Exemplo n.º 1
//        /// <summary>
//        /// 서버의 DataTable을 클라이언트의 자바스크립트에서 쓸 수 있도록 변경함.
//        /// </summary>
//        /// <param name="dt"></param>
//        /// <param name="AddScriptTag">&lt;script&gt; 태그 추가</param>
//        /// <remarks>오라클의 경우는 필드 이름이 전부 대문자로 리턴되므로 소문자로 변경하려면 ColumnNameToLower 인수를 true로 할 것.</remarks>
//        /// <returns></returns>
//        private static string GetClientDataSet(object DataSetOrDataTable, string VarName, bool IsArray, bool IsDataTable, bool ColumnNameToLower, bool AddScriptTag)
//        {
//            List<DataSet> ads = new List<DataSet>();
//            List<DataTable> adt = new List<DataTable>();

//            if (IsDataTable)
//            {
//                if (IsArray)
//                {
//                    adt.AddRange((IEnumerable<DataTable>)DataSetOrDataTable);
//                }
//                else
//                {
//                    adt.Add((DataTable)DataSetOrDataTable);
//                }
//            }
//            else
//            {
//                if (IsArray)
//                {
//                    ads.AddRange((IEnumerable<DataSet>)DataSetOrDataTable);
//                }
//                else
//                {
//                    ads.Add((DataSet)DataSetOrDataTable);
//                }
//            }

//            List<string> aStmt = new List<string>();

//            if (IsDataTable)
//            {
//                if (IsArray)
//                {
//                    aStmt.Add("var " + VarName + " = [];");
//                }

//                for (int nTbl = 0; nTbl < adt.Count; nTbl++)
//                {
//                    DataTable dt = adt[nTbl];

//                    string VarNameCur = IsArray ? VarName + "[" + nTbl + "]" : VarName;
//                    aStmt = GetClientDataTableCommon(aStmt, dt, VarNameCur, ColumnNameToLower);
//                }
//            }
//            else
//            {
//                /*
//var ads = [];

//ads[0] = { };
//ads[0].Tables = [];
//ads[0].Tables[0] = new CDataTable();
//ads[0].Tables[1] = new CDataTable();

//ads[1].Tables = [];
//ads[1].Tables[0] = new CDataTable();
//ads[1].Tables[1] = new CDataTable();

//var ds = { };
//ds.Tables = [];
//ds.Tables[0] = new CDataTable();
//ds.Tables[1] = new CDataTable();

//                if (IsArray)
//                    aStmt.Add("var " + VarName + " = [];");
//                else
//                    aStmt.Add("var " + VarName + " = { Tables: [] };");

//                for (int nDs = 0; nDs < ads.Count; nDs++)
//                {
//                    DataSet ds = ads[nDs];

//                    if (IsArray)
//                        aStmt.Add(VarName + "[" + nDs + "] = { Tables: [] };");

//                    string VarNameCur = IsArray ? VarName + "[" + nDs + "].Tables" : VarName + ".Tables";

//                    for (int nTbl = 0; nTbl < ds.Tables.Count; nTbl++)
//                    {
//                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[nTbl];

//                        string VarNameCur2 = VarNameCur + "[" + nTbl + "]";
//                        aStmt = GetClientDataTableCommon(aStmt, dt, VarNameCur2, ColumnNameToLower);
//                    }
//                }
//            }

//            string s = CScript.GetScript(aStmt, AddScriptTag);
//            return s;
//        }
        //private static List<string> GetClientDataTableCommon(List<string> aStmt, DataTable dt, string VarName, bool ColumnNameToLower)
        //    aStmt.Add(VarName + " = new CDataTable();");

        //    string[] aColName = GetColumnNameInArray(dt, ColumnNameToLower);

        //    string ColumnNameList = "";
        //    for (int cl = 0; cl < aColName.Length; cl++)
        //    {
        //        ColumnNameList += ", \"" + aColName[cl] + "\"";
        //    }
        //    ColumnNameList = ColumnNameList.Substring(2);
        //    aStmt.Add(VarName + ".Columns = [ " + ColumnNameList + " ];");

        //    string RowList = GetClientDataRow(dt, aColName);
        //    aStmt.Add(VarName + ".Rows = " + RowList + ";");

        //    return aStmt;

        //public static string GetClientDataRow(DataTable dt, string[] aColName)
        //    List<string> aRow = new List<string>();
        //    for (int rw = 0, rw2 = dt.Rows.Count; rw < rw2; rw++)
        //    {
        //        DataRow dr = dt.Rows[rw];

        //        string[] aNameValue = new string[dt.Columns.Count];
        //        for (int cl = 0, cl2 = dt.Columns.Count; cl < cl2; cl++)
        //        {
        //            object oValue = dr[cl];

        //            string Text = GetValueForJson(oValue);

        //            //JSON 형식을 리턴할 때 Name에 큰 따옴표를 붙여야만 에러를 내지 않음.
        //            aNameValue[cl] = "\"" + aColName[cl] + "\":" + Text;
        //        }
        //        string NameValueList = string.Join(", ", aNameValue);
        //        aRow.Add("{ " + NameValueList + " }");
        //    }

        //    string RowList = "[ " + string.Join(",\r\n", aRow.ToArray()) + " ]";
        //    return RowList;
        //public static string GetClientDataRow(DataTable dt)
        //    string[] aColName = GetColumnNameInArray(dt);
        //    return GetClientDataRow(dt, aColName);

        /// <summary>
        /// JSON 형식으로 리턴하기 위함.
        /// null은 null로, 날짜 형식과 문자열은 따옴표를 양쪽에 묶고, 나머지는 따옴표를 묶지 않은 값을 리턴함.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oValue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetValueForJson(object oValue)
            string NullString = "null";
            string Delim      = "";

            string Text = CType.ConvertColumnValueToString(oValue, NullString);

            if (Text != NullString)
                SqlColumnTypeSimple TypeSimple = CSql.GetColumnTypeSimple(oValue);
                if (TypeSimple == SqlColumnTypeSimple.DateTime)
                    Delim = "\"";

                    var dtValue = (DateTime)oValue;
                    Text = Delim + dtValue.ToString(CConst.Format_yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss_fff) + Delim;

                    //new Date는 JSON 형식에 맞지 않으므로 주석.
                    //Text = string.Format("new Date({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6})",
                    //    dtValue.Year, dtValue.Month - 1, dtValue.Day,
                    //    dtValue.Hour, dtValue.Minute, dtValue.Second, dtValue.Millisecond);
                else if (TypeSimple == SqlColumnTypeSimple.Boolean)
                    Text = (bool)oValue ? "true" : "false";
                    Delim = (TypeSimple == SqlColumnTypeSimple.String) ? "\"" : "";
                    Text  = Delim + CScript.ReplaceForScriptVariable(Text) + Delim;

Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void AlertAndFocus(string Msg, string CtlClientID, Page p, Control ctl)
            List <string> aStmt = new List <string>();

            string Alert = CScript.GetScriptAlert(Msg);


            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CtlClientID))
                string Focus = GetScriptFocus(CtlClientID);

            string Stmt = CScript.GetScript(aStmt);

            if (p != null)
                p.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "AlertAndFocus", Stmt, true);
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(ctl, ctl.GetType(), "AlertAndFocus", Stmt, true);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static string GetClientDataRow(DataTable dt, string[] aColName)
            List <string> aRow = new List <string>();

            for (int rw = 0, rw2 = dt.Rows.Count; rw < rw2; rw++)
                DataRow dr = dt.Rows[rw];

                string[] aNameValue = new string[dt.Columns.Count];
                for (int cl = 0, cl2 = dt.Columns.Count; cl < cl2; cl++)
                    object oValue = dr[cl];

                    string Text = CScript.GetValueForJson(oValue);

                    //JSON 형식을 리턴할 때 Name에 큰 따옴표를 붙여야만 에러를 내지 않음.
                    aNameValue[cl] = "\"" + aColName[cl] + "\":" + Text;
                string NameValueList = string.Join(", ", aNameValue);
                aRow.Add("{ " + NameValueList + " }");

            string RowList = "[ " + string.Join(",\r\n", aRow.ToArray()) + " ]";

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static string GetClientArray <T>(IEnumerable <T> eValue, string VarName, bool AddScriptTag)
            List <string> aStmt = new List <string>();

            aStmt.Add("var " + VarName + " = [];");

            int i = -1;

            foreach (T Value in eValue)
                string Quot     = "";
                string ValueNew = "";

                if (CLang.In(typeof(T), typeof(string), typeof(char)))
                    Quot     = "\"";
                    ValueNew = CScript.ReplaceForScriptVariable(Value.ToString());
                else if (typeof(T) == typeof(DateTime))
                    ValueNew = CScript.GetJavaScriptDateTime(Convert.ToDateTime(Value));
                    Quot     = "";
                    ValueNew = Value.ToString();

                aStmt.Add(VarName + "[" + (++i).ToString() + "] = " + Quot + ValueNew + Quot + ";");

            return(CScript.GetScript(aStmt, AddScriptTag));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static string GetScriptDocumentWrite(string Value, bool AddScriptTag)
            string s = "document.write(\"" + CScript.ReplaceForScriptVariable(Value) + "\");";

            s = CScript.GetScript(new string[] { s }, AddScriptTag);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public static string GetScriptAlert(string Msg, bool AddScriptTag)
            string s = "alert(\"" + CScript.ReplaceForScriptVariable(Msg) + "\");";

            s = CScript.GetScript(new string[] { s }, AddScriptTag);

Exemplo n.º 7
        public static void Alert(string Msg, bool EndResponse, HttpContext ctx)
            string Alert = CScript.GetScriptAlert(Msg);
            string s     = CScript.GetScript(new string[] { Alert }, true);


            if (EndResponse)
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void AlertAndClose(string Msg, bool EndResponse, HttpContext ctx)
            string Alert = CScript.GetScriptAlert(Msg);
            string Close = "window.close();";
            string s     = CScript.GetScript(new string[] { Alert, Close }, true);


            if (EndResponse)
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static void SubmitOpenerAndCloseWindow(string OpenerFrmName)
            List <string> aStmt = new List <string>();

            aStmt.Add("if (window.opener) {");
            aStmt.Add("	window.opener.document.forms[\"" + OpenerFrmName + "\"].submit();");
            //팝업 띄운 창에서 window.close()를 쓰면 Chrome, Safari의 경우 fail 메세지 표시되고 안 닫히므로 타이머를 사용해 닫음.
            aStmt.Add("setTimeout(function () { window.close(); }, 100);");
            string s = CScript.GetScript(aStmt, true);

Exemplo n.º 10
        public static void AlertAndBack(string Msg, bool EndResponse, HttpContext ctx)
            string Alert = CScript.GetScriptAlert(Msg);
            string Back  = "history.back();\r\n";

            string s = CScript.GetScript(new string[] { Alert, Back }, true);


            if (EndResponse)
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static void RedirectOpenerAndCloseWindow(string Url)
            List <string> aStmt = new List <string>();

            aStmt.Add("if (window.opener)");
            aStmt.Add("	window.opener.location.href = \"" + Url + "\";");
            //팝업 띄운 창에서 window.close()를 쓰면 Chrome, Safari의 경우 fail 메세지 표시되고 안 닫히므로 타이머를 사용해 닫음.
            aStmt.Add("setTimeout(function () { window.close(); }, 100);");
            string s = CScript.GetScript(aStmt, true);

Exemplo n.º 12
        public static void AlertAndRedirectTo(string Msg, string Url, bool EndResponse, HttpContext ctx)
            List <string> aStmt = new List <string>();

            aStmt.Add("window.location.href = \"" + Url + "\";");
            string s = CScript.GetScript(aStmt, true);


            if (EndResponse)
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// width: "100", height: "100", 와 같은 문자열을 만들기 위함.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="KeyValue"></param>
        /// <param name="EncloseDoubleQuote"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string GetScriptKeyValueByColon(Dictionary <string, string> KeyValue, bool EncloseDoubleQuote)
            string s = "";
            string q = EncloseDoubleQuote ? "\"" : "";

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kv in KeyValue)
                string Value = EncloseDoubleQuote ? CScript.ReplaceForScriptVariable(kv.Value) : kv.Value;
                s += ", " + kv.Key + ": " + q + Value + q;
            if (s != "")
                s = s.Substring(1);

Exemplo n.º 14
        private string GetValueByType(ClientControlPropertyTypes PropType, int Index)
            string Value = "";

            if ((PropType == ClientControlPropertyTypes.InputRadio) || (PropType == ClientControlPropertyTypes.InputCheckBox))
                Value = this.maValue[Index];
                if ((Value != "true") && (Value != "false"))
                    throw new Exception("radio, checkbox인 경우, 'true', 'false' 값만 허용됩니다.");
                Value = "\"" + CScript.ReplaceForScriptVariable(this.maValue[Index]) + "\"";

Exemplo n.º 15
        public static string GetScriptWrite(string Version, int Width, int Height,
                                            FlashAllowScriptAccess AllowScriptAccess, FlashWmode Wmode, FlashSalign Salign, FlashScale Scale,
                                            Color BgColor, string FlashVars, string Movie, string FlashId, string DivIdForContainer)
            string DivId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(DivIdForContainer) ? "div" + FlashId : DivIdForContainer;

            Dictionary <string, string> nv = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            nv.Add("menu", "false");
            nv.Add("allowScriptAccess", AllowScriptAccess.ToString());
            nv.Add("wmode", Wmode.ToString());
            nv.Add("salign", Salign.ToString());
            nv.Add("scale", Scale.ToString());
            nv.Add("bgcolor", CColorConv.GetHexaByColor(BgColor));
            nv.Add("flashvars", FlashVars);
            string Params = CScript.GetScriptKeyValueByColon(nv, true);

            string s = "";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DivIdForContainer))
                s += "<div id=\"" + DivId + "\">" +
                     "<a href=\"http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer\">" +
                     "<img src=\"http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif\" alt=\"Get Adobe Flash player\" />" +
                     "</a>" +

            List <string> aStmt = new List <string>();

            aStmt.Add("var flashvars = false;");
            aStmt.Add("var params = { " + Params + " };");
            aStmt.Add("var attributes = { id: \"" + FlashId + "\", name: \"" + FlashId + "\" };");
            aStmt.Add("swfobject.embedSWF(\"" + Movie + "\", \"" + DivId + "\", \"" + Width.ToString() + "\", \"" + Height.ToString() + "\", \"" + Version + "\", \"\", flashvars, params, attributes);");

            string s2 = CScript.GetScript(aStmt, true);

            return(s + s2);
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// TextBox의 TextMode가 MultiLine이면 MaxLength가 먹히지 않아 사용함.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="txt"></param>
        public static void LimitToMaxLength(Page p, TextBox txt)
            List <string> aStmt       = new List <string>();
            string        TxtCliendID = txt.ClientID;
            int           MaxLength   = txt.MaxLength;

            aStmt.Add("var " + TxtCliendID + " = document.getElementById(\"" + TxtCliendID + "\");");
            aStmt.Add("if (" + TxtCliendID + ") {");
            aStmt.Add("	" + TxtCliendID + ".onkeyup = function (e) {");
            aStmt.Add("		var e = window.event || e;");
            aStmt.Add("		var src = e.srcElement || e.target;");
            aStmt.Add("		var maxlength = "+ MaxLength.ToString() + ";");
            aStmt.Add("		if (src.value.length > maxlength) {");
            aStmt.Add("			alert(\"허용길이인 \" + maxlength + \"자를 초과했습니다.\");");
            aStmt.Add("			src.value = src.value.substring(0, maxlength);");
            aStmt.Add("		}");
            aStmt.Add("	}");

            string Stmt = CScript.GetScript(aStmt);

            p.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "LimitToLength" + TxtCliendID, Stmt, true);
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// ASP.Net에서 Cookie를 설정할 때 Domain 속성을 설정하면 실제로는 작동되지 않아 JScript로 Cookie를 설정함.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Key"></param>
        /// <param name="Value"></param>
        /// <param name="ExpireDays"></param>
        /// <param name="Domain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string SetCookie(string Key, string Value, int ExpireDays, string Domain)
            List <string> aStmt = new List <string>();

            aStmt.Add("var Now = new Date();");
            aStmt.Add("Now.setDate(Now.getDate() + " + ExpireDays.ToString() + ");");

            aStmt.Add("var Cookie = \"" + Key + "=" + Value + ";\";");
            aStmt.Add("Cookie += \"path=/;\";");

            if (ExpireDays > 0)
                aStmt.Add("Cookie += \"expires=\" + Now.toGMTString() + \";\";");

            if (Domain != "")
                aStmt.Add("Cookie += \"domain=" + Domain + ";\";");

            aStmt.Add("document.cookie = Cookie;");

            return(CScript.GetScript(aStmt, false));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static string GetScript(string Source, string Id,
                                       SInfoSilverlightProperties Properties, SInfoSilverlightEvents Events,
                                       Dictionary <string, string> InitParams)
 * <div id="silverlightControlHost">
 *      <script type="text/javascript">
 *      var source = "/ClientBin/RoundedBox.xap";
 *      var parentElement = silverlightControlHost;
 *      var id = "slPlugin";
 *      var properties = {
 *              width: "100", height: "100",
 *              background: "white", alt: alt,
 *              minRuntimeVersion: "2.0.30800.0"
 *      };
 *      var events = { onError: onSLError, onLoad: onSLLoad };
 *      var initParams = "param1=value1,param2=value2";
 *      Silverlight.createObject(source, parentElement, id, properties, events, initParams, "");
 * </script>
 * </div>
            string DivId = "div" + Id;

            List <string> aStmt = new List <string>();

            aStmt.Add("var source = \"" + Source + "\";");
            aStmt.Add("var parentElement = " + DivId + ";");
            aStmt.Add("var id = \"" + Id + "\";");

            aStmt.Add("var properties = {");
            Dictionary <string, string> dicProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (Properties.width != 0)
                dicProperties.Add("width", Properties.width.ToString());
            if (Properties.height != 0)
                dicProperties.Add("height", Properties.height.ToString());
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Properties.background))
                dicProperties.Add("background", Properties.background);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Properties.alt))
                dicProperties.Add("alt", Properties.alt);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Properties.minRuntimeVersion))
                dicProperties.Add("minRuntimeVersion", Properties.minRuntimeVersion);
            aStmt.Add(CScript.GetScriptKeyValueByColon(dicProperties, true));

            aStmt.Add("var events = {");
            Dictionary <string, string> dicEvents = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Events.onError))
                dicEvents.Add("onError", Events.onError);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Events.onFullScreenChanged))
                dicEvents.Add("onFullScreenChanged", Events.onFullScreenChanged);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Events.onLoaded))
                dicEvents.Add("onLoaded", Events.onLoaded);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Events.onResized))
                dicEvents.Add("onResized", Events.onResized);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Events.onSourceDownloadComplete))
                dicEvents.Add("onSourceDownloadComplete", Events.onSourceDownloadComplete);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Events.onSourceDownloadProgressChanged))
                dicEvents.Add("onSourceDownloadProgressChanged", Events.onSourceDownloadProgressChanged);
            aStmt.Add(CScript.GetScriptKeyValueByColon(dicEvents, true));

            aStmt.Add("var initParams = \"" + GetInitParams(InitParams) + "\";");

            aStmt.Add("Silverlight.createObject(source, parentElement, id, properties, events, initParams, \"\");");
            string Script = CScript.GetScript(aStmt, true);
            string s      = "<div id=\"" + DivId + "\">" + Script + "</div>\r\n";

Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// 서버의 DataTable을 클라이언트의 자바스크립트에서 쓸 수 있도록 변경함.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>오라클의 경우는 필드 이름이 전부 대문자로 리턴되므로 소문자로 변경하려면 ColumnNameToLower 인수를 true로 할 것.</remarks>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string ToClientScript()
            List <string> aStmt = new List <string>();

            if (_aDt.Count > 0)
                if (!_Option.DontDeclareVariable)
                    if (_aDt.Count == 1)
                        aStmt.Add("var " + _Option.VariableName + " = new CDataTable();");
                        aStmt.Add("var " + _Option.VariableName + " = [];");

                for (int nTbl = 0; nTbl < _aDt.Count; nTbl++)
                    DataTable dt = _aDt[nTbl];

                    string VarNameCur = (_aDt.Count != 1) ? _Option.VariableName + "[" + nTbl + "]" : _Option.VariableName;
                    aStmt = GetClientDataTableCommon(aStmt, dt, VarNameCur, _Option.ColumnNameToLower);

            if (_aDs.Count > 0)
                 * var ads = [];
                 * ads[0] = { Tables: [] };
                 * ads[0].Tables[0] = new CDataTable();
                 * ads[0].Tables[1] = new CDataTable();
                 * ads[1] = { Tables: [] };
                 * ads[1].Tables[0] = new CDataTable();
                 * ads[1].Tables[1] = new CDataTable();
                 * var ds = { Tables: [] };
                 * ds.Tables[0] = new CDataTable();
                 * ds.Tables[1] = new CDataTable();
                if (!_Option.DontDeclareVariable)
                    if (_aDs.Count == 1)
                        aStmt.Add("var " + _Option.VariableName + " = { Tables: [] };");
                        aStmt.Add("var " + _Option.VariableName + " = [];");

                for (int nDs = 0; nDs < _aDs.Count; nDs++)
                    DataSet ds = _aDs[nDs];

                    if (_aDs.Count != 1)
                        aStmt.Add(_Option.VariableName + "[" + nDs + "] = { Tables: [] };");

                    string VarNameCur =
                        (_aDs.Count != 1)
                                                ? _Option.VariableName + "[" + nDs + "].Tables"
                                                : _Option.VariableName + ".Tables";

                    for (int nTbl = 0; nTbl < ds.Tables.Count; nTbl++)
                        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[nTbl];

                        string VarNameCur2 = VarNameCur + "[" + nTbl + "]";
                        aStmt = GetClientDataTableCommon(aStmt, dt, VarNameCur2, _Option.ColumnNameToLower);

            string s = CScript.GetScript(aStmt, _Option.AddScriptTag);

Exemplo n.º 20
 public static string GetScript(IEnumerable <string> aStmt)
     return(CScript.GetScript(aStmt, false));
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// You must use a ScriptManager control on a page to enable the following features of ASP.NET AJAX:
        ///•Client-script functionality of the Microsoft AJAX Library, and any custom script that you want to send to the browser. For more information, see ASP.NET AJAX and JavaScript.
        ///•Partial-page rendering, which enables regions on the page to be independently refreshed without a postback. The ASP.NET AJAX UpdatePanel, UpdateProgress, and Timer controls require a ScriptManager control to support partial-page rendering.
        ///•JavaScript proxy classes for Web services, which enable you to use client script to access Web services by exposing Web services as strongly typed objects.
        ///•JavaScript classes to access ASP.NET authentication and profile application services.
        /// http://forums.asp.net/t/1169763.aspx/1
        /// </summary>
        public static void Alert(string Msg, Control ctl)
            string Alert = CScript.GetScriptAlertJQuery(Msg);

            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(ctl, ctl.GetType(), "AlertOnStartup", Alert, true);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public static string GetArraySetting(string ArrayName, int ArrayIndex, string Value, bool AddQuote)
            string Quot = (AddQuote ? "\"" : "");

            return(string.Concat(ArrayName, "[", ArrayIndex, "] = ", Quot, CScript.ReplaceForScriptVariable(Value.ToString()), Quot, ";"));
Exemplo n.º 23
 public static string GetScript(string Stmt, bool AddScriptTag)
     return(CScript.GetScript(new string[] { Stmt }, AddScriptTag));
Exemplo n.º 24
        public static void Alert(string Msg, Page p)
            string Alert = CScript.GetScriptAlertJQuery(Msg);

            p.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "AlertOnStartup", Alert, true);