Exemplo n.º 1
        public TopicInfo ApproveTopic(int PortalId, int TabId, int ModuleId, int ForumId, int TopicId)
            SettingsInfo    ms = DataCache.MainSettings(ModuleId);
            ForumController fc = new ForumController();
            Forum           fi = fc.Forums_Get(ForumId, -1, false, true);

            TopicsController tc    = new TopicsController();
            TopicInfo        topic = tc.Topics_Get(PortalId, ModuleId, TopicId, ForumId, -1, false);

            if (topic == null)
            topic.IsApproved = true;
            tc.TopicSave(PortalId, topic);
            tc.Topics_SaveToForum(ForumId, TopicId, PortalId, ModuleId);

            if (fi.ModApproveTemplateId > 0 & topic.Author.AuthorId > 0)
                Email oEmail = new Email();
                oEmail.SendEmail(fi.ModApproveTemplateId, PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, 0, string.Empty, topic.Author);

            Subscriptions.SendSubscriptions(PortalId, ModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, 0, topic.Content.AuthorId);

                ControlUtils ctlUtils = new ControlUtils();
                string       sUrl     = ctlUtils.BuildUrl(TabId, ModuleId, fi.ForumGroup.PrefixURL, fi.PrefixURL, fi.ForumGroupId, fi.ForumID, TopicId, topic.TopicUrl, -1, -1, string.Empty, 1, fi.SocialGroupId);
                Social       amas     = new Social();
                amas.AddTopicToJournal(PortalId, ModuleId, ForumId, TopicId, topic.Author.AuthorId, sUrl, topic.Content.Subject, string.Empty, topic.Content.Body, fi.ActiveSocialSecurityOption, fi.Security.Read, fi.SocialGroupId);
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void cbMod_Callback(object sender, Modules.ActiveForums.Controls.CallBackEventArgs e)
            SettingsInfo ms = DataCache.MainSettings(ForumModuleId);
            Forum        fi = null;

            if (e.Parameters.Length > 0)
                if (ForumId < 1)
                    ForumController fc = new ForumController();
                    fi = fc.Forums_Get(Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]), -1, false, true);
                    fi = ForumInfo;
                switch (e.Parameters[0].ToLowerInvariant())
                case "moddel":
                    if (bModDelete)
                        int delAction  = ms.DeleteBehavior;
                        int tmpForumId = -1;
                        int tmpTopicId = -1;
                        int tmpReplyId = -1;
                        tmpForumId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]);
                        tmpTopicId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[2]);
                        tmpReplyId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[3]);
                        Author auth = null;
                        if (fi.ModDeleteTemplateId > 0)
                                //Email.SendEmail(fi.ModDeleteTemplateId, PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, string.Empty, auth);
                                Email.SendEmailToModerators(fi.ModDeleteTemplateId, PortalId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, string.Empty);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                        if (tmpForumId > 0 & tmpTopicId > 0 && tmpReplyId == 0)
                            TopicsController tc = new TopicsController();
                            TopicInfo        ti = tc.Topics_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, tmpTopicId);
                            if (ti != null)
                                auth = ti.Author;
                            tc.Topics_Delete(PortalId, ModuleId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, delAction);
                        else if (tmpForumId > 0 & tmpTopicId > 0 & tmpReplyId > 0)
                            ReplyController rc = new ReplyController();
                            ReplyInfo       ri = rc.Reply_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId);
                            if (ri != null)
                                auth = ri.Author;
                            rc.Reply_Delete(PortalId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, delAction);

                case "modreject":
                    int tmpForumId  = 0;
                    int tmpTopicId  = 0;
                    int tmpReplyId  = 0;
                    int tmpAuthorId = 0;
                    tmpForumId  = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]);
                    tmpTopicId  = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[2]);
                    tmpReplyId  = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[3]);
                    tmpAuthorId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[4]);
                    ModController mc = new ModController();
                    mc.Mod_Reject(PortalId, ForumModuleId, UserId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId);
                    if (fi.ModRejectTemplateId > 0 & tmpAuthorId > 0)
                        DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController uc = new DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController();
                        DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserInfo       ui = uc.GetUser(PortalId, tmpAuthorId);
                        if (ui != null)
                            Author au = new Author();
                            au.AuthorId    = tmpAuthorId;
                            au.DisplayName = ui.DisplayName;
                            au.Email       = ui.Email;
                            au.FirstName   = ui.FirstName;
                            au.LastName    = ui.LastName;
                            au.Username    = ui.Username;
                            Email.SendEmail(fi.ModRejectTemplateId, PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, string.Empty, au);


                case "modappr":
                    int tmpForumId = -1;
                    int tmpTopicId = -1;
                    int tmpReplyId = -1;
                    tmpForumId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[1]);
                    tmpTopicId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[2]);
                    tmpReplyId = Convert.ToInt32(e.Parameters[3]);
                    string sSubject = string.Empty;
                    string sBody    = string.Empty;
                    if (tmpForumId > 0 & tmpTopicId > 0 && tmpReplyId == 0)
                        TopicsController tc = new TopicsController();
                        TopicInfo        ti = tc.Topics_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, tmpTopicId, tmpForumId, -1, false);
                        if (ti != null)
                            sSubject      = ti.Content.Subject;
                            sBody         = ti.Content.Body;
                            ti.IsApproved = true;
                            tc.TopicSave(PortalId, ti);
                            tc.Topics_SaveToForum(tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, PortalId, ModuleId);
                            //TODO: Add Audit log for who approved topic
                            if (fi.ModApproveTemplateId > 0 & ti.Author.AuthorId > 0)
                                Email.SendEmail(fi.ModApproveTemplateId, PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, string.Empty, ti.Author);

                            Subscriptions.SendSubscriptions(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, 0, ti.Content.AuthorId);

                                ControlUtils ctlUtils = new ControlUtils();
                                string       sUrl     = ctlUtils.BuildUrl(ForumTabId, ForumModuleId, fi.ForumGroup.PrefixURL, fi.PrefixURL, fi.ForumGroupId, fi.ForumID, TopicId, ti.TopicUrl, -1, -1, string.Empty, 1, -1, fi.SocialGroupId); // Utilities.NavigateUrl(ForumTabId, "", ParamKeys.ViewType & "=" & Views.Topic & "&" & ParamKeys.ForumId & "=" & ForumId, ParamKeys.TopicId & "=" & TopicId)
                                if (sUrl.Contains("~/") || Request.QueryString["asg"] != null)
                                    sUrl = Utilities.NavigateUrl(ForumTabId, "", ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + TopicId);
                                Social amas = new Social();
                                if (Request.QueryString["asg"] == null & !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainSettings.ActiveSocialTopicsKey)) && fi.ActiveSocialEnabled)
                                    amas.AddTopicToJournal(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumId, ti.TopicId, ti.Author.AuthorId, sUrl, sSubject, ti.Content.Summary, sBody, fi.ActiveSocialSecurityOption, fi.Security.Read, SocialGroupId);
                                    amas.AddForumItemToJournal(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ti.Author.AuthorId, "forumtopic", sUrl, sSubject, sBody);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                    else if (tmpForumId > 0 & tmpTopicId > 0 & tmpReplyId > 0)
                        ReplyController rc = new ReplyController();
                        ReplyInfo       ri = rc.Reply_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId);
                        if (ri != null)
                            ri.IsApproved = true;
                            sSubject      = ri.Content.Subject;
                            sBody         = ri.Content.Body;
                            rc.Reply_Save(PortalId, ri);
                            TopicsController tc = new TopicsController();
                            tc.Topics_SaveToForum(tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, PortalId, ModuleId, tmpReplyId);
                            TopicInfo ti = tc.Topics_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, tmpTopicId, tmpForumId, -1, false);
                            //TODO: Add Audit log for who approved topic
                            if (fi.ModApproveTemplateId > 0 & ri.Author.AuthorId > 0)
                                Email.SendEmail(fi.ModApproveTemplateId, PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, string.Empty, ri.Author);

                            Subscriptions.SendSubscriptions(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumTabId, tmpForumId, tmpTopicId, tmpReplyId, ri.Content.AuthorId);

                                ControlUtils ctlUtils = new ControlUtils();
                                string       fullURL  = ctlUtils.BuildUrl(ForumTabId, ForumModuleId, fi.ForumGroup.PrefixURL, fi.PrefixURL, fi.ForumGroupId, fi.ForumID, TopicId, ti.TopicUrl, -1, -1, string.Empty, 1, -1, fi.SocialGroupId);
                                if (fullURL.Contains("~/") || Request.QueryString["asg"] != null)
                                    fullURL = Utilities.NavigateUrl(ForumTabId, "", new string[] { ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + TopicId, ParamKeys.ContentJumpId + "=" + tmpReplyId });
                                Social amas = new Social();
                                if (Request.QueryString["asg"] == null & !(string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainSettings.ActiveSocialTopicsKey)) && fi.ActiveSocialEnabled && !fi.ActiveSocialTopicsOnly)
                                    amas.AddReplyToJournal(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumId, ri.TopicId, ri.ReplyId, ri.Author.AuthorId, fullURL, ri.Content.Subject, string.Empty, sBody, fi.ActiveSocialSecurityOption, fi.Security.Read, fi.SocialGroupId);
                                    amas.AddForumItemToJournal(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ri.Author.AuthorId, "forumreply", fullURL, sSubject, sBody);
                            catch (Exception ex)

                string cachekey = string.Format("AF-FV-{0}-{1}", PortalId, ModuleId);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void SaveQuickReply()
            SettingsInfo ms             = DataCache.MainSettings(ForumModuleId);
            int          iFloodInterval = MainSettings.FloodInterval;

            if (iFloodInterval > 0)
                UserProfileInfo upi = ForumUser.Profile;
                if (upi != null)
                    if (SimulateDateDiff.DateDiff(SimulateDateDiff.DateInterval.Second, upi.DateLastPost, DateTime.Now) < iFloodInterval)
                        Controls.InfoMessage im = new Controls.InfoMessage();
                        im.Message = "<div class=\"afmessage\">" + string.Format(GetSharedResource("[RESX:Error:FloodControl]"), iFloodInterval) + "</div>";
            if (!Request.IsAuthenticated)
                if ((!ctlCaptcha.IsValid) || txtUserName.Value == "")
            UserProfileInfo ui = new UserProfileInfo();

            if (UserId > 0)
                ui = ForumUser.Profile;
                ui.TopicCount   = 0;
                ui.ReplyCount   = 0;
                ui.RewardPoints = 0;
                ui.IsMod        = false;
                ui.TrustLevel   = -1;
            bool UserIsTrusted = false;

            UserIsTrusted = Utilities.IsTrusted((int)ForumInfo.DefaultTrustValue, ui.TrustLevel, Permissions.HasPerm(ForumInfo.Security.Trust, ForumUser.UserRoles), ForumInfo.AutoTrustLevel, ui.PostCount);
            bool isApproved = false;

            isApproved = Convert.ToBoolean(((ForumInfo.IsModerated == true) ? false : true));
            if (UserIsTrusted || Permissions.HasPerm(ForumInfo.Security.ModApprove, ForumUser.UserRoles))
                isApproved = true;
            ReplyInfo       ri        = new ReplyInfo();
            ReplyController rc        = new ReplyController();
            int             ReplyId   = -1;
            string          sUsername = string.Empty;

            if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
                switch (MainSettings.UserNameDisplay.ToUpperInvariant())
                case "USERNAME":
                    sUsername = UserInfo.Username.Trim(' ');

                case "FULLNAME":
                    sUsername = Convert.ToString(UserInfo.FirstName + " " + UserInfo.LastName).Trim(' ');

                case "FIRSTNAME":
                    sUsername = UserInfo.FirstName.Trim(' ');

                case "LASTNAME":
                    sUsername = UserInfo.LastName.Trim(' ');

                case "DISPLAYNAME":
                    sUsername = UserInfo.DisplayName.Trim(' ');

                    sUsername = UserInfo.DisplayName;
                sUsername = Utilities.CleanString(PortalId, txtUserName.Value, false, EditorTypes.TEXTBOX, true, false, ForumModuleId, ThemePath, false);

            //Dim sSubject As String = Server.HtmlEncode(Request.Form("txtSubject"))
            //If (UseFilter) Then
            //    sSubject = Utilities.FilterWords(PortalId,  ForumModuleId, ThemePath, sSubject)
            //End If
            string sBody = string.Empty;

            if (AllowHTML)
                AllowHTML = IsHtmlPermitted(ForumInfo.EditorPermittedUsers, IsTrusted, Permissions.HasPerm(ForumInfo.Security.ModEdit, ForumUser.UserRoles));
            sBody = Utilities.CleanString(PortalId, Request.Form["txtBody"], AllowHTML, EditorTypes.TEXTBOX, UseFilter, AllowScripts, ForumModuleId, ThemePath, ForumInfo.AllowEmoticons);
            DateTime createDate = DateTime.Now;

            ri.TopicId             = TopicId;
            ri.ReplyToId           = TopicId;
            ri.Content.AuthorId    = UserId;
            ri.Content.AuthorName  = sUsername;
            ri.Content.Body        = sBody;
            ri.Content.DateCreated = createDate;
            ri.Content.DateUpdated = createDate;
            ri.Content.IsDeleted   = false;
            ri.Content.Subject     = Subject;
            ri.Content.Summary     = string.Empty;
            ri.IsApproved          = isApproved;
            ri.IsDeleted           = false;
            ri.Content.IPAddress   = Request.UserHostAddress;
            ReplyId = rc.Reply_Save(PortalId, ri);
            //Check if is subscribed
            string cachekey = string.Format("AF-FV-{0}-{1}", PortalId, ModuleId);


            // Subscribe or unsubscribe if needed
            if (AllowSubscribe && UserId > 0)
                var subscribe           = Request.Params["chkSubscribe"] == "1";
                var currentlySubscribed = Subscriptions.IsSubscribed(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumId, TopicId, SubscriptionTypes.Instant, UserId);

                if (subscribe != currentlySubscribed)
                    // Will need to update this to support multiple subscrition types later
                    // Subscription_Update works as a toggle, so you only call it if you want to change the value.
                    var sc = new SubscriptionController();
                    sc.Subscription_Update(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumId, TopicId, 1, UserId, ForumUser.UserRoles);

            ControlUtils     ctlUtils = new ControlUtils();
            TopicsController tc       = new TopicsController();
            TopicInfo        ti       = tc.Topics_Get(PortalId, ForumModuleId, TopicId, ForumId, -1, false);
            string           fullURL  = ctlUtils.BuildUrl(ForumTabId, ForumModuleId, ForumInfo.ForumGroup.PrefixURL, ForumInfo.PrefixURL, ForumInfo.ForumGroupId, ForumInfo.ForumID, TopicId, ti.TopicUrl, -1, -1, string.Empty, -1, ReplyId, SocialGroupId);

            if (fullURL.Contains("~/") || Request.QueryString["asg"] != null)
                fullURL = Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId, "", new string[] { ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + TopicId, ParamKeys.ContentJumpId + "=" + ReplyId });
            if (fullURL.EndsWith("/"))
                fullURL += "?" + ParamKeys.ContentJumpId + "=" + ReplyId;
            if (isApproved)
                //Send Subscriptions

                    //Dim sURL As String = Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId, "", New String() {ParamKeys.ForumId & "=" & ForumId, ParamKeys.ViewType & "=" & Views.Topic, ParamKeys.TopicId & "=" & TopicId, ParamKeys.ContentJumpId & "=" & ReplyId})
                    Subscriptions.SendSubscriptions(PortalId, ForumModuleId, TabId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, UserId);
                        Social amas = new Social();
                        amas.AddReplyToJournal(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, UserId, fullURL, Subject, string.Empty, sBody, ForumInfo.ActiveSocialSecurityOption, ForumInfo.Security.Read, SocialGroupId);
                        //If Request.QueryString["asg"] Is Nothing And Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(MainSettings.ActiveSocialTopicsKey) And ForumInfo.ActiveSocialEnabled And Not ForumInfo.ActiveSocialTopicsOnly Then
                        //    amas.AddReplyToJournal(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, UserId, fullURL, Subject, String.Empty, sBody, ForumInfo.ActiveSocialSecurityOption, ForumInfo.Security.Read)
                        //    amas.AddForumItemToJournal(PortalId, ForumModuleId, UserId, "forumreply", fullURL, Subject, sBody)
                        //End If
                    catch (Exception ex)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, ex);
                //Redirect to show post

                Response.Redirect(fullURL, false);
            else if (isApproved == false)
                List <Entities.Users.UserInfo> mods = Utilities.GetListOfModerators(PortalId, ForumId);
                NotificationType notificationType   = NotificationsController.Instance.GetNotificationType("AF-ForumModeration");
                string           subject            = Utilities.GetSharedResource("NotificationSubjectReply");
                subject = subject.Replace("[DisplayName]", UserInfo.DisplayName);
                subject = subject.Replace("[TopicSubject]", ti.Content.Subject);
                string body = Utilities.GetSharedResource("NotificationBodyReply");
                body = body.Replace("[Post]", sBody);
                string notificationKey = string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}:{4}", TabId, ForumModuleId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId);

                Notification notification = new Notification();
                notification.NotificationTypeID = notificationType.NotificationTypeId;
                notification.Subject            = subject;
                notification.Body = body;
                notification.IncludeDismissAction = false;
                notification.SenderUserID         = UserInfo.UserID;
                notification.Context = notificationKey;

                NotificationsController.Instance.SendNotification(notification, PortalId, null, mods);

                var @params = new List <string> {
                    ParamKeys.ForumId + "=" + ForumId, ParamKeys.ViewType + "=confirmaction", "afmsg=pendingmod", ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + TopicId
                if (SocialGroupId > 0)
                    @params.Add("GroupId=" + SocialGroupId);
                Response.Redirect(Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId, "", @params.ToArray()), false);
                //Dim fullURL As String = Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId, "", New String() {ParamKeys.ForumId & "=" & ForumId, ParamKeys.ViewType & "=" & Views.Topic, ParamKeys.TopicId & "=" & TopicId, ParamKeys.ContentJumpId & "=" & ReplyId})
                //If MainSettings.UseShortUrls Then
                //    fullURL = Utilities.NavigateUrl(TabId, "", New String() {ParamKeys.TopicId & "=" & TopicId, ParamKeys.ContentJumpId & "=" & ReplyId})
                //End If

                    Social amas = new Social();
                    amas.AddReplyToJournal(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, UserId, fullURL, Subject, string.Empty, sBody, ForumInfo.ActiveSocialSecurityOption, ForumInfo.Security.Read, SocialGroupId);
                    //If Request.QueryString["asg"] Is Nothing And Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(MainSettings.ActiveSocialTopicsKey) And ForumInfo.ActiveSocialEnabled Then
                    //    amas.AddReplyToJournal(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumId, TopicId, ReplyId, UserId, fullURL, Subject, String.Empty, sBody, ForumInfo.ActiveSocialSecurityOption, ForumInfo.Security.Read)
                    //    amas.AddForumItemToJournal(PortalId, ForumModuleId, UserId, "forumreply", fullURL, Subject, sBody)
                    //End If
                catch (Exception ex)
                Response.Redirect(fullURL, false);

            //End If
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

                //Me.AFModID = MID

                if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
                    btnSubmitLink.OnClientClick = "afQuickSubmit(); return false;";

                    AllowSubscribe = Permissions.HasPerm(ForumInfo.Security.Subscribe, ForumUser.UserRoles);
                    reqUserName.Enabled  = true;
                    reqUserName.Text     = "<img src=\"" + ImagePath + "/images/warning.png\" />";
                    reqBody.Text         = "<img src=\"" + ImagePath + "/images/warning.png\" />";
                    reqSecurityCode.Text = "<img src=\"" + ImagePath + "/images/warning.png\" />";
                    btnSubmitLink.Click += ambtnSubmit_Click;

                    AllowSubscribe = false;

                BoldText      = Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:Bold]");
                ItalicsText   = Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:Italics]");
                UnderlineText = Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:Underline]");
                QuoteText     = Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:Quote]");
                BoldDesc      = Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:BoldDesc]");
                ItalicsDesc   = Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:ItalicsDesc]");
                UnderlineDesc = Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:UnderlineDesc]");
                QuoteDesc     = Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:QuoteDesc]");
                CodeText      = Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:Code]");
                CodeDesc      = Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:CodeDesc]");
                ImageText     = Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:Image]");
                ImageDesc     = Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:ImageDesc]");

                if (UseFilter)
                    btnToolBar.Visible = true;
                    btnToolBar.Visible = false;
                Subject             = Utilities.GetSharedResource("[RESX:SubjectPrefix]") + " " + Subject;
                trSubscribe.Visible = AllowSubscribe;
                if (!Request.IsAuthenticated && CanReply)
                    trUsername.Visible = true;
                    bolIsAnon          = true;
                    trCaptcha.Visible  = true;
                    trUsername.Visible = false;
                    trCaptcha.Visible  = false;
                    if (UserPrefTopicSubscribe || Subscriptions.IsSubscribed(PortalId, ForumModuleId, ForumId, TopicId, SubscriptionTypes.Instant, this.UserId))
                        SubscribedChecked = " checked=true";

                if (Utilities.InputIsValid(Request.Form["txtBody"]) && Request.IsAuthenticated & ((!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["hidReply1"])) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["hidReply2"])) | Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice))
            catch (Exception exc)
                DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc);