Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AccountBillingPlan" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="AddOns">Reserved:.</param>
 /// <param name="AppStoreReceiptExpirationDate">AppStoreReceiptExpirationDate.</param>
 /// <param name="AppStoreReceiptPurchaseDate">AppStoreReceiptPurchaseDate.</param>
 /// <param name="CanCancelRenewal">Reserved: TBD.</param>
 /// <param name="CanUpgrade">When set to **true**, specifies that you can upgrade the account through the API..</param>
 /// <param name="CurrencyCode">Specifies the ISO currency code for the account..</param>
 /// <param name="DowngradePlanInformation">DowngradePlanInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="EnableSupport">When set to **true**, then customer support is provided as part of the account plan..</param>
 /// <param name="IncludedSeats">The number of seats (users) included..</param>
 /// <param name="IncrementalSeats">Reserved: TBD.</param>
 /// <param name="IsDowngrade">IsDowngrade.</param>
 /// <param name="NotificationType">NotificationType.</param>
 /// <param name="OtherDiscountPercent"> Any other percentage discount for the plan. .</param>
 /// <param name="PaymentCycle">PaymentCycle.</param>
 /// <param name="PaymentMethod"> The payment method used with the plan. The possible values are: CreditCard, PurchaseOrder, Premium, or Freemium. .</param>
 /// <param name="PerSeatPrice">PerSeatPrice.</param>
 /// <param name="PlanClassification">Identifies the type of plan. Examples include Business, Corporate, Enterprise, Free..</param>
 /// <param name="PlanFeatureSets">A complex type that sets the feature sets for the account. It contains the following information (all string content):  * currencyFeatureSetPrices - Contains the currencyCode and currencySymbol for the alternate currency values for envelopeFee, fixedFee, seatFee that are configured for this plan feature set. * envelopeFee - An incremental envelope cost for plans with envelope overages (when isEnabled&#x3D;true). * featureSetId - A unique ID for the feature set. * fixedFee - A one-time fee associated with the plan (when isEnabled&#x3D;true). * isActive - Specifies whether the feature set is actively set as part of the plan. * isEnabled - Specifies whether the feature set is actively enabled as part of the plan. * name - The name of the feature set. * seatFee - An incremental seat cost for seat-based plans (when isEnabled&#x3D;true). .</param>
 /// <param name="PlanId">PlanId.</param>
 /// <param name="PlanName">The name of the Billing Plan..</param>
 /// <param name="PlanStartDate">PlanStartDate.</param>
 /// <param name="ProductId">ProductId.</param>
 /// <param name="RenewalDate">RenewalDate.</param>
 /// <param name="RenewalStatus">The renewal status for the account. The acceptable values are:  * auto: The account automatically renews. * queued_for_close: Account will be closed at the billingPeriodEndDate. * queued_for_downgrade: Account will be downgraded at the billingPeriodEndDate..</param>
 /// <param name="SeatDiscounts"> A complex type that contains any seat discount information.  Values are: BeginSeatCount, EndSeatCount, and SeatDiscountPercent.  .</param>
 /// <param name="SubscriptionStartDate">SubscriptionStartDate.</param>
 /// <param name="SupportIncidentFee">The support incident fee charged for each support incident..</param>
 /// <param name="SupportPlanFee">The support plan fee charged for this plan..</param>
 /// <param name="TaxExemptId">TaxExemptId.</param>
 public AccountBillingPlan(List <AddOn> AddOns = default(List <AddOn>), string AppStoreReceiptExpirationDate = default(string), string AppStoreReceiptPurchaseDate = default(string), string CanCancelRenewal = default(string), string CanUpgrade = default(string), string CurrencyCode = default(string), DowngradePlanUpdateResponse DowngradePlanInformation = default(DowngradePlanUpdateResponse), string EnableSupport = default(string), string IncludedSeats = default(string), string IncrementalSeats = default(string), string IsDowngrade = default(string), string NotificationType = default(string), string OtherDiscountPercent = default(string), string PaymentCycle = default(string), string PaymentMethod = default(string), string PerSeatPrice = default(string), string PlanClassification = default(string), List <FeatureSet> PlanFeatureSets = default(List <FeatureSet>), string PlanId = default(string), string PlanName = default(string), string PlanStartDate = default(string), string ProductId = default(string), string RenewalDate = default(string), string RenewalStatus = default(string), List <SeatDiscount> SeatDiscounts = default(List <SeatDiscount>), string SubscriptionStartDate = default(string), string SupportIncidentFee = default(string), string SupportPlanFee = default(string), string TaxExemptId = default(string))
     this.AddOns = AddOns;
     this.AppStoreReceiptExpirationDate = AppStoreReceiptExpirationDate;
     this.AppStoreReceiptPurchaseDate   = AppStoreReceiptPurchaseDate;
     this.CanCancelRenewal         = CanCancelRenewal;
     this.CanUpgrade               = CanUpgrade;
     this.CurrencyCode             = CurrencyCode;
     this.DowngradePlanInformation = DowngradePlanInformation;
     this.EnableSupport            = EnableSupport;
     this.IncludedSeats            = IncludedSeats;
     this.IncrementalSeats         = IncrementalSeats;
     this.IsDowngrade              = IsDowngrade;
     this.NotificationType         = NotificationType;
     this.OtherDiscountPercent     = OtherDiscountPercent;
     this.PaymentCycle             = PaymentCycle;
     this.PaymentMethod            = PaymentMethod;
     this.PerSeatPrice             = PerSeatPrice;
     this.PlanClassification       = PlanClassification;
     this.PlanFeatureSets          = PlanFeatureSets;
     this.PlanId                = PlanId;
     this.PlanName              = PlanName;
     this.PlanStartDate         = PlanStartDate;
     this.ProductId             = ProductId;
     this.RenewalDate           = RenewalDate;
     this.RenewalStatus         = RenewalStatus;
     this.SeatDiscounts         = SeatDiscounts;
     this.SubscriptionStartDate = SubscriptionStartDate;
     this.SupportIncidentFee    = SupportIncidentFee;
     this.SupportPlanFee        = SupportPlanFee;
     this.TaxExemptId           = TaxExemptId;
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AccountBillingPlanResponse" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="BillingAddress">BillingAddress.</param>
 /// <param name="BillingAddressIsCreditCardAddress">When set to **true**, the credit card address information is the same as that returned as the billing address. If false, then the billing address is considered a billing contact address, and the credit card address can be different..</param>
 /// <param name="BillingPlan">BillingPlan.</param>
 /// <param name="CreditCardInformation">CreditCardInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="DirectDebitProcessorInformation">DirectDebitProcessorInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="DowngradePlanInformation">DowngradePlanInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="PaymentMethod">PaymentMethod.</param>
 /// <param name="PaymentProcessorInformation">PaymentProcessorInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="ReferralInformation">ReferralInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="SuccessorPlans">SuccessorPlans.</param>
 public AccountBillingPlanResponse(AccountAddress BillingAddress = default(AccountAddress), string BillingAddressIsCreditCardAddress = default(string), AccountBillingPlan BillingPlan = default(AccountBillingPlan), CreditCardInformation CreditCardInformation = default(CreditCardInformation), DirectDebitProcessorInformation DirectDebitProcessorInformation = default(DirectDebitProcessorInformation), DowngradePlanUpdateResponse DowngradePlanInformation = default(DowngradePlanUpdateResponse), string PaymentMethod = default(string), PaymentProcessorInformation PaymentProcessorInformation = default(PaymentProcessorInformation), ReferralInformation ReferralInformation = default(ReferralInformation), List <BillingPlan> SuccessorPlans = default(List <BillingPlan>))
     this.BillingAddress = BillingAddress;
     this.BillingAddressIsCreditCardAddress = BillingAddressIsCreditCardAddress;
     this.BillingPlan                     = BillingPlan;
     this.CreditCardInformation           = CreditCardInformation;
     this.DirectDebitProcessorInformation = DirectDebitProcessorInformation;
     this.DowngradePlanInformation        = DowngradePlanInformation;
     this.PaymentMethod                   = PaymentMethod;
     this.PaymentProcessorInformation     = PaymentProcessorInformation;
     this.ReferralInformation             = ReferralInformation;
     this.SuccessorPlans                  = SuccessorPlans;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AccountBillingPlan" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="AddOns">Reserved:.</param>
 /// <param name="CanCancelRenewal">Reserved: TBD.</param>
 /// <param name="CanUpgrade">When set to **true**, specifies that you can upgrade the account through the API..</param>
 /// <param name="CurrencyCode">Specifies the ISO currency code for the account..</param>
 /// <param name="DowngradePlanInformation">DowngradePlanInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="EnableSupport">When set to **true**, then customer support is provided as part of the account plan..</param>
 /// <param name="IncludedSeats">The number of seats (users) included..</param>
 /// <param name="IncrementalSeats">Reserved: TBD.</param>
 /// <param name="IsDowngrade">IsDowngrade.</param>
 /// <param name="OtherDiscountPercent"> Any other percentage discount for the plan. .</param>
 /// <param name="PaymentCycle">PaymentCycle.</param>
 /// <param name="PaymentMethod"> The payment method used with the plan. The possible values are: CreditCard, PurchaseOrder, Premium, or Freemium. .</param>
 /// <param name="PerSeatPrice">PerSeatPrice.</param>
 /// <param name="PlanClassification">Identifies the type of plan. Examples include Business, Corporate, Enterprise, Free..</param>
 /// <param name="PlanFeatureSets">A complex type that sets the feature sets for the account. It contains the following information (all string content):  * currencyFeatureSetPrices - Contains the currencyCode and currencySymbol for the alternate currency values for envelopeFee, fixedFee, seatFee that are configured for this plan feature set. * envelopeFee - An incremental envelope cost for plans with envelope overages (when isEnabled&#x3D;true). * featureSetId - A unique ID for the feature set. * fixedFee - A one-time fee associated with the plan (when isEnabled&#x3D;true). * isActive - Specifies whether the feature set is actively set as part of the plan. * isEnabled - Specifies whether the feature set is actively enabled as part of the plan. * name - The name of the feature set. * seatFee - An incremental seat cost for seat-based plans (when isEnabled&#x3D;true). .</param>
 /// <param name="PlanId">PlanId.</param>
 /// <param name="PlanName">The name of the Billing Plan..</param>
 /// <param name="RenewalStatus">The renewal status for the account. The acceptable values are:  * auto: The account automatically renews. * queued_for_close: Account will be closed at the billingPeriodEndDate. * queued_for_downgrade: Account will be downgraded at the billingPeriodEndDate..</param>
 /// <param name="SeatDiscounts"> A complex type that contains any seat discount information.  Values are: BeginSeatCount, EndSeatCount, and SeatDiscountPercent.  .</param>
 /// <param name="SupportIncidentFee">The support incident fee charged for each support incident..</param>
 /// <param name="SupportPlanFee">The support plan fee charged for this plan..</param>
 public AccountBillingPlan(List <AddOn> AddOns = default(List <AddOn>), string CanCancelRenewal = default(string), string CanUpgrade = default(string), string CurrencyCode = default(string), DowngradePlanUpdateResponse DowngradePlanInformation = default(DowngradePlanUpdateResponse), string EnableSupport = default(string), string IncludedSeats = default(string), string IncrementalSeats = default(string), string IsDowngrade = default(string), string OtherDiscountPercent = default(string), string PaymentCycle = default(string), string PaymentMethod = default(string), string PerSeatPrice = default(string), string PlanClassification = default(string), List <FeatureSet> PlanFeatureSets = default(List <FeatureSet>), string PlanId = default(string), string PlanName = default(string), string RenewalStatus = default(string), List <SeatDiscount> SeatDiscounts = default(List <SeatDiscount>), string SupportIncidentFee = default(string), string SupportPlanFee = default(string))
     this.AddOns                   = AddOns;
     this.CanCancelRenewal         = CanCancelRenewal;
     this.CanUpgrade               = CanUpgrade;
     this.CurrencyCode             = CurrencyCode;
     this.DowngradePlanInformation = DowngradePlanInformation;
     this.EnableSupport            = EnableSupport;
     this.IncludedSeats            = IncludedSeats;
     this.IncrementalSeats         = IncrementalSeats;
     this.IsDowngrade              = IsDowngrade;
     this.OtherDiscountPercent     = OtherDiscountPercent;
     this.PaymentCycle             = PaymentCycle;
     this.PaymentMethod            = PaymentMethod;
     this.PerSeatPrice             = PerSeatPrice;
     this.PlanClassification       = PlanClassification;
     this.PlanFeatureSets          = PlanFeatureSets;
     this.PlanId                   = PlanId;
     this.PlanName                 = PlanName;
     this.RenewalStatus            = RenewalStatus;
     this.SeatDiscounts            = SeatDiscounts;
     this.SupportIncidentFee       = SupportIncidentFee;
     this.SupportPlanFee           = SupportPlanFee;
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DowngradRequestBillingInfoResponse" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="DowngradePlanInformation">DowngradePlanInformation.</param>
 /// <param name="PaymentMethod">PaymentMethod.</param>
 public DowngradRequestBillingInfoResponse(DowngradePlanUpdateResponse DowngradePlanInformation = default(DowngradePlanUpdateResponse), string PaymentMethod = default(string))
     this.DowngradePlanInformation = DowngradePlanInformation;
     this.PaymentMethod            = PaymentMethod;