/// <summary>
        /// Creates Entities from aggregates (collections of components)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aggregate">The specific aggreage to create</param>
        public uint CreateFromGameSave(DungeonCrawlerGame.CharacterSaveFile gameSave, PlayerIndex playerIndex)
            uint      entityID = 0xFFFFFF;
            Texture2D spriteSheet;
            Position  position;
            Movement  movement;

            Sprite          sprite;
            SpriteAnimation spriteAnimation;

            //MovementSprite movementSprite;
            Collideable collideable;
            Local       local;
            Player      player;
            PlayerInfo  info;
            Stats       stats = new Stats();

            HUDAggregateFactory hudagg = new HUDAggregateFactory(game);
            InvAggregateFactory invagg = new InvAggregateFactory(game);

            //Miscelaneous modifyers for the potential ability modifiers
            //Placeholders for racial/class bonuses and item bonuses.
            int miscMeleeAttack  = 0;
            int miscRangedAttack = 0;
            int miscMeleeSpeed   = 0;
            int miscAccuracy     = 0;
            int miscMeleeDef     = 0;
            int miscRangedDef    = 0;
            int miscSpell        = 0;
            int miscHealth       = 0;

            // Create the player
                entityID         = Entity.NextEntity();
                spriteSheet      = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(gameSave.charAnimation);
                spriteSheet.Name = gameSave.charAnimation;

                position = new Position()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    Center   = new Vector2(400, 150),
                    Radius   = 32f,
                game.PositionComponent[entityID] = position;

                collideable = new Collideable()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    RoomID   = position.RoomID,
                    Bounds   = new CircleBounds(position.Center, position.Radius)
                game.CollisionComponent[entityID] = collideable;

                movement = new Movement()
                    EntityID  = entityID,
                    Direction = new Vector2(0, 1),
                    Speed     = 200f,
                game.MovementComponent[entityID] = movement;

                spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation()
                    EntityID            = entityID,
                    FramesPerSecond     = 10,
                    IsLooping           = true,
                    IsPlaying           = true,
                    TimePassed          = 0f,
                    CurrentFrame        = 0,
                    CurrentAnimationRow = 0

                game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityID] = spriteAnimation;

                sprite = new Sprite()
                    EntityID     = entityID,
                    SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                    SpriteSheet  = spriteSheet
                game.SpriteComponent[entityID] = sprite;

                local = new Local()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                game.LocalComponent[entityID] = local;

                //This will add a stats section for the player in the stats component
                stats = new Stats()
                    EntityID = entityID,

                    // Load from game save
                    Strength     = gameSave.stats.Strength,
                    Stamina      = gameSave.stats.Stamina,
                    Agility      = gameSave.stats.Agility,
                    Intelligence = gameSave.stats.Intelligence,
                    Defense      = gameSave.stats.Defense
                game.StatsComponent[entityID] = stats;

                player = new Player()
                    EntityID         = entityID,
                    PlayerIndex      = playerIndex,
                    PlayerRace       = (Aggregate)gameSave.aggregate,
                    abilityModifiers = new AbilityModifiers()
                        meleeDamageReduction  = miscMeleeDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                        rangedDamageReduction = miscRangedDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                        meleeAttackBonus      = miscMeleeAttack + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                        RangedAttackBonus     = miscRangedAttack + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                        MeleeAttackSpeed      = miscMeleeSpeed + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                        Accuracy    = miscAccuracy + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                        SpellBonus  = miscSpell + (int)((stats.Intelligence - 10) / 2),
                        HealthBonus = miscHealth + (int)((stats.Stamina - 10) / 2),
                game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;

                info = new PlayerInfo()
                    Health = 100,
                    Psi    = 100,
                    State  = PlayerState.Default,
                game.PlayerInfoComponent[entityID] = info;

                game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;
                //Create HUD
                //create Inv

            game.QuestLogSystem.ActivateQuest(entityID, 0);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Entities from aggregates (collections of components)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aggregate">The specific aggreage to create</param>
        /// <param name="playerIndex">The player index for this player</param>
        /// <param name="aggregate">The game save that we are creating</param>
        public uint CreateFromAggregate(Aggregate aggregate, PlayerIndex playerIndex, string fileName, out DungeonCrawlerGame.CharacterSaveFile gameSave)
            gameSave = new DungeonCrawlerGame.CharacterSaveFile();

            uint      entityID = 0xFFFFFF;
            Texture2D spriteSheet;
            Position  position;
            Movement  movement;

            Sprite          sprite;
            SpriteAnimation spriteAnimation;

            //MovementSprite movementSprite;
            Collideable collideable;
            Local       local;
            Player      player;
            PlayerInfo  info;
            Stats       stats = new Stats();

            HUDAggregateFactory hudagg = new HUDAggregateFactory(game);
            InvAggregateFactory invagg = new InvAggregateFactory(game);

            //Miscelaneous modifyers for the potential ability modifiers
            //Placeholders for racial/class bonuses and item bonuses.
            int miscMeleeAttack  = 0;
            int miscRangedAttack = 0;
            int miscMeleeSpeed   = 0;
            int miscAccuracy     = 0;
            int miscMeleeDef     = 0;
            int miscRangedDef    = 0;
            int miscSpell        = 0;
            int miscHealth       = 0;

            switch (aggregate)
             * Fairy
             * *************************************/
            case Aggregate.FairyPlayer:
                entityID         = Entity.NextEntity();
                spriteSheet      = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Spritesheets/wind_fae");
                spriteSheet.Name = "Spritesheets/wind_fae";

                position = new Position()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    Center   = new Vector2(400, 150),
                    Radius   = 32f,
                game.PositionComponent[entityID] = position;

                collideable = new Collideable()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    RoomID   = position.RoomID,
                    Bounds   = new CircleBounds(position.Center, position.Radius)
                game.CollisionComponent[entityID] = collideable;

                movement = new Movement()
                    EntityID  = entityID,
                    Direction = new Vector2(0, 1),
                    Speed     = 200f,
                game.MovementComponent[entityID] = movement;

                 * movementSprite = new MovementSprite()
                 * {
                 *  EntityID = entityID,
                 *  Facing = Facing.South,
                 *  SpriteSheet = spriteSheet,
                 *  SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                 *  Timer = 0f,
                 * };
                 * game.MovementSpriteComponent[entityID] = movementSprite;

                spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation()
                    EntityID            = entityID,
                    FramesPerSecond     = 10,
                    IsLooping           = true,
                    IsPlaying           = true,
                    TimePassed          = 0f,
                    CurrentFrame        = 0,
                    CurrentAnimationRow = 0

                game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityID] = spriteAnimation;

                sprite = new Sprite()
                    EntityID     = entityID,
                    SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                    SpriteSheet  = spriteSheet
                game.SpriteComponent[entityID] = sprite;

                local = new Local()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                game.LocalComponent[entityID] = local;

                //This will add a stats section for the player in the stats component
                stats = new Stats()
                    EntityID = entityID,

                    //So here we just define our base values. Total sum is 50
                    //The base stats are 10 across the board
                    Strength     = 4,
                    Stamina      = 10,
                    Agility      = 10,
                    Intelligence = 16,
                    Defense      = 10
                game.StatsComponent[entityID] = stats;

                player = new Player()
                    EntityID         = entityID,
                    PlayerIndex      = playerIndex,
                    PlayerRace       = aggregate,
                    abilityModifiers = new AbilityModifiers()
                        meleeDamageReduction  = miscMeleeDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                        rangedDamageReduction = miscRangedDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                        meleeAttackBonus      = miscMeleeAttack + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                        RangedAttackBonus     = miscRangedAttack + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                        MeleeAttackSpeed      = miscMeleeSpeed + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                        Accuracy    = miscAccuracy + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                        SpellBonus  = miscSpell + (int)((stats.Intelligence - 10) / 2),
                        HealthBonus = miscHealth + (int)((stats.Stamina - 10) / 2),
                game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;

                info = new PlayerInfo()
                    Health = 100,
                    Psi    = 100,
                    State  = PlayerState.Default,
                game.PlayerInfoComponent[entityID] = info;


             * Cultist
             * *************************************/
            case Aggregate.CultistPlayer:
                entityID         = Entity.NextEntity();
                spriteSheet      = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Cultist");
                spriteSheet.Name = "Spritesheets/Cultist";

                position = new Position()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    Center   = new Vector2(400, 150),
                    Radius   = 32f,
                game.PositionComponent[entityID] = position;

                collideable = new Collideable()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    RoomID   = position.RoomID,
                    Bounds   = new CircleBounds(position.Center, position.Radius)
                game.CollisionComponent[entityID] = collideable;

                movement = new Movement()
                    EntityID  = entityID,
                    Direction = new Vector2(0, 1),
                    Speed     = 200f,
                game.MovementComponent[entityID] = movement;

                //movementSprite = new MovementSprite() {
                //    EntityID = entityID,
                //    Facing = Facing.South,
                //    SpriteSheet = spriteSheet,
                //    SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                //    Timer = 0f,
                //game.MovementSpriteComponent[entityID] = movementSprite;

                spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation()
                    EntityID            = entityID,
                    FramesPerSecond     = 10,
                    IsLooping           = true,
                    IsPlaying           = true,
                    TimePassed          = 0f,
                    CurrentFrame        = 0,
                    CurrentAnimationRow = 0

                game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityID] = spriteAnimation;

                sprite = new Sprite()
                    EntityID     = entityID,
                    SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                    SpriteSheet  = spriteSheet
                game.SpriteComponent[entityID] = sprite;

                local = new Local()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                game.LocalComponent[entityID] = local;

                //This will add a stats section for the player in the stats component
                stats = new Stats()
                    EntityID = entityID,

                    //So here we just define our base values. Total sum is 50
                    //The base stats are 10 across the board
                    Strength     = 4,
                    Stamina      = 10,
                    Agility      = 10,
                    Intelligence = 16,
                    Defense      = 10

                player = new Player()
                    EntityID         = entityID,
                    PlayerIndex      = playerIndex,
                    PlayerRace       = aggregate,
                    abilityModifiers = new AbilityModifiers()
                        meleeDamageReduction  = miscMeleeDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                        rangedDamageReduction = miscRangedDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                        meleeAttackBonus      = miscMeleeAttack + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                        RangedAttackBonus     = miscRangedAttack + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                        MeleeAttackSpeed      = miscMeleeSpeed + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                        Accuracy    = miscAccuracy + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                        SpellBonus  = miscSpell + (int)((stats.Intelligence - 10) / 2),
                        HealthBonus = miscHealth + (int)((stats.Stamina - 10) / 2),

                info = new PlayerInfo()
                    Health = 100,
                    Psi    = 100,
                    State  = PlayerState.Default,
                game.PlayerInfoComponent[entityID] = info;

                game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;
                //Create HUD
                //create Inv


             * Cyborg - Added by adam Clark
             * *************************************/
            case Aggregate.CyborgPlayer:
                entityID         = Entity.NextEntity();
                spriteSheet      = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Spritesheets/cyborg");
                spriteSheet.Name = "Spritesheets/cyborg";

                position = new Position()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    Center   = new Vector2(400, 150),
                    Radius   = 32f,
                game.PositionComponent[entityID] = position;

                collideable = new Collideable()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    RoomID   = position.RoomID,
                    Bounds   = new CircleBounds(position.Center, position.Radius)
                game.CollisionComponent[entityID] = collideable;

                movement = new Movement()
                    EntityID  = entityID,
                    Direction = new Vector2(0, 1),
                    Speed     = 200f,
                game.MovementComponent[entityID] = movement;

                /*movementSprite = new MovementSprite()
                 * {
                 *  EntityID = entityID,
                 *  Facing = Facing.South,
                 *  SpriteSheet = spriteSheet,
                 *  SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                 *  Timer = 0f,
                 * };
                 * game.MovementSpriteComponent[entityID] = movementSprite;*/

                spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation()
                    EntityID            = entityID,
                    FramesPerSecond     = 10,
                    IsLooping           = true,
                    IsPlaying           = true,
                    TimePassed          = 0f,
                    CurrentFrame        = 0,
                    CurrentAnimationRow = 0

                game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityID] = spriteAnimation;

                sprite = new Sprite()
                    EntityID     = entityID,
                    SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                    SpriteSheet  = spriteSheet
                game.SpriteComponent[entityID] = sprite;

                local = new Local()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                game.LocalComponent[entityID] = local;

                //This will add a stats section for the player in the stats component
                stats = new Stats()
                    EntityID = entityID,

                    //So here we just define our base values. Total sum is 50
                    //The base stats are 10 across the board
                    Strength     = 13,
                    Stamina      = 12,
                    Agility      = 13,
                    Intelligence = 0,
                    Defense      = 12
                game.StatsComponent[entityID] = stats;

                player = new Player()
                    EntityID    = entityID,
                    PlayerIndex = playerIndex,
                    PlayerRace  = aggregate,

                info = new PlayerInfo()
                    Health = 100,
                    Psi    = 100,
                    State  = PlayerState.Default,
                game.PlayerInfoComponent[entityID] = info;

                game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;
                //create HUD
                //create Inv

             * Earthian
             * Done by Andrew Bellinder. I added the character's sprite and his skill sprites
             * ******************************************************************************/
            case Aggregate.EarthianPlayer:
                entityID         = Entity.NextEntity();
                spriteSheet      = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Earthian2x");
                spriteSheet.Name = "Spritesheets/Earthian2x";

                position = new Position()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    Center   = new Vector2(400, 150),
                    Radius   = 32f,
                game.PositionComponent[entityID] = position;

                collideable = new Collideable()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    RoomID   = position.RoomID,
                    Bounds   = new CircleBounds(position.Center, position.Radius)
                game.CollisionComponent[entityID] = collideable;

                movement = new Movement()
                    EntityID  = entityID,
                    Direction = new Vector2(0, 1),
                    Speed     = 200f,
                game.MovementComponent[entityID] = movement;

                 * movementSprite = new MovementSprite() {
                 *  EntityID = entityID,
                 *  Facing = Facing.South,
                 *  SpriteSheet = spriteSheet,
                 *  SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                 *  Timer = 0f,
                 * };
                 * game.MovementSpriteComponent[entityID] = movementSprite;

                spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation()
                    EntityID            = entityID,
                    FramesPerSecond     = 10,
                    IsLooping           = true,
                    IsPlaying           = true,
                    TimePassed          = 0f,
                    CurrentFrame        = 0,
                    CurrentAnimationRow = 0

                game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityID] = spriteAnimation;

                sprite = new Sprite()
                    EntityID     = entityID,
                    SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                    SpriteSheet  = spriteSheet
                game.SpriteComponent[entityID] = sprite;
                local = new Local()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                game.LocalComponent[entityID] = local;

                //This will add a stats section for the player in the stats component
                stats = new Stats()
                    EntityID = entityID,

                    //So here we just define our base values. Total sum is 50
                    //The base stats are 10 across the board
                    Strength     = 10,
                    Stamina      = 10,
                    Agility      = 10,
                    Intelligence = 10,
                    Defense      = 10
                game.StatsComponent[entityID] = stats;

                player = new Player()
                    EntityID         = entityID,
                    PlayerIndex      = playerIndex,
                    PlayerRace       = aggregate,
                    abilityModifiers = new AbilityModifiers()
                        meleeDamageReduction  = miscMeleeDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                        rangedDamageReduction = miscRangedDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                        meleeAttackBonus      = miscMeleeAttack + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                        RangedAttackBonus     = miscRangedAttack + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                        MeleeAttackSpeed      = miscMeleeSpeed + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                        Accuracy    = miscAccuracy + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                        SpellBonus  = miscSpell + (int)((stats.Intelligence - 10) / 2),
                        HealthBonus = miscHealth + (int)((stats.Stamina - 10) / 2),
                game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;

                info = new PlayerInfo()
                    Health = 100,
                    Psi    = 100,
                    State  = PlayerState.Default,
                game.PlayerInfoComponent[entityID] = info;

                //Create HUD
                //create Inv

             * Gargranian by Michael Fountain
             * *************************************/
            case Aggregate.GargranianPlayer:
                entityID         = Entity.NextEntity();
                spriteSheet      = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Spritesheets/gargranian");
                spriteSheet.Name = "Spritesheets/gargranian";

                position = new Position()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    Center   = new Vector2(400, 150),
                    Radius   = 32f,
                game.PositionComponent[entityID] = position;

                collideable = new Collideable()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    RoomID   = position.RoomID,
                    Bounds   = new CircleBounds(position.Center, position.Radius)
                game.CollisionComponent[entityID] = collideable;

                movement = new Movement()
                    EntityID  = entityID,
                    Direction = new Vector2(0, 1),
                    Speed     = 200f,
                game.MovementComponent[entityID] = movement;

                 * movementSprite = new MovementSprite()
                 * {
                 *  EntityID = entityID,
                 *  Facing = Facing.South,
                 *  SpriteSheet = spriteSheet,
                 *  SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                 *  Timer = 0f,
                 * };
                 * game.MovementSpriteComponent[entityID] = movementSprite;

                spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation()
                    EntityID            = entityID,
                    FramesPerSecond     = 10,
                    IsLooping           = true,
                    IsPlaying           = true,
                    TimePassed          = 0f,
                    CurrentFrame        = 0,
                    CurrentAnimationRow = 0

                game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityID] = spriteAnimation;

                sprite = new Sprite()
                    EntityID     = entityID,
                    SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                    SpriteSheet  = spriteSheet
                game.SpriteComponent[entityID] = sprite;
                local = new Local()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                game.LocalComponent[entityID] = local;

                //This will add a stats section for the player in the stats component
                stats = new Stats()
                    EntityID = entityID,

                    //So here we just define our base values. Total sum is 50
                    //The base stats are 10 across the board
                    Strength     = 4,
                    Stamina      = 10,
                    Agility      = 10,
                    Intelligence = 14,
                    Defense      = 12
                game.StatsComponent[entityID] = stats;

                player = new Player()
                    EntityID    = entityID,
                    PlayerIndex = playerIndex,
                    PlayerRace  = aggregate,
                game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;

                info = new PlayerInfo()
                    Health = 100,
                    Psi    = 100,
                    State  = PlayerState.Default,
                game.PlayerInfoComponent[entityID] = info;

                //Create HUD
                //create Inv

             * Space Pirate
             * Done by Austin Murphy and I also have posted the 9 sprites for my skills that are listed in the design document.
             * *************************************/
            case Aggregate.SpacePiratePlayer:
                entityID         = Entity.NextEntity();
                spriteSheet      = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Spritesheets/SpacePBig");
                spriteSheet.Name = "Spritesheets/SpacePBig";

                position = new Position()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    Center   = new Vector2(400, 150),
                    Radius   = 32f,
                game.PositionComponent[entityID] = position;

                collideable = new Collideable()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    RoomID   = position.RoomID,
                    Bounds   = new CircleBounds(position.Center, position.Radius)
                game.CollisionComponent[entityID] = collideable;

                movement = new Movement()
                    EntityID  = entityID,
                    Direction = new Vector2(0, 1),
                    Speed     = 200f,
                game.MovementComponent[entityID] = movement;

                 * movementSprite = new MovementSprite()
                 * {
                 *  EntityID = entityID,
                 *  Facing = Facing.South,
                 *  SpriteSheet = spriteSheet,
                 *  SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                 *  Timer = 0f,
                 * };
                 * game.MovementSpriteComponent[entityID] = movementSprite;

                spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation()
                    EntityID            = entityID,
                    FramesPerSecond     = 10,
                    IsLooping           = true,
                    IsPlaying           = true,
                    TimePassed          = 0f,
                    CurrentFrame        = 0,
                    CurrentAnimationRow = 0

                game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityID] = spriteAnimation;

                sprite = new Sprite()
                    EntityID     = entityID,
                    SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                    SpriteSheet  = spriteSheet
                game.SpriteComponent[entityID] = sprite;
                local = new Local()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                game.LocalComponent[entityID] = local;

                //This will add a stats section for the player in the stats component
                stats = new Stats()
                    EntityID = entityID,

                    //So here we just define our base values. Total sum is 50
                    //The base stats are 10 across the board
                    Strength     = 5,
                    Stamina      = 5,
                    Agility      = 25,
                    Intelligence = 5,
                    Defense      = 5
                game.StatsComponent[entityID] = stats;

                player = new Player()
                    EntityID    = entityID,
                    PlayerIndex = playerIndex,
                    PlayerRace  = aggregate,
                game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;

                info = new PlayerInfo()
                    Health = 100,
                    Psi    = 100,
                    State  = PlayerState.Default,
                game.PlayerInfoComponent[entityID] = info;

                //Create HUD
                //create Inv

             * Zombie
             * written by Matthew Hart
             * *************************************/
            case Aggregate.ZombiePlayer:
                entityID         = Entity.NextEntity();
                spriteSheet      = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>("Spritesheets/MzombieBx2");
                spriteSheet.Name = "Spritesheets/MzombieBx2";

                //Placeholder values
                miscMeleeAttack = 5;
                miscMeleeDef    = 5;
                miscRangedDef   = -5;

                position = new Position()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    Center   = new Vector2(400, 150),
                    Radius   = 32f,

                game.PositionComponent[entityID] = position;

                collideable = new Collideable()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    RoomID   = position.RoomID,
                    Bounds   = new CircleBounds(position.Center, position.Radius)
                game.CollisionComponent[entityID] = collideable;

                movement = new Movement()
                    EntityID  = entityID,
                    Direction = new Vector2(0, 1),
                    Speed     = 200f,
                game.MovementComponent[entityID] = movement;

                 * movementSprite = new MovementSprite()
                 * {
                 *  EntityID = entityID,
                 *  Facing = Facing.South,
                 *  SpriteSheet = spriteSheet,
                 *  SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                 *  Timer = 0f,
                 * };
                 * game.MovementSpriteComponent[entityID] = movementSprite;

                spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation()
                    EntityID            = entityID,
                    FramesPerSecond     = 10,
                    IsLooping           = true,
                    IsPlaying           = true,
                    TimePassed          = 0f,
                    CurrentFrame        = 0,
                    CurrentAnimationRow = 0

                game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityID] = spriteAnimation;

                sprite = new Sprite()
                    EntityID     = entityID,
                    SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                    SpriteSheet  = spriteSheet
                game.SpriteComponent[entityID] = sprite;
                local = new Local()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                game.LocalComponent[entityID] = local;

                //This will add a stats section for the player in the stats component
                stats = new Stats()
                    EntityID = entityID,

                    //So here we just define our base values. Total sum is 50
                    //The base stats are 10 across the board
                    Strength     = 16,
                    Stamina      = 5,
                    Agility      = 5,
                    Intelligence = 10,
                    Defense      = 14
                game.StatsComponent[entityID] = stats;

                player = new Player()
                    EntityID         = entityID,
                    PlayerIndex      = playerIndex,
                    PlayerRace       = aggregate,
                    abilityModifiers = new AbilityModifiers()
                        meleeDamageReduction  = miscMeleeDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                        rangedDamageReduction = miscRangedDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                        meleeAttackBonus      = miscMeleeAttack + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                        RangedAttackBonus     = miscRangedAttack + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                        MeleeAttackSpeed      = miscMeleeSpeed + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                        Accuracy    = miscAccuracy + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                        SpellBonus  = miscSpell + (int)((stats.Intelligence - 10) / 2),
                        HealthBonus = miscHealth + (int)((stats.Stamina - 10) / 2),

                game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;

                info = new PlayerInfo()
                    Health = 100,
                    Psi    = 100,
                    State  = PlayerState.Default,
                game.PlayerInfoComponent[entityID] = info;

                //Create HUD
                //create Inv

                throw new Exception("Unknown type.");

            // Store all of the data into the game save
            gameSave.aggregate     = (int)aggregate;
            gameSave.health        = 100;
            gameSave.psi           = 100;
            gameSave.stats         = stats;
            gameSave.Level         = 1;
            gameSave.charAnimation = spriteSheet.Name;
            gameSave.fileName      = fileName;
            info.FileName          = fileName;

            game.QuestLogSystem.ActivateQuest(entityID, 0);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Entities from aggregates (collections of components)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aggregate">The specific aggreage to create</param>
        public uint CreateFromGameSave(DungeonCrawlerGame.CharacterSaveFile gameSave, PlayerIndex playerIndex)
            uint      entityID = 0xFFFFFF;
            Texture2D spriteSheet;
            Position  position;
            Movement  movement;

            Sprite          sprite;
            SpriteAnimation spriteAnimation;

            //MovementSprite movementSprite;
            Collideable collideable;
            Local       local;
            Player      player;
            PlayerInfo  info;
            Stats       stats = new Stats();

            HUDAggregateFactory hudagg = new HUDAggregateFactory(game);
            InvAggregateFactory invagg = new InvAggregateFactory(game);

            //Miscelaneous modifyers for the potential ability modifiers
            //Placeholders for racial/class bonuses and item bonuses.
            int miscMeleeAttack  = 0;
            int miscRangedAttack = 0;
            int miscMeleeSpeed   = 0;
            int miscAccuracy     = 0;
            int miscMeleeDef     = 0;
            int miscRangedDef    = 0;
            int miscSpell        = 0;
            int miscHealth       = 0;

            // Create the player
                entityID         = Entity.NextEntity();
                spriteSheet      = game.Content.Load <Texture2D>(gameSave.charAnimation);
                spriteSheet.Name = gameSave.charAnimation;

                position = new Position()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    Center   = new Vector2(400, 150),
                    Radius   = 32f,
                game.PositionComponent[entityID] = position;

                collideable = new Collideable()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    RoomID   = position.RoomID,
                    Bounds   = new CircleBounds(position.Center, position.Radius)
                game.CollisionComponent[entityID] = collideable;

                movement = new Movement()
                    EntityID  = entityID,
                    Direction = new Vector2(0, 1),
                    Speed     = 200f,
                game.MovementComponent[entityID] = movement;

                spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation()
                    EntityID            = entityID,
                    FramesPerSecond     = 10,
                    IsLooping           = true,
                    IsPlaying           = true,
                    TimePassed          = 0f,
                    CurrentFrame        = 0,
                    CurrentAnimationRow = 0

                game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityID] = spriteAnimation;

                sprite = new Sprite()
                    EntityID     = entityID,
                    SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                    SpriteSheet  = spriteSheet
                game.SpriteComponent[entityID] = sprite;

                local = new Local()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                game.LocalComponent[entityID] = local;

                //This will add a stats section for the player in the stats component
                stats = new Stats()
                    EntityID = entityID,

                    // Load from game save
                    Strength     = gameSave.stats.Strength,
                    Stamina      = gameSave.stats.Stamina,
                    Agility      = gameSave.stats.Agility,
                    Intelligence = gameSave.stats.Intelligence,
                    Defense      = gameSave.stats.Defense
                game.StatsComponent[entityID] = stats;

                player = new Player()
                    EntityID         = entityID,
                    PlayerIndex      = playerIndex,
                    PlayerRace       = (Aggregate)gameSave.aggregate,
                    abilityModifiers = new AbilityModifiers()
                        meleeDamageReduction  = miscMeleeDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                        rangedDamageReduction = miscRangedDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                        meleeAttackBonus      = miscMeleeAttack + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                        RangedAttackBonus     = miscRangedAttack + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                        MeleeAttackSpeed      = miscMeleeSpeed + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                        Accuracy    = miscAccuracy + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                        SpellBonus  = miscSpell + (int)((stats.Intelligence - 10) / 2),
                        HealthBonus = miscHealth + (int)((stats.Stamina - 10) / 2),
                game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;

                info = new PlayerInfo()
                    Health = 100,
                    Psi    = 100,
                    State  = PlayerState.Default,
                game.PlayerInfoComponent[entityID] = info;

                game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;
                //Create HUD
                //create Inv

            string questString = "Proceed to the next room. This can be accomplished by walking through the doorway to your left.";
            Quest  newQuest    = new Quest()
                EntityID    = entityID,
                questName   = QuestName.ReachNextRoom,
                questStatus = QuestStatus.InProgress,
                questGoals  = new String[(int)Math.Ceiling(questString.Length / 33.0)],

            string[] strings   = questString.Split(' ');
            string   newstring = "";
            int      i         = 0;
            int      j         = 0;

            while (j < newQuest.questGoals.Length)
                if (i < strings.Length)
                    newstring += strings[i] + " ";
                if (i >= strings.Length)
                    newQuest.questGoals[j] = newstring;
                if (newstring.Length + strings[i].Length >= 33)
                    newQuest.questGoals[j] = newstring;
                    newstring = "";
            game.QuestComponent[entityID] = newQuest;

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Entities from aggregates (collections of components)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aggregate">The specific aggreage to create</param>
        public uint CreateFromGameSave(DungeonCrawlerGame.CharacterSaveFile gameSave, PlayerIndex playerIndex)
            uint entityID = 0xFFFFFF;
            Texture2D spriteSheet;
            Position position;
            Movement movement;

            Sprite sprite;
            SpriteAnimation spriteAnimation;

            //MovementSprite movementSprite;
            Collideable collideable;
            Local local;
            Player player;
            PlayerInfo info;
            Stats stats = new Stats();

            HUDAggregateFactory hudagg = new HUDAggregateFactory(game);
            InvAggregateFactory invagg = new InvAggregateFactory(game);

            //Miscelaneous modifyers for the potential ability modifiers
            //Placeholders for racial/class bonuses and item bonuses.
            int miscMeleeAttack = 0;
            int miscRangedAttack = 0;
            int miscMeleeSpeed = 0;
            int miscAccuracy = 0;
            int miscMeleeDef = 0;
            int miscRangedDef = 0;
            int miscSpell = 0;
            int miscHealth = 0;

            // Create the player
                entityID = Entity.NextEntity();
                spriteSheet = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(gameSave.charAnimation);
                spriteSheet.Name = gameSave.charAnimation;

                position = new Position()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    Center = new Vector2(400, 150),
                    Radius = 32f,
                game.PositionComponent[entityID] = position;

                collideable = new Collideable()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    Bounds = new CircleBounds(position.Center, position.Radius)
                game.CollisionComponent[entityID] = collideable;

                movement = new Movement()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    Direction = new Vector2(0, 1),
                    Speed = 200f,
                game.MovementComponent[entityID] = movement;

                spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    FramesPerSecond = 10,
                    IsLooping = true,
                    IsPlaying = true,
                    TimePassed = 0f,
                    CurrentFrame = 0,
                    CurrentAnimationRow = 0


                game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityID] = spriteAnimation;

                sprite = new Sprite()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                    SpriteSheet = spriteSheet
                game.SpriteComponent[entityID] = sprite;

                local = new Local()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                game.LocalComponent[entityID] = local;

                //This will add a stats section for the player in the stats component
                stats = new Stats()
                    EntityID = entityID,

                    // Load from game save
                    Strength = gameSave.stats.Strength,
                    Stamina = gameSave.stats.Stamina,
                    Agility = gameSave.stats.Agility,
                    Intelligence = gameSave.stats.Intelligence,
                    Defense = gameSave.stats.Defense
                game.StatsComponent[entityID] = stats;

                player = new Player()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    PlayerIndex = playerIndex,
                    PlayerRace = (Aggregate)gameSave.aggregate,
                    abilityModifiers = new AbilityModifiers()
                        meleeDamageReduction = miscMeleeDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                        rangedDamageReduction = miscRangedDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                        meleeAttackBonus = miscMeleeAttack + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                        RangedAttackBonus = miscRangedAttack + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                        MeleeAttackSpeed = miscMeleeSpeed + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                        Accuracy = miscAccuracy + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                        SpellBonus = miscSpell + (int)((stats.Intelligence - 10) / 2),
                        HealthBonus = miscHealth + (int)((stats.Stamina - 10) / 2),
                game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;

                info = new PlayerInfo()
                    Health = 100,
                    Psi = 100,
                    State = PlayerState.Default,
                game.PlayerInfoComponent[entityID] = info;

                game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;
                //Create HUD
                //create Inv

            string questString = "Proceed to the next room. This can be accomplished by walking through the doorway to your left.";
            Quest newQuest = new Quest()
                EntityID = entityID,
                questName = QuestName.ReachNextRoom,
                questStatus = QuestStatus.InProgress,
                questGoals = new String[(int)Math.Ceiling(questString.Length / 33.0)],
            string[] strings = questString.Split(' ');
            string newstring = "";
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            while (j < newQuest.questGoals.Length)
                if (i < strings.Length)
                    newstring += strings[i] + " ";
                if (i >= strings.Length)
                    newQuest.questGoals[j] = newstring;
                if (newstring.Length + strings[i].Length >= 33)
                    newQuest.questGoals[j] = newstring;
                    newstring = "";
            game.QuestComponent[entityID] = newQuest;

            return entityID;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Entities from aggregates (collections of components)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aggregate">The specific aggreage to create</param>
        /// <param name="playerIndex">The player index for this player</param>
        /// <param name="aggregate">The game save that we are creating</param>
        public uint CreateFromAggregate(Aggregate aggregate, PlayerIndex playerIndex, string fileName, out DungeonCrawlerGame.CharacterSaveFile gameSave)
            gameSave = new DungeonCrawlerGame.CharacterSaveFile();

            uint entityID = 0xFFFFFF;
            Texture2D spriteSheet;
            Position position;
            Movement movement;

            Sprite sprite;
            SpriteAnimation spriteAnimation;

            //MovementSprite movementSprite;
            Collideable collideable;
            Local local;
            Player player;
            PlayerInfo info;
            Stats stats = new Stats();

            HUDAggregateFactory hudagg = new HUDAggregateFactory(game);
            InvAggregateFactory invagg = new InvAggregateFactory(game);

            //Miscelaneous modifyers for the potential ability modifiers
            //Placeholders for racial/class bonuses and item bonuses.
            int miscMeleeAttack = 0;
            int miscRangedAttack = 0;
            int miscMeleeSpeed = 0;
            int miscAccuracy = 0;
            int miscMeleeDef = 0;
            int miscRangedDef = 0;
            int miscSpell = 0;
            int miscHealth = 0;

            switch (aggregate)
                 * Fairy
                 * *************************************/
                case Aggregate.FairyPlayer:
                    entityID = Entity.NextEntity();
                    spriteSheet = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/wind_fae");
                    spriteSheet.Name = "Spritesheets/wind_fae";

                    position = new Position()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Center = new Vector2(400, 150),
                        Radius = 32f,
                    game.PositionComponent[entityID] = position;

                    collideable = new Collideable()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Bounds = new CircleBounds(position.Center, position.Radius)
                    game.CollisionComponent[entityID] = collideable;

                    movement = new Movement()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Direction = new Vector2(0, 1),
                        Speed = 200f,
                    game.MovementComponent[entityID] = movement;

                    movementSprite = new MovementSprite()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Facing = Facing.South,
                        SpriteSheet = spriteSheet,
                        SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                        Timer = 0f,
                    game.MovementSpriteComponent[entityID] = movementSprite;

                    spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        FramesPerSecond = 10,
                        IsLooping = true,
                        IsPlaying = true,
                        TimePassed = 0f,
                        CurrentFrame = 0,
                        CurrentAnimationRow = 0


                    game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityID] = spriteAnimation;

                    sprite = new Sprite()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                        SpriteSheet = spriteSheet
                    game.SpriteComponent[entityID] = sprite;

                    local = new Local()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                    game.LocalComponent[entityID] = local;

                    //This will add a stats section for the player in the stats component
                    stats = new Stats()
                        EntityID = entityID,

                        //So here we just define our base values. Total sum is 50
                        //The base stats are 10 across the board
                        Strength = 4,
                        Stamina = 10,
                        Agility = 10,
                        Intelligence = 16,
                        Defense = 10
                    game.StatsComponent[entityID] = stats;

                    player = new Player()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        PlayerIndex = playerIndex,
                        PlayerRace = aggregate,
                        abilityModifiers = new AbilityModifiers()
                            meleeDamageReduction = miscMeleeDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                            rangedDamageReduction = miscRangedDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                            meleeAttackBonus = miscMeleeAttack + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                            RangedAttackBonus = miscRangedAttack + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                            MeleeAttackSpeed = miscMeleeSpeed + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                            Accuracy = miscAccuracy + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                            SpellBonus = miscSpell + (int)((stats.Intelligence - 10) / 2),
                            HealthBonus = miscHealth + (int)((stats.Stamina - 10) / 2),
                    game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;

                    info = new PlayerInfo()
                        Health = 100,
                        Psi = 100,
                        State = PlayerState.Default,
                    game.PlayerInfoComponent[entityID] = info;


                * Cultist
                * *************************************/
                case Aggregate.CultistPlayer:
                    entityID = Entity.NextEntity();
                    spriteSheet = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Cultist");
                    spriteSheet.Name = "Spritesheets/Cultist";

                    position = new Position()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Center = new Vector2(400, 150),
                        Radius = 32f,
                    game.PositionComponent[entityID] = position;

                    collideable = new Collideable()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Bounds = new CircleBounds(position.Center, position.Radius)
                    game.CollisionComponent[entityID] = collideable;

                    movement = new Movement()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Direction = new Vector2(0, 1),
                        Speed = 200f,
                    game.MovementComponent[entityID] = movement;

                    //movementSprite = new MovementSprite() {
                    //    EntityID = entityID,
                    //    Facing = Facing.South,
                    //    SpriteSheet = spriteSheet,
                    //    SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                    //    Timer = 0f,
                    //game.MovementSpriteComponent[entityID] = movementSprite;

                    spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        FramesPerSecond = 10,
                        IsLooping = true,
                        IsPlaying = true,
                        TimePassed = 0f,
                        CurrentFrame = 0,
                        CurrentAnimationRow = 0


                    game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityID] = spriteAnimation;

                    sprite = new Sprite()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                        SpriteSheet = spriteSheet
                    game.SpriteComponent[entityID] = sprite;

                    local = new Local()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                    game.LocalComponent[entityID] = local;

                    //This will add a stats section for the player in the stats component
                    stats = new Stats()
                        EntityID = entityID,

                        //So here we just define our base values. Total sum is 50
                        //The base stats are 10 across the board
                        Strength = 4,
                        Stamina = 10,
                        Agility = 10,
                        Intelligence = 16,
                        Defense = 10

                    player = new Player()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        PlayerIndex = playerIndex,
                        PlayerRace = aggregate,
                        abilityModifiers = new AbilityModifiers()
                            meleeDamageReduction = miscMeleeDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                            rangedDamageReduction = miscRangedDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                            meleeAttackBonus = miscMeleeAttack + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                            RangedAttackBonus = miscRangedAttack + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                            MeleeAttackSpeed = miscMeleeSpeed + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                            Accuracy = miscAccuracy + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                            SpellBonus = miscSpell + (int)((stats.Intelligence - 10) / 2),
                            HealthBonus = miscHealth + (int)((stats.Stamina - 10) / 2),


                    info = new PlayerInfo()
                        Health = 100,
                        Psi = 100,
                        State = PlayerState.Default,
                    game.PlayerInfoComponent[entityID] = info;

                    game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;
                    //Create HUD
                    //create Inv


                * Cyborg - Added by adam Clark
                * *************************************/
                case Aggregate.CyborgPlayer:
                    entityID = Entity.NextEntity();
                    spriteSheet = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/cyborg");
                    spriteSheet.Name = "Spritesheets/cyborg";

                    position = new Position()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Center = new Vector2(400, 150),
                        Radius = 32f,
                    game.PositionComponent[entityID] = position;

                    collideable = new Collideable()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Bounds = new CircleBounds(position.Center, position.Radius)
                    game.CollisionComponent[entityID] = collideable;

                    movement = new Movement()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Direction = new Vector2(0, 1),
                        Speed = 200f,
                    game.MovementComponent[entityID] = movement;

                    /*movementSprite = new MovementSprite()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Facing = Facing.South,
                        SpriteSheet = spriteSheet,
                        SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                        Timer = 0f,
                    game.MovementSpriteComponent[entityID] = movementSprite;*/

                    spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        FramesPerSecond = 10,
                        IsLooping = true,
                        IsPlaying = true,
                        TimePassed = 0f,
                        CurrentFrame = 0,
                        CurrentAnimationRow = 0


                    game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityID] = spriteAnimation;

                    sprite = new Sprite()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                        SpriteSheet = spriteSheet
                    game.SpriteComponent[entityID] = sprite;

                    local = new Local()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                    game.LocalComponent[entityID] = local;

                    //This will add a stats section for the player in the stats component
                    stats = new Stats()
                        EntityID = entityID,

                        //So here we just define our base values. Total sum is 50
                        //The base stats are 10 across the board
                        Strength = 13,
                        Stamina = 12,
                        Agility = 13,
                        Intelligence = 0,
                        Defense = 12
                    game.StatsComponent[entityID] = stats;

                    player = new Player()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        PlayerIndex = playerIndex,
                        PlayerRace = aggregate,


                    info = new PlayerInfo()
                        Health = 100,
                        Psi = 100,
                        State = PlayerState.Default,
                    game.PlayerInfoComponent[entityID] = info;

                    game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;
                    //create HUD
                    //create Inv

                * Earthian
                * Done by Andrew Bellinder. I added the character's sprite and his skill sprites
                * ******************************************************************************/
                case Aggregate.EarthianPlayer:
                    entityID = Entity.NextEntity();
                    spriteSheet = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/Earthian2x");
                    spriteSheet.Name = "Spritesheets/Earthian2x";

                    position = new Position()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Center = new Vector2(400, 150),
                        Radius = 32f,
                    game.PositionComponent[entityID] = position;

                    collideable = new Collideable()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Bounds = new CircleBounds(position.Center, position.Radius)
                    game.CollisionComponent[entityID] = collideable;

                    movement = new Movement()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Direction = new Vector2(0, 1),
                        Speed = 200f,
                    game.MovementComponent[entityID] = movement;
                    movementSprite = new MovementSprite() {
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Facing = Facing.South,
                        SpriteSheet = spriteSheet,
                        SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                        Timer = 0f,
                    game.MovementSpriteComponent[entityID] = movementSprite;

                    spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        FramesPerSecond = 10,
                        IsLooping = true,
                        IsPlaying = true,
                        TimePassed = 0f,
                        CurrentFrame = 0,
                        CurrentAnimationRow = 0


                    game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityID] = spriteAnimation;

                    sprite = new Sprite()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                        SpriteSheet = spriteSheet
                    game.SpriteComponent[entityID] = sprite;
                    local = new Local()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                    game.LocalComponent[entityID] = local;

                    //This will add a stats section for the player in the stats component
                    stats = new Stats()
                        EntityID = entityID,

                        //So here we just define our base values. Total sum is 50
                        //The base stats are 10 across the board
                        Strength = 10,
                        Stamina = 10,
                        Agility = 10,
                        Intelligence = 10,
                        Defense = 10
                    game.StatsComponent[entityID] = stats;

                    player = new Player()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        PlayerIndex = playerIndex,
                        PlayerRace = aggregate,
                        abilityModifiers = new AbilityModifiers()
                            meleeDamageReduction = miscMeleeDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                            rangedDamageReduction = miscRangedDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                            meleeAttackBonus = miscMeleeAttack + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                            RangedAttackBonus = miscRangedAttack + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                            MeleeAttackSpeed = miscMeleeSpeed + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                            Accuracy = miscAccuracy + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                            SpellBonus = miscSpell + (int)((stats.Intelligence - 10) / 2),
                            HealthBonus = miscHealth + (int)((stats.Stamina - 10) / 2),

                    game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;

                    info = new PlayerInfo()
                        Health = 100,
                        Psi = 100,
                        State = PlayerState.Default,
                    game.PlayerInfoComponent[entityID] = info;

                    //Create HUD
                    //create Inv

                * Gargranian by Michael Fountain
                * *************************************/
                case Aggregate.GargranianPlayer:
                    entityID = Entity.NextEntity();
                    spriteSheet = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/gargranian");
                    spriteSheet.Name = "Spritesheets/gargranian";

                    position = new Position()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Center = new Vector2(400, 150),
                        Radius = 32f,
                    game.PositionComponent[entityID] = position;

                    collideable = new Collideable()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Bounds = new CircleBounds(position.Center, position.Radius)
                    game.CollisionComponent[entityID] = collideable;

                    movement = new Movement()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Direction = new Vector2(0, 1),
                        Speed = 200f,
                    game.MovementComponent[entityID] = movement;
                    movementSprite = new MovementSprite()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Facing = Facing.South,
                        SpriteSheet = spriteSheet,
                        SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                        Timer = 0f,
                    game.MovementSpriteComponent[entityID] = movementSprite;

                    spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        FramesPerSecond = 10,
                        IsLooping = true,
                        IsPlaying = true,
                        TimePassed = 0f,
                        CurrentFrame = 0,
                        CurrentAnimationRow = 0


                    game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityID] = spriteAnimation;

                    sprite = new Sprite()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                        SpriteSheet = spriteSheet
                    game.SpriteComponent[entityID] = sprite;
                    local = new Local()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                    game.LocalComponent[entityID] = local;

                    //This will add a stats section for the player in the stats component
                    stats = new Stats()
                        EntityID = entityID,

                        //So here we just define our base values. Total sum is 50
                        //The base stats are 10 across the board
                        Strength = 4,
                        Stamina = 10,
                        Agility = 10,
                        Intelligence = 14,
                        Defense = 12
                    game.StatsComponent[entityID] = stats;

                    player = new Player()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        PlayerIndex = playerIndex,
                        PlayerRace = aggregate,
                    game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;

                    info = new PlayerInfo()
                        Health = 100,
                        Psi = 100,
                        State = PlayerState.Default,
                    game.PlayerInfoComponent[entityID] = info;

                    //Create HUD
                    //create Inv

                * Space Pirate
                * Done by Austin Murphy and I also have posted the 9 sprites for my skills that are listed in the design document.
                * *************************************/
                case Aggregate.SpacePiratePlayer:
                    entityID = Entity.NextEntity();
                    spriteSheet = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/SpacePBig");
                    spriteSheet.Name = "Spritesheets/SpacePBig";

                    position = new Position()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Center = new Vector2(400, 150),
                        Radius = 32f,
                    game.PositionComponent[entityID] = position;

                    collideable = new Collideable()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Bounds = new CircleBounds(position.Center, position.Radius)
                    game.CollisionComponent[entityID] = collideable;

                    movement = new Movement()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Direction = new Vector2(0, 1),
                        Speed = 200f,
                    game.MovementComponent[entityID] = movement;
                    movementSprite = new MovementSprite()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Facing = Facing.South,
                        SpriteSheet = spriteSheet,
                        SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                        Timer = 0f,
                    game.MovementSpriteComponent[entityID] = movementSprite;

                    spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        FramesPerSecond = 10,
                        IsLooping = true,
                        IsPlaying = true,
                        TimePassed = 0f,
                        CurrentFrame = 0,
                        CurrentAnimationRow = 0


                    game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityID] = spriteAnimation;

                    sprite = new Sprite()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                        SpriteSheet = spriteSheet
                    game.SpriteComponent[entityID] = sprite;
                    local = new Local()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                    game.LocalComponent[entityID] = local;

                    //This will add a stats section for the player in the stats component
                    stats = new Stats()
                        EntityID = entityID,

                        //So here we just define our base values. Total sum is 50
                        //The base stats are 10 across the board
                        Strength = 5,
                        Stamina = 5,
                        Agility = 25,
                        Intelligence = 5,
                        Defense = 5
                    game.StatsComponent[entityID] = stats;

                    player = new Player()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        PlayerIndex = playerIndex,
                        PlayerRace = aggregate,
                    game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;

                    info = new PlayerInfo()
                        Health = 100,
                        Psi = 100,
                        State = PlayerState.Default,
                    game.PlayerInfoComponent[entityID] = info;

                    //Create HUD
                    //create Inv

                * Zombie
                 * written by Matthew Hart
                * *************************************/
                case Aggregate.ZombiePlayer:
                    entityID = Entity.NextEntity();
                    spriteSheet = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>("Spritesheets/MzombieBx2");
                    spriteSheet.Name = "Spritesheets/MzombieBx2";

                    //Placeholder values
                    miscMeleeAttack = 5;
                    miscMeleeDef = 5;
                    miscRangedDef = -5;

                    position = new Position()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Center = new Vector2(400, 150),
                        Radius = 32f,

                    game.PositionComponent[entityID] = position;

                    collideable = new Collideable()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Bounds = new CircleBounds(position.Center, position.Radius)
                    game.CollisionComponent[entityID] = collideable;

                    movement = new Movement()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Direction = new Vector2(0, 1),
                        Speed = 200f,
                    game.MovementComponent[entityID] = movement;
                    movementSprite = new MovementSprite()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        Facing = Facing.South,
                        SpriteSheet = spriteSheet,
                        SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                        Timer = 0f,
                    game.MovementSpriteComponent[entityID] = movementSprite;

                    spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        FramesPerSecond = 10,
                        IsLooping = true,
                        IsPlaying = true,
                        TimePassed = 0f,
                        CurrentFrame = 0,
                        CurrentAnimationRow = 0


                    game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityID] = spriteAnimation;

                    sprite = new Sprite()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                        SpriteSheet = spriteSheet
                    game.SpriteComponent[entityID] = sprite;
                    local = new Local()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                    game.LocalComponent[entityID] = local;

                    //This will add a stats section for the player in the stats component
                    stats = new Stats()
                        EntityID = entityID,

                        //So here we just define our base values. Total sum is 50
                        //The base stats are 10 across the board
                        Strength = 16,
                        Stamina = 5,
                        Agility = 5,
                        Intelligence = 10,
                        Defense = 14
                    game.StatsComponent[entityID] = stats;

                    player = new Player()
                        EntityID = entityID,
                        PlayerIndex = playerIndex,
                        PlayerRace = aggregate,
                        abilityModifiers = new AbilityModifiers()
                            meleeDamageReduction = miscMeleeDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                            rangedDamageReduction = miscRangedDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                            meleeAttackBonus = miscMeleeAttack + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                            RangedAttackBonus = miscRangedAttack + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                            MeleeAttackSpeed = miscMeleeSpeed + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                            Accuracy = miscAccuracy + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                            SpellBonus = miscSpell + (int)((stats.Intelligence - 10) / 2),
                            HealthBonus = miscHealth + (int)((stats.Stamina - 10) / 2),

                    game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;

                    info = new PlayerInfo()
                        Health = 100,
                        Psi = 100,
                        State = PlayerState.Default,
                    game.PlayerInfoComponent[entityID] = info;

                    //Create HUD
                    //create Inv

                    throw new Exception("Unknown type.");

            // Store all of the data into the game save
            gameSave.aggregate = (int)aggregate;
            gameSave.health = 100;
            gameSave.psi = 100;
            gameSave.stats = stats;
            gameSave.Level = 1;
            gameSave.charAnimation = spriteSheet.Name;
            gameSave.fileName = fileName;
            info.FileName = fileName;

            string questString = "Proceed to the next room. This can be accomplished by walking through the doorway to your left.";
            Quest newQuest = new Quest()
                EntityID = entityID,
                questName = QuestName.ReachNextRoom,
                questStatus = QuestStatus.InProgress,
                questGoals = new String[(int)Math.Ceiling(questString.Length / 33.0)],
            string[] strings = questString.Split(' ');
            string newstring = "";
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            while (j < newQuest.questGoals.Length)
                if (i < strings.Length)
                    newstring += strings[i] + " ";
                if (i >= strings.Length)
                    newQuest.questGoals[j] = newstring;
                if (newstring.Length + strings[i].Length >= 33 )
                    newQuest.questGoals[j] = newstring;
                    newstring = "";
            game.QuestComponent[entityID] = newQuest;

            return entityID;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Entities from aggregates (collections of components)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aggregate">The specific aggreage to create</param>
        public uint CreateFromGameSave(DungeonCrawlerGame.CharacterSaveFile gameSave, PlayerIndex playerIndex)
            uint entityID = 0xFFFFFF;
            Texture2D spriteSheet;
            Position position;
            Movement movement;

            Sprite sprite;
            SpriteAnimation spriteAnimation;

            //MovementSprite movementSprite;
            Collideable collideable;
            Local local;
            Player player;
            PlayerInfo info;
            Stats stats = new Stats();

            HUDAggregateFactory hudagg = new HUDAggregateFactory(game);
            InvAggregateFactory invagg = new InvAggregateFactory(game);

            //Miscelaneous modifyers for the potential ability modifiers
            //Placeholders for racial/class bonuses and item bonuses.
            int miscMeleeAttack = 0;
            int miscRangedAttack = 0;
            int miscMeleeSpeed = 0;
            int miscAccuracy = 0;
            int miscMeleeDef = 0;
            int miscRangedDef = 0;
            int miscSpell = 0;
            int miscHealth = 0;

            // Create the player
                entityID = Entity.NextEntity();
                spriteSheet = game.Content.Load<Texture2D>(gameSave.charAnimation);
                spriteSheet.Name = gameSave.charAnimation;

                position = new Position()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    Center = new Vector2(400, 150),
                    Radius = 32f,
                game.PositionComponent[entityID] = position;

                collideable = new Collideable()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    RoomID = position.RoomID,
                    Bounds = new CircleBounds(position.Center, position.Radius)
                game.CollisionComponent[entityID] = collideable;

                movement = new Movement()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    Direction = new Vector2(0, 1),
                    Speed = 200f,
                game.MovementComponent[entityID] = movement;

                spriteAnimation = new SpriteAnimation()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    FramesPerSecond = 10,
                    IsLooping = true,
                    IsPlaying = true,
                    TimePassed = 0f,
                    CurrentFrame = 0,
                    CurrentAnimationRow = 0


                game.SpriteAnimationComponent[entityID] = spriteAnimation;

                sprite = new Sprite()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    SpriteBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 64, 64),
                    SpriteSheet = spriteSheet
                game.SpriteComponent[entityID] = sprite;

                local = new Local()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                game.LocalComponent[entityID] = local;

                //This will add a stats section for the player in the stats component
                stats = new Stats()
                    EntityID = entityID,

                    // Load from game save
                    Strength = gameSave.stats.Strength,
                    Stamina = gameSave.stats.Stamina,
                    Agility = gameSave.stats.Agility,
                    Intelligence = gameSave.stats.Intelligence,
                    Defense = gameSave.stats.Defense
                game.StatsComponent[entityID] = stats;

                player = new Player()
                    EntityID = entityID,
                    PlayerIndex = playerIndex,
                    PlayerRace = (Aggregate)gameSave.aggregate,
                    abilityModifiers = new AbilityModifiers()
                        meleeDamageReduction = miscMeleeDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                        rangedDamageReduction = miscRangedDef + (int)((stats.Defense - 10) / 2),
                        meleeAttackBonus = miscMeleeAttack + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                        RangedAttackBonus = miscRangedAttack + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                        MeleeAttackSpeed = miscMeleeSpeed + (int)((stats.Strength - 10) / 2),
                        Accuracy = miscAccuracy + (int)((stats.Agility - 10) / 2),
                        SpellBonus = miscSpell + (int)((stats.Intelligence - 10) / 2),
                        HealthBonus = miscHealth + (int)((stats.Stamina - 10) / 2),
                game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;

                info = new PlayerInfo()
                    Health = 100,
                    Psi = 100,
                    State = PlayerState.Default,
                game.PlayerInfoComponent[entityID] = info;

                game.PlayerComponent[entityID] = player;
                //Create HUD
                //create Inv

            game.QuestLogSystem.ActivateQuest(entityID, 0);

            return entityID;