Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task startDmSpam(IUser infringer, ulong punishmentTime)
            //don't execute if the infringer is itself
            if (infringer.Discriminator == Context.Client.CurrentUser.Discriminator)
                await ReplyAsync("I cannot punish myself!"); return;
            //check if stack is required
            if (DontSpamSpammer.userPunishmentIdPairs.TryGetValue(infringer, out int id) && DontSpamSpammer.spamTimers[id].Enabled)
                //if it is stack the punishment instead of creating a new one
                //give response
                await ReplyAsync($"{infringer.Mention} already has a punishment! The punishment will be stacked");
                await stackDmSpam(infringer, punishmentTime);


            //give response
            await ReplyAsync($"Giving a private session of anti-spam therapy to {infringer.Mention} for {punishmentTime} seconds");

            //alert infringer
            await infringer.SendMessageAsync($"Moderator {Context.User.Username} gave you a ***FREE!!!*** private session of anti-spam therapy to you for {punishmentTime} seconds!");

            //start the treatment
            DontSpamSpammer.SpamUser(infringer, punishmentTime);

            //give stop command
            await ReplyAsync($"Private session started, do $override {infringer.Mention} to override the timer.");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task startSpam(IMessageChannel spamChannel = null)
            if (spamChannel is null)
                await ReplyAsync("You have to enter a channel to start the treatment!");

            //ensure that the channel is not already being spammed
            //get treatment id from channel
            int treatmentId = -1;

            if (DontSpamSpammer.channelTreatmentIdPairs.TryGetValue(spamChannel, out treatmentId) && DontSpamSpammer.spamTimers[treatmentId].Enabled)
                await ReplyAsync($"{(spamChannel as ITextChannel).Mention} is already being spammed!");


            //start treatment
            await ReplyAsync($"Activating spam treatment in {(spamChannel as ITextChannel).Mention}");

            //give stop command
            string message = $"Treatment started, to stop, do $spam stop {(spamChannel as ITextChannel).Mention}";

            if (spamChannel != Context.Channel)
                await spamChannel.SendMessageAsync(message);                                 //only send the extra message if the spam is in a different channel
            await ReplyAsync(message);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task stopDmSpam(IUser infringer)
            //get user first as required and check if valid
            if (!DontSpamSpammer.userPunishmentIdPairs.TryGetValue(infringer, out int id))
                await ReplyAsync("That is not a valid user punishment!"); return;
            else if (!DontSpamSpammer.spamTimers[id].Enabled)
                await ReplyAsync("That is not a valid user punishment!"); return;
            await ReplyAsync($"Stopping {infringer.Username}'s private anti-spam therapy session");

            //stop the treatment
            DontSpamSpammer.SpamUserStop(id, infringer, $"moderator {Context.User.Username} stopped the treatment!");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task stopSpam(IMessageChannel spamChannel = null)
            //see if channel entered is valid
            if (spamChannel == null)
                await ReplyAsync($"{(spamChannel as ITextChannel).Mention} is not a valid channel"); return;

            //check if being treated and give response
            if (!DontSpamSpammer.channelTreatmentIdPairs.TryGetValue(spamChannel, out int id) || !DontSpamSpammer.spamTimers[id].Enabled)
                await ReplyAsync($"{(spamChannel as ITextChannel).Mention} is not being treated right now!"); return;

            await ReplyAsync($"Stopping spam treatment in {(spamChannel as ITextChannel).Mention} ({id})");

Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task stackDmSpam(IUser infringer, ulong punishmentTime)
            //get user and check if valid
            if (!DontSpamSpammer.userPunishmentIdPairs.TryGetValue(infringer, out int id))
                await ReplyAsync("That is not a valid user punishment!"); return;
            else if (!DontSpamSpammer.spamTimers[id].Enabled)
                await ReplyAsync("That is not a valid user punishment!"); return;
            //give response
            await ReplyAsync($"Increasing {infringer.Mention}'s punishment time by {punishmentTime} seconds");

            //alert infringer
            await infringer.SendMessageAsync($"Moderator {Context.User.Username} increased your private session of anti-spam therapy by {punishmentTime} seconds for ***FREE!!!***");

            //increase treatment
            DontSpamSpammer.StackSpamUser(infringer, punishmentTime);

            //give stop command
            await ReplyAsync($"Private session time increased, do $override {infringer.Mention} to override the timer.");