internal static Color GetColorIfNoTexture(ShaderTextureProperty texProperty)
     if (texProperty.isNormalMap)
         return(new Color(.5f, .5f, 1f));
     else if ("_MetallicGlossMap"))
         return(new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f));
     else if ("_ParallaxMap"))
         return(new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f));
     else if ("_OcclusionMap"))
         return(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f));
     else if ("_EmissionMap"))
         return(new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f));
     else if ("_DetailMask"))
         return(new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f));
     return(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f));
         * pass in System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes for parameter fileSaveFunction. This is necessary because on Web Player file saving
         * functions only exist for Editor classes
        public void SaveAtlasToAssetDatabase(Texture2D atlas, ShaderTextureProperty texPropertyName, int atlasNum, Material resMat)
            if (atlas == null)
                SetMaterialTextureProperty(resMat, texPropertyName, null);
                string prefabPth = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(resMat);
                if (prefabPth == null || prefabPth.Length == 0)
                    Debug.LogError("Could save atlas. Could not find result material in AssetDatabase.");
                string baseName       = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(prefabPth);
                string folderPath     = prefabPth.Substring(0, prefabPth.Length - baseName.Length - 4);
                string fullFolderPath = Application.dataPath + folderPath.Substring("Assets".Length, folderPath.Length - "Assets".Length);

                string pth = fullFolderPath + baseName + "-" + + "-atlas" + atlasNum + ".png";
                //need to create a copy because sometimes the packed atlases are not in ARGB32 format
                Texture2D newTex = MB_Utility.createTextureCopy(atlas);
                int       size   = Mathf.Max(newTex.height, newTex.width);
                byte[]    bytes  = newTex.EncodeToPNG();

                System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(pth, bytes);


                string relativePath = folderPath + baseName + "-" + + "-atlas" + atlasNum + ".png";
                SetTextureSize((Texture2D)(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(relativePath, typeof(Texture2D))), size);
                SetMaterialTextureProperty(resMat, texPropertyName, relativePath);
 public static bool ShouldTextureBeLinear(ShaderTextureProperty shaderTextureProperty)
     if (shaderTextureProperty.isNormalMap)
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void SetMaterialTextureProperty(Material target, ShaderTextureProperty texPropName, string texturePath)
//			if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug) MB2_Log.Log(MB2_LogLevel.debug,"Assigning atlas " + texturePath + " to result material " + target + " for property " + texPropName,LOG_LEVEL);
            if (texPropName.isNormalMap)
                SetNormalMap((Texture2D)(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(texturePath, typeof(Texture2D))));
            if (target.HasProperty(
                target.SetTexture(, (Texture2D)(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(texturePath, typeof(Texture2D))));
        // used by Unity texture packer to handle tiled textures.
        // may create a new texture that has the correct tiling to handle fix out of bounds UVs
        internal static Texture2D GetAdjustedForScaleAndOffset2(ShaderTextureProperty propertyName, MeshBakerMaterialTexture source, Vector2 obUVoffset, Vector2 obUVscale, MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.TexturePipelineData data, MB3_TextureCombiner combiner, MB2_LogLevel LOG_LEVEL)
            Texture2D sourceTex = source.GetTexture2D();

            if (source.matTilingRect.x == 0f && source.matTilingRect.y == 0f && source.matTilingRect.width == 1f && source.matTilingRect.height == 1f)
                if (data._fixOutOfBoundsUVs)
                    if (obUVoffset.x == 0f && obUVoffset.y == 0f && obUVscale.x == 1f && obUVscale.y == 1f)
                        return(sourceTex); //no adjustment necessary
                    return(sourceTex); //no adjustment necessary
            Vector2 dim = MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.GetAdjustedForScaleAndOffset2Dimensions(source, obUVoffset, obUVscale, data, LOG_LEVEL);

            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug)
                Debug.LogWarning("GetAdjustedForScaleAndOffset2: " + sourceTex + " " + obUVoffset + " " + obUVscale);
            float newWidth  = dim.x;
            float newHeight = dim.y;
            float scx       = (float)source.matTilingRect.width;
            float scy       = (float)source.matTilingRect.height;
            float ox        = (float)source.matTilingRect.x;
            float oy        = (float)source.matTilingRect.y;

            if (data._fixOutOfBoundsUVs)
                scx *= obUVscale.x;
                scy *= obUVscale.y;
                ox   = (float)(source.matTilingRect.x * obUVscale.x + obUVoffset.x);
                oy   = (float)(source.matTilingRect.y * obUVscale.y + obUVoffset.y);
            Texture2D newTex = combiner._createTemporaryTexture(, (int)newWidth, (int)newHeight, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true, MB3_TextureCombiner.ShouldTextureBeLinear(propertyName));

            for (int i = 0; i < newTex.width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < newTex.height; j++)
                    float u = i / newWidth * scx + ox;
                    float v = j / newHeight * scy + oy;
                    newTex.SetPixel(i, j, sourceTex.GetPixelBilinear(u, v));
Exemplo n.º 6
         *       pass in System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes for parameter fileSaveFunction. This is necessary because on Web Player file saving
         *       functions only exist for Editor classes
        public void SaveAtlasToAssetDatabase(Texture2D atlas, ShaderTextureProperty texPropertyName, int atlasNum, Material resMat)
            if (atlas == null)
                SetMaterialTextureProperty(resMat, texPropertyName, null);
                string prefabPth = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(resMat);
                if (prefabPth == null || prefabPth.Length == 0)
                    Debug.LogError("Could save atlas. Could not find result material in AssetDatabase.");

                string baseName       = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(prefabPth);
                string folderPath     = prefabPth.Substring(0, prefabPth.Length - baseName.Length - 4);
                string fullFolderPath = Application.dataPath + folderPath.Substring("Assets".Length, folderPath.Length - "Assets".Length);
                string pth            = fullFolderPath + baseName + "-" + + "-atlas" + atlasNum;
                string relativePath   = folderPath + baseName + "-" + + "-atlas" + atlasNum;
                //need to create a copy because sometimes the packed atlases are not in ARGB32 format
                Texture2D newTex = MB_Utility.createTextureCopy(atlas);
                int       size   = Mathf.Max(newTex.height, newTex.width);
                if (SAVE_FORMAT == saveTextureFormat.png)
                    pth          += ".png";
                    relativePath += ".png";
                    byte[] bytes = newTex.EncodeToPNG();
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(pth, bytes);
                    pth          += ".tga";
                    relativePath += ".tga";
                    if (File.Exists(pth))

                    //Create the file.
                    FileStream fs = File.Create(pth);
                    MB_TGAWriter.Write(newTex.GetPixels(), newTex.width, newTex.height, fs);
                Debug.Log(String.Format("Wrote atlas for {0} to file:{1}",, pth));
                Texture2D txx = (Texture2D)(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(relativePath, typeof(Texture2D)));
                SetTextureSize(txx, size);
                SetMaterialTextureProperty(resMat, texPropertyName, relativePath);
Exemplo n.º 7
            public Color GetColorForTemporaryTexture(Material matIfBlender, ShaderTextureProperty texProperty)
                Debug.Assert(_textureProperties._considerNonTextureProperties == false);
                if (texProperty.isNormalMap)

                else if (_textureProperties.textureProperty2DefaultColorMap.ContainsKey(

                return(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f));
 public Color GetColorIfNoTexture(Material m, ShaderTextureProperty texPropertyName)
     if ("_MainTex"))
         if (m != null && m.HasProperty("_Color"))
             { //need try because can't garantee _Color is a color
             catch (Exception) { }
     return(new Color(1, 1, 1, 0));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (!(obj is ShaderTextureProperty))
            ShaderTextureProperty b = (ShaderTextureProperty)obj;

            if (!name.Equals(
            if (isNormalMap != b.isNormalMap)
	public static void TestRender(Texture2D input, Texture2D output) {
		int numAtlases = 1;
		ShaderTextureProperty[] texPropertyNames = new ShaderTextureProperty[] {
			new ShaderTextureProperty("_BumpMap",false)
		int atlasSizeX = input.width;
		int atlasSizeY = input.height;
		int _padding = 0;
		Rect[] uvRects = new Rect[] { new Rect(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f) };
		List<MB3_TextureCombiner.MB_TexSet> distinctMaterialTextures = new List<MB3_TextureCombiner.MB_TexSet>();
		MB3_TextureCombiner.MeshBakerMaterialTexture[] dmts = new MB3_TextureCombiner.MeshBakerMaterialTexture[] {
			new MB3_TextureCombiner.MeshBakerMaterialTexture(input)
		MB3_TextureCombiner.MB_TexSet texSet = new MB3_TextureCombiner.MB_TexSet(dmts);
		GameObject renderAtlasesGO = null;
		renderAtlasesGO = new GameObject("MBrenderAtlasesGO");
		MB3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture atlasRenderTexture = renderAtlasesGO.AddComponent<MB3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture>();
		for (int i = 0; i < numAtlases; i++) {
			Texture2D atlas = null;
			Debug.Log("About to render " + texPropertyNames[i].name + " isNormal=" + texPropertyNames[i].isNormalMap);
			atlasRenderTexture.LOG_LEVEL = MB2_LogLevel.trace;
			atlasRenderTexture.width = atlasSizeX;
			atlasRenderTexture.height = atlasSizeY;
			atlasRenderTexture.padding = _padding;
			atlasRenderTexture.rects = uvRects;
			atlasRenderTexture.textureSets = distinctMaterialTextures;
			atlasRenderTexture.indexOfTexSetToRender = i;
			atlasRenderTexture.isNormalMap = texPropertyNames[i].isNormalMap;
			// call render on it
			atlas = atlasRenderTexture.OnRenderAtlas(null);
			Debug.Log("Created atlas " + texPropertyNames[i].name + " w=" + atlas.width + " h=" + atlas.height + " id=" + atlas.GetInstanceID());
			Debug.Log("Color " + atlas.GetPixel(5,5) + " " +;
			byte[] bytes = atlas.EncodeToPNG();
			File.WriteAllBytes(Application.dataPath + "/_Experiment/red.png", bytes);
		 pass in System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes for parameter fileSaveFunction. This is necessary because on Web Player file saving
		 functions only exist for Editor classes
		public void SaveAtlasToAssetDatabase(Texture2D atlas, ShaderTextureProperty texPropertyName, int atlasNum, Material resMat){	
			if (atlas == null){
				SetMaterialTextureProperty(resMat, texPropertyName, null);
			} else {
				string prefabPth = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(resMat);
				if (prefabPth == null || prefabPth.Length == 0){
					Debug.LogError("Could save atlas. Could not find result material in AssetDatabase.");
				string baseName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(prefabPth);
				string folderPath = prefabPth.Substring(0,prefabPth.Length - baseName.Length - 4);		
				string fullFolderPath = Application.dataPath + folderPath.Substring("Assets".Length,folderPath.Length - "Assets".Length);
				string pth = fullFolderPath + baseName + "-" + + "-atlas" + atlasNum + ".png";
				//need to create a copy because sometimes the packed atlases are not in ARGB32 format
				Texture2D newTex = MB_Utility.createTextureCopy(atlas);
				int size = Mathf.Max(newTex.height,newTex.width);
				byte[] bytes = newTex.EncodeToPNG();
				System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(pth, bytes);
				string relativePath = folderPath + baseName +"-" + + "-atlas" + atlasNum + ".png";                      				
				SetTextureSize((Texture2D) (AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(relativePath, typeof(Texture2D))),size);
				SetMaterialTextureProperty(resMat, texPropertyName, relativePath);

		public void SetMaterialTextureProperty(Material target, ShaderTextureProperty texPropName, string texturePath){
//			if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug) MB2_Log.Log(MB2_LogLevel.debug,"Assigning atlas " + texturePath + " to result material " + target + " for property " + texPropName,LOG_LEVEL);
			if (texPropName.isNormalMap){
				SetNormalMap( (Texture2D) (AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(texturePath, typeof(Texture2D))));
			if (target.HasProperty({
				target.SetTexture(, (Texture2D) (AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(texturePath, typeof(Texture2D))));
 internal Color GetColorIfNoTexture(Material m, ShaderTextureProperty shaderPropertyName)
     return(resultMaterialTextureBlender.GetColorIfNoTexture(m, shaderPropertyName));
Exemplo n.º 14
 public Texture2D TintTextureWithTextureCombiner(Texture2D t, MB_TexSet sourceMaterial, ShaderTextureProperty shaderPropertyName)
     Debug.Assert(_textureProperties._considerNonTextureProperties == false);
     Debug.LogError("TintTextureWithTextureCombiner should never be called if resultMaterialTextureBlender is null");
        internal static IEnumerator CopyScaledAndTiledToAtlas(MeshBakerMaterialTexture source, MB_TexSet sourceMaterial,
                                                              ShaderTextureProperty shaderPropertyName, DRect srcSamplingRect, int targX, int targY, int targW, int targH,
                                                              AtlasPadding padding,
                                                              Color[][] atlasPixels, bool isNormalMap,
                                                              MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.TexturePipelineData data,
                                                              MB3_TextureCombiner combiner,
                                                              ProgressUpdateDelegate progressInfo = null,
                                                              MB2_LogLevel LOG_LEVEL =
            //HasFinished = false;
            Texture2D t = source.GetTexture2D();

            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug)
                Debug.Log("CopyScaledAndTiledToAtlas: " + t + " inAtlasX=" + targX + " inAtlasY=" + targY + " inAtlasW=" + targW + " inAtlasH=" + targH);
            float newWidth  = targW;
            float newHeight = targH;
            float scx       = (float)srcSamplingRect.width;
            float scy       = (float)srcSamplingRect.height;
            float ox        = (float)srcSamplingRect.x;
            float oy        = (float)srcSamplingRect.y;
            int   w         = (int)newWidth;
            int   h         = (int)newHeight;

            if (t == null)
                if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.trace)
                    Debug.Log("No source texture creating a 16x16 texture.");
                t   = combiner._createTemporaryTexture(16, 16, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true);
                scx = 1;
                scy = 1;
                if (data._considerNonTextureProperties && data.nonTexturePropertyBlender != null)
                    Color col = data.nonTexturePropertyBlender.GetColorIfNoTexture(sourceMaterial.matsAndGOs.mats[0].mat, shaderPropertyName);
                    if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.trace)
                        Debug.Log("Setting texture to solid color " + col);
                    MB_Utility.setSolidColor(t, col);
                    Color col = MB3_TextureCombinerNonTextureProperties.GetColorIfNoTexture(shaderPropertyName);
                    MB_Utility.setSolidColor(t, col);
            if (data._considerNonTextureProperties && data.nonTexturePropertyBlender != null)
                t = combiner._createTextureCopy(t);
                t = data.nonTexturePropertyBlender.TintTextureWithTextureCombiner(t, sourceMaterial, shaderPropertyName);
            for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
                if (progressInfo != null && w > 0)
                    progressInfo("CopyScaledAndTiledToAtlas " + (((float)i / (float)w) * 100f).ToString("F0"), .2f);
                for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
                    float u = i / newWidth * scx + ox;
                    float v = j / newHeight * scy + oy;
                    atlasPixels[targY + j][targX + i] = t.GetPixelBilinear(u, v);
            //bleed the border colors into the padding
            for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j <= padding.topBottom; j++)
                    //top margin
                    atlasPixels[(targY - j)][targX + i] = atlasPixels[(targY)][targX + i];
                    //bottom margin
                    atlasPixels[(targY + h - 1 + j)][targX + i] = atlasPixels[(targY + h - 1)][targX + i];
            for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
                for (int i = 1; i <= padding.leftRight; i++)
                    //left margin
                    atlasPixels[(targY + j)][targX - i] = atlasPixels[(targY + j)][targX];
                    //right margin
                    atlasPixels[(targY + j)][targX + w + i - 1] = atlasPixels[(targY + j)][targX + w - 1];
            for (int i = 1; i <= padding.leftRight; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j <= padding.topBottom; j++)
                    atlasPixels[(targY - j)][targX - i]                 = atlasPixels[targY][targX];
                    atlasPixels[(targY + h - 1 + j)][targX - i]         = atlasPixels[(targY + h - 1)][targX];
                    atlasPixels[(targY + h - 1 + j)][targX + w + i - 1] = atlasPixels[(targY + h - 1)][targX + w - 1];
                    atlasPixels[(targY - j)][targX + w + i - 1]         = atlasPixels[targY][targX + w - 1];
                    yield return(null);
                yield return(null);
            //			Debug.Log("copyandscaledatlas finished too!");
            //HasFinished = true;
            yield break;
        public Color GetColorIfNoTexture(Material mat, ShaderTextureProperty texPropertyName)
            if ("_BumpMap"))
                return(new Color(.5f, .5f, 1f));
            else if ("_MainTex"))
                if (mat != null && mat.HasProperty("_Color"))
                    { //need try because can't garantee _Color is a color
                        Color c = mat.GetColor("_Color");
                        sourceMaterialPropertyCache.CacheMaterialProperty(mat, "_Color", c);
                    catch (Exception) { }
            else if ("_MetallicGlossMap"))
                if (mat != null && mat.HasProperty("_Metallic"))
                    { //need try because can't garantee _Metallic is a float
                        float v = mat.GetFloat("_Metallic");
                        Color c = new Color(v, v, v);
                        if (mat.HasProperty("_Glossiness"))
                                c.a = mat.GetFloat("_Glossiness");

                            catch (Exception) { }

                        sourceMaterialPropertyCache.CacheMaterialProperty(mat, "_Metallic", v);
                        sourceMaterialPropertyCache.CacheMaterialProperty(mat, "_Glossiness", c.a);
                    catch (Exception) { }
                    return(new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, .5f));
                    return(new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, .5f));
            else if ("_ParallaxMap"))
                return(new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f));
            else if ("_OcclusionMap"))
                return(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f));
            else if ("_EmissionMap"))
                if (mat != null)
                    if (mat.IsKeywordEnabled("_EMISSION"))
                        if (mat.HasProperty("_EmissionColor"))
                                Color c = mat.GetColor("_EmissionColor");
                                sourceMaterialPropertyCache.CacheMaterialProperty(mat, "_EmissionColor", c);
                            catch (Exception) { }
            else if ("_DetailMask"))
                return(new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f));
            return(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f));
Exemplo n.º 17
            internal static void BuildAtlas(
                AtlasPackingResult packedAtlasRects,
                List <MB_TexSet> distinctMaterialTextures,
                int propIdx,
                int atlasSizeX, int atlasSizeY,
                Mesh m,
                List <Material> generatedMats,
                ShaderTextureProperty property,
                MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.TexturePipelineData data,
                MB3_TextureCombiner combiner,
                MB2_EditorMethodsInterface textureEditorMethods,
                MB2_LogLevel LOG_LEVEL)
                // Collect vertices and quads for mesh that we will use for the atlas.
                Debug.Assert(generatedMats.Count == 0, "Previous mats should have been destroyed");
                List <Vector3> vs  = new List <Vector3>();
                List <Vector2> uvs = new List <Vector2>();

                // One submesh and material per texture that we are packing
                List <int>[] ts = new List <int> [distinctMaterialTextures.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < ts.Length; i++)
                    ts[i] = new List <int>();

                MeshBakerMaterialTexture.readyToBuildAtlases = true;
                MB3_TextureCombinerPackerRoot.CreateTemporaryTexturesForAtlas(data.distinctMaterialTextures, combiner, propIdx, data);

                Rect[] uvRects = packedAtlasRects.rects;
                for (int texSetIdx = 0; texSetIdx < distinctMaterialTextures.Count; texSetIdx++)
                    MB_TexSet texSet = distinctMaterialTextures[texSetIdx];
                    MeshBakerMaterialTexture matTex = texSet.ts[propIdx];

                    if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.trace)
                        Debug.Log(string.Format("Adding texture {0} to atlas {1} for texSet {2} srcMat {3}", matTex.GetTexName(),, texSetIdx, texSet.matsAndGOs.mats[0].GetMaterialName()));
                    Rect      r  = uvRects[texSetIdx];
                    Texture2D t  = matTex.GetTexture2D();
                    int       x  = Mathf.RoundToInt(r.x * atlasSizeX);
                    int       y  = Mathf.RoundToInt(r.y * atlasSizeY);
                    int       ww = Mathf.RoundToInt(r.width * atlasSizeX);
                    int       hh = Mathf.RoundToInt(r.height * atlasSizeY);
                    r = new Rect(x, y, ww, hh);
                    if (ww == 0 || hh == 0)
                        Debug.LogError("Image in atlas has no height or width " + r);
                    DRect samplingRect = texSet.ts[propIdx].GetEncapsulatingSamplingRect();
                    Debug.Assert(!texSet.ts[propIdx].isNull, string.Format("Adding texture {0} to atlas {1} for texSet {2} srcMat {3}", matTex.GetTexName(),, texSetIdx, texSet.matsAndGOs.mats[0].GetMaterialName()));

                    AtlasPadding padding = packedAtlasRects.padding[texSetIdx];
                    AddNineSlicedRect(r, padding.leftRight, padding.topBottom, samplingRect.GetRect(), vs, uvs, ts[texSetIdx], t.width, t.height,;

                    Material mt = new Material(Shader.Find("MeshBaker/Unlit/UnlitWithAlpha"));

                    bool isSavingAsANormalMapAssetThatWillBeImported = property.isNormalMap && data._saveAtlasesAsAssets;
                    MBVersion.PipelineType pipelineType = MBVersion.DetectPipeline();
                    if (pipelineType == MBVersion.PipelineType.URP)
                        ConfigureMaterial_DefaultPipeline(mt, t, isSavingAsANormalMapAssetThatWillBeImported, LOG_LEVEL);
                        //ConfigureMaterial_URP(mt, t, isSavingAsANormalMapAssetThatWillBeImported, LOG_LEVEL);
                    else if (pipelineType == MBVersion.PipelineType.HDRP)
                        ConfigureMaterial_DefaultPipeline(mt, t, isSavingAsANormalMapAssetThatWillBeImported, LOG_LEVEL);
                        ConfigureMaterial_DefaultPipeline(mt, t, isSavingAsANormalMapAssetThatWillBeImported, LOG_LEVEL);


                // Apply to the mesh
                m.vertices     = vs.ToArray();
                m.uv           = uvs.ToArray();
                m.subMeshCount = ts.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < m.subMeshCount; i++)
                    m.SetIndices(ts[i].ToArray(), MeshTopology.Triangles, i);
                MeshBakerMaterialTexture.readyToBuildAtlases = false;
        public bool CollectPropertyNames(List <ShaderTextureProperty> texPropertyNames, ShaderTextureProperty[] shaderTexPropertyNames, List <ShaderTextureProperty> _customShaderPropNames, Material resultMaterial, MB2_LogLevel LOG_LEVEL)
#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
            // 2018.2 and up
            // Collect the property names from the shader
            // Check with the lists of property names to flag which ones are normal maps.
            if (resultMaterial != null && resultMaterial.shader != null)
                Shader s = resultMaterial.shader;

                for (int i = 0; i < s.GetPropertyCount(); i++)
                    if (s.GetPropertyType(i) == UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyType.Texture)
                        string matPropName = s.GetPropertyName(i);
                        if (resultMaterial.GetTextureOffset(matPropName) != new Vector2(0f, 0f))
                            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                                Debug.LogWarning("Result material has non-zero offset for property " + matPropName + ". This is probably incorrect.");

                        if (resultMaterial.GetTextureScale(matPropName) != new Vector2(1f, 1f))
                            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                                Debug.LogWarning("Result material should probably have tiling of 1,1 for propert " + matPropName);

                        ShaderTextureProperty pn = null;
                        // We need to know if the property is a normal map or not.
                        // first check the list of default names
                        for (int defaultIdx = 0; defaultIdx < shaderTexPropertyNames.Length; defaultIdx++)
                            if (shaderTexPropertyNames[defaultIdx].name == matPropName)
                                pn = new ShaderTextureProperty(matPropName, shaderTexPropertyNames[defaultIdx].isNormalMap);

                        // now check the list of custom property names
                        for (int custPropIdx = 0; custPropIdx < _customShaderPropNames.Count; custPropIdx++)
                            if (_customShaderPropNames[custPropIdx].name == matPropName)
                                pn = new ShaderTextureProperty(matPropName, _customShaderPropNames[custPropIdx].isNormalMap);

                        if (pn == null)
                            pn = new ShaderTextureProperty(matPropName, false, true);


                // If using URP or HDRP AND using a default /Lit shader AND both _BaseMap and _MainTex are present, get rid of _MainTex since its essentially a duplicate of _BaseMap
                MBVersion.PipelineType pipelineType = DetectPipeline();
                int  _MainTexIndex = texPropertyNames.FindIndex(pn =>"_MainTex"));
                bool endsWithLit   ="/Lit");
                if (pipelineType == MBVersion.PipelineType.URP && endsWithLit && _MainTexIndex != -1 && texPropertyNames.FindIndex(pn =>"_BaseMap")) != -1)
                    //Debug.Log("Removed _MainTex");
                // HDRP uses _BaseColorMap instead of _BaseMap but same idea
                if (pipelineType == MBVersion.PipelineType.HDRP && endsWithLit && _MainTexIndex != -1 && texPropertyNames.FindIndex(pn =>"_BaseColorMap")) != -1)
                    //Debug.Log("Removed _MainTex");

#elif UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
            // 2018.2 and up
            // Collect the property names from the material
            // Check with the lists of property names to flag which ones are normal maps.
            string[] matPropertyNames = resultMaterial.GetTexturePropertyNames();
            for (int matIdx = 0; matIdx < matPropertyNames.Length; matIdx++)
                string matPropName = matPropertyNames[matIdx];
                if (resultMaterial.GetTextureOffset(matPropName) != new Vector2(0f, 0f))
                    if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                        Debug.LogWarning("Result material has non-zero offset for property " + matPropName + ". This is probably incorrect.");

                if (resultMaterial.GetTextureScale(matPropName) != new Vector2(1f, 1f))
                    if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                        Debug.LogWarning("Result material should probably have tiling of 1,1 for propert " + matPropName);

                ShaderTextureProperty pn = null;
                // We need to know if the property is a normal map or not.
                // first check the list of default names
                for (int defaultIdx = 0; defaultIdx < shaderTexPropertyNames.Length; defaultIdx++)
                    if (shaderTexPropertyNames[defaultIdx].name == matPropName)
                        pn = new ShaderTextureProperty(matPropName, shaderTexPropertyNames[defaultIdx].isNormalMap);

                // now check the list of custom property names
                for (int custPropIdx = 0; custPropIdx < _customShaderPropNames.Count; custPropIdx++)
                    if (_customShaderPropNames[custPropIdx].name == matPropName)
                        pn = new ShaderTextureProperty(matPropName, _customShaderPropNames[custPropIdx].isNormalMap);

                if (pn == null)
                    pn = new ShaderTextureProperty(matPropName, false, true);


            { // Pre 2018.2, doesn't have API for querying material for property names.
                //Collect the property names for the textures
                string shaderPropStr = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < shaderTexPropertyNames.Length; i++)
                    if (resultMaterial.HasProperty(shaderTexPropertyNames[i].name))
                        shaderPropStr += ", " + shaderTexPropertyNames[i].name;
                        if (!texPropertyNames.Contains(shaderTexPropertyNames[i]))
                        if (resultMaterial.GetTextureOffset(shaderTexPropertyNames[i].name) != new Vector2(0f, 0f))
                            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                                Debug.LogWarning("Result material has non-zero offset. This is may be incorrect.");
                        if (resultMaterial.GetTextureScale(shaderTexPropertyNames[i].name) != new Vector2(1f, 1f))
                            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                                Debug.LogWarning("Result material should have tiling of 1,1");

                for (int i = 0; i < _customShaderPropNames.Count; i++)
                    if (resultMaterial.HasProperty(_customShaderPropNames[i].name))
                        shaderPropStr += ", " + _customShaderPropNames[i].name;
                        if (resultMaterial.GetTextureOffset(_customShaderPropNames[i].name) != new Vector2(0f, 0f))
                            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                                Debug.LogWarning("Result material has non-zero offset. This is probably incorrect.");
                        if (resultMaterial.GetTextureScale(_customShaderPropNames[i].name) != new Vector2(1f, 1f))
                            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                                Debug.LogWarning("Result material should probably have tiling of 1,1.");
                        if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                            Debug.LogWarning("Result material shader does not use property " + _customShaderPropNames[i].name + " in the list of custom shader property names");
Exemplo n.º 19
            public Color GetColorAsItWouldAppearInAtlasIfNoTexture(Material matIfBlender, ShaderTextureProperty texProperty)
                Color c = GetColorForTemporaryTexture(matIfBlender, texProperty);

                return(resultMaterialTextureBlender.OnBlendTexturePixel(, c));
Exemplo n.º 20
 public Color GetColorForTemporaryTexture(Material matIfBlender, ShaderTextureProperty texProperty)
     return(resultMaterialTextureBlender.GetColorIfNoTexture(matIfBlender, texProperty));
Exemplo n.º 21
 public Texture2D TintTextureWithTextureCombiner(Texture2D t, MB_TexSet sourceMaterial, ShaderTextureProperty shaderPropertyName)
     Debug.Assert(resultMaterialTextureBlender != null);
     if (_textureProperties.LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.trace)
         Debug.Log(string.Format("Blending texture {0} mat {1} with non-texture properties using TextureBlender {2}",, sourceMaterial.matsAndGOs.mats[0].mat, resultMaterialTextureBlender));
     for (int i = 0; i < t.height; i++)
         Color[] cs = t.GetPixels(0, i, t.width, 1);
         for (int j = 0; j < cs.Length; j++)
             cs[j] = resultMaterialTextureBlender.OnBlendTexturePixel(, cs[j]);
         t.SetPixels(0, i, t.width, 1, cs);
        internal static void SaveAtlasAndConfigureResultMaterial(MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.TexturePipelineData data, MB2_EditorMethodsInterface textureEditorMethods, Texture2D atlas, ShaderTextureProperty property, int propIdx)
            bool doAnySrcMatsHaveProperty = MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline._DoAnySrcMatsHaveProperty(propIdx, data.allTexturesAreNullAndSameColor);

            if (data._saveAtlasesAsAssets && textureEditorMethods != null)
                textureEditorMethods.SaveAtlasToAssetDatabase(atlas, property, propIdx, doAnySrcMatsHaveProperty, data.resultMaterial);
                if (doAnySrcMatsHaveProperty)
                    data.resultMaterial.SetTexture(, atlas);

            if (doAnySrcMatsHaveProperty)
Exemplo n.º 23
 public Color GetColorAsItWouldAppearInAtlasIfNoTexture(Material matIfBlender, ShaderTextureProperty texProperty)
     Debug.Assert(false, "Should never be called");
 public Color GetColorIfNoTexture(Material mat, ShaderTextureProperty texPropertyName)
     if ("_BumpMap"))
         return(new Color(.5f, .5f, 1f));
     else if ("_MainTex"))
         if (mat != null && mat.HasProperty("_Color"))
             { //need try because can't garantee _Color is a color
             catch (Exception) { }
     else if ("_MetallicGlossMap"))
         if (mat != null && mat.HasProperty("_Metallic"))
             { //need try because can't garantee _Metallic is a float
                 float v = mat.GetFloat("_Metallic");
                 Color c = new Color(v, v, v);
                 if (mat.HasProperty("_GlossMapScale"))
                         c.a = mat.GetFloat("_GlossMapScale");
                     catch (Exception) { }
             catch (Exception) { }
             return(new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, .5f));
     else if ("_ParallaxMap"))
         return(new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f));
     else if ("_OcclusionMap"))
         return(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f));
     else if ("_EmissionMap"))
         if (mat != null)
             if (mat.HasProperty("_EmissionColor"))
                 catch (Exception) { }
     else if ("_DetailMask"))
         return(new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f));
     return(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f));
Exemplo n.º 25
 internal Color GetColorForTemporaryTexture(Material matIfBlender, ShaderTextureProperty texProperty)
     return(_nonTexturePropertiesBlender.GetColorForTemporaryTexture(matIfBlender, texProperty));
Exemplo n.º 26
        internal Texture2D DoRenderAtlas(GameObject go, int width, int height, bool isNormalMap, ShaderTextureProperty propertyName)
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch db_time_DoRenderAtlas = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            Debug.Assert(_initialized && _camSetup);
            RenderTexture _destinationTexture;

            if (isNormalMap)
                _destinationTexture = new RenderTexture(width, height, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear);
                _destinationTexture = new RenderTexture(width, height, 24, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32, RenderTextureReadWrite.sRGB);

            _destinationTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
            Camera myCamera = go.GetComponent <Camera>();

            myCamera.targetTexture = _destinationTexture;
            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug)
                Debug.Log(string.Format("Begin Camera.Render destTex w={0} h={1} camPos={2} camSize={3} camAspect={4}", width, height, go.transform.localPosition, myCamera.orthographicSize, myCamera.aspect.ToString("f5")));

            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch db_ConvertRenderTextureToTexture2D = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
            Texture2D tempTexture = new Texture2D(_destinationTexture.width, _destinationTexture.height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true, false);

            MB_TextureCombinerRenderTexture.ConvertRenderTextureToTexture2D(_destinationTexture, MB_TextureCombinerRenderTexture.YisFlipped(LOG_LEVEL), isNormalMap, LOG_LEVEL, tempTexture);

            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.trace)
                Debug.Log("Finished rendering atlas " + + "  db_time_DoRenderAtlas:" + (db_time_DoRenderAtlas.ElapsedMilliseconds * .001f) + "  db_ConvertRenderTextureToTexture2D:" + (db_ConvertRenderTextureToTexture2D.ElapsedMilliseconds * .001f));
 public static void TestRender(Texture2D input, Texture2D output)
     int num = 1;
     ShaderTextureProperty[] array = new ShaderTextureProperty[]
         new ShaderTextureProperty("_BumpMap", false)
     int width = input.width;
     int height = input.height;
     int padding = 0;
     Rect[] rects = new Rect[]
         new Rect(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f)
     List<MB3_TextureCombiner.MB_TexSet> list = new List<MB3_TextureCombiner.MB_TexSet>();
     MB3_TextureCombiner.MeshBakerMaterialTexture[] tss = new MB3_TextureCombiner.MeshBakerMaterialTexture[]
         new MB3_TextureCombiner.MeshBakerMaterialTexture(input)
     MB3_TextureCombiner.MB_TexSet item = new MB3_TextureCombiner.MB_TexSet(tss);
     GameObject gameObject = new GameObject("MBrenderAtlasesGO");
     MB3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture mB3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture = gameObject.AddComponent<MB3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture>();
     for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
         Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[]
             "About to render ",
             " isNormal=",
         mB3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture.LOG_LEVEL = MB2_LogLevel.trace;
         mB3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture.width = width;
         mB3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture.height = height;
         mB3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture.padding = padding;
         mB3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture.rects = rects;
         mB3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture.textureSets = list;
         mB3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture.indexOfTexSetToRender = i;
         mB3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture.isNormalMap = array[i].isNormalMap;
         Texture2D texture2D = mB3_AtlasPackerRenderTexture.OnRenderAtlas(null);
         Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[]
             "Created atlas ",
             " w=",
             " h=",
             " id=",
         Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[]
             "Color ",
             texture2D.GetPixel(5, 5),
             " ",
         byte[] bytes = texture2D.EncodeToPNG();
         File.WriteAllBytes(Application.dataPath + "/_Experiment/red.png", bytes);
Exemplo n.º 28
        public override IEnumerator CreateAtlases(ProgressUpdateDelegate progressInfo,
                                                  MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.TexturePipelineData data, MB3_TextureCombiner combiner,
                                                  AtlasPackingResult packedAtlasRects,
                                                  Texture2D[] atlases, MB2_EditorMethodsInterface textureEditorMethods,
                                                  MB2_LogLevel LOG_LEVEL)
            Rect[] uvRects = packedAtlasRects.rects;

            long estArea    = 0;
            int  atlasSizeX = 1;
            int  atlasSizeY = 1;

            uvRects = null;
            for (int propIdx = 0; propIdx < data.numAtlases; propIdx++)
                ShaderTextureProperty prop  = data.texPropertyNames[propIdx];
                Texture2D             atlas = null;
                if (!MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline._ShouldWeCreateAtlasForThisProperty(propIdx, data._considerNonTextureProperties, data.allTexturesAreNullAndSameColor))
                    atlas = null;
                    if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug)
                        Debug.LogWarning("Beginning loop " + propIdx + " num temporary textures " + combiner._getNumTemporaryTextures());
                    MB3_TextureCombinerPackerRoot.CreateTemporaryTexturesForAtlas(data.distinctMaterialTextures, combiner, propIdx, data);
                    Texture2D[] texToPack = new Texture2D[data.distinctMaterialTextures.Count];
                    for (int texSetIdx = 0; texSetIdx < data.distinctMaterialTextures.Count; texSetIdx++)
                        MB_TexSet txs     = data.distinctMaterialTextures[texSetIdx];
                        int       tWidth  = txs.idealWidth;
                        int       tHeight = txs.idealHeight;
                        Texture2D tx      = txs.ts[propIdx].GetTexture2D();
                        if (progressInfo != null)
                            progressInfo("Adjusting for scale and offset " + tx, .01f);

                        if (textureEditorMethods != null)
                            textureEditorMethods.SetReadWriteFlag(tx, true, true);

                        tx = GetAdjustedForScaleAndOffset2(, txs.ts[propIdx], txs.obUVoffset, txs.obUVscale, data, combiner, LOG_LEVEL);
                        //create a resized copy if necessary
                        if (tx.width != tWidth || tx.height != tHeight)
                            if (progressInfo != null)
                                progressInfo("Resizing texture '" + tx + "'", .01f);
                            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug)
                                Debug.LogWarning("Copying and resizing texture " + + " from " + tx.width + "x" + tx.height + " to " + tWidth + "x" + tHeight);
                            tx = combiner._resizeTexture(, (Texture2D)tx, tWidth, tHeight);

                        estArea += tx.width * tx.height;
                        if (data._considerNonTextureProperties)
                            //combine the tintColor with the texture
                            tx = combiner._createTextureCopy(, tx);
                            data.nonTexturePropertyBlender.TintTextureWithTextureCombiner(tx, data.distinctMaterialTextures[texSetIdx], prop);

                        texToPack[texSetIdx] = tx;

                    if (textureEditorMethods != null)

                    if (Math.Sqrt(estArea) > 3500f)
                        if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                            Debug.LogWarning("The maximum possible atlas size is 4096. Textures may be shrunk");

                    atlas = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true);
                    if (progressInfo != null)
                        progressInfo("Packing texture atlas " +, .25f);
                    if (propIdx == 0)
                        if (progressInfo != null)
                            progressInfo("Estimated min size of atlases: " + Math.Sqrt(estArea).ToString("F0"), .1f);
                        if (LOG_LEVEL >=
                            Debug.Log("Estimated atlas minimum size:" + Math.Sqrt(estArea).ToString("F0"));
                        int maxAtlasSize = 4096;
                        uvRects = atlas.PackTextures(texToPack, data._atlasPadding, maxAtlasSize, false);
                        if (LOG_LEVEL >=
                            Debug.Log("After pack textures atlas size " + atlas.width + " " + atlas.height);
                        atlasSizeX = atlas.width;
                        atlasSizeY = atlas.height;
                        if (progressInfo != null)
                            progressInfo("Copying Textures Into: " +, .1f);
                        atlas = _copyTexturesIntoAtlas(texToPack, data._atlasPadding, uvRects, atlasSizeX, atlasSizeY, combiner);

                atlases[propIdx] = atlas;

                if (data._saveAtlasesAsAssets && textureEditorMethods != null)
                    textureEditorMethods.SaveAtlasToAssetDatabase(atlases[propIdx], prop, propIdx, data.resultMaterial);
            packedAtlasRects.rects = uvRects;
            yield break;
        internal static IEnumerator CopyScaledAndTiledToAtlas(MeshBakerMaterialTexture source, MB_TexSet sourceMaterial,
                                                              ShaderTextureProperty shaderPropertyName, DRect srcSamplingRect, int targX, int targY, int targW, int targH,
                                                              AtlasPadding padding,
                                                              Color[][] atlasPixels, bool isNormalMap,
                                                              MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.TexturePipelineData data,
                                                              MB3_TextureCombiner combiner,
                                                              ProgressUpdateDelegate progressInfo = null,
                                                              MB2_LogLevel LOG_LEVEL =
            //HasFinished = false;
            Texture2D t = source.GetTexture2D();

            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug)
                Debug.Log(String.Format("CopyScaledAndTiledToAtlas: {0} inAtlasX={1} inAtlasY={2} inAtlasW={3} inAtlasH={4} paddX={5} paddY={6} srcSamplingRect={7}",
                                        t, targX, targY, targW, targH, padding.leftRight, padding.topBottom, srcSamplingRect));
            float newWidth  = targW;
            float newHeight = targH;
            float scx       = (float)srcSamplingRect.width;
            float scy       = (float)srcSamplingRect.height;
            float ox        = (float)srcSamplingRect.x;
            float oy        = (float)srcSamplingRect.y;
            int   w         = (int)newWidth;
            int   h         = (int)newHeight;

            if (data._considerNonTextureProperties)
                t = combiner._createTextureCopy(, t);
                t = data.nonTexturePropertyBlender.TintTextureWithTextureCombiner(t, sourceMaterial, shaderPropertyName);
            for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
                if (progressInfo != null && w > 0)
                    progressInfo("CopyScaledAndTiledToAtlas " + (((float)i / (float)w) * 100f).ToString("F0"), .2f);
                for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
                    float u = i / newWidth * scx + ox;
                    float v = j / newHeight * scy + oy;
                    atlasPixels[targY + j][targX + i] = t.GetPixelBilinear(u, v);

            //bleed the border colors into the padding
            for (int i = 0; i < w; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j <= padding.topBottom; j++)
                    //top margin
                    atlasPixels[(targY - j)][targX + i] = atlasPixels[(targY)][targX + i];
                    //bottom margin
                    atlasPixels[(targY + h - 1 + j)][targX + i] = atlasPixels[(targY + h - 1)][targX + i];
            for (int j = 0; j < h; j++)
                for (int i = 1; i <= padding.leftRight; i++)
                    //left margin
                    atlasPixels[(targY + j)][targX - i] = atlasPixels[(targY + j)][targX];
                    //right margin
                    atlasPixels[(targY + j)][targX + w + i - 1] = atlasPixels[(targY + j)][targX + w - 1];
            for (int i = 1; i <= padding.leftRight; i++)
                for (int j = 1; j <= padding.topBottom; j++)
                    atlasPixels[(targY - j)][targX - i]                 = atlasPixels[targY][targX];
                    atlasPixels[(targY + h - 1 + j)][targX - i]         = atlasPixels[(targY + h - 1)][targX];
                    atlasPixels[(targY + h - 1 + j)][targX + w + i - 1] = atlasPixels[(targY + h - 1)][targX + w - 1];
                    atlasPixels[(targY - j)][targX + w + i - 1]         = atlasPixels[targY][targX + w - 1];
                    yield return(null);
                yield return(null);
            //			Debug.Log("copyandscaledatlas finished too!");
            //HasFinished = true;
            yield break;
        Color GetColorIfNoTexture(Material mat, ShaderTextureProperty texProperty)
            if (texProperty.isNormalMap){
                return new Color(.5f,.5f,1f);
            } else if ("_MainTex")){
                if (mat != null && mat.HasProperty("_Color")){
                    try{ //need try because can't garantee _Color is a color
                        return mat.GetColor("_Color");
                    } catch (Exception){}
            } else if ( ("_SpecGlossMap")){
                if (mat != null && mat.HasProperty("_SpecColor")){
                    try{ //need try because can't garantee _Color is a color
                        Color c = mat.GetColor("_SpecColor");
                        if (mat.HasProperty("_Glossiness")){
                                c.a = mat.GetFloat("_Glossiness");
                            } catch (Exception){}
                        return c;
                    } catch (Exception){}
            } else if ("_MetallicGlossMap")){
                if (mat != null && mat.HasProperty("_Metallic")){
                    try{ //need try because can't garantee _Metallic is a float
                        float v = mat.GetFloat("_Metallic");
                        Color c = new Color(v,v,v);
                        if (mat.HasProperty("_Glossiness")){
                                c.a = mat.GetFloat("_Glossiness");
                            } catch (Exception){}
                        return c;
                    } catch (Exception){}
            } else if ("_ParallaxMap")){
                return new Color(0f,0f,0f,0f);
            } else if ("_OcclusionMap")){
                return new Color(1f,1f,1f,1f);
            } else if ("_EmissionMap")){
                if (mat != null){
                    if (mat.HasProperty("_EmissionScaleUI")){
                        //Standard shader has weird behavior if EmissionMap has never
                        //been set then no EmissionColorUI color picker. If has ever
                        //been set then is EmissionColorUI color picker.
                        if (mat.HasProperty("_EmissionColor") &&
                            mat.HasProperty ("_EmissionColorUI")){
                                Color c1 = mat.GetColor("_EmissionColor");
                                Color c2 = mat.GetColor("_EmissionColorUI");
                                float f = mat.GetFloat("_EmissionScaleUI");
                                if (c1 == new Color(0f,0f,0f,0f) &&
                                    c2 == new Color(1f,1f,1f,1f)){
                                    //is virgin Emission values
                                    return new Color(f,f,f,f);
                                } else { //non virgin Emission values
                                    return c2;
                            } catch(Exception){}

                        } else {
                            try{ //need try because can't garantee _Color is a color
                                float f = mat.GetFloat("_EmissionScaleUI");
                                return new Color(f,f,f,f);
                            } catch (Exception){}
            } else if ("_DetailMask")){
                return new Color(0f,0f,0f,0f);
            return new Color(1f,1f,1f,0f);
        public override IEnumerator CreateAtlases(ProgressUpdateDelegate progressInfo,
                                                  MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.TexturePipelineData data, MB3_TextureCombiner combiner,
                                                  AtlasPackingResult packedAtlasRects,
                                                  Texture2D[] atlases, MB2_EditorMethodsInterface textureEditorMethods,
                                                  MB2_LogLevel LOG_LEVEL)
            Rect[] uvRects = packedAtlasRects.rects;

            int atlasSizeX = packedAtlasRects.atlasX;
            int atlasSizeY = packedAtlasRects.atlasY;

            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug)
                Debug.Log("Generated atlas will be " + atlasSizeX + "x" + atlasSizeY);

            for (int propIdx = 0; propIdx < data.numAtlases; propIdx++)
                Texture2D             atlas    = null;
                ShaderTextureProperty property = data.texPropertyNames[propIdx];
                if (!MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline._ShouldWeCreateAtlasForThisProperty(propIdx, data._considerNonTextureProperties, data.allTexturesAreNullAndSameColor))
                    atlas = null;
                    if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug)
                        Debug.Log("=== Not creating atlas for " + + " because textures are null and default value parameters are the same.");
                    if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug)
                        Debug.Log("=== Creating atlas for " +;


                    CreateTemporaryTexturesForAtlas(data.distinctMaterialTextures, combiner, propIdx, data);

                    //use a jagged array because it is much more efficient in memory
                    Color[][] atlasPixels = new Color[atlasSizeY][];
                    for (int j = 0; j < atlasPixels.Length; j++)
                        atlasPixels[j] = new Color[atlasSizeX];

                    bool isNormalMap = false;
                    if (property.isNormalMap)
                        isNormalMap = true;

                    for (int texSetIdx = 0; texSetIdx < data.distinctMaterialTextures.Count; texSetIdx++)
                        MB_TexSet texSet = data.distinctMaterialTextures[texSetIdx];
                        MeshBakerMaterialTexture matTex = texSet.ts[propIdx];
                        string s = "Creating Atlas '" + + "' texture " + matTex.GetTexName();
                        if (progressInfo != null)
                            progressInfo(s, .01f);
                        if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.trace)
                            Debug.Log(string.Format("Adding texture {0} to atlas {1} for texSet {2} srcMat {3}", matTex.GetTexName(),, texSetIdx, texSet.matsAndGOs.mats[0].GetMaterialName()));
                        Rect      r  = uvRects[texSetIdx];
                        Texture2D t  = texSet.ts[propIdx].GetTexture2D();
                        int       x  = Mathf.RoundToInt(r.x * atlasSizeX);
                        int       y  = Mathf.RoundToInt(r.y * atlasSizeY);
                        int       ww = Mathf.RoundToInt(r.width * atlasSizeX);
                        int       hh = Mathf.RoundToInt(r.height * atlasSizeY);
                        if (ww == 0 || hh == 0)
                            Debug.LogError("Image in atlas has no height or width " + r);
                        if (progressInfo != null)
                            progressInfo(s + " set ReadWrite flag", .01f);
                        if (textureEditorMethods != null)
                            textureEditorMethods.SetReadWriteFlag(t, true, true);
                        if (progressInfo != null)
                            progressInfo(s + "Copying to atlas: '" + matTex.GetTexName() + "'", .02f);
                        DRect samplingRect = texSet.ts[propIdx].GetEncapsulatingSamplingRect();
                        Debug.Assert(!texSet.ts[propIdx].isNull, string.Format("Adding texture {0} to atlas {1} for texSet {2} srcMat {3}", matTex.GetTexName(),, texSetIdx, texSet.matsAndGOs.mats[0].GetMaterialName()));
                        yield return(CopyScaledAndTiledToAtlas(texSet.ts[propIdx], texSet, property, samplingRect, x, y, ww, hh, packedAtlasRects.padding[texSetIdx], atlasPixels, isNormalMap, data, combiner, progressInfo, LOG_LEVEL));

                    yield return(data.numAtlases);

                    if (progressInfo != null)
                        progressInfo("Applying changes to atlas: '" + + "'", .03f);
                    atlas = new Texture2D(atlasSizeX, atlasSizeY, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true);
                    for (int j = 0; j < atlasPixels.Length; j++)
                        atlas.SetPixels(0, j, atlasSizeX, 1, atlasPixels[j]);

                    if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug)
                        Debug.Log("Saving atlas " + + " w=" + atlas.width + " h=" + atlas.height);

                atlases[propIdx] = atlas;
                if (progressInfo != null)
                    progressInfo("Saving atlas: '" + + "'", .04f);
                System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
                if (data._saveAtlasesAsAssets && textureEditorMethods != null)
                    textureEditorMethods.SaveAtlasToAssetDatabase(atlases[propIdx], data.texPropertyNames[propIdx], propIdx, data.resultMaterial);
                    data.resultMaterial.SetTexture(data.texPropertyNames[propIdx].name, atlases[propIdx]);


            yield break;
Exemplo n.º 32
 internal Texture2D TintTextureWithTextureCombiner(Texture2D t, MB_TexSet sourceMaterial, ShaderTextureProperty shaderPropertyName)
     return(_nonTexturePropertiesBlender.TintTextureWithTextureCombiner(t, sourceMaterial, shaderPropertyName));
Exemplo n.º 33
 public Color GetColorIfNoTexture(Material mat, ShaderTextureProperty texProperty)
     if (texProperty.isNormalMap)
         return(new Color(.5f, .5f, 1f));
     else if ("_MainTex"))
         if (mat != null && mat.HasProperty("_Color"))
             { //need try because can't garantee _Color is a color
             catch (Exception) { }
         else if (mat != null && mat.HasProperty("_TintColor"))
             {                     //need try because can't garantee _TintColor is a color
             catch (Exception) { }
     else if ("_SpecGlossMap"))
         if (mat != null && mat.HasProperty("_SpecColor"))
             { //need try because can't garantee _Color is a color
                 Color c = mat.GetColor("_SpecColor");
                 if (mat.HasProperty("_Glossiness"))
                         c.a = mat.GetFloat("_Glossiness");
                     catch (Exception) { }
             catch (Exception) { }
     else if ("_MetallicGlossMap"))
         if (mat != null && mat.HasProperty("_Metallic"))
             { //need try because can't garantee _Metallic is a float
                 float v = mat.GetFloat("_Metallic");
                 Color c = new Color(v, v, v);
                 if (mat.HasProperty("_Glossiness"))
                         c.a = mat.GetFloat("_Glossiness");
                     catch (Exception) { }
             catch (Exception) { }
     else if ("_ParallaxMap"))
         return(new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f));
     else if ("_OcclusionMap"))
         return(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f));
     else if ("_EmissionMap"))
         if (mat != null)
             if (mat.HasProperty("_EmissionScaleUI"))
                 //Standard shader has weird behavior if EmissionMap has never
                 //been set then no EmissionColorUI color picker. If has ever
                 //been set then is EmissionColorUI color picker.
                 if (mat.HasProperty("_EmissionColor") &&
                         Color c1 = mat.GetColor("_EmissionColor");
                         Color c2 = mat.GetColor("_EmissionColorUI");
                         float f  = mat.GetFloat("_EmissionScaleUI");
                         if (c1 == new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f) &&
                             c2 == new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f))
                             //is virgin Emission values
                             return(new Color(f, f, f, f));
                         else   //non virgin Emission values
                     catch (Exception) { }
                     { //need try because can't garantee _Color is a color
                         float f = mat.GetFloat("_EmissionScaleUI");
                         return(new Color(f, f, f, f));
                     catch (Exception) { }
     else if ("_DetailMask"))
         return(new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f));
     return(new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f));
Exemplo n.º 34
 internal Color GetColorAsItWouldAppearInAtlasIfNoTexture(Material matIfBlender, ShaderTextureProperty texProperty)
     return(_nonTexturePropertiesBlender.GetColorAsItWouldAppearInAtlasIfNoTexture(matIfBlender, texProperty));
Exemplo n.º 35
        public bool CollectPropertyNames(List <ShaderTextureProperty> texPropertyNames, ShaderTextureProperty[] shaderTexPropertyNames, List <ShaderTextureProperty> _customShaderPropNames, Material resultMaterial, MB2_LogLevel LOG_LEVEL)
#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
            // 2018.2 and up
            // Collect the property names from the shader
            // Check with the lists of property names to flag which ones are normal maps.
            if (resultMaterial != null && resultMaterial.shader != null)
                Shader s = resultMaterial.shader;

                for (int i = 0; i < s.GetPropertyCount(); i++)
                    if (s.GetPropertyType(i) == UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyType.Texture)
                        string matPropName = s.GetPropertyName(i);
                        if (resultMaterial.GetTextureOffset(matPropName) != new Vector2(0f, 0f))
                            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                                Debug.LogWarning("Result material has non-zero offset for property " + matPropName + ". This is probably incorrect.");

                        if (resultMaterial.GetTextureScale(matPropName) != new Vector2(1f, 1f))
                            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                                Debug.LogWarning("Result material should probably have tiling of 1,1 for propert " + matPropName);

                        ShaderTextureProperty pn = null;
                        // We need to know if the property is a normal map or not.
                        // first check the list of default names
                        for (int defaultIdx = 0; defaultIdx < shaderTexPropertyNames.Length; defaultIdx++)
                            if (shaderTexPropertyNames[defaultIdx].name == matPropName)
                                pn = new ShaderTextureProperty(matPropName, shaderTexPropertyNames[defaultIdx].isNormalMap);

                        // now check the list of custom property names
                        for (int custPropIdx = 0; custPropIdx < _customShaderPropNames.Count; custPropIdx++)
                            if (_customShaderPropNames[custPropIdx].name == matPropName)
                                pn = new ShaderTextureProperty(matPropName, _customShaderPropNames[custPropIdx].isNormalMap);

                        if (pn == null)
                            pn = new ShaderTextureProperty(matPropName, false, true);


#elif UNITY_2018_3_OR_NEWER
            // 2018.2 and up
            // Collect the property names from the material
            // Check with the lists of property names to flag which ones are normal maps.
            string[] matPropertyNames = resultMaterial.GetTexturePropertyNames();
            for (int matIdx = 0; matIdx < matPropertyNames.Length; matIdx++)
                string matPropName = matPropertyNames[matIdx];
                if (resultMaterial.GetTextureOffset(matPropName) != new Vector2(0f, 0f))
                    if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                        Debug.LogWarning("Result material has non-zero offset for property " + matPropName + ". This is probably incorrect.");

                if (resultMaterial.GetTextureScale(matPropName) != new Vector2(1f, 1f))
                    if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                        Debug.LogWarning("Result material should probably have tiling of 1,1 for propert " + matPropName);

                ShaderTextureProperty pn = null;
                // We need to know if the property is a normal map or not.
                // first check the list of default names
                for (int defaultIdx = 0; defaultIdx < shaderTexPropertyNames.Length; defaultIdx++)
                    if (shaderTexPropertyNames[defaultIdx].name == matPropName)
                        pn = new ShaderTextureProperty(matPropName, shaderTexPropertyNames[defaultIdx].isNormalMap);

                // now check the list of custom property names
                for (int custPropIdx = 0; custPropIdx < _customShaderPropNames.Count; custPropIdx++)
                    if (_customShaderPropNames[custPropIdx].name == matPropName)
                        pn = new ShaderTextureProperty(matPropName, _customShaderPropNames[custPropIdx].isNormalMap);

                if (pn == null)
                    pn = new ShaderTextureProperty(matPropName, false, true);


            { // Pre 2018.2, doesn't have API for querying material for property names.
                //Collect the property names for the textures
                string shaderPropStr = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < shaderTexPropertyNames.Length; i++)
                    if (resultMaterial.HasProperty(shaderTexPropertyNames[i].name))
                        shaderPropStr += ", " + shaderTexPropertyNames[i].name;
                        if (!texPropertyNames.Contains(shaderTexPropertyNames[i]))
                        if (resultMaterial.GetTextureOffset(shaderTexPropertyNames[i].name) != new Vector2(0f, 0f))
                            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                                Debug.LogWarning("Result material has non-zero offset. This is may be incorrect.");
                        if (resultMaterial.GetTextureScale(shaderTexPropertyNames[i].name) != new Vector2(1f, 1f))
                            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                                Debug.LogWarning("Result material should have tiling of 1,1");

                for (int i = 0; i < _customShaderPropNames.Count; i++)
                    if (resultMaterial.HasProperty(_customShaderPropNames[i].name))
                        shaderPropStr += ", " + _customShaderPropNames[i].name;
                        if (resultMaterial.GetTextureOffset(_customShaderPropNames[i].name) != new Vector2(0f, 0f))
                            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                                Debug.LogWarning("Result material has non-zero offset. This is probably incorrect.");
                        if (resultMaterial.GetTextureScale(_customShaderPropNames[i].name) != new Vector2(1f, 1f))
                            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                                Debug.LogWarning("Result material should probably have tiling of 1,1.");
                        if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.warn)
                            Debug.LogWarning("Result material shader does not use property " + _customShaderPropNames[i].name + " in the list of custom shader property names");