Exemplo n.º 1
        void help(ServerMessage e, String m)
            /*            var eb = new EmbedBuilder();
             *          eb = eb.WithAuthor("The Overbork", this.DC.CurrentUser.GetAvatarUrl()).WithCurrentTimestamp().WithTitle("Help");
             *          const int maxFieldSize = 1024;
             *          for(int i = 0; i < ((botInfo.Length + (maxFieldSize-1)) / maxFieldSize); i++)
             *          {
             *              int remLen = botInfo.Length - i * maxFieldSize;
             *              int len = remLen < maxFieldSize ? remLen : maxFieldSize;
             *              eb = eb.AddField("help" + i, botInfo.Substring(i * maxFieldSize, len));
             *          }
             *          safeSendEmbed(e.Channel, eb.Build());*/
            /*            safeSendMessage(e.Channel,
             * "Standing by for orders, " + e.Author.Username + @"!
             * " + botInfo, true);*/
            var     parts = m.Split(" ".ToArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            Command com;

            if (parts.Length > 0 && Commandlist.TryGetValue(parts[0], out com) && shouldDisplayHelp(com, e.Author, e.Channel))
                safeSendEmbed(e.Channel, com.getHelpMessageEmbed());
                var eb = new Discord.EmbedBuilder().WithAuthor("The Overbork", this.DC.CurrentUser.GetAvatarUrl()).WithCurrentTimestamp();
                eb.WithTitle("Available commands").WithDescription("This is a list of all commands currently available to you. For help with a particular command, try !help followed by that command name. ```" + getCommandListForUser(e.Author, e.Channel) + "```");
                safeSendEmbed(e.Channel, eb.Build());
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: Test.cs Projeto: Fasuh/bot
        public async Task info(SocketUser user = null)
            if (user == null)
                user = Context.Message.Author;
            string       query = "SELECT * FROM uzytkownicy as u INNER JOIN `servery` as s ON u.Server = s.id WHERE u.user='******' AND s.nid='" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + "'";
            MySqlCommand cmd   = new MySqlCommand(query, dbase.connect);

            if (!dbase.HasRows(cmd))
                query = "INSERT INTO `uzytkownicy`(`id`, `user`, `score`, `ranks`, `level`, `link`, `server`) VALUES (null,'" + user.Id.ToString() + "',0 ,null ,1 ,null,  '" + dbase.Chkserver(Context.Guild.Id.ToString()) + "')";
                cmd   = new MySqlCommand(query, dbase.connect);
                query = "SELECT * FROM `uzytkownicy` as u INNER JOIN `servery` as s ON u.Server = s.id WHERE u.user='******' AND s.nid='" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + "'";
                cmd   = new MySqlCommand(query, dbase.connect);
            DataTable info    = dbase.Read(cmd);
            var       builder = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

            builder.WithTitle("Informacje o uzytkowniku " + user.Username);
            builder.AddField("Ilość punktów:", info.Rows[0][2]);
            builder.AddInlineField("Poziom:", info.Rows[0][4]);
            if (info.Rows[0][5] != null && info.Rows[0][5].ToString() != "")
                builder.AddInlineField("Deviantart:", info.Rows[0][5].ToString());
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, builder);
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: Test.cs Projeto: Fasuh/bot
        public async Task rate(string link = null)
            DateTime czas = time.AddSeconds(10);

            if (link == null)
                link = Context.Message.Attachments.FirstOrDefault().Url;
            var builder = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

            builder.AddInlineField("Autor: " + Context.Message.Author.Username, "Obrazek:");
            string       query = "SELECT * FROM `servery` WHERE `nid`='" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + "'";
            MySqlCommand cmd   = new MySqlCommand(query, dbase.connect);
            var          msg   = await((ISocketMessageChannel)Context.Guild.GetChannel(ulong.Parse(dbase.Read(cmd).Rows[0][3].ToString()))).SendMessageAsync("", false, builder);
            await msg.AddReactionAsync(Context.Guild.Emotes.First(e => e.Name == "redbean"));

            string format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";

            query = "INSERT INTO `timery` (`id`, `user`, `type`, `time`, `text`, `Server`) VALUES (NULL, '" + Context.Message.Author.Id + "', 'rate', '" + czas.ToString(format) + "', '" + msg.Id + "', '" + dbase.Chkserver(Context.Guild.Id.ToString()) + "')";
            cmd   = new MySqlCommand(query, dbase.connect);
            dbase.timer(cmd, "rate", czas, (IGuildUser)Context.Message.Author, Context.Guild.Id.ToString(), msg.Id.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine(time + "\tRozpoczeto glosowanie obrazka uzytkownika " + Context.Message.Author.Username + ".");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public async Task help(string isLocal = null)
            var privateEmbed = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();
            var publicEmbed  = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

            privateEmbed.WithTitle("Lista komend:")
            .AddInlineField("!komeny", "!orbit \n!orbit2 \n!orbit3 \n!orbitmax\n!Wojownicy \n!szogun \n!pikna \n!notak \n!mioush \n!jordan_cry \n!heh \n!Gontta \n!damnwhat \n!by_the_pope \n!biiiicz \n!ALKUS")
            .AddField("usefullShiet", "!help // wysyla sms o tresci pomagam \n (-p jesli chcesz na publiczny kanal help) \n !del x //usówa x ostatnich wiadomości ");
            publicEmbed.WithTitle("Lista komend:")
            .AddInlineField("!komendy", "!orbit \n!orbit2 \n!orbit3 \n!orbitmax\n!Wojownicy \n!szogun \n!pikna \n!notak \n!mioush \n!jordan_cry \n!heh \n!Gontta \n!damnwhat \n!by_the_pope \n!biiiicz \n!ALKUS")
            .AddInlineField("Emotki", "\n\n\n :Wojownicy: \n :szogun: \n :pikna: \n <:notak:403267331264086016> \n <:mioush:425310386292523008> \n :jordan_cry: \n <:heh:333585033204072458> \n <:Gontta:417747336287223828> \n <:damnwhat:413093188178411520> \n <:by_the_pope:493411746002894864> \n :biiiicz: \n <:ALKUS:334775515263270912>")
            .AddField("usefullShiet", "!help // wysyla sms o tresci pomagam \n (-p jesli chcesz na publiczny kanal help) \n !del x //usówa x ostatnich wiadomości ");
            if (isLocal != "-p")
                Discord.IDMChannel gencom = await Context.Message.Author.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

                await gencom.SendMessageAsync("", false, privateEmbed);

                await gencom.CloseAsync();
                for (int helpChannelID = 0; helpChannelID < Context.Guild.TextChannels.Count; helpChannelID++)
                    var helpChannel = Context.Guild.TextChannels.ElementAt(helpChannelID);
                    if (helpChannel.Name == "help")
                        await helpChannel.SendMessageAsync("", false, publicEmbed);
Exemplo n.º 5
    public async Task chanwoo()
        var b = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

        b.WithColor(new Discord.Color(0, 170, 255));
        await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, b);
Exemplo n.º 6
    public async Task welcome()
        var b = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

        b.WithDescription("Enjoy your time here! :smile:");
        b.WithColor(new Discord.Color(0, 170, 255));
        await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, b);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task Help()
            var a = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

            a.WithDescription("General Commands\n-- .help // Gives list of commands to use");
            Discord.IDMChannel gencom = await Context.Message.Author.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

            await gencom.CloseAsync();
Exemplo n.º 8
    public async Task Lord()
        var b = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

        b.WithTitle("AND LOADED!");
        b.WithColor(new Discord.Color(0, 170, 255));
        await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, b);

        await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("https://ubistatic19-a.akamaihd.net/resource/en-us/game/rainbow6/siege/r6-operator-tachanka_229936.png", false);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public async Task Kick(Discord.IGuildUser user, [Remainder] string reason)
            var b = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

            b.WithTitle("User Kicked").WithDescription(user.Username + " was kicked because " + reason).WithColor(25, 25, 112);

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, b);

            await user.KickAsync();
Exemplo n.º 10
    public async Task rules()
        var b = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();


        b.WithColor(new Discord.Color(0, 170, 255));
        await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, b);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public async Task RevIp()
            var b = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

            b.WithTitle("Here's the ip for the FTB Revelations server!");
            b.WithColor(new Discord.Color(0, 170, 255));

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, b);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public async Task Vote()
            var b = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

            b.WithTitle("Don't Forget To Vote For Amazing Rewards At The Following Websites!");
            b.WithDescription("Vote Link 1 : \n https://ftbservers.com/server/dzZfMJNd/vote \n" +
                              "Vote Link 2 : \n https://www.planetminecraft.com/server/game-out-network/vote/ \n" +
                              "Vote Link 3 : \n http://minecraft-mp.com/server/191690/vote/");
            b.WithColor(new Discord.Color(0, 170, 255));

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, b);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public async Task KickUserAsync(string mention = null, [Remainder] string reason = null)
            IGuildUser user;

            user = Context.Guild.GetUser(MentionUtils.ParseUser(mention));
            var b = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

            b.WithTitle("User Kicked");
            b.WithDescription(user.Username + "was kicked.");
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, b.Build());

            await user.KickAsync();
Exemplo n.º 14
    public async Task KickAsync(Discord.IGuildUser user, [Remainder] string reason)
        if (user.GuildPermissions.KickMembers)
            var b = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();
            b.WithTitle("User Kicked");
            b.WithDescription(user.Username + "was kicked.");
            b.WithColor(new Discord.Color(0, 170, 255));
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, b);

            await user.KickAsync();
Exemplo n.º 15
    public async Task help()
        var a = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

        a.WithDescription("General Commands\n!help // Gives list of commands to use");
        a.WithColor(new Discord.Color(0, 170, 255));
        Discord.IDMChannel gencom = await Context.Message.Author.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

        await gencom.SendMessageAsync("", false, a);

        await gencom.CloseAsync();
Exemplo n.º 16
        public async Task help()
            var a = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

            a.WithDescription("``<<help`` - Gives list of commands to use" +
                              "\n``<<invite`` - Sends you bot invite link in DMs" +
                              "\n``<<search [your request]`` - Information about artist/album/track" +
                              "\n``<<listen [minutes]`` - Listens to your Spotify activity and gives statistics" +
                              "\n``<<listen [minutes] [@mention]`` - Listens to custom user's Spotify activity");
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, a.Build());
Exemplo n.º 17
Arquivo: Test.cs Projeto: Fasuh/bot
        public async Task help()
            var builder = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

            builder.AddInlineField("Memy", "`.dmem <nazwa> <link>` - Dodaje mema na serwer,\n\u200b`.dmemnsfw <nazwa> <link>` - Dodaje mema na serwer **tylko nsfw**,\n\u200b`.umem <nazwa>` - Usuwa mem z serwera,\n\u200b`.memelist` - Pokazuje listę memów");
            builder.AddInlineField("Warny", "`.warn <osoba> <powód>` - Daje warna osobie,\n\u200b`.delwarn <osoba> <numer warna>` - Usuwa wybrany warn,\n\u200b`.clearwarns <osoba>` - Czysci wszystkie warny osoby,\n\u200b`.listwarns <[opcjonalnie]osoba>` - pokazuje twoje/czyjes warny.");
            builder.AddInlineField("Rangi", "`.drank <nazwa>` - range o podanej nazwie.,\n\u200b`.urank <nazwa>` - usuwa range podanej nazwie,\n\u200b`.ranga <nazwa>` - nadaje range o podanej nazwie,\n\u200b`.rangi` - pokazuje spis rang dostępnych na serwerze");
            builder.AddInlineField("Fun", "`.patyk <osoba>` - narzędzie wzajemnej motywacji,\n\u200b`.rate <link/zlacznik>` - postuje obrazek na wyznaczonym kanale do oceny przez innych uzytkownikow,\n\u200b`.info <[opcjonalnie]osoba>` - podaje informacje z twojego profilu\n\u200b`.da <link>` - zapisuje link do twojego Deviantartu\n\u200b`.pokazda <[opcjonalnie]osoba>` - podaje link do twojego lub czyjegoś Deviantartu.");
            builder.AddInlineField("Powitania", "`.welmsg <wiadomosc>` - wiadomosc powitalna,\n\u200b`.welchan <kanal>` - kanal na którym wysyłana będzie wiadomość.");
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, builder);
Exemplo n.º 18
Arquivo: Test.cs Projeto: Fasuh/bot
        public async Task listwarns(SocketUser user = null)
            if (user == null)
                user = Context.Message.Author;
            string       query = "SELECT  w.reason, DATE_FORMAT(w.date, '%M %e %Y'), w.wanner FROM warny as w INNER JOIN `servery` as s ON w.Server = s.id WHERE w.user='******' AND s.nid='" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + "'";
            MySqlCommand cmd   = new MySqlCommand(query, dbase.connect);

            if (dbase.HasRows(cmd))
                string a = "";
                cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, dbase.connect);
                foreach (DataRow row in dbase.Read(cmd).Rows)
                    UInt64             g    = Convert.ToUInt64(row[2]);
                    Discord.IGuildUser nick = Context.Guild.GetUser(g);
                        if (nick.Username != "")
                            a += "**Data:** " + row[1] + "\t**Warnujacy:** " + nick + "\n**Powod:** " + row[0] + "\n\n";
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Console.WriteLine(time + "\t Bledny warnujacy " + g + " Na serwerze " + Context.Guild.Name + ".");
                        a += "**Data:** " + row[1] + "\t**Warnujacy:** " + row[2] + "\n**Powod:** " + row[0] + "\n\n";
                var b = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();
                b.WithTitle("Lista warnow");
                b.WithColor(new Discord.Color(0, 170, 255));
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, b);
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("brak warnow! :D");
Exemplo n.º 19
        public async Task UserAvatarAsync(string mention = null)
            IUser user;

            if (mention == null)
                user = Context.User;
                user = Context.Guild.GetUser(MentionUtils.ParseUser(mention));

            var b = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

            b.WithTitle(user.Username + "'s Avatar");
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, b.Build());

            //await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(user.Username);
Exemplo n.º 20
//        public static Embed CurrentUserEmbed(ICommandContext Context)
//        {
//            Mock database = DatabaseManager.GetMock();
//            DiscordUser atlasAccount = null;
//            try
//            {
//                atlasAccount =
//                    database.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => (x as DiscordUser).Discordid == (long)Context.User.Id);
//            }
//            catch
//            {
//                //Log user not registed
//            }
//            Discord.EmbedBuilder eb = BaseBuilder("", "", ColorPicker.UserModule,
//                new EmbedAuthorBuilder().WithName("Information about " + Context.User.Username),
//                Context.User.GetAvatarUrl());
//            if (atlasAccount != null)
//            {
//                eb.Description = "Displaying user information for the " + Names.Systemname + " account";
//                eb.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName(Names.Systemname + " Information").WithValue(
//                    "**Name:** " + atlasAccount.Name + "\n"+
//                    "**Account created:** " + atlasAccount.CreationDate.ToLongDateString()));
//            }
//            else
//            {
//                eb.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder()
//                    .WithValue("User is not registed, use -user register to register now.")
//                    .WithName(Names.Systemname + " Account"));
//            }
//            //eb.WithUrl("http://placeholder.com/user/id/111020301023");
//            string discordInformation = "";
//            try
//            {
//                var user = Context.User as IGuildUser;
//                discordInformation += "**Joined at: **" + user.JoinedAt.Value.Date.ToLongDateString() + "\n";
//            }
//            catch
//            {
//                //Log User not in guild
//            }
//            discordInformation += "**Status:** " + Context.User.Status + "\n";
//            if (Context.User.Game != null)
//            {
//                discordInformation += "**Currently Playing: **" + Context.User.Game.Value.Name + "\n";
//            }
//            eb.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("Discord information").WithValue(discordInformation));
//            //if (atlasAccount != null)
//            //{
//            //    if (atlasAccount.Summoners.Count > 0)
//            //    {
//            //        string summoners = "";
//            //        foreach (var summoner in atlasAccount.Summoners)
//            //        {
//            //            summoners += summoner.Region + ": " + summoner.SummonerId; //TODO Make this a Tier
//            //        }
//            //        eb.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("Summoner Information").WithValue(summoners));
//            //    }
//            //    else
//            //    {
//            //        eb.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("Summoner Information")
//            //            .WithValue("This user has no summoners."));
//            //    }
//            //}
//            if (atlasAccount != null)
//            {
//                string accountinfo = "User does not have accounts linked\nUser **-HELPCOMMAND** to get started.";
//                if (atlasAccount.SmashAccount.Username != null && (bool)atlasAccount.SmashAccount.IsVerified)
//                {
//                    accountinfo = "**" + Names.SmashLadder + " account:**\n" + atlasAccount.SmashAccount.Username + " "+
//                                   atlasAccount.SmashAccount.Rank;
//                }
//                eb.AddField("Accounts", accountinfo);
//            }
//            return eb.Build();
//        }

//        public static Embed CurrentServerEmbed(IGuild guild)
//        {
//            DiscordServer server;
//            var database = DatabaseManager.GetMock();
//            try
//            {
//                server = database.Servers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ServerId == guild.Id);
//            }
//            catch
//            {
//                server = null;
//            }
//            Discord.EmbedBuilder builder = BaseBuilder("", "Information about this server known to " + Names.BotName, ColorPicker.ServerModule, new EmbedAuthorBuilder().WithName(guild.Name), guild.IconUrl);
//            builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName("Discord Information")
//                .WithValue("**Name:** " + guild.Name + "\n"
//                           + "**Users:** " + (guild as SocketGuild).Users.Count + "\n"
//                           + "**Created at:** " + guild.CreatedAt.DateTime.ToLongDateString() + "\n"
//                           + "**Owner:** " + guild.GetOwnerAsync().Result.Username));
//            if (server == null)
//            {
//                builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName(Names.Systemname + " Information")
//                    .WithValue(
//                        "Server is not linked to an account. Let the owner use -server register *<Tier>* to start"));
//            }
//            else
//            {
//                builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName(Names.Systemname + " Information").WithValue(
//                    "**Name: **" + server.Name+"\n"+
//                    "**Description: **"+ server.Description+"\n"+
//                    "**Joined at: **" + server.JoinDateTime.ToLongDateString()+"\n"+
//                    "**Votes: **" + server.Votes));
//            }
//            return builder.Build();
//        }
//        public static Embed ServerList(string filter)
//        {
//            Discord.EmbedBuilder builder = BaseBuilder("", "All servers known ordered by votes.", ColorPicker.ServerModule, new EmbedAuthorBuilder().WithName(Names.Systemname + " server list"), null);
//            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter)) //No parameter is given and we should display the full server list
//            {
//                List<DiscordServer> servers = DatabaseManager.GetMock().Servers.ToList();
//                //Add servers from other sources
//                var orderedServers = servers.OrderBy(x => x.Votes).ToList();
//                int maxservers = 5; //Maximal servers to display
//                if (maxservers > orderedServers.Count()) maxservers = orderedServers.Count;
//                for (int i = 0; i < maxservers; i++)
//                {
//                    builder.AddField(new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName(orderedServers[i].Name)
//                        .WithValue("**Votes:** " + orderedServers[i].Votes + "\n" +
//                                   "**Description: **" + orderedServers[i].Description));
//                }
//            }
//            return builder.Build();
//        }
        //Base Builder
        public static Discord.EmbedBuilder BaseBuilder(string title, string description, Color color,
                                                       EmbedAuthorBuilder authorBuilder, string thumbnailurl)
            Discord.EmbedBuilder builder = new Discord.EmbedBuilder().WithColor(color).WithFooter(Names.BotName).WithCurrentTimestamp();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
            if (authorBuilder != null)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(thumbnailurl))
Exemplo n.º 21
        public async Task UserInfoAsync(string mention = null)
            IUser user;

            if (mention == null)
                user = Context.User;
                user = Context.Guild.GetUser(MentionUtils.ParseUser(mention));

            var b = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

            b.WithTitle("User Info");
            b.WithDescription("Name: " + user.Username + "\n" +
                              "ID: " + user.ToString() + "\n" +
                              "UID: " + user.Id + "\n" +
                              "Status: " + user.Status + "\n" +
                              "Current Activity: " + user.Activity + "\n");
            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, b.Build());
Exemplo n.º 22
        public async Task PlayerPerformance(string playerName, [Remainder] string tournamentName)
            var message = await ReplyAsync("Getting data...");

            var tournament = RequestHandler.GetTournamentRoot(tournamentName);

            if (tournament.entities == null)
                var embed = Builders.BaseBuilder("Tournament not found", "", Color.Red, null, "");
                await ReplyAsync("", embed : embed.Build());
            var bracketPhases = tournament.entities.phase.Where(x => x.groupCount == 1).ToList();

            Discord.EmbedBuilder builder = Builders.BaseBuilder(playerName + " Results For " + tournament.entities.tournament.name, "", Color.Red, null, "");
            bool   playerFound           = false;
            double wins   = 0;
            double losses = 0;

            foreach (var bracketPhase in bracketPhases)
                var phaseId = bracketPhase.id;
                var group   = tournament.entities.groups.FirstOrDefault(x => x.phaseId == phaseId);
                var result  = RequestHandler.GetResultSets(group.id);
                var players = result.Entities.Player;
                var player  = players.Where(x => x.GamerTag.ToLower().Trim().Contains(playerName.ToLower().Trim()))
                if (player.Count == 1) //player is found, lets go
                    playerFound = true;
                    builder.WithTitle($"{player[0].GamerTag} Results at {tournament.entities.tournament.name}");
                    var sets = result.Entities.Sets.Where(x =>
                                                          x.Entrant1Id == Convert.ToInt64(player[0].EntrantId) ||
                                                          x.Entrant2Id == Convert.ToInt64(player[0].EntrantId)).ToList();
                    string setinfo = "";
                    sets = sets.OrderBy(x => x.CompletedAt).ToList();
                    var characters = new List <string>()
                        "Captain Falcon",
                        "Donkey Kong",
                        "Dr. Mario",
                        "Ice Climbers",
                        "Mr. Game And Watch",
                        "Young Link",
                    Event  prevEvent = null;
                    string eventInfo = "";
                    foreach (var set in sets)
                        var setEvent = tournament.entities.Event.FirstOrDefault(x => x.id == set.EventId);
                        if (prevEvent == null)
                            prevEvent = setEvent;
                        if (prevEvent.id != setEvent.id)
                            builder.AddInlineField(prevEvent.name, eventInfo);
                            prevEvent = setEvent;
                            eventInfo = "";
                        int    playerPlace = 1;
                        Player player2     = null;
                        if (Convert.ToInt64(player[0].EntrantId) == set.Entrant1Id)
                            player2 = players.FirstOrDefault(x => set.Entrant2Id == Convert.ToInt64(x.EntrantId));
                            player2     = players.FirstOrDefault(x => set.Entrant1Id == Convert.ToInt64(x.EntrantId));
                            playerPlace = 2;
                        if (player2 != null)
                            string gameinfo = "";
                            foreach (var game in set.Games)
                                gameinfo +=
                                    $"{characters[(int) game.Entrant1P1CharacterId - 1]} {game.Entrant1P1Stocks} - {game.Entrant2P1Stocks} {characters[(int) game.Entrant2P1CharacterId - 1]}\n";
                            if (gameinfo == "")
                                gameinfo = "Nothing available\n";
                            if (playerPlace == 1 && set.Entrant1Score != null && set.Entrant2Score != null)
                                eventInfo +=
                                    $"**{set.FullRoundText}:**\n{player[0].GamerTag} - {player2.GamerTag}: {set.Entrant1Score} - {set.Entrant2Score}\n" +
                                    gameinfo + "\n";
                                if (set.Entrant1Score != null)
                                    wins += (double)set.Entrant1Score;
                                if (set.Entrant2Score != null)
                                    losses += (double)set.Entrant2Score;
                            else if (set.Entrant1Score != null && set.Entrant2Score != null)
                                eventInfo +=
                                    $"**{set.FullRoundText}:**\n{player2.GamerTag} - {player[0].GamerTag}: {set.Entrant1Score} - {set.Entrant2Score}\n" +
                                if (set.Entrant2Score != null)
                                    wins += (double)set.Entrant1Score;
                                if (set.Entrant1Score != null)
                                    losses += (double)set.Entrant2Score;
                    //builder.AddField("Results", ssetinfo);
                    var imageurl = player[0].Images.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "profile");
                    if (imageurl != null)
                    if (wins != 0 && losses != 0)
                        eventInfo += $"\n" +
                                     $"***Overall performance***\n" +
                                     $"**Games Won: **{wins}\n" +
                                     $"**Games Lost: **{losses}\n" +
                                     $"**Winrate: **{Math.Round((wins / (wins + losses) * 100), 2)}%";

                    builder.AddInlineField(prevEvent.name, eventInfo);
            if (!playerFound)
                builder = Builders.BaseBuilder("Player not found", "", Color.Red, null, "");
            await ReplyAsync("", embed : builder.Build());

            await message.DeleteAsync();