Exemplo n.º 1
 public async Task LogXp(string channel, string user, float baseXp, float bonusXp, float xpReduce, int totalXp)
     File.AppendAllText(SettingsHandler.LoadValueString("serverRootPath", JsonFile.Settings) + @"/logXP.txt",
                        $"[{DateTime.Now:d/M/yy HH:mm:ss}] - {user} gained {totalXp}xp (base: {baseXp}, bonus : {bonusXp}, reduce : {xpReduce}) in channel {channel} {Environment.NewLine}");
Exemplo n.º 2
 public DatabaseService(LoggingService logging)
     _connection = SettingsHandler.LoadValueString("dbConnectionString", JsonFile.Settings);
     _logging    = logging;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static Rule GetRule(ulong ruleId)
            List <Rule> rules = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Rule> >(SettingsHandler.GetJsonString("Rules"));

            return(rules.FirstOrDefault(x => x.id == ruleId));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static List <(ulong, string)> GetChannelsHeader()
     return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Rule> >(SettingsHandler.GetJsonString("Rules")).Select(x => (x.id, x.header)).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static ulong GetMusicCommandsChannel()
     return(SettingsHandler.LoadValueUlong("musicCommandsChannel/id", JsonFile.Settings));
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static string GetServerRootPath()
     return(SettingsHandler.LoadValueString("serverRootPath", JsonFile.Settings));
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static ulong GetAnimeChannel()
     return(SettingsHandler.LoadValueUlong("animeChannel/id", JsonFile.Settings));
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static ulong GetCasinoChannel()
     return(SettingsHandler.LoadValueUlong("casinoChannel/id", JsonFile.Settings));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public static ulong GetBotAnnouncementChannel()
     return(SettingsHandler.LoadValueUlong("botAnnouncementChannel/id", JsonFile.Settings));
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static ulong GetUnityNewsChannel()
     return(SettingsHandler.LoadValueUlong("unityNewsChannel/id", JsonFile.Settings));
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static IRole GetMutedRole(IGuild guild)
     return(guild.Roles.Single(x => x.Id == SettingsHandler.LoadValueUlong("mutedRoleID", JsonFile.Settings)));
Exemplo n.º 12
 static Settings()
     _assignableRoles = SettingsHandler.LoadValueStringArray("allRoles/roles", JsonFile.Settings).ToList();
Exemplo n.º 13
        //TODO: Add custom commands for user after (30karma ?/limited to 3 ?)

        public UserService(DatabaseService databaseService, LoggingService loggingService, UpdateService updateService)
            rand                    = new Random();
            _databaseService        = databaseService;
            _loggingService         = loggingService;
            _updateService          = updateService;
            _mutedUsers             = new Dictionary <ulong, DateTime>();
            _xpCooldown             = new Dictionary <ulong, DateTime>();
            _canEditThanks          = new HashSet <ulong>(32);
            _thanksCooldown         = new Dictionary <ulong, DateTime>();
            _thanksReminderCooldown = new Dictionary <ulong, DateTime>();
            _codeReminderCooldown   = new Dictionary <ulong, DateTime>();

            _noXpChannels = new List <ulong>

             * Init font for the profile card
            _fontCollection = new FontCollection();
            _defaultFont    = _fontCollection
                              .Install(SettingsHandler.LoadValueString("serverRootPath", JsonFile.Settings) +
            _nameFont = _fontCollection
                        .Install(SettingsHandler.LoadValueString("serverRootPath", JsonFile.Settings) + "/fonts/Consolas.ttf")
            _levelFont = _fontCollection
                         .Install(SettingsHandler.LoadValueString("serverRootPath", JsonFile.Settings) + "/fonts/Consolas.ttf")
            _levelFontSmall = _fontCollection
                              .Install(SettingsHandler.LoadValueString("serverRootPath", JsonFile.Settings) + "/fonts/Consolas.ttf")

            _subtitlesBlackFont = _fontCollection
                                  .Install(SettingsHandler.LoadValueString("serverRootPath", JsonFile.Settings) + "/fonts/OpenSansEmoji.ttf")
            _subtitlesWhiteFont = _fontCollection
                                  .Install(SettingsHandler.LoadValueString("serverRootPath", JsonFile.Settings) + "/fonts/OpenSansEmoji.ttf")

             * Init XP
            _xpMinPerMessage = SettingsHandler.LoadValueInt("xpMinPerMessage", JsonFile.UserSettings);
            _xpMaxPerMessage = SettingsHandler.LoadValueInt("xpMaxPerMessage", JsonFile.UserSettings);
            _xpMinCooldown   = SettingsHandler.LoadValueInt("xpMinCooldown", JsonFile.UserSettings);
            _xpMaxCooldown   = SettingsHandler.LoadValueInt("xpMaxCooldown", JsonFile.UserSettings);

             * Init thanks
            StringBuilder sbThanks = new StringBuilder();

            string[] thx = SettingsHandler.LoadValueStringArray("thanks", JsonFile.UserSettings);
            for (int i = 0; i < thx.Length; i++)

            sbThanks.Length--; //Efficiently remove the final pipe that gets added in final loop, simplifying loop
            _thanksRegex                = sbThanks.ToString();
            _thanksCooldownTime         = SettingsHandler.LoadValueInt("thanksCooldown", JsonFile.UserSettings);
            _thanksReminderCooldownTime = SettingsHandler.LoadValueInt("thanksReminderCooldown", JsonFile.UserSettings);
            _thanksMinJoinTime          = SettingsHandler.LoadValueInt("thanksMinJoinTime", JsonFile.UserSettings);

             * Init Code analysis
            _codeReminderCooldownTime      = SettingsHandler.LoadValueInt("codeReminderCooldown", JsonFile.UserSettings);
            _codeReminderFormattingExample = (
                @"\`\`\`cs" + Environment.NewLine +
                "Write your code on new line here." + Environment.NewLine +
                @"\`\`\`" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                "Simple as that! If you'd like me to stop reminding you about this, simply type \"!disablecodetips\"");

Exemplo n.º 14
        // TODO: Response to people asking if anyone is around to help.

         * public async Task UselessAskingCheck(SocketMessage messageParam)
         * {
         *  if (messageParam.Author.IsBot)
         *      return;
         *  ulong userId = messageParam.Author.Id;
         *  string content = messageParam.Content;
         * }*/

        //TODO: If Discord ever enables a hook that allows modifying a message during creation of it, then this could be put to use...
        // Disabled for now.

         * public async Task EscapeMessage(SocketMessage messageParam)
         * {
         *  if (messageParam.Author.IsBot)
         *      return;
         *  ulong userId = messageParam.Author.Id;
         *  string content = messageParam.Content;
         *  //Escape all \, ~, _, ` and * character's so they don't trigger any Discord formatting.
         *  content = content.EscapeDiscordMarkup();
         * }*/

        public async Task <string> SubtitleImage(IMessage message, string text)
            var            attachments = message.Attachments;
            Attachment     file        = null;
            Image <Rgba32> image       = null;

            foreach (var a in attachments)
                if (Regex.Match(a.Filename, @"(.*?)\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$").Success)
                    file = (Attachment)a;

            if (file == null)

                using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
                    using (HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(file.Url))

                        byte[] reader = await response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync();

                        image = ImageSharp.Image.Load(reader);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to load image : " + e);

            float beginHeight = image.Height - (image.Height * 0.3f);
            float beginWidth  = (image.Width * .10f);
            float totalWidth  = image.Width * .8f;

            //Shitty outline effect
            image.DrawText(text, _subtitlesWhiteFont, Rgba32.Black, new PointF(beginWidth - 4, beginHeight), new TextGraphicsOptions(true)
                WrapTextWidth       = totalWidth,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
            image.DrawText(text, _subtitlesWhiteFont, Rgba32.Black, new PointF(beginWidth + 4, beginHeight), new TextGraphicsOptions(true)
                WrapTextWidth       = totalWidth,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center
            image.DrawText(text, _subtitlesWhiteFont, Rgba32.Black, new PointF(beginWidth, beginHeight - 4), new TextGraphicsOptions(true)
                WrapTextWidth       = totalWidth,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center
            image.DrawText(text, _subtitlesWhiteFont, Rgba32.Black, new PointF(beginWidth, beginHeight + 4), new TextGraphicsOptions(true)
                WrapTextWidth       = totalWidth,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center

            image.DrawText(text, _subtitlesWhiteFont, Rgba32.White, new PointF(beginWidth, beginHeight), new TextGraphicsOptions(true)
                WrapTextWidth       = totalWidth,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center

            string path = SettingsHandler.LoadValueString("serverRootPath", JsonFile.Settings) +

            image.Save(path, new JpegEncoder {
                Quality = 95

Exemplo n.º 15
        public async Task <string> GenerateProfileCard(IUser user)
            var backgroundPath = SettingsHandler.LoadValueString("serverRootPath", JsonFile.Settings) +
            var foregroundPath = SettingsHandler.LoadValueString("serverRootPath", JsonFile.Settings) +
            Image <Rgba32> profileCard = ImageSharp.Image.Load(backgroundPath);
            Image <Rgba32> profileFg   = ImageSharp.Image.Load(foregroundPath);
            Image <Rgba32> avatar;
            Image <Rgba32> triangle = ImageSharp.Image.Load(
                SettingsHandler.LoadValueString("serverRootPath", JsonFile.Settings) +
            Stream stream;
            string avatarUrl = user.GetAvatarUrl();
            ulong  userId    = user.Id;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(avatarUrl))
                avatar = ImageSharp.Image.Load(SettingsHandler.LoadValueString("serverRootPath", JsonFile.Settings) +
                    using (var http = new HttpClient())
                        stream = await http.GetStreamAsync(new Uri(avatarUrl));

                    avatar = ImageSharp.Image.Load(stream);
                catch (Exception e)
                    avatar = ImageSharp.Image.Load(SettingsHandler.LoadValueString("serverRootPath", JsonFile.Settings) +

            uint   xp     = _databaseService.GetUserXp(userId);
            uint   rank   = _databaseService.GetUserRank(userId);
            int    karma  = _databaseService.GetUserKarma(userId);
            uint   level  = _databaseService.GetUserLevel(userId);
            double xpLow  = GetXpLow((int)level);
            double xpHigh = GetXpHigh((int)level);

            const float startX = 104;
            const float startY = 39;
            const float height = 16;
            float       endX   = (float)((xp - xpLow) / (xpHigh - xpLow) * 232f);

            profileCard.DrawImage(profileFg, 100f, new Size(profileFg.Width, profileFg.Height), Point.Empty);

            var   u        = user as IGuildUser;
            IRole mainRole = null;

            foreach (ulong id in u.RoleIds)
                IRole role = u.Guild.GetRole(id);
                if (mainRole == null)
                    mainRole = u.Guild.GetRole(id);
                else if (role.Position > mainRole.Position)
                    mainRole = role;

            Color c = mainRole.Color;

            var brush = new RecolorBrush <Rgba32>(Rgba32.White,
                                                  new Rgba32(c.R, c.G, c.B), .25f);


            profileCard.DrawImage(triangle, 100f, new Size(triangle.Width, triangle.Height), new Point(346, 17));

                             new RectangleF(startX, startY, 232, height));              //XP bar background
                             new RectangleF(startX + 1, startY + 1, endX, height - 2)); //XP bar
            profileCard.DrawImage(avatar, 100f, new Size(80, 80), new Point(16, 28));
            profileCard.DrawText(user.Username, _nameFont, Rgba32.FromHex("#3C3C3C"),
                                 new PointF(144, 8));
            profileCard.DrawText(level.ToString(), level < 100 ? _levelFont : _levelFontSmall, Rgba32.FromHex("#3C3C3C"),
                                 new PointF(98, 35));
            profileCard.DrawText("Server Rank        #" + rank, _defaultFont, Rgba32.FromHex("#3C3C3C"),
                                 new PointF(167, 60));
            profileCard.DrawText("Karma Points:    " + karma, _defaultFont, Rgba32.FromHex("#3C3C3C"),
                                 new PointF(167, 77));
            profileCard.DrawText("Total XP:              " + xp, _defaultFont, Rgba32.FromHex("#3C3C3C"),
                                 new PointF(167, 94));

            profileCard.Resize(400, 120);

            profileCard.Save(SettingsHandler.LoadValueString("serverRootPath", JsonFile.Settings) +
            return(SettingsHandler.LoadValueString("serverRootPath", JsonFile.Settings) +