Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// COM entry point for IMediaParams.FlushEnvelope
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// There should be no need to modify or override this method.  See 
        /// <see cref="IMediaObjectImpl.ParamDefine"/> and <see cref="IMediaObjectImpl.ParamCalcValueForTime"/>
        /// for details about how this works.
        /// </remarks>
        public int FlushEnvelope(int dwParamIndex, long refTimeStart, long refTimeEnd)
            int hr;


                    // If the time range makes sense
                    if ( (refTimeStart >= 0) && (refTimeEnd >= refTimeStart) )
                        if (dwParamIndex == ALLPARAMS)
                            hr = S_OK;

                            // Apply the flush to all parameters
                            for (int x=0; x < m_Params.Parms.Length && hr >= 0; x++)
                                MPEnvelopeSegment m = new MPEnvelopeSegment();

                                m.flags = MPFlags.Standard;
                                m.iCurve = MPCaps.Jump;
                                m.rtStart = refTimeStart;
                                m.rtEnd = refTimeEnd;
                                m.valStart = m_Params.Parms[x].mpdNeutralValue;
                                m.valEnd = m_Params.Parms[x].mpdNeutralValue;

                                hr = m_Params.Envelopes[dwParamIndex].AddSegment(m);
                        else if (dwParamIndex < m_Params.Parms.Length)
                            // Apply the flush to the specified parameter
                            MPEnvelopeSegment m = new MPEnvelopeSegment();

                            m.flags = MPFlags.Standard;
                            m.iCurve = MPCaps.Jump;
                            m.rtStart = refTimeStart;
                            m.rtEnd = refTimeEnd;
                            m.valStart = m_Params.Parms[dwParamIndex].mpdNeutralValue;
                            m.valEnd = m_Params.Parms[dwParamIndex].mpdNeutralValue;

                            hr = m_Params.Envelopes[dwParamIndex].AddSegment(m);
                            hr = E_INVALIDARG;
                        hr = E_INVALIDARG;
            catch (Exception e)
                // Generic handling of all exceptions.  While .NET will turn exceptions into
                // HRESULTS "automatically", I prefer to have some place I can set a breakpoint.
                hr = CatFail(e);

            return hr;
Exemplo n.º 2
            /// <summary>
            /// Make sure the envelope parameters are valid
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="m">Envelope segment to check</param>
            /// <returns>E_INVALIDARG if parameters are incorrect, else S_OK</returns>
            public int ValidateEnvelopeSegment(MPEnvelopeSegment m)
                int hr;

                // The start time cannot be MAX_TIME
                // The end time must be >= start time
                // The iCurve must be one of the recognized formats
                // The iCurve must be one of the supported formats
                // The iCurve can only be one format
                // The flags must be one of the recognized formats
                // The flags can only be one value

                if (
                    (m.rtStart == MAX_TIME) ||
                    (m.rtEnd < m.rtStart) ||
                    ((m.iCurve & (~(MPCaps.InvSquare | MPCaps.Jump | MPCaps.Linear | MPCaps.Sine | MPCaps.Square))) > 0) ||
                    ((((int)m.iCurve) & (~(m_ValidCaps))) > 0) ||
                    (IMediaObjectImpl.CountBits((int)m.iCurve) > 1) ||
                    ((m.flags & (~(MPFlags.BeginCurrentVal | MPFlags.BeginNeutralVal | MPFlags.Standard))) > 0) ||
                    (IMediaObjectImpl.CountBits((int)m.flags) > 1)
                    hr = E_INVALIDARG;
                    hr = S_OK;

                return hr;
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void UpdateSegment(int y, ref MPEnvelopeSegment m)
     if ((m.flags & MPFlags.BeginNeutralVal) > 0)
         m.valStart = m_DefaultValue;
     else if ((m.flags & MPFlags.BeginCurrentVal) > 0)
         if (y > 0)
             MPEnvelopeSegment mOld = (MPEnvelopeSegment)m_Envelope[y-1];
             m.valStart = mOld.valEnd;
             m.valStart = m_DefaultValue;
Exemplo n.º 4
            /// <summary>
            /// Add a segment to the envelope.  If this segment overlaps other segments,
            /// the other segments are deleted or shortened, and this segment is inserted
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="mNew">The segment to add</param>
            /// <returns>HRESULT</returns>
            public int AddSegment(MPEnvelopeSegment mNew)
                int hr;
                int y;
                MPEnvelopeSegment mOld;

                hr = ValidateEnvelopeSegment(mNew);
                if (hr >= 0)
                    // Find the first record to modify.  There is always
                    // at least one record, and ValidateEnvelopeSegment ensures
                    // that the start time is less than the endtime of the last
                    // record (MAX_TIME)
                    y = 0;

                        mOld = (MPEnvelopeSegment)m_Envelope[y];

                        if (mNew.rtStart <= mOld.rtEnd)

                    } while (true);

                    // Process the flags on mNew
                    UpdateSegment(y, ref mNew);

                    // Depending on how the new segment overlaps, adjust the
                    // other segments and add it
                    if (mNew.rtStart <= mOld.rtStart)
                        if (mNew.rtEnd >= mOld.rtEnd)
                            // Existing segment is completely replaced
                            m_Envelope.Insert(y, mNew);

                            // Subsequent records may need to be deleted/adjusted
                            if (mNew.rtEnd > mOld.rtEnd)
                                DeleteRest(y+1, mNew.rtEnd);
                            // Existing segment is shortened from the left
                            mOld.rtStart = mNew.rtEnd + 1;
                            m_Envelope[y] = mOld;
                            m_Envelope.Insert(y, mNew);
                        if (mNew.rtEnd >= mOld.rtEnd)
                            // Existing segment is truncated
                            mOld.rtEnd = mNew.rtStart - 1;
                            m_Envelope[y] = mOld;
                            m_Envelope.Insert(y+1, mNew);

                            if (mNew.rtEnd > mOld.rtEnd)
                                DeleteRest(y+2, mNew.rtEnd);
                            // Split a segment
                            MPEnvelopeSegment mAppend = mOld;
                            mAppend.rtStart = mNew.rtEnd + 1;

                            mOld.rtEnd = mNew.rtStart - 1;
                            m_Envelope[y] = mOld;

                            m_Envelope.Insert(y+1, mNew);
                            m_Envelope.Insert(y+2, mAppend);

                return hr;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// COM entry point for IMediaParams.AddEnvelope
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// There should be no need to modify or override this method.  See 
        /// <see cref="IMediaObjectImpl.ParamDefine"/> and <see cref="IMediaObjectImpl.ParamCalcValueForTime"/>
        /// for details about how this works.
        /// </remarks>
        public int AddEnvelope(int dwParamIndex, int cSegments, MPEnvelopeSegment[] pEnvelopeSegments)
            int hr;


                    hr = S_OK;

                    if (dwParamIndex == ALLPARAMS)
                        // Add all the envelopes to all the parameters
                        for (int y = 0; y < m_Params.Parms.Length && hr >= 0; y++)
                            for (int x = 0; x < cSegments && hr >= 0; x++)
                                // Add the struct to the envelope
                                hr = m_Params.Envelopes[y].AddSegment(pEnvelopeSegments[x]);
                    else if (dwParamIndex < m_Params.Parms.Length && dwParamIndex >= 0)
                        // Add all the envelopes to the specified parameter
                        for (int x = 0; x < cSegments && hr >= 0; x++)
                            // Add the struct to the envelope
                            hr = m_Params.Envelopes[dwParamIndex].AddSegment(pEnvelopeSegments[x]);
                        hr = E_INVALIDARG;
            catch (Exception e)
                // Generic handling of all exceptions.  While .NET will turn exceptions into
                // HRESULTS "automatically", I prefer to have some place I can set a breakpoint.
                hr = CatFail(e);

            return hr;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// COM entry point for IMediaParams.SetParam
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// There should be no need to modify or override this method.  See 
        /// <see cref="IMediaObjectImpl.ParamDefine"/> and <see cref="IMediaObjectImpl.ParamCalcValueForTime"/>
        /// for details about how this works.
        /// </remarks>
        public int SetParam(int dwParamIndex, MPData value)
            int hr;


                    // Check to see if the index is in range
                    if (dwParamIndex < m_Params.Parms.Length && dwParamIndex >= 0)
                        // Make an envelope that spans from current to end of stream
                        MPEnvelopeSegment m = new MPEnvelopeSegment();

                        m.flags = MPFlags.Standard;
                        m.iCurve = MPCaps.Jump;
                        m.rtStart = 0;
                        m.rtEnd = long.MaxValue;
                        m.valStart = value;
                        m.valEnd = value;

                        // Add the struct to the envelope
                        hr = m_Params.Envelopes[dwParamIndex].AddSegment(m);
                        hr = E_INVALIDARG;
            catch (Exception e)
                // Generic handling of all exceptions.  While .NET will turn exceptions into
                // HRESULTS "automatically", I prefer to have some place I can set a breakpoint.
                hr = CatFail(e);

            return hr;
Exemplo n.º 7
            public MPEnvelopes(MPData iDefaultValue, MPCaps iValidCaps, MPType mt, MPData min, MPData max)
                // Store the neutralValue, min/max value range, data type and supported curve types
                m_DefaultValue = iDefaultValue;
                m_ValidCaps = (int)iValidCaps;
                m_DataType = mt;
                m_MinVal = min;
                m_MaxVal = max;

                // Create an array to hold the segments (size = 3 was chosen arbitrarily)
                m_Envelope = new ArrayList(3);

                // Create one segment that spans all time containing the default values
                MPEnvelopeSegment e = new MPEnvelopeSegment();
                e.flags = MPFlags.BeginNeutralVal;
                e.iCurve = MPCaps.Jump;
                e.rtStart = 0;
                e.rtEnd = MAX_TIME;
                e.valStart = m_DefaultValue;
                e.valEnd = m_DefaultValue;

Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the given <see cref="MPEnvelopeSegment"/>
 /// with the new value
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="y">The new value</param>
 /// <param name="m">Ref. The <see cref="MPEnvelopeSegment"/>
 /// to be updated.</param>
 private void UpdateSegment(int y, ref MPEnvelopeSegment m)
   if ((m.flags & MPFlags.BeginNeutralVal) > 0)
     m.valStart = this.defaultValue;
   else if ((m.flags & MPFlags.BeginCurrentVal) > 0)
     if (y > 0)
       MPEnvelopeSegment oldSegment = (MPEnvelopeSegment)this.envelope[y - 1];
       m.valStart = oldSegment.valEnd;
       m.valStart = this.defaultValue;
Exemplo n.º 9
    /// <summary>
    /// Make sure the envelope parameters are valid
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="m">Envelope segment to check</param>
    /// <returns>E_INVALIDARG if parameters are incorrect, else S_OK</returns>
    public int ValidateEnvelopeSegment(MPEnvelopeSegment m)
      int hr;

      // The start time cannot be MAX_TIME
      // The end time must be >= start time
      // The iCurve must be one of the recognized formats
      // The iCurve must be one of the supported formats
      // The iCurve can only be one format
      // The flags must be one of the recognized formats
      // The flags can only be one value
      if (m.rtStart == MaxTime ||
          m.rtEnd < m.rtStart ||
          (m.iCurve & ~(MPCaps.InvSquare | MPCaps.Jump | MPCaps.Linear | MPCaps.Sine | MPCaps.Square)) > 0 ||
          ((int)m.iCurve & ~this.validCaps) > 0 ||
          CountBits((int)m.iCurve) > 1 ||
          (m.flags & (~(MPFlags.BeginCurrentVal | MPFlags.BeginNeutralVal | MPFlags.Standard))) > 0 ||
          CountBits((int)m.flags) > 1)
        hr = EINVALIDARG;
        hr = SOk;

      return hr;
Exemplo n.º 10
    // Defining Enumerations                                                     //
    #region ENUMS
    #endregion ENUMS

    // Defining Properties                                                       //
    #region PROPERTIES
    #endregion //PROPERTIES

    // Public methods                                                            //

    /// <summary>
    /// Add a segment to the envelope.  If this segment overlaps other segments,
    /// the other segments are deleted or shortened, and this segment is inserted
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="newSegment">The segment to add</param>
    /// <returns>The HRESULT of the method.</returns>
    public int AddSegment(MPEnvelopeSegment newSegment)
      int hr;
      int y;
      MPEnvelopeSegment oldSegment;

      hr = this.ValidateEnvelopeSegment(newSegment);
      if (hr >= 0)
        // Find the first record to modify.  There is always
        // at least one record, and ValidateEnvelopeSegment ensures
        // that the start time is less than the endtime of the last
        // record (MAX_TIME)
        y = 0;

          oldSegment = (MPEnvelopeSegment)this.envelope[y];

          if (newSegment.rtStart <= oldSegment.rtEnd)

        while (true);

        // Process the flags on mNew
        this.UpdateSegment(y, ref newSegment);

        // Depending on how the new segment overlaps, adjust the
        // other segments and add it
        if (newSegment.rtStart <= oldSegment.rtStart)
          if (newSegment.rtEnd >= oldSegment.rtEnd)
            // Existing segment is completely replaced
            this.envelope.Insert(y, newSegment);

            // Subsequent records may need to be deleted/adjusted
            if (newSegment.rtEnd > oldSegment.rtEnd)
              this.DeleteRest(y + 1, newSegment.rtEnd);
            // Existing segment is shortened from the left
            oldSegment.rtStart = newSegment.rtEnd + 1;
            this.envelope[y] = oldSegment;
            this.envelope.Insert(y, newSegment);
          if (newSegment.rtEnd >= oldSegment.rtEnd)
            // Existing segment is truncated
            oldSegment.rtEnd = newSegment.rtStart - 1;
            this.envelope[y] = oldSegment;
            this.envelope.Insert(y + 1, newSegment);

            if (newSegment.rtEnd > oldSegment.rtEnd)
              this.DeleteRest(y + 2, newSegment.rtEnd);
            // Split a segment
            MPEnvelopeSegment appendSegment = oldSegment;
            appendSegment.rtStart = newSegment.rtEnd + 1;

            oldSegment.rtEnd = newSegment.rtStart - 1;
            this.envelope[y] = oldSegment;

            this.envelope.Insert(y + 1, newSegment);
            this.envelope.Insert(y + 2, appendSegment);

      return hr;
Exemplo n.º 11
    // Construction and Initializing methods                                     //
    #region CONSTRUCTION

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of the MPEnvelopes class.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="newDefaultValue">An <see cref="MPData"/> with the default value</param>
    /// <param name="newValidCaps">The valid capabilities</param>
    /// <param name="newMPType">The <see cref="MPType"/> of the envelope.</param>
    /// <param name="newMinValue">The <see cref="MPData"/> with the minimal value for the envelope.</param>
    /// <param name="newMaxValue">The <see cref="MPData"/> with the maximal value for the envelope.</param>
    public MPEnvelopes(
      MPData newDefaultValue,
      MPCaps newValidCaps,
      MPType newMPType,
      MPData newMinValue,
      MPData newMaxValue)
      // Store the neutralValue, min/max value range, data type and supported curve types
      this.defaultValue = newDefaultValue;
      this.validCaps = (int)newValidCaps;
      this.dataType = newMPType;
      this.minValue = newMinValue;
      this.maxValue = newMaxValue;

      // Create an array to hold the segments (size = 3 was chosen arbitrarily)
      this.envelope = new ArrayList(3);

      // Create one segment that spans all time containing the default values
      MPEnvelopeSegment e = new MPEnvelopeSegment();
      e.flags = MPFlags.BeginNeutralVal;
      e.iCurve = MPCaps.Jump;
      e.rtStart = 0;
      e.rtEnd = MaxTime;
      e.valStart = this.defaultValue;
      e.valEnd = this.defaultValue;

Exemplo n.º 12
    /// <summary>
    /// COM entry point for IMediaParams.AddEnvelope
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="paramIndex">[in] Zero-based index of the parameter, 
    /// or DWORD_ALLPARAMS to apply the value to every parameter.</param>
    /// <param name="segments">[in] Number of segments in the envelope.</param>
    /// <param name="envelopeSegments">[in] Pointer to an array 
    /// of <see cref="MPEnvelopeSegment"/> structures that define the 
    /// envelope segments. The size of the array is given in the cPoints parameter.</param>
    /// <returns>Returns an HRESULT value.</returns>
    /// <remarks>
    /// There should be no need to modify or override this method.  See 
    /// <see cref="IMediaObjectImpl.ParamDefine"/> and <see cref="IMediaObjectImpl.ParamCalcValueForTime"/>
    /// for details about how this works.
    /// </remarks>
    public int AddEnvelope(int paramIndex, int segments, MPEnvelopeSegment[] envelopeSegments)
      int hr;

        lock (this)
          hr = SOK;

          if (paramIndex == ALLPARAMS)
            // Add all the envelopes to all the parameters
            for (int y = 0; y < this.paramsClass.Parms.Length && hr >= 0; y++)
              for (int x = 0; x < segments && hr >= 0; x++)
                // Add the struct to the envelope
                hr = this.paramsClass.Envelopes[y].AddSegment(envelopeSegments[x]);
          else if (paramIndex < this.paramsClass.Parms.Length && paramIndex >= 0)
            // Add all the envelopes to the specified parameter
            for (int x = 0; x < segments && hr >= 0; x++)
              // Add the struct to the envelope
              hr = this.paramsClass.Envelopes[paramIndex].AddSegment(envelopeSegments[x]);
            hr = EINVALIDARG;
      catch (Exception e)
        // Generic handling of all exceptions.  While .NET will turn exceptions into
        // HRESULTS "automatically", I prefer to have some place I can set a breakpoint.
        hr = this.CatFail(e);

      return hr;