public void WriteSectors(long firstSectorIndex, byte[] data)
            int   sectorCount;
            long  lastSectorIndexToWrite;
            long  lastClusterVCNToWrite;
            int   bytesPerSector    = m_volume.BytesPerSector;
            int   sectorsPerCluster = m_volume.SectorsPerCluster;
            ulong firstBytePosition = (ulong)firstSectorIndex * (uint)bytesPerSector;
            ulong nextBytePosition  = firstBytePosition + (uint)data.Length;

            if (data.Length % bytesPerSector > 0)
                int paddedLength = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)data.Length / bytesPerSector) * bytesPerSector;
                // last sector could be partial, we must zero-fill it before write
                sectorCount            = paddedLength / bytesPerSector;
                lastSectorIndexToWrite = firstSectorIndex + sectorCount - 1;
                lastClusterVCNToWrite  = lastSectorIndexToWrite / sectorsPerCluster;
                if (lastClusterVCNToWrite == HighestVCN)
                    byte[] paddedData = new byte[paddedLength];
                    Array.Copy(data, paddedData, data.Length);
                    data = paddedData;
                    // only the last sector can be partial
                    throw new ArgumentException("Cannot write partial sector");
                sectorCount            = data.Length / bytesPerSector;
                lastSectorIndexToWrite = firstSectorIndex + sectorCount - 1;
                lastClusterVCNToWrite  = lastSectorIndexToWrite / sectorsPerCluster;

            long firstClusterVCN = firstSectorIndex / sectorsPerCluster;

            if (firstClusterVCN < LowestVCN || lastClusterVCNToWrite > HighestVCN)
                string message = String.Format("Cluster VCN {0}-{1} is not within the valid range ({2}-{3})", firstClusterVCN, lastClusterVCNToWrite, LowestVCN, HighestVCN);
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(message);

            if (firstBytePosition > ValidDataLength)
                // We need to zero-fill all the the bytes up to ValidDataLength
                long firstSectorIndexToFill = (long)(ValidDataLength / (uint)bytesPerSector);
                int  transferSizeInSectors  = Settings.MaximumTransferSizeLBA;
                for (long sectorIndexToFill = firstSectorIndexToFill; sectorIndexToFill < firstSectorIndex; sectorIndexToFill += transferSizeInSectors)
                    int    sectorsToWrite = (int)Math.Min(transferSizeInSectors, firstSectorIndex - firstSectorIndexToFill);
                    byte[] fillData       = new byte[sectorsToWrite * bytesPerSector];
                    if (sectorIndexToFill == firstSectorIndexToFill)
                        int bytesToRetain = (int)(ValidDataLength % (uint)bytesPerSector);
                        if (bytesToRetain > 0)
                            byte[] dataToRetain = ReadSectors(firstSectorIndexToFill, 1);
                            Array.Copy(dataToRetain, 0, fillData, 0, bytesToRetain);
                    WriteSectors(sectorIndexToFill, fillData);

            KeyValuePairList <long, int> sequence = m_attributeRecord.DataRunSequence.TranslateToLBN(firstSectorIndex, sectorCount, sectorsPerCluster);
            long bytesWritten = 0;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <long, int> run in sequence)
                byte[] sectors = new byte[run.Value * bytesPerSector];
                Array.Copy(data, bytesWritten, sectors, 0, sectors.Length);
                m_volume.WriteSectors(run.Key, sectors, m_contentType);
                bytesWritten += sectors.Length;

            if (nextBytePosition > ValidDataLength)
                m_attributeRecord.ValidDataLength = nextBytePosition;
                if (m_fileRecord != null)