Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when <see cref="IKSolver.Solve"/> is called.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deltaTime">The current time step (in seconds).</param>
        protected override void OnSolve(float deltaTime)
            if (NumberOfIterations <= 0)

            if (_isDirty)
                if (!SkeletonPose.IsAncestorOrSelf(RootBoneIndex, TipBoneIndex))
                    throw new ArgumentException("The RootBoneIndex and the TipBoneIndex do not form a valid bone chain.");

            _isDirty = false;

            var   skeleton         = SkeletonPose.Skeleton;
            bool  requiresBlending = RequiresBlending();
            float maxRotationAngle;
            bool  requiresLimiting = RequiresLimiting(deltaTime, out maxRotationAngle);

            if (requiresBlending || requiresLimiting)
                // Remember original bone transforms for interpolation with the result at the end.
                // Transforms are stored from tip to root (reverse order!).

                int boneIndex = TipBoneIndex;
                while (true)

                    if (boneIndex == RootBoneIndex)

                    boneIndex = skeleton.GetParent(boneIndex);

            int numberOfBones = SkeletonPose.GetNumberOfBones(RootBoneIndex, TipBoneIndex);

            // The transposed jacobian matrix.
            var jacobianTransposed = new MatrixF(numberOfBones, 6);

            // The force vector (3 linear and 3 angular (torque) entries).
            VectorF force = new VectorF(6);

            // The rotation axes of the bones.
            Vector3F[] axes = new Vector3F[numberOfBones];

            float toleranceSquared = AllowedDeviation * AllowedDeviation;

            // In each iteration we compute the jacobian matrix, compute the bone velocities
            // an make an euler integration step.
            for (int iteration = 0; iteration < NumberOfIterations; iteration++)
                var tipBoneAbsolute = SkeletonPose.GetBonePoseAbsolute(TipBoneIndex);
                var tipAbsolute     = tipBoneAbsolute.ToParentPosition(TipOffset);
                var targetToTip     = tipAbsolute - Target;
                if (targetToTip.LengthSquared < toleranceSquared)
                    if (iteration == 0)


                // Loop from tip to root and fill Jacobian.
                // (See description of Jacobian Transpose method to see how the rotation axes and
                // Jacobian entries must look like).
                var currentBoneIndex = TipBoneIndex;
                int exitBoneIndex    = RootBoneIndex >= 0 ? skeleton.GetParent(RootBoneIndex) : -1;
                int i = numberOfBones;

                    // Compute rotation axis.
                    Vector3F currentJointAbsolute = SkeletonPose.GetBonePoseAbsolute(currentBoneIndex).Translation;
                    Vector3F jointToTarget        = Target - currentJointAbsolute;
                    Vector3F jointToTip           = tipAbsolute - currentJointAbsolute;
                    axes[i] = Vector3F.Cross(jointToTarget, jointToTip);
                    if (!axes[i].TryNormalize())
                        axes[i] = Vector3F.UnitX; // TODO: What should we really do in this case?
                    Vector3F jacobianColumnUpperPart = Vector3F.Cross(jointToTip, axes[i]);

                    // Fill J.
                    jacobianTransposed[i, 0] = jacobianColumnUpperPart.X;
                    jacobianTransposed[i, 1] = jacobianColumnUpperPart.Y;
                    jacobianTransposed[i, 2] = jacobianColumnUpperPart.Z;
                    jacobianTransposed[i, 3] = axes[i].X;
                    jacobianTransposed[i, 4] = axes[i].Y;
                    jacobianTransposed[i, 5] = axes[i].Z;

                    currentBoneIndex = skeleton.GetParent(currentBoneIndex);
                } while (currentBoneIndex != exitBoneIndex && currentBoneIndex >= 0);

                Debug.Assert(i == 0);

                // Set the force.
                force[0] = targetToTip.X;
                force[1] = targetToTip.Y;
                force[2] = targetToTip.Z;
                force[3] = 0;
                force[4] = 0;
                force[5] = 0;

                // Compute pseudo velocities.
                VectorF velocities = jacobianTransposed * force; // TODO: Garbage!

                // Euler integration step.
                currentBoneIndex = TipBoneIndex;
                i = numberOfBones;

                    // Rotation axis for this bone.
                    Vector3F axis = axes[i];
                    // Angle is computed using Euler integration with an arbitrary step size.
                    float angle = velocities[i] * StepSize;

                    // Apply rotation.
                    QuaternionF rotationChange = QuaternionF.CreateRotation(axis, angle);
                    SkeletonPose.RotateBoneAbsolute(currentBoneIndex, rotationChange);

                    currentBoneIndex = skeleton.GetParent(currentBoneIndex);
                } while (currentBoneIndex != exitBoneIndex && currentBoneIndex >= 0);

                // Call delegate that checks bone limits.
                if (LimitBoneTransforms != null)

            if (requiresBlending || requiresLimiting)
                // Apply weight and the angular velocity limit.
                int boneIndex = TipBoneIndex;
                int i         = 0;
                while (true)
                    var originalTransform = _originalTransforms[i];
                    var targetTransform   = SkeletonPose.GetBoneTransform(boneIndex);

                    // Apply weight.
                    if (requiresBlending)
                        BlendBoneTransform(ref originalTransform, ref targetTransform);

                    // Apply angular velocity limit.
                    if (requiresLimiting)
                        LimitBoneTransform(ref originalTransform, ref targetTransform, maxRotationAngle);

                    SkeletonPose.SetBoneTransform(boneIndex, targetTransform);

                    if (boneIndex == RootBoneIndex)

                    boneIndex = skeleton.GetParent(boneIndex);
