Exemplo n.º 1
        public void run()

            // delete already existing data from database
            db.ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM " + Constants.ExperimentsTable + " WHERE algorithm_id = " + experimentMethodCode + " and population_group = " + experimentGroup);

            // At this stage we have everything we need to run the experiment
            // We should run the experiment on 5 different parameters mentioned in ExperimentInputParams
            var inputParams = new ExperimentInputParams();

            Users = new List <User>(50000);
            for (int i = 0; i < Users.Capacity; i++)

            foreach (var pop in inputParams.percentOfParticipants)
                foreach (var pou in inputParams.percentOfUpdatesUsed)
                    for (int i = 0; i < Users.Capacity; i++)
                        Users[i] = null;
                    UserTags = null;

                    UserTags = (from tag in TotalReportedUserTags where tag.RandomUserValue <= pop && tag.RandomColumnValue <= pou select tag).ToList();
                    var usersids = (from tag in UserTags select new { id = tag.UserID, trust = tag.UserTrust }).Distinct().ToList();
                    for (int i = 0; i < usersids.Count; i++)
                        Users[usersids[i].id] = new User(usersids[i].id, usersids[i].trust, 50);

                    foreach (var dc in inputParams.discounted)
                        foreach (var mt in inputParams.maxTrust)
                            foreach (var pot in inputParams.percentOfTraining)
                                var options = new ExperimentOptions(dc, mt, pop, pou, pot, experimentMethodCode, experimentGroup);
                                if (UserTags.Count > 0)
                                    Method method = new Method(Occupancies, Users, UserTags, options);

                                    MethodPerformance performance = method.Execute();

                                    int experiment_id = storeExperiment2db(performance, options);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void GetOccupancyPenaltySumation()
            double sum11 = 0, sum12 = 0, sum13 = 0, sum21 = 0, sum22 = 0, sum23 = 0;
            int    counter       = 0;
            var    PenaltyMatrix = new ExperimentInputParams().PenaltyMatrix;

            for (int i = 0; i < Occupancies.Count; i++)
                if (Occupancies[i].CountInEvaluation)
                    if (Occupancies[i].Day >= StopTrainingDay)
                        var oc = Occupancies[i];
                        sum11 += PenaltyMatrix[oc.OccupancyTag - 1][oc.PredictedOccupancyTag - 1];
                        sum12 += PenaltyMatrix[oc.OccupancyTag - 1][oc.MaxVoteOccupancyTag - 1];
                        sum13 += PenaltyMatrix[oc.OccupancyTag - 1][oc.RandomOccupancyTag - 1];
            OccupancyPenaltyPerformance = new Performance[] { new Performance(sum11 / counter, -1), new Performance(sum12 / counter, -1), new Performance(sum13 / counter, -1) }; // pred, maxvote, random