Exemplo n.º 1
        //private DataGridViewPrinter _DataGridViewPrinter;

        public frmMain()
            _pdalStock = new DALDoubleM(lblDMMsg, pBarDM);
            CommonDoubleM._pdalStock1 = new DALDoubleM(lblDMMsg, pBarDM);
            _groupPaneBar.Add(CreateButton("Basics", CommonDoubleM.Basics.Length), "Basics  ", imglstMain.Images[0], true);
            _groupPaneBar.Add(CreateButton("Online", CommonDoubleM.Online.Length), "Online  ", imglstMain.Images[1], true);
            _groupPaneBar.Add(CreateButton("Analysis", CommonDoubleM.Analysis.Length), "Analysis  ", imglstMain.Images[2], true);
            _groupPaneBar.Add(CreateButton("Views", CommonDoubleM.Views.Length), "Views  ", imglstMain.Images[3], true);
            _groupPaneBar.Add(CreateButton("Configuration", CommonDoubleM.Configuration.Length), "Configuration  ", imglstMain.Images[4], true);
            _groupPaneBar.Add(CreateButton("About", CommonDoubleM.About.Length), " About  ", imglstMain.Images[5], true);

            _groupPaneBar.CanResize   = false;
            _groupPaneBar[0].Expanded = true;
            _groupPaneBar.ShowExpandCollapseButton = false;
            selectAllToolStripMenuItem.Checked     = false;
            /*Winform FAQ*/

            /*Hiding Tab Pages on tab control*/
            tbMain.Top    = tbMain.Top - tbMain.ItemSize.Height;
            tbMain.Height = tbMain.Height + tbMain.ItemSize.Height;
            tbMain.Region = new Region(new RectangleF(tpMain.Left, tpMain.Top, tpMain.Width, tpMain.Height + tbMain.ItemSize.Height));

            ddlPeriod.DataSource = DoubleM.CommonDoubleM.Period;
            chkAllStocks.Checked = true;
            rdobPeriod.Checked   = true;

            pTradings = new frmTradingHist(_pdalStock);
            pAccount  = new frmAc(_pdalStock);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string    sSID = "", sTime = "";
            DataTable dtAccount = null;
            DataView  dvAC      = _pdalStock.Accouting_ProfitLoss(DateTime.MinValue);

            if (dvAC != null)
                if (!chkAllStocks.Checked)
                    if (lstBStocks.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i <= lstBStocks.SelectedItems.Count - 1; i++)
                            DataRowView ln = lstBStocks.SelectedItems[i] as DataRowView;
                            sSID += ln[0].ToString() + ",";
                        sSID = "StockID IN (" + sSID.Substring(0, sSID.Length - 1) + ")";
                if (ddlPeriod.Visible)
                    if (ddlPeriod.SelectedIndex == 0) //Last week
                        sTime = "(TradeOn >=#" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).ToShortDateString() + "#)";
                    else if (ddlPeriod.SelectedIndex == 1) //Last 2 Weeks
                        sTime = "(TradeOn >=#" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(-15).ToShortDateString() + "#)";
                    else if (ddlPeriod.SelectedIndex == 2) //This month
                        sTime = "(TradeOn >=#" + new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1).ToShortDateString() + "#)";
                    else if (ddlPeriod.SelectedIndex == 3) //Last month
                        sTime = "(TradeOn >=#" + new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month - 1, 1).ToShortDateString() + "#)";
                    else if (ddlPeriod.SelectedIndex == 4) //This quater
                        sTime = "(TradeOn >=#" + new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, ((3 * (DateTime.Now.Month - 1) / 3 + 1) - 1), 1).ToShortDateString() + "#)";
                    else if (ddlPeriod.SelectedIndex == 5) //6 Months
                        sTime = "(TradeOn >=#" + DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-6).ToShortDateString() + "#)";
                    else if (ddlPeriod.SelectedIndex == 6) //This year
                    //sTime = "(TradeOn >=#" + DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).ToShortDateString() + "#)";
                        sTime = "(TradeOn >=#" + new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, 1, 1).ToShortDateString() + "#)";
                    else if (ddlPeriod.SelectedIndex == 7) //last year
                        sTime = "(TradeOn >=#" + DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1).ToShortDateString() + "#)";
                else if (chkFromTo.Visible)
                    sTime = "(TradeOn " + (string)(chkFromTo.Checked == true ? "<=#" : ">=#") + dtpSince.Value.ToShortDateString() + "#)";
                else if (dtpTo.Visible)
                    sTime = "(TradeOn >= #" + dtpSince.Value.ToShortDateString() + " #) AND (TradeOn <= #" + dtpTo.Value.ToShortDateString() + "#)";
                //dvAC.RowFilter = "(TradeOn >= #12/31/2008#) AND (TradeOn <= #3/1/2009#)";
                dvAC.RowFilter = (sSID == "")?sTime: sSID + " AND " + sTime;
                dtAccount      = dvAC.ToTable();
            btnSearch.Enabled = false;
            Cursor            = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            if (pAccount == null)
                pAccount = new frmAc(_pdalStock);
            pAccount.MdiParent = this;
            btnSearch.Enabled = true;
            Cursor            = Cursors.Default;