Exemplo n.º 1
        private void fillMovement(Moving movement, MovementFillingInfo info)
            //            Query query = DB.NewQuery(@"
            //--DECLARE @Nomenclature BIGINT=1;
            //--DECLARE @Measure BIGINT=1;
            //--DECLARE @Party BIGINT=2;
            //DECLARE @SourceType uniqueidentifier='029B0572-E5B5-48CD-9805-1211319A5633';
            // PalletOrder AS (SELECT f.PalletCode,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY f.CreationDate) PalletOrder FROM FilledCell f)
            //,AcceptedCode AS (
            //	SELECT DISTINCT a.NomenclatureCode code
            //	FROM SubAcceptanceOfGoodsNomenclatureInfo a
            //	WHERE a.NomenclatureParty=@Party
            //	EXCEPT
            //	SELECT DISTINCT n.NomenclatureCode
            //	FROM Movement m
            //	JOIN SubMovementNomenclatureInfo n ON n.IdDoc=m.Id
            //	JOIN ShipmentPlan p ON p.Id=m.Source AND m.SourceType=@SourceType
            //	WHERE m.MarkForDeleting=0 AND n.RowState=0 AND n.NomenclatureParty=@Party AND n.Nomenclature=@Nomenclature AND n.NomenclatureMeasure=@Measure)
            //,PreparedData AS (
            //	SELECT
            //		b.Cell,b.ExpariedDate,b.UniqueCode,b.Quantity,b.MeasureUnit,
            //		ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY b.Cell ORDER BY p.PalletOrder DESC,b.ExpariedDate DESC) RowNumber
            //	FROM StockBalance b
            //	JOIN PalletOrder p ON p.PalletCode=b.UniqueCode
            //	JOIN AcceptedCode a ON a.code=b.UniqueCode
            //	WHERE b.Nomenclature=@Nomenclature AND b.MeasureUnit=@Measure AND b.State=4)
            //SELECT *
            //FROM PreparedData");
            //            query.AddInputParameter("Nomenclature", info.Nomenclature);
            //            query.AddInputParameter("Measure", info.Measure);
            //            query.AddInputParameter("Party", info.Party);
            //            DataTable table = query.SelectToTable();
            //            double howIsUsed = 0;

            //            if (table != null)
            //                {
            //                foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
            //                    {
            //                    double quantity = Convert.ToDouble(row["Quantity"]);
            //                    howIsUsed += quantity;

            //                    DataRow newRow = movement.NomenclatureInfo.GetNewRow(movement);
            //                    newRow[movement.NomenclatureCode] = row["UniqueCode"];
            //                    newRow.SetRefValueToRowCell(movement, movement.Nomenclature, info.Nomenclature, typeof(Nomenclature));
            //                    newRow.SetRefValueToRowCell(movement, movement.NomenclatureMeasure, info.Measure, typeof(Measures));
            //                    newRow.SetRefValueToRowCell(movement, movement.NomenclatureParty, info.Party, typeof(Parties));
            //                    newRow[movement.NomenclatureCount] = quantity;
            //                    newRow.SetRefValueToRowCell(movement, movement.SourceCell, row["Cell"], typeof(Cells));
            //                   // newRow.SetRefValueToRowCell(movement, movement.DestinationCell, Cells.Buyout.Id, typeof(Cells));
            //                    newRow[movement.RowState] = StatesOfDocument.Planned;
            //                    newRow.AddRowToTable(movement);

            //                    if (howIsUsed >= info.Count)
            //                        {
            //                        break;
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                }

            //            movement.SetSubtableModified(movement.NomenclatureInfo.TableName);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void fillMovement(Moving movement, MovementFillingInfo info)
            //            Query query = DB.NewQuery(@"
            //--DECLARE @Nomenclature BIGINT=1;
            //--DECLARE @Measure BIGINT=1;
            //--DECLARE @Party BIGINT=2;
            //DECLARE @SourceType uniqueidentifier='029B0572-E5B5-48CD-9805-1211319A5633';
            // PalletOrder AS (SELECT f.PalletCode,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY f.CreationDate) PalletOrder FROM FilledCell f)
            //,AcceptedCode AS (
            //	SELECT DISTINCT a.NomenclatureCode code
            //	FROM SubAcceptanceOfGoodsNomenclatureInfo a
            //	WHERE a.NomenclatureParty=@Party
            //	EXCEPT
            //	SELECT DISTINCT n.NomenclatureCode
            //	FROM Movement m
            //	JOIN SubMovementNomenclatureInfo n ON n.IdDoc=m.Id
            //	JOIN ShipmentPlan p ON p.Id=m.Source AND m.SourceType=@SourceType
            //	WHERE m.MarkForDeleting=0 AND n.RowState=0 AND n.NomenclatureParty=@Party AND n.Nomenclature=@Nomenclature AND n.NomenclatureMeasure=@Measure)
            //,PreparedData AS (
            //	SELECT
            //		b.Cell,b.ExpariedDate,b.UniqueCode,b.Quantity,b.MeasureUnit,
            //		ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY b.Cell ORDER BY p.PalletOrder DESC,b.ExpariedDate DESC) RowNumber
            //	FROM StockBalance b
            //	JOIN PalletOrder p ON p.PalletCode=b.UniqueCode
            //	JOIN AcceptedCode a ON a.code=b.UniqueCode
            //	WHERE b.Nomenclature=@Nomenclature AND b.MeasureUnit=@Measure AND b.State=4)
            //SELECT *
            //FROM PreparedData");
            //            query.AddInputParameter("Nomenclature", info.Nomenclature);
            //            query.AddInputParameter("Measure", info.Measure);
            //            query.AddInputParameter("Party", info.Party);
            //            DataTable table = query.SelectToTable();
            //            double howIsUsed = 0;

            //            if (table != null)
            //                {
            //                foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
            //                    {
            //                    double quantity = Convert.ToDouble(row["Quantity"]);
            //                    howIsUsed += quantity;

            //                    DataRow newRow = movement.NomenclatureInfo.GetNewRow(movement);
            //                    newRow[movement.NomenclatureCode] = row["UniqueCode"];
            //                    newRow.SetRefValueToRowCell(movement, movement.Nomenclature, info.Nomenclature, typeof(Nomenclature));
            //                    newRow.SetRefValueToRowCell(movement, movement.NomenclatureMeasure, info.Measure, typeof(Measures));
            //                    newRow.SetRefValueToRowCell(movement, movement.NomenclatureParty, info.Party, typeof(Parties));
            //                    newRow[movement.NomenclatureCount] = quantity;
            //                    newRow.SetRefValueToRowCell(movement, movement.SourceCell, row["Cell"], typeof(Cells));
            //                   // newRow.SetRefValueToRowCell(movement, movement.DestinationCell, Cells.Buyout.Id, typeof(Cells));
            //                    newRow[movement.RowState] = StatesOfDocument.Planned;
            //                    newRow.AddRowToTable(movement);

            //                    if (howIsUsed >= info.Count)
            //                        {
            //                        break;
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                }

            //            movement.SetSubtableModified(movement.NomenclatureInfo.TableName);