Exemplo n.º 1
        public RobustHistogram MergeResults(int samples)
            var merged = new RobustHistogram(this.Scale);

            foreach (var histo in this.Histos.Reverse <RobustHistogram>().Take(samples))
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void Merge(RobustHistogram other)
     if (other.Min < this.Min)
         this.Min = other.Min;
     if (other.Max > this.Max)
         this.Max = other.Max;
     this.Count              += other.Count;
     this.InternalSum        += other.InternalSum;
     this.InternalSumSquares += other.InternalSumSquares;
     for (int b = 0; b < NumBuckets; b++)
         this.Buckets[b] += other.Buckets[b];
Exemplo n.º 3
        private RobustHistogram GetFrame(TimeSpan elapsed)
            int index = GetGraphIndex(elapsed);

            if (index != this.LastIndex && this.Completed != null && HasFrame(this.LastIndex))
                if (this.Completed(this.Histos[this.LastIndex - this.Offset], this.LastIndex))
                {                 // reset!
                    this.Offset = this.LastIndex;
                this.LastIndex = index;

            while (!HasFrame(index))
                var histo = new RobustHistogram(this.Scale);

            return(this.Histos[index - this.Offset]);
		public RobustHistogram MergeResults(int samples)
			var merged = new RobustHistogram(this.Scale);
			foreach (var histo in this.Histos.Reverse<RobustHistogram>().Take(samples))
			return merged;
		private RobustHistogram GetFrame(TimeSpan elapsed)
			int index = GetGraphIndex(elapsed);

			if (index != this.LastIndex && this.Completed != null && HasFrame(this.LastIndex))
				if (this.Completed(this.Histos[this.LastIndex - this.Offset], this.LastIndex))
				{ // reset!
					this.Offset = this.LastIndex;
				this.LastIndex = index;

			while (!HasFrame(index))
				var histo = new RobustHistogram(this.Scale);

			return this.Histos[index - this.Offset];
		public RobustTimeLine(TimeSpan step, RobustHistogram.TimeScale scale = RobustHistogram.TimeScale.Milliseconds, Func<RobustHistogram, int, bool> onCompleted = null)
			if (step <= TimeSpan.Zero) throw new ArgumentException("Time step must be greater than zero", "step");

			this.Histos = new List<RobustHistogram>();
			this.Step = step;
			this.Completed = onCompleted;
			this.Clock = Stopwatch.StartNew();
		public void Merge(RobustHistogram other)
			if (other.Min < this.Min) this.Min = other.Min;
			if (other.Max > this.Max) this.Max = other.Max;
			this.Count += other.Count;
			this.InternalSum += other.InternalSum;
			this.InternalSumSquares += other.InternalSumSquares;
			for (int b = 0; b < NumBuckets; b++)
				this.Buckets[b] += other.Buckets[b];
Exemplo n.º 8
		public async Task Run(IFdbDatabase db, TextWriter log, CancellationToken ct)
			// estimate the number of machines...
			Console.WriteLine("# Detecting cluster topology...");
			var servers = await db.QueryAsync(tr => tr
				.Select(kvp => new
					Node = kvp.Value.Substring(8, 16).ToHexaString(),
					Machine = kvp.Value.Substring(24, 16).ToHexaString(),
					DataCenter = kvp.Value.Substring(40, 16).ToHexaString()

			var numNodes = servers.Select(s => s.Node).Distinct().Count();
			var numMachines = servers.Select(s => s.Machine).Distinct().Count();
			var numDCs = servers.Select(s => s.DataCenter).Distinct().Count();

			Console.WriteLine("# > Found " + numNodes + " process(es) on " + numMachines + " machine(s) in " + numDCs + " datacenter(s)");
			Console.WriteLine("# Reading list of shards...");
			// dump keyServers
			var ranges = await Fdb.System.GetChunksAsync(db, FdbKey.MinValue, FdbKey.MaxValue, ct);
			Console.WriteLine("# > Found " + ranges.Count + " shards:");

			// take a sample
			var rnd = new Random(1234);
			int sz = Math.Max((int)Math.Ceiling(this.Ratio * ranges.Count), 1);
			if (sz > 500) sz = 500; //SAFETY
			if (sz < 50) sz = Math.Max(sz, Math.Min(50, ranges.Count));

			var samples = new List<FdbKeyRange>();
			for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++)
				int p = rnd.Next(ranges.Count);

			Console.WriteLine("# Sampling " + sz + " out of " + ranges.Count + " shards (" + (100.0 * sz / ranges.Count).ToString("N1") + "%) ...");
			Console.WriteLine("{0,9}{1,10}{2,10}{3,10} : K+V size distribution", "Count", "Keys", "Values", "Total");

			var rangeOptions = new FdbRangeOptions { Mode = FdbStreamingMode.WantAll };

			samples = samples.OrderBy(x => x.Begin).ToList();

			long total = 0;
			int workers = Math.Min(numMachines, 8);

			var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
			var tasks = new List<Task>();
			while(samples.Count > 0)
				while (tasks.Count < workers && samples.Count > 0)
					var range = samples[0];
					tasks.Add(Task.Run(async () =>
						var hh = new RobustHistogram(RobustHistogram.TimeScale.Ticks);

						#region Method 1: get_range everything...

						using (var tr = db.BeginTransaction(ct))
							long keySize = 0;
							long valueSize = 0;
							long count = 0;

							int iter = 0;
							var beginSelector = FdbKeySelector.FirstGreaterOrEqual(range.Begin);
							var endSelector = FdbKeySelector.FirstGreaterOrEqual(range.End);
							while (true)
								FdbRangeChunk data = default(FdbRangeChunk);
								FdbException error = null;
									data = await tr.Snapshot.GetRangeAsync(
								catch (FdbException e)
									error = e;

								if (error != null)
									await tr.OnErrorAsync(error.Code).ConfigureAwait(false);

								if (data.Count == 0) break;

								count += data.Count;
								foreach (var kvp in data.Chunk)
									keySize += kvp.Key.Count;
									valueSize += kvp.Value.Count;

									hh.Add(TimeSpan.FromTicks(kvp.Key.Count + kvp.Value.Count));

								if (!data.HasMore) break;

								beginSelector = FdbKeySelector.FirstGreaterThan(data.Last.Key);

							long totalSize = keySize + valueSize;
							Interlocked.Add(ref total, totalSize);

							Console.WriteLine("{0,9}{1,10}{2,10}{3,10} : {4}", count.ToString("N0"), FormatSize(keySize), FormatSize(valueSize), FormatSize(totalSize), hh.GetDistribution(begin: 1, end: 10000, fold:2));

						#region Method 2: estimate the count using key selectors...

						//long counter = await Fdb.System.EstimateCountAsync(db, range, ct);
						//Console.WriteLine("COUNT = " + counter.ToString("N0"));

					}, ct));

				var done = await Task.WhenAny(tasks);

			await Task.WhenAll(tasks);

			Console.WriteLine("> Sampled " + FormatSize(total) + " (" + total.ToString("N0") + " bytes) in " + sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds.ToString("N1") + " sec");
			Console.WriteLine("> Estimated total size is " + FormatSize(total * ranges.Count / sz));