void FloodFill(IntVector StartLocation, int IslandId, HashSet <IntVector> Visited, List <FloorIslandNode> IslandNodes, FloorChunkDB ChunkDB)
            FloorChunk PreferedChunk = ChunkDB.GetChunkAt(StartLocation);

            if (!PreferedChunk.bConnectDoors)
                // We don't want doors here
            if (PreferedChunk == null)

            Queue <IntVector> Queue = new Queue <IntVector>();


            while (Queue.Count > 0)
                IntVector Location = Queue.Dequeue();

                FloorChunk CurrentChunk = ChunkDB.GetChunkAt(Location);
                if (CurrentChunk != PreferedChunk)

                // Create a node here
                FloorIslandNode Node = new FloorIslandNode();
                Node.IslandId = IslandId;
                Node.Chunk    = CurrentChunk;
                Node.Location = Location;


                // Add the neighbors to the queue
                List <IntVector> Neighbors = new List <IntVector>();
                Neighbors.Add(Location + new IntVector(-1, 0, 0));
                Neighbors.Add(Location + new IntVector(1, 0, 0));
                Neighbors.Add(Location + new IntVector(0, 0, 1));
                Neighbors.Add(Location + new IntVector(0, 0, -1));

                foreach (IntVector Neighbor in Neighbors)
                    if (Visited.Contains(Neighbor))
                    FloorChunk NeighborChunk = ChunkDB.GetChunkAt(Neighbor);
                    if (NeighborChunk != null && NeighborChunk.Id == CurrentChunk.Id)
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate a layout and save it in the model
        /// </summary>
        void EmitBuildingMarkers()
            floorPlanConfig = config as FloorPlanConfig;
            floorPlanModel  = model as FloorPlanModel;


            //TArray<AFloorPlanDoorVolume*> DoorVolumes = UDungeonModelHelper::GetVolumes<AFloorPlanDoorVolume>(Dungeon)

            int     NumFloors = Mathf.RoundToInt(floorPlanConfig.BuildingSize.y);
            Vector3 GridSize = floorPlanConfig.GridSize;
            bool    bBuildingWallLeft, bBuildingWallBottom;

            for (int y = 0; y < NumFloors; y++)
                for (int x = -1; x < floorPlanConfig.BuildingSize.x; x++)
                    bBuildingWallLeft = (x == -1 || x == floorPlanConfig.BuildingSize.x - 1);
                    for (int z = -1; z < floorPlanConfig.BuildingSize.z; z++)
                        bBuildingWallBottom = (z == -1 || z == floorPlanConfig.BuildingSize.z - 1);
                        FloorChunk Chunk00 = ChunkDB.GetChunkAt(x, y, z);
                        FloorChunk Chunk10 = ChunkDB.GetChunkAt(x + 1, y, z);
                        FloorChunk Chunk01 = ChunkDB.GetChunkAt(x, y, z + 1);

                        string GroundMarkerName  = FloorPlanMarkers.MARKER_GROUND;
                        string CeilingMarkerName = FloorPlanMarkers.MARKER_CEILING;

                        FloorChunk ChunkAbove         = ChunkDB.GetChunkAt(x, y + 1, z);
                        FloorChunk ChunkBelow         = ChunkDB.GetChunkAt(x, y - 1, z);
                        bool       bEmitGroundMarker  = (Chunk00 != ChunkBelow);
                        bool       bEmitCeilingMarker = (Chunk00 != ChunkAbove);

                        // Emit the ground marker
                        if (Chunk00 != null && Chunk00.ChunkType != FloorChunkType.Outside)
                            if (bEmitGroundMarker)
                                Vector3 GridLocation  = new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y, z + 0.5f);
                                Vector3 WorldLocation = Vector3.Scale(GridLocation, GridSize);
                                if (Chunk00.GroundMarker.Length > 0)
                                    GroundMarkerName = Chunk00.GroundMarker;
                                EmitMarkerAt(WorldLocation, GroundMarkerName, 0);
                            if (bEmitCeilingMarker)
                                Vector3 GridLocation  = new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y + 1, z + 0.5f);
                                Vector3 WorldLocation = Vector3.Scale(GridLocation, GridSize);
                                if (Chunk00.CeilingMarker.Length > 0)
                                    CeilingMarkerName = Chunk00.CeilingMarker;
                                EmitMarkerAt(WorldLocation, CeilingMarkerName, Quaternion.Euler(180, 0, 0));

                        int Chunk00Id = (Chunk00 != null ? Chunk00.Id : -1);
                        int Chunk10Id = (Chunk10 != null ? Chunk10.Id : -1);
                        int Chunk01Id = (Chunk01 != null ? Chunk01.Id : -1);

                        bool bEmitLeftWall   = (Chunk00Id != Chunk10Id);
                        bool bEmitBottomWall = (Chunk00Id != Chunk01Id);
                        bool bLeftDoor       = DoorManager.ContainsDoor(new IntVector(x, y, z), new IntVector(x + 1, y, z));
                        // || DoorManager.ContainsDoorVolume(Vector3.Scale(new Vector(x + 1, y, z + 0.5f) * GridSize), DoorVolumes);
                        bool bBottomDoor = DoorManager.ContainsDoor(new IntVector(x, y, z), new IntVector(x, y, z + 1));
                        // || DoorManager.ContainsDoorVolume(Vector3.Scale(new Vector(x + 0.5f, y, z + 1) * GridSize), DoorVolumes);

                        if (Chunk00 != null && Chunk10 != null && Chunk00.ChunkType == FloorChunkType.Hall && Chunk10.ChunkType == FloorChunkType.Hall)
                            // Do not block the halls with a wall
                            bEmitLeftWall = false;
                        if (Chunk00 != null && Chunk01 != null && Chunk00.ChunkType == FloorChunkType.Hall && Chunk01.ChunkType == FloorChunkType.Hall)
                            // Do not block the halls with a wall
                            bEmitBottomWall = false;

                        if (Chunk00 != null && Chunk10 != null && (!Chunk00.bEmitGroundMarker || !Chunk10.bEmitGroundMarker))
                            // We don't have ground in one of the adjacent chunks. Can't have doors
                            bLeftDoor = false;
                        if (Chunk00 != null && Chunk01 != null && (!Chunk00.bEmitGroundMarker || !Chunk01.bEmitGroundMarker))
                            // We don't have ground in one of the adjacent chunks. Can't have doors
                            bBottomDoor = false;

                        if (bEmitLeftWall)
                            FloorChunk PriorityChunk = GetPriorityChunk(Chunk00, Chunk10);
                            bEmitLeftWall = PriorityChunk != null ? PriorityChunk.bCreateWalls : true;
                        if (bEmitBottomWall)
                            FloorChunk PriorityChunk = GetPriorityChunk(Chunk00, Chunk01);
                            bEmitBottomWall = PriorityChunk != null ? PriorityChunk.bCreateWalls : true;

                        if (bEmitLeftWall)
                            Vector3 GridLocation  = new Vector3(x + 1, y, z + 0.5f);
                            Vector3 WorldLocation = Vector3.Scale(GridLocation, GridSize);

                            string MarkerName;
                            if (bLeftDoor)
                                MarkerName = GetDoorMarkerName(Chunk00, Chunk10);
                                MarkerName = FloorPlanMarkers.MARKER_WALL;
                                if (bBuildingWallLeft)
                                    MarkerName = FloorPlanMarkers.MARKER_BUILDING_WALL;
                                    if (Chunk00 != null && Chunk10 != null)
                                        FloorChunk PriorityChunk = (Chunk00.Priority > Chunk10.Priority) ? Chunk00 : Chunk10;
                                        if (PriorityChunk.WallMarker.Length > 0)
                                            MarkerName = PriorityChunk.WallMarker;

                            EmitMarkerAt(WorldLocation, MarkerName, 90);
                        if (bEmitBottomWall)
                            Vector3 GridLocation  = new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y, z + 1);
                            Vector3 WorldLocation = Vector3.Scale(GridLocation, GridSize);

                            string MarkerName;
                            if (bBottomDoor)
                                MarkerName = GetDoorMarkerName(Chunk00, Chunk01);
                                MarkerName = FloorPlanMarkers.MARKER_WALL;
                                if (bBuildingWallBottom)
                                    MarkerName = FloorPlanMarkers.MARKER_BUILDING_WALL;
                                    if (Chunk00 != null && Chunk01 != null)
                                        FloorChunk PriorityChunk = (Chunk00.Priority > Chunk01.Priority) ? Chunk00 : Chunk01;
                                        if (PriorityChunk.WallMarker.Length > 0)
                                            MarkerName = PriorityChunk.WallMarker;

                            EmitMarkerAt(WorldLocation, MarkerName, 0);

            // Emit center marker if specified
            List <FloorChunk> Chunks = new List <FloorChunk>();

            foreach (FloorChunk Chunk in Chunks)
                if (Chunk.bEmitGroundMarker && Chunk.CenterMarker.Length > 0)
                    Vector3 ChunkSize = MathUtils.ToVector3(Chunk.Bounds.Size) / 2.0f;
                    ChunkSize.y = 0;
                    Vector3 GridLocation  = MathUtils.ToVector3(Chunk.Bounds.Location) + ChunkSize;
                    Vector3 WorldLocation = Vector3.Scale(GridLocation, GridSize);
                    EmitMarkerAt(WorldLocation, Chunk.CenterMarker, 0);