Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Replace the root control with a UserControl (if it is not already one) and keep only the properties and attributes supported by the UserControl class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xdoc">The XAML document to process</param>
        public static void ReplaceRootWithUserControl(XDocument xdoc)
            if (xdoc.Root != null)
                var   root       = xdoc.Root;
                XName formerName = xdoc.Root.Name;
                if (formerName != DefaultNamespace + "UserControl")
                    // Change the root name:
                    root.Name = DefaultNamespace + "UserControl";

                    // Change the name of the child properties (for example, "<ChildWindow.Resources>" must be changed into "<UserControl.Resources>"):
                    var elementsCopy = root.Elements().ToArray(); //Note: creating this copy allows to modify the collection inside the foreach.
                    foreach (var childElement in elementsCopy)
                        if (childElement.Name.Namespace == formerName.Namespace &&
                            childElement.Name.LocalName.StartsWith(formerName.LocalName + "."))
                            // Either rename the element or remove it if it is a property that is not supported by UserControl:
                            string propertyName = childElement.Name.LocalName.Substring(childElement.Name.LocalName.IndexOf(".") + 1);
                            if (ListOfWpfControls.GetHashSetOfUserControlAttributes().Contains(propertyName))
                                childElement.Name = DefaultNamespace + "UserControl." + propertyName;

                    // Remove the attributes that are not supported by UserControl:
                    RemoveNotSupportedAttributes(root, ListOfWpfControls.GetHashSetOfUserControlAttributes(), null);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void Process(XElement element, ref HashSet <string> warningsAndTips)
            // If the element is the "Application" class, replace it with something that does not lead to an error:
            if (element.Name == DefaultNamespace + "Application")
                var border = new XElement(DefaultNamespace + "Border");

            // Remove the element if it is an attribute among the list above (eg. <Frame.UriMapper>)
            if (element.Name.LocalName.Contains('.'))
                string propertyName = element.Name.LocalName.Substring(element.Name.LocalName.IndexOf('.') + 1);
                if (AttributesToRemove.Contains(propertyName))

            // By default, WPF does an auto-play on the MediaElement, which is annoying in the editor because it restarts at each keystroke. Regardless of the AutoPlay value set by the user, we prevent playing the video by setting the LoadedBehavior to "Pause":
            if (element.Name == DefaultNamespace + "MediaElement")
                element.Add(new XAttribute("LoadedBehavior", "Pause"));

            // Replace "<HyperlinkButton Content="something"/>" with "<TextBlock><Hyperlink>something</Hyperlink></TextBlock>":
            if (element.Name == DefaultNamespace + "HyperlinkButton")
                var    contentAttributeIfAny     = element.Attributes("Content").FirstOrDefault();
                var    navigateUriAttributeIfAny = element.Attributes("NavigateUri").FirstOrDefault();
                string contentIfAny = contentAttributeIfAny != null ? contentAttributeIfAny.Value : "";
                if (contentAttributeIfAny != null)
                if (navigateUriAttributeIfAny != null)
                element.Name = DefaultNamespace + "TextBlock";
                RemoveNotSupportedAttributes(element, ListOfWpfControls.GetHashSetOfTextBlockAttributes(), null);
                var hyperlink = new XElement(DefaultNamespace + "Hyperlink");

            // Remove MenuItems:
            if (element.Name == DefaultNamespace + "MenuItem")

            // Remove Storyboards: (it caused an endlessly looping error which caused an infinite amount of error windows to pop in front of us)
            if (element.Name == DefaultNamespace + "Storyboard")

            // Remove the content of "HtmlPresenter" nodes:
            if (element.Name.LocalName == "HtmlPresenter")

            // Generate warnings and tips about not supported elements:
            if (element.Name == DefaultNamespace + "Trigger")
                AddWarningIfNotAlreadyAdded(warningsAndTips, WARNING_TRIGGERS_NOT_SUPPORTED);
            else if (element.Name.LocalName == "FontFamily" && element.Name.Namespace != DefaultNamespace)
                AddWarningIfNotAlreadyAdded(warningsAndTips, TIP_FONT_FAMILY_NAMESPACE_WRONG);
            else if (element.Name == DefaultNamespace + "TransformGroup")
                AddWarningIfNotAlreadyAdded(warningsAndTips, WARNING_TRANSFORMGROUP_NOT_SUPPORTED);
            else if (element.Name == DefaultNamespace + "ImageBrush")
                AddWarningIfNotAlreadyAdded(warningsAndTips, WARNING_IMAGEBRUSH_NOT_SUPPORTED);
            else if (element.Name.LocalName == "DockPanel" && element.Name.Namespace != DefaultNamespace)
                AddWarningIfNotAlreadyAdded(warningsAndTips, WARNING_DOCKPANEL_REQUIRES_NO_PREFIX);
            else if (element.Name.LocalName == "GridSplitter" && element.Name.Namespace != DefaultNamespace)
                AddWarningIfNotAlreadyAdded(warningsAndTips, WARNING_GRIDSPLITTER_REQUIRES_NO_PREFIX);
            else if (element.Name.LocalName == "DataGrid" && element.Name.Namespace != DefaultNamespace)
                AddWarningIfNotAlreadyAdded(warningsAndTips, WARNING_DATAGRID_REQUIRES_NO_PREFIX);
            else if (element.Name.LocalName == "Expander" && element.Name.Namespace != DefaultNamespace)
                AddWarningIfNotAlreadyAdded(warningsAndTips, WARNING_EXPANDER_REQUIRES_NO_PREFIX);
            else if (element.Name.LocalName == "NumericUpDown" && element.Name.Namespace != DefaultNamespace)
                AddWarningIfNotAlreadyAdded(warningsAndTips, WARNING_NUMERICUPDOWN_REQUIRES_NO_PREFIX);

            // Replace "<CompositeTransform ScaleX="1" ScaleY="2" SkewX="3" SkewY="4" Rotation="5" TranslateX="6" TranslateY="7"/>" with:
            //     <TransformGroup>
            //         <ScaleTransform ScaleX="1" ScaleY="2" />
            //         <SkewTransform AngleX="3" AngleY="4" />
            //         <RotateTransform Angle="5" />
            //         <TranslateTransform X="6" Y="7" />
            //     </TransformGroup>
            if (element.Name == DefaultNamespace + "CompositeTransform")
                //todo: support a "CompositeTransform" that is declared inside a "TransformGroup" (in this case, we should not "rename" the "CompositeTransform" into "TransformGroup" but instead remove it from the XML and add the new elements at the same place as where the "CompositeTransform" was.

                var scaleXIfAny     = ReadAttributeAndRemoveIt(element, "ScaleX");
                var scaleYIfAny     = ReadAttributeAndRemoveIt(element, "ScaleY");
                var skewXIfAny      = ReadAttributeAndRemoveIt(element, "SkewX");
                var skewYIfAny      = ReadAttributeAndRemoveIt(element, "SkewY");
                var rotationIfAny   = ReadAttributeAndRemoveIt(element, "Rotation");
                var translateXIfAny = ReadAttributeAndRemoveIt(element, "TranslateX");
                var translateYIfAny = ReadAttributeAndRemoveIt(element, "TranslateY");

                element.Name = DefaultNamespace + "TransformGroup";

                if (scaleXIfAny != null || scaleYIfAny != null)
                    var scaleTransform = new XElement(DefaultNamespace + "ScaleTransform");
                    scaleTransform.SetAttributeValue("ScaleX", scaleXIfAny); //note: the attribute is not added if the value is null.
                    scaleTransform.SetAttributeValue("ScaleY", scaleYIfAny);
                if (skewXIfAny != null || skewYIfAny != null)
                    var skewTransform = new XElement(DefaultNamespace + "SkewTransform");
                    skewTransform.SetAttributeValue("AngleX", skewXIfAny); //note: the attribute is not added if the value is null.
                    skewTransform.SetAttributeValue("AngleY", skewYIfAny);
                if (rotationIfAny != null)
                    var rotateTransform = new XElement(DefaultNamespace + "RotateTransform");
                    rotateTransform.SetAttributeValue("Angle", rotationIfAny);
                if (translateXIfAny != null || translateYIfAny != null)
                    var translateTransform = new XElement(DefaultNamespace + "TranslateTransform");
                    translateTransform.SetAttributeValue("X", translateXIfAny); //note: the attribute is not added if the value is null.
                    translateTransform.SetAttributeValue("Y", translateYIfAny);

            // Remove unsupported style '<Setter Property="PropertyName"' properties:
            if (element.Name == DefaultNamespace + "Setter")
                var propertyName = element.Attribute("Property");

                //Manually disable Setter that doesn't exist in WPF
                if (element.Parent.Name.LocalName == "Style")
                    var parentAttributes = element.Parent.Attributes().ToArray();
                    foreach (XAttribute attribute in parentAttributes)
                        if (attribute.Name == "TargetType")
                            if (attribute.Value == "ContentPresenter")
                                if (ListOfWpfControls.GetHashSetOfNonCompatibleAttributeOfContentPresenter().Contains(propertyName.Value))
                                    propertyName = null;

                if (propertyName != null && AttributesToRemove.Contains(propertyName.Value))

            //Add a ContentPresenter.content around the content if it's not the case
            if (element.Name == DefaultNamespace + "ContentPresenter")
                bool            hasContentPresenterContent = false;
                List <XElement> contentElement             = new List <XElement>();
                foreach (XElement child in element.Elements())
                    // verify if a content is already in the Presenter
                    if (child.Name == DefaultNamespace + "ContentPresenter.Content")
                        hasContentPresenterContent = true;
                    // List every content elements
                    if (!child.Name.LocalName.ToString().StartsWith("ContentPresenter."))
                if (!hasContentPresenterContent && contentElement.Count > 0)
                    // Remove every content Element from the main element to avoid dupplicate
                    for (int i = 0; i < contentElement.Count; i++)

                    var content = new XElement(DefaultNamespace + "ContentPresenter.Content");

            if (element.Name == DefaultNamespace + "ContentPresenter")
                RemoveNotSupportedAttributes(element, null, ListOfWpfControls.GetHashSetOfNonCompatibleAttributeOfContentPresenter());

            // Copy the element attributes so that we can modify the collection during the ForEach:
            var attributesListCopy = element.Attributes().ToArray();

            // Fix attributes and generate warnings:
            bool isElementMarkedForCleanUp = false;

            foreach (XAttribute attribute in attributesListCopy)
                // Remove attributes that are not supported in WPF:
                if (AttributesToRemove.Contains(attribute.Name.LocalName))
                // Remove bindings completly so we don't get errors related to {binding} without any keyword or with converters
                else if (attribute.Value.StartsWith("{Binding"))
                // Replace values of FontWeight that are not supported in WPF but are supported in WinRT:
                else if (attribute.Name == "FontWeight")
                    string newFontWeight;
                    if (ReplaceFontWeightToMakeItCompatibleWithWpf(attribute.Value, out newFontWeight))
                        attribute.Value = newFontWeight;

                // Detect if a "TargetType" is unsupported by WPF, in which case we should empty the node, leaving only something like <Style x:Key="MyStyle"/> so that "StaticResource" references are not broken:
                if (attribute.Name == "TargetType")
                    string targetType = attribute.Value;

                    // Support the TargetType="{x:Type TypeName}" syntax in addition to the TargetType="TypeName" syntax:
                    if (targetType.StartsWith("{x:Type ") && targetType.EndsWith("}"))
                        targetType = targetType.Substring(8, targetType.Length - 8 - 1);

                    if (!IsTargetTypeSupportedByWpf(targetType))
                        isElementMarkedForCleanUp = true;

                // Generate warnings and tips about not supported attributes:
                if (attribute.Name == "CenterX" || attribute.Name == "CenterY")
                    if (element.Name == DefaultNamespace + "CompositeTransform" ||
                        element.Name == DefaultNamespace + "RotateTransform" ||
                        element.Name == DefaultNamespace + "ScaleTransform" ||
                        element.Name == DefaultNamespace + "SkewTransform")
                        AddWarningIfNotAlreadyAdded(warningsAndTips, WARNING_CENTERX_CENTERY_NOT_SUPPORTED);
                else if (attribute.Name == "ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility" || attribute.Name == "ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility")
                    if (element.Name == DefaultNamespace + "ListBox")
                        AddWarningIfNotAlreadyAdded(warningsAndTips, WARNING_LISTBOX_SCROLLBARS_NOT_SUPPORTED);
                //else if (attribute.Name == "Grid.RowSpan" || attribute.Name == "Grid.ColumnSpan")
                //    AddWarningIfNotAlreadyAdded(warningsAndTips, WARNING_ROWSPAN_COLUMNSPAN_NOT_SUPPORTED);
                else if (attribute.Name == "StrokeStartLineCap" || attribute.Name == "StrokeEndLineCap")
                    if (IsElementAShape(element))
                        // Display a warning if the "StrokeStartLineCap" is not the same as the "StrokeEndLineCap" (because in HTML5 there cannot be difference between the Start and the End)
                        if (AreStartAndEndLineCapAreDifferent(element))
                            AddWarningIfNotAlreadyAdded(warningsAndTips, WARNING_START_AND_END_LINECAP_MUST_BE_THE_SAME);

            // If the element was marked for cleanup, remove all its attributes (except x:Key and x:Name) and all its children. This is especially useful for cleaning styles where TargetType is not supported by WPF.
            if (isElementMarkedForCleanUp)
                // Copy the element attributes so that we can modify the collection during the ForEach:
                var attributesListCopy2 = element.Attributes().ToArray();

                // Remove all attributes except x:Key and x:Name:
                foreach (var attribute in attributesListCopy2)
                    if (attribute.Name != DefaultXNamespace + "Key" &&
                        attribute.Name != DefaultXNamespace + "Name")

                // Remove all children:

            // Generate a warning if the ChildWindow does not have a specified Width:
            if (element.Name == DefaultNamespace + "ChildWindow")
                double unused;
                var    widthAttribute = element.Attribute("Width");
                if (widthAttribute == null ||
                    widthAttribute.Value == null ||
                    !double.TryParse(widthAttribute.Value, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out unused))
                    AddWarningIfNotAlreadyAdded(warningsAndTips, WARNING_CHILD_WINDOW_SHOULD_HAVE_A_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS);
Exemplo n.º 3
 static bool IsTargetTypeSupportedByWpf(string targetType)