0;
     switch (face)
         case BoxFace.Back:
             index = 6;
             vertexOffset = 4;
         case BoxFace.Front:
             index = 0;
             vertexOffset = 0;
         case BoxFace.Left:
             index = 24;
             vertexOffset = 16;
         case BoxFace.Right:
             index = 30;
             vertexOffset = 20;
         case BoxFace.Top:
             index = 12;
             vertexOffset = 8;
         case BoxFace.Bottom:
             index = 18;
             vertexOffset = 12;
     index = 0;
     count = 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
 public static void RegisterType(VoxelType type, BoxPrimitive primitive)
     PrimitiveMap[type] = primitive;
Exemplo n.º 19
        public static void InitializeDefaultLibrary(GraphicsDevice graphics, Texture2D cubeTexture)
            if (PrimitiveMap.Count > 0)

            BoxPrimitive grassCube       = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 0), new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0));
            BoxPrimitive dirtCube        = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0));
            BoxPrimitive stoneCube       = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(4, 2), new Point(1, 0), new Point(4, 2));
            BoxPrimitive sandCube        = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, 1));
            BoxPrimitive ironCube        = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(4, 1), new Point(1, 2), new Point(4, 1));
            BoxPrimitive goldCube        = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(3, 1), new Point(0, 2), new Point(3, 1));
            BoxPrimitive coalCube        = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(3, 2), new Point(2, 2), new Point(2, 2));
            BoxPrimitive manaCube        = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(7, 1), new Point(6, 1), new Point(7, 1));
            BoxPrimitive frostCube       = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 1), new Point(2, 1), new Point(2, 0));
            BoxPrimitive snowCube        = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(3, 7), new Point(3, 7), new Point(3, 7));
            BoxPrimitive iceCube         = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(2, 7), new Point(2, 7), new Point(2, 7));
            BoxPrimitive scaffoldCube    = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(7, 0), new Point(7, 0), new Point(7, 0));
            BoxPrimitive plankCube       = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(4, 0), new Point(4, 0), new Point(4, 0));
            BoxPrimitive waterCube       = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, cubeTexture.Width, cubeTexture.Height, new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 0));
            BoxPrimitive cobblestoneCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(5, 2), new Point(5, 2), new Point(5, 2));
            BoxPrimitive magicCube       = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 10), new Point(0, 10), new Point(0, 10));
            BoxPrimitive bedrockCube     = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(6, 2), new Point(6, 2), new Point(6, 2));
            BoxPrimitive brownTileCube   = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(5, 0), new Point(5, 0), new Point(5, 0));
            BoxPrimitive blueTileCube    = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(6, 0), new Point(6, 0), new Point(6, 0));
            BoxPrimitive tilledSoilCube  = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(5, 1), new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0));

            BoxPrimitive redGemCube    = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 11), new Point(0, 12), new Point(0, 11));
            BoxPrimitive orangeGemCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(1, 11), new Point(1, 12), new Point(1, 11));
            BoxPrimitive yellowGemCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(2, 11), new Point(2, 12), new Point(2, 11));
            BoxPrimitive greenGemCube  = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(3, 11), new Point(3, 12), new Point(3, 11));
            BoxPrimitive blueGemCube   = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(4, 11), new Point(4, 12), new Point(4, 11));
            BoxPrimitive purpleGemCube = CreatePrimitive(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(5, 11), new Point(5, 12), new Point(5, 11));

            emptyType = new VoxelType
                Name             = "empty",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                IsBuildable      = false

            VoxelType tilledSoil = new VoxelType
                Name             = "TilledSoil",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                StartingHealth   = 20,
                CanRamp          = true,
                IsBuildable      = false,
                ParticleType     = "dirt_particle",
                IsSoil           = true,
                IsSurface        = true

            RegisterType(tilledSoil, tilledSoilCube);

            VoxelType brownTileFloor = new VoxelType
                Name             = "BrownTileFloor",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                StartingHealth   = 20,
                CanRamp          = false,
                IsBuildable      = false,
                ParticleType     = "stone_particle"

            RegisterType(brownTileFloor, brownTileCube);

            VoxelType blueTileFloor = new VoxelType
                Name             = "BlueTileFloor",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                StartingHealth   = 20,
                CanRamp          = false,
                IsBuildable      = false,
                ParticleType     = "stone_particle"

            RegisterType(blueTileFloor, blueTileCube);

            VoxelType cobblestoneFloor = new VoxelType
                Name                  = "CobblestoneFloor",
                ReleasesResource      = false,
                StartingHealth        = 20,
                CanRamp               = false,
                IsBuildable           = false,
                ParticleType          = "stone_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true

            RegisterType(cobblestoneFloor, cobblestoneCube);
            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 8), new Point(5, 2), new Point(5, 2), cobblestoneFloor.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType stockpileType = new VoxelType
                Name                  = "Stockpile",
                ReleasesResource      = false,
                StartingHealth        = 20,
                CanRamp               = false,
                IsBuildable           = false,
                ParticleType          = "stone_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true

            RegisterType(stockpileType, plankCube);

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 9), new Point(4, 0), new Point(4, 0), stockpileType.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType plankType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Plank",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 1.0f,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Wood,
                StartingHealth       = 20,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                CanRamp               = true,
                RampSize              = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable           = true,
                ParticleType          = "stone_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 9), new Point(4, 0), new Point(4, 0), plankType.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType magicType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Magic",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.0f,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Mana,
                StartingHealth       = 1,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                CanRamp               = false,
                IsBuildable           = false,
                ParticleType          = "star_particle",
                ExplosionSound        = ContentPaths.Audio.wurp,
                HasTransitionTextures = false,
                EmitsLight            = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 10), new Point(15, 10), new Point(15, 10), magicType.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType scaffoldType = new VoxelType
                Name                 = "Scaffold",
                StartingHealth       = 20,
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 1.0f,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Wood,
                ReleasesResource     = false,
                CanRamp              = false,
                RampSize             = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable          = true,
                ParticleType         = "stone_particle"

            VoxelType grassType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Grass",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.1f,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Dirt,
                StartingHealth       = 10,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                CanRamp               = true,
                RampSize              = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable           = false,
                ParticleType          = "dirt_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true,
                IsSoil    = true,
                IsSurface = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 3), new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0), grassType.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType frostType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Frost",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.1f,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Dirt,
                StartingHealth       = 10,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                CanRamp               = true,
                RampSize              = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable           = false,
                ParticleType          = "dirt_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true,
                IsSurface             = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 4), new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0), frostType.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType snowType = new VoxelType
                Name                  = "Snow",
                StartingHealth        = 1,
                ReleasesResource      = false,
                CanRamp               = true,
                RampSize              = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable           = false,
                ParticleType          = "snow_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = false,
                IsSurface             = true,
                IsSoil                = false

            RegisterType(snowType, snowCube);

            VoxelType iceType = new VoxelType
                Name                  = "Ice",
                StartingHealth        = 1,
                ReleasesResource      = false,
                CanRamp               = false,
                IsBuildable           = false,
                ParticleType          = "snow_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = false,
                IsSurface             = true,
                IsSoil                = false

            RegisterType(iceType, iceCube);

            VoxelType desertGrass = new VoxelType
                Name = "DesertGrass",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.1f,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Sand,
                StartingHealth       = 20,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                CanRamp               = true,
                RampSize              = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable           = false,
                ParticleType          = "sand_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true,
                IsSurface             = true,
                IsSoil = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 6), new Point(1, 1), new Point(1, 1), desertGrass.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType jungleGrass = new VoxelType
                Name = "JungleGrass",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.1f,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Dirt,
                StartingHealth       = 30,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                CanRamp               = true,
                RampSize              = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable           = false,
                ParticleType          = "dirt_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true,
                IsSurface             = true,
                IsSoil = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 5), new Point(2, 0), new Point(2, 0), jungleGrass.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType caveFungus = new VoxelType
                Name = "CaveFungus",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.25f,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Stone,
                StartingHealth       = 30,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                CanRamp               = false,
                RampSize              = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable           = false,
                ParticleType          = "stone_particle",
                HasTransitionTextures = true,
                IsSurface             = false,
                IsSoil = true

            CreateTransitionUVs(graphics, cubeTexture, 32, 32, new Point(0, 13), new Point(1, 0), new Point(1, 0), caveFungus.TransitionTextures);

            VoxelType dirtType = new VoxelType
                Name                 = "Dirt",
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Dirt,
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.3f,
                StartingHealth       = 10,
                RampSize             = 0.5f,
                CanRamp              = true,
                IsBuildable          = true,
                ParticleType         = "dirt_particle",
                IsSoil               = true

            VoxelType stoneType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Stone",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.5f,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Stone,
                StartingHealth       = 40,
                IsBuildable          = true,
                ParticleType         = "stone_particle"

            VoxelType bedrockType = new VoxelType
                Name           = "Bedrock",
                StartingHealth = 255,
                IsBuildable    = false,
                IsInvincible   = true

            VoxelType waterType = new VoxelType
                Name             = "water",
                ReleasesResource = false,
                IsBuildable      = false,
                StartingHealth   = 255

            VoxelType sandType = new VoxelType
                Name                 = "Sand",
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                StartingHealth       = 15,
                CanRamp              = true,
                RampSize             = 0.5f,
                IsBuildable          = false,
                ParticleType         = "sand_particle",
                IsSurface            = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Sand,
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.5f

            VoxelType ironType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Iron",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.99f,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Iron,
                StartingHealth       = 80,
                IsBuildable          = false,
                ParticleType         = "stone_particle",
                SpawnClusters        = true,
                ClusterSize          = 5,
                SpawnVeins           = true,
                VeinLength           = 10,
                Rarity           = 0.0f,
                MinSpawnHeight   = 8,
                MaxSpawnHeight   = 40,
                SpawnProbability = 0.99f

            VoxelType coalType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Coal",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 0.99f,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Coal,
                StartingHealth       = 75,
                IsBuildable          = false,
                ParticleType         = "stone_particle",
                SpawnClusters        = true,
                ClusterSize          = 5,
                MinSpawnHeight       = 15,
                MaxSpawnHeight       = 50,
                SpawnProbability     = 0.3f,
                Rarity         = 0.05f,
                SpawnOnSurface = true

            VoxelType goldType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Gold",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 1.0f,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Gold,
                StartingHealth       = 90,
                IsBuildable          = false,
                ParticleType         = "stone_particle",
                SpawnVeins           = true,
                VeinLength           = 20,
                Rarity           = 0.2f,
                MinSpawnHeight   = 0,
                MaxSpawnHeight   = 20,
                SpawnProbability = 0.99f

            VoxelType greenGem = new VoxelType
                Name = "Emerald",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 1.0f,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = "Emerald",
                StartingHealth       = 90,
                IsBuildable          = false,
                ParticleType         = "stone_particle",
                SpawnClusters        = true,
                ClusterSize          = 3,
                MinSpawnHeight       = 0,
                MaxSpawnHeight       = 18,
                SpawnProbability     = 0.8f,
                Rarity = 0.9f

            VoxelType redGem = new VoxelType
                Name = "Ruby",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 1.0f,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = "Ruby",
                StartingHealth       = 90,
                IsBuildable          = false,
                ParticleType         = "stone_particle",
                SpawnClusters        = true,
                ClusterSize          = 3,
                MinSpawnHeight       = 0,
                MaxSpawnHeight       = 18,
                SpawnProbability     = 0.8f,
                Rarity = 0.9f

            VoxelType purpleGem = new VoxelType
                Name = "Amethyst",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 1.0f,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = "Amethyst",
                StartingHealth       = 90,
                IsBuildable          = false,
                ParticleType         = "stone_particle",
                ClusterSize          = 3,
                SpawnClusters        = true,
                MinSpawnHeight       = 0,
                MaxSpawnHeight       = 18,
                SpawnProbability     = 0.8f,
                Rarity = 0.9f

            VoxelType blueGem = new VoxelType
                Name = "Sapphire",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 1.0f,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = "Sapphire",
                StartingHealth       = 90,
                IsBuildable          = false,
                ParticleType         = "stone_particle",
                SpawnClusters        = true,
                ClusterSize          = 3,
                MinSpawnHeight       = 0,
                MaxSpawnHeight       = 18,
                SpawnProbability     = 0.8f,
                Rarity = 0.9f

            VoxelType yellowGem = new VoxelType
                Name = "Citrine",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 1.0f,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = "Citrine",
                StartingHealth       = 90,
                IsBuildable          = false,
                ParticleType         = "stone_particle",
                SpawnClusters        = true,
                ClusterSize          = 3,
                MinSpawnHeight       = 0,
                MaxSpawnHeight       = 18,
                SpawnProbability     = 0.8f,
                Rarity = 0.9f

            VoxelType orangeGem = new VoxelType
                Name = "Garnet",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 1.0f,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = "Garnet",
                StartingHealth       = 90,
                IsBuildable          = false,
                ParticleType         = "stone_particle",
                SpawnClusters        = true,
                ClusterSize          = 3,
                MinSpawnHeight       = 0,
                MaxSpawnHeight       = 18,
                SpawnProbability     = 0.8f,
                Rarity = 0.9f

            VoxelType manaType = new VoxelType
                Name = "Mana",
                ProbabilityOfRelease = 1.0f,
                ReleasesResource     = true,
                ResourceToRelease    = ResourceLibrary.ResourceType.Mana,
                StartingHealth       = 200,
                IsBuildable          = false,
                ParticleType         = "stone_particle",
                SpawnVeins           = true,
                VeinLength           = 25,
                Rarity           = 0.1f,
                MinSpawnHeight   = 0,
                MaxSpawnHeight   = 14,
                SpawnProbability = 0.99f

            RegisterType(greenGem, greenGemCube);
            RegisterType(redGem, redGemCube);
            RegisterType(purpleGem, purpleGemCube);
            RegisterType(blueGem, blueGemCube);
            RegisterType(orangeGem, orangeGemCube);
            RegisterType(yellowGem, yellowGemCube);

            RegisterType(grassType, grassCube);
            RegisterType(frostType, frostCube);
            RegisterType(desertGrass, grassCube);
            RegisterType(jungleGrass, grassCube);
            RegisterType(caveFungus, grassCube);
            RegisterType(emptyType, null);
            RegisterType(dirtType, dirtCube);
            RegisterType(stoneType, stoneCube);
            RegisterType(waterType, waterCube);
            RegisterType(sandType, sandCube);
            RegisterType(ironType, ironCube);
            RegisterType(goldType, goldCube);
            RegisterType(manaType, manaCube);
            RegisterType(plankType, plankCube);
            RegisterType(scaffoldType, scaffoldCube);
            RegisterType(bedrockType, bedrockCube);
            RegisterType(coalType, coalCube);
            RegisterType(magicType, magicCube);

            foreach (VoxelType type in VoxelType.TypeList)
                Types[type.Name] = type;
Exemplo n.º 20
        public static Texture2D RenderIcons(GraphicsDevice device, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager Content, Gui.JsonTileSheet Sheet)

            var shader = new Shader(Content.Load <Effect>(ContentPaths.Shaders.TexturedShaders), true);

            var sqrt   = (int)(Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(PrimitiveMap.Count)));
            var width  = MathFunctions.NearestPowerOf2(sqrt * Sheet.TileWidth);
            var height = MathFunctions.NearestPowerOf2(sqrt * Sheet.TileWidth);

            RenderTarget2D toReturn = new RenderTarget2D(device, width, height, false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth16, 16, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);

            shader.MainTexture             = AssetManager.GetContentTexture(ContentPaths.Terrain.terrain_tiles);
            shader.SelfIlluminationEnabled = true;
            shader.SelfIlluminationTexture = AssetManager.GetContentTexture(ContentPaths.Terrain.terrain_illumination);
            shader.EnableShadows           = false;
            shader.EnableLighting          = false;
            shader.ClippingEnabled         = false;
            shader.CameraPosition          = new Vector3(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);
            shader.VertexColorTint         = Color.White;
            shader.LightRamp                = Color.White;
            shader.SunlightGradient         = AssetManager.GetContentTexture(ContentPaths.Gradients.sungradient);
            shader.AmbientOcclusionGradient = AssetManager.GetContentTexture(ContentPaths.Gradients.ambientgradient);
            shader.TorchlightGradient       = AssetManager.GetContentTexture(ContentPaths.Gradients.torchgradient);

            Viewport oldview = device.Viewport;
            int      rows    = height / Sheet.TileWidth;
            int      cols    = width / Sheet.TileWidth;

            device.ScissorRectangle  = new Rectangle(0, 0, Sheet.TileWidth, Sheet.TileWidth);
            device.RasterizerState   = RasterizerState.CullNone;
            device.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
            Vector3 half = Vector3.One * 0.5f;

            half = new Vector3(half.X, half.Y, half.Z);

            List <VoxelType> voxelsByType = Types.Select(type => type.Value).ToList();

            voxelsByType.Sort((a, b) => a.ID < b.ID ? -1 : 1);

            foreach (EffectPass pass in shader.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
                foreach (var type in voxelsByType)
                    int          row       = type.ID / cols;
                    int          col       = type.ID % cols;
                    BoxPrimitive primitive = GetPrimitive(type);
                    if (primitive == null)

                    if (type.HasTransitionTextures)
                        primitive = new BoxPrimitive(device, 1, 1, 1, type.TransitionTextures[new BoxTransition()]);

                    device.Viewport = new Viewport(col * Sheet.TileWidth, row * Sheet.TileWidth, Sheet.TileWidth, Sheet.TileWidth);
                    Matrix viewMatrix       = Matrix.CreateLookAt(new Vector3(-1.2f, 1.0f, -1.5f), Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up);
                    Matrix projectionMatrix = Matrix.CreateOrthographic(1.5f, 1.5f, 0, 5);
                    shader.View            = viewMatrix;
                    shader.Projection      = projectionMatrix;
                    shader.World           = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-half);
                    shader.VertexColorTint = type.Tint;
            device.Viewport = oldview;
Exemplo n.º 21
        public void InitializeFromChunk(VoxelChunk chunk, GraphicsDevice graphics)
            if (chunk == null)

            if (isRebuilding)

            isRebuilding = true;
            int[] ambientValues = new int[4];
            int   maxIndex      = 0;
            int   maxVertex     = 0;
            Voxel v             = chunk.MakeVoxel(0, 0, 0);
            Voxel voxelOnFace   = chunk.MakeVoxel(0, 0, 0);

            Voxel[]      manhattanNeighbors = new Voxel[4];
            BoxPrimitive bedrockModel       = VoxelLibrary.GetPrimitive("Bedrock");
            Voxel        worldVoxel         = new Voxel();

            if (Vertices == null)
                Vertices = new ExtendedVertex[1024];

            if (Indexes == null)
                Indexes = new ushort[512];

            for (int y = 0; y < Math.Min(chunk.Manager.ChunkData.MaxViewingLevel + 1, chunk.SizeY); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < chunk.SizeX; x++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < chunk.SizeZ; z++)
                        v.GridPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z);

                        if ((v.IsExplored && v.IsEmpty) || !v.IsVisible)

                        BoxPrimitive primitive = VoxelLibrary.GetPrimitive(v.Type);
                        if (v.IsExplored && primitive == null)
                        if (!v.IsExplored)
                            primitive = bedrockModel;

                        Color tint = v.Type.Tint;
                        BoxPrimitive.BoxTextureCoords uvs = primitive.UVs;

                        if (v.Type.HasTransitionTextures && v.IsExplored)
                            uvs = v.ComputeTransitionTexture(manhattanNeighbors);

                        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                            BoxFace face  = (BoxFace)i;
                            Vector3 delta = FaceDeltas[(int)face];
                            faceExists[(int)face] = chunk.IsCellValid(x + (int)delta.X, y + (int)delta.Y, z + (int)delta.Z);
                            drawFace[(int)face]   = true;

                            if (faceExists[(int)face])
                                voxelOnFace.GridPosition = new Vector3(x + (int)delta.X, y + (int)delta.Y, z + (int)delta.Z);
                                drawFace[(int)face]      = (voxelOnFace.IsExplored && voxelOnFace.IsEmpty) || !voxelOnFace.IsVisible ||
                                                           (voxelOnFace.Type.CanRamp && voxelOnFace.RampType != RampType.None && IsSideFace(face) &&
                                                            ShouldDrawFace(face, voxelOnFace.RampType, v.RampType));
                                bool success = chunk.Manager.ChunkData.GetNonNullVoxelAtWorldLocation(new Vector3(x + (int)delta.X, y + (int)delta.Y, z + (int)delta.Z) + chunk.Origin, ref worldVoxel);
                                drawFace[(int)face] = !success || (worldVoxel.IsExplored && worldVoxel.IsEmpty) || !worldVoxel.IsVisible ||
                                                      (worldVoxel.Type.CanRamp && worldVoxel.RampType != RampType.None &&
                                                       IsSideFace(face) &&
                                                       ShouldDrawFace(face, worldVoxel.RampType, v.RampType));

                        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                            BoxFace face = (BoxFace)i;
                            if (!drawFace[(int)face])

                            int faceIndex   = 0;
                            int faceCount   = 0;
                            int vertexIndex = 0;
                            int vertexCount = 0;
                            primitive.GetFace(face, uvs, out faceIndex, out faceCount, out vertexIndex, out vertexCount);
                            Vector2 texScale = uvs.Scales[i];

                            int indexOffset = maxVertex;
                            for (int vertOffset = 0; vertOffset < vertexCount; vertOffset++)
                                ExtendedVertex vert    = primitive.Vertices[vertOffset + vertexIndex];
                                VoxelVertex    bestKey = primitive.Deltas[vertOffset + vertexIndex];
                                Color          color   = v.Chunk.Data.GetColor(x, y, z, bestKey);
                                ambientValues[vertOffset] = color.G;
                                Vector3 offset    = Vector3.Zero;
                                Vector2 texOffset = Vector2.Zero;

                                if (v.Type.CanRamp && ShouldRamp(bestKey, v.RampType))
                                    offset = new Vector3(0, -v.Type.RampSize, 0);

                                    if (face != BoxFace.Top && face != BoxFace.Bottom)
                                        texOffset = new Vector2(0, v.Type.RampSize * (texScale.Y));

                                if (maxVertex >= Vertices.Length)
                                    ExtendedVertex[] newVertices = new ExtendedVertex[Vertices.Length * 2];
                                    Vertices.CopyTo(newVertices, 0);
                                    Vertices = newVertices;

                                Vertices[maxVertex] = new ExtendedVertex(vert.Position + v.Position +
                                                                             vert.Position + v.Position) + offset,
                                                                         uvs.Uvs[vertOffset + vertexIndex] + texOffset,
                                                                         uvs.Bounds[faceIndex / 6]);

                            bool flippedQuad = ambientValues[0] + ambientValues[2] >
                                               ambientValues[1] + ambientValues[3];
                            for (int idx = faceIndex; idx < faceCount + faceIndex; idx++)
                                if (maxIndex >= Indexes.Length)
                                    ushort[] indexes = new ushort[Indexes.Length * 2];
                                    Indexes.CopyTo(indexes, 0);
                                    Indexes = indexes;

                                ushort vertexOffset  = flippedQuad ? primitive.FlippedIndexes[idx] : primitive.Indexes[idx];
                                ushort vertexOffset0 = flippedQuad? primitive.FlippedIndexes[faceIndex] : primitive.Indexes[faceIndex];
                                Indexes[maxIndex] =
                                    (ushort)((int)indexOffset + (int)((int)vertexOffset - (int)vertexOffset0));
            MaxIndex  = maxIndex;
            MaxVertex = maxVertex;
            isRebuilding = false;

            chunk.NewPrimitive         = this;
            chunk.NewPrimitiveReceived = true;
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void InitializeFromChunk(VoxelChunk chunk, GraphicsDevice graphics)
            if (chunk == null)

            if (isRebuilding)

            isRebuilding = true;


            Voxel v           = chunk.MakeVoxel(0, 0, 0);
            Voxel voxelOnFace = chunk.MakeVoxel(0, 0, 0);

            Voxel[] manhattanNeighbors = new Voxel[4];
            for (int x = 0; x < chunk.SizeX; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Math.Min(chunk.Manager.ChunkData.MaxViewingLevel + 1, chunk.SizeY); y++)
                    for (int z = 0; z < chunk.SizeZ; z++)
                        v.GridPosition = new Vector3(x, y, z);

                        if (v.IsEmpty || !v.IsVisible)

                        BoxPrimitive primitive = VoxelLibrary.GetPrimitive(v.Type);

                        if (primitive == null)

                        BoxPrimitive.BoxTextureCoords uvs = primitive.UVs;

                        if (v.Type.HasTransitionTextures)
                            uvs = v.ComputeTransitionTexture(manhattanNeighbors);

                        Voxel worldVoxel = new Voxel();
                        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                            BoxFace face  = (BoxFace)i;
                            Vector3 delta = FaceDeltas[face];
                            faceExists[face] = chunk.IsCellValid(x + (int)delta.X, y + (int)delta.Y, z + (int)delta.Z);
                            drawFace[face]   = true;

                            if (faceExists[face])
                                voxelOnFace.GridPosition = new Vector3(x + (int)delta.X, y + (int)delta.Y, z + (int)delta.Z);
                                drawFace[face]           = voxelOnFace.IsEmpty || !voxelOnFace.IsVisible || (voxelOnFace.Type.CanRamp && voxelOnFace.RampType != RampType.None && IsSideFace(face) && ShouldDrawFace(face, voxelOnFace.RampType, v.RampType));
                                bool success = chunk.Manager.ChunkData.GetNonNullVoxelAtWorldLocation(new Vector3(x + (int)delta.X, y + (int)delta.Y, z + (int)delta.Z) + chunk.Origin, ref worldVoxel);
                                drawFace[face] = !success || worldVoxel.IsEmpty || !worldVoxel.IsVisible || (worldVoxel.Type.CanRamp && worldVoxel.RampType != RampType.None && IsSideFace(face) && ShouldDrawFace(face, worldVoxel.RampType, v.RampType));

                        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                            BoxFace face = (BoxFace)i;
                            if (!drawFace[face])
                            int faceIndex   = 0;
                            int faceCount   = 0;
                            int vertexIndex = 0;
                            int vertexCount = 0;
                            primitive.GetFace(face, uvs, out faceIndex, out faceCount, out vertexIndex, out vertexCount);
                            Vector2 texScale = uvs.Scales[i];

                            int indexOffset = accumulatedVertices.Count;
                            for (int vertOffset = 0; vertOffset < vertexCount; vertOffset++)
                                ExtendedVertex vert      = primitive.Vertices[vertOffset + vertexIndex];
                                VoxelVertex    bestKey   = VoxelChunk.GetNearestDelta(vert.Position);
                                Color          color     = v.Chunk.Data.GetColor(x, y, z, bestKey);
                                Vector3        offset    = Vector3.Zero;
                                Vector2        texOffset = Vector2.Zero;

                                if (v.Type.CanRamp && ShouldRamp(bestKey, v.RampType))
                                    offset = new Vector3(0, -v.Type.RampSize, 0);

                                    if (face != BoxFace.Top && face != BoxFace.Bottom)
                                        texOffset = new Vector2(0, v.Type.RampSize * (texScale.Y));

                                ExtendedVertex newVertex = new ExtendedVertex((vert.Position + v.Position + VertexNoise.GetNoiseVectorFromRepeatingTexture(vert.Position + v.Position) + offset),
                                                                              uvs.Uvs[vertOffset + vertexIndex] + texOffset, uvs.Bounds[faceIndex / 6]);

                            for (int idx = faceIndex; idx < faceCount + faceIndex; idx++)
                                int vertexOffset = primitive.Indices[idx];
                                accumulatedIndices.Add((short)(indexOffset + (vertexOffset - primitive.Indices[faceIndex])));

            Vertices = new ExtendedVertex[accumulatedVertices.Count];
            IndexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(graphics, typeof(short), accumulatedIndices.Count, BufferUsage.WriteOnly);

            isRebuilding = false;

            chunk.NewPrimitive         = this;
            chunk.NewPrimitiveReceived = true;
Exemplo n.º 23
        private static void BuildVoxelFaceGeometry(
            RawPrimitive Into,
            VoxelChunk Chunk,
            Cache Cache,
            BoxPrimitive Primitive,
            VoxelHandle V,
            Color Tint,
            BoxPrimitive.BoxTextureCoords UVs,
            Matrix VertexTransform,
            BoxFace BoxFace,
            bool ApplyLighting)
            if (!IsFaceVisible(V, BoxFace, Chunk.Manager, out var neighbor))

            var faceDescriptor = Primitive.GetFace(BoxFace);
            var indexOffset    = Into.VertexCount;

            for (int faceVertex = 0; faceVertex < faceDescriptor.VertexCount; faceVertex++)
                var vertex      = Primitive.Vertices[faceDescriptor.VertexOffset + faceVertex];
                var voxelVertex = Primitive.VertexClassifications[faceDescriptor.VertexOffset + faceVertex];
                var vertexColor = new VertexColorInfo
                    SunColor     = 255,
                    AmbientColor = 255,
                    DynamicColor = 255,

                if (ApplyLighting)
                    var cacheKey = GetCacheKey(V, voxelVertex);

                    if (!Cache.LightCache.TryGetValue(cacheKey, out vertexColor))
                        vertexColor = CalculateVertexLight(V, voxelVertex, Chunk.Manager);
                        Cache.LightCache.Add(cacheKey, vertexColor);

                    Cache.AmbientValues[faceVertex] = vertexColor.AmbientColor;

                    if (!V.IsExplored && !neighbor.IsValid) // Turns the outside of the world black when it's not explored.
                        Tint = new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

                var rampOffset = Vector3.Zero;
                if (V.IsExplored && V.Type.CanRamp && ShouldRamp(voxelVertex, V.RampType))
                    rampOffset = new Vector3(0, -0.5f, 0);

                var baseWorldPosition = V.WorldPosition + vertex.Position + rampOffset;
                var noise             = VertexNoise.GetNoiseVectorFromRepeatingTexture(baseWorldPosition);
                var localPosition     = Vector3.Transform(vertex.Position + rampOffset + noise, VertexTransform);

                Into.AddVertex(new ExtendedVertex(
                                   V.WorldPosition + localPosition,
                                   UVs.Uvs[faceDescriptor.VertexOffset + faceVertex],
                                   UVs.Bounds[faceDescriptor.IndexOffset / 6]));

            // Sometimes flip the quad to smooth out lighting.
            bool flippedQuad = ApplyLighting && (Cache.AmbientValues[0] + Cache.AmbientValues[2] >
                                                 Cache.AmbientValues[1] + Cache.AmbientValues[3]);

            for (int idx = faceDescriptor.IndexOffset; idx < faceDescriptor.IndexCount +
                 faceDescriptor.IndexOffset; idx++)
                ushort offset  = flippedQuad ? Primitive.FlippedIndexes[idx] : Primitive.Indexes[idx];
                ushort offset0 = flippedQuad ? Primitive.FlippedIndexes[faceDescriptor.IndexOffset] : Primitive.Indexes[faceDescriptor.IndexOffset];
                Into.AddIndex((short)(indexOffset + offset - offset0));