public void OnHello(Settings settings, string memory)
            if (logging)
                Debug.Log("[SensoManager] OnHello");
            if (logging)
                Debug.Log("Settings: " + JsonUtility.ToJson(settings));
            if (logging)
                Debug.Log("Memory: " + memory);
            _settings = settings;
            GenericGameSave save = null;

            if (memory != null)
                if (logging)
                    Debug.Log("Memory not null. Loading");
                save = JsonUtility.FromJson <GenericGameSave>(memory);
            _memory = save;
            _ready  = true;
        #if !UNITY_EDITOR
 protected void Finish(Metrics metrics, GenericGameSave memory)
     _ready = false;
     _ended = true;
     Play.Finish(metrics, JsonUtility.ToJson(memory));
     File.WriteAllText(saveFileName, JsonUtility.ToJson(memory));
         *  Finish will cause Play to Terminate the application.
        public void Finish(Metrics metrics, PlaySaveGame memory)
            GenericGameSave save = GenericGameSave.Wrap(memory);

            Finish(metrics, save);