private ITable[] FindChangedTables(ITransaction checkTransaction, CommitTableInfo[] normalizedChangedTables)
            var changedTableSource = new ITable[normalizedChangedTables.Length];

            // Set up the above arrays
            for (int i = 0; i < normalizedChangedTables.Length; ++i)
                // Get the information for this changed table
                CommitTableInfo tableInfo = normalizedChangedTables[i];

                // Get the master table that changed from the normalized list.
                TableSource master = tableInfo.Master;
                // Did this table change since the transaction started?
                var allTableChanges = tableInfo.ChangesSinceCommit;

                if (allTableChanges == null || allTableChanges.Length == 0)
                    // No changes so we can pick the correct IIndexSet from the current
                    // transaction.

                    // Get the state of the changed tables from the Transaction
                    var mtable = Transaction.GetMutableTable(master.TableInfo.TableName);
                    // Get the current index set of the changed table
                    tableInfo.IndexSet = Transaction.GetIndexSetForTable(master);
                    // Flush all index changes in the table

                    // Set the 'check_transaction' object with the latest version of the
                    // table.
                    checkTransaction.State.UpdateVisibleTable(tableInfo.Master, tableInfo.IndexSet);
                    // There were changes so we need to merge the changes with the
                    // current view of the table.

                    // It's not immediately obvious how this merge update works, but
                    // basically what happens is we WriteByte the table journal with all the
                    // changes into a new IMutableTableDataSource of the current
                    // committed state, and then we flush all the changes into the
                    // index and then update the 'check_transaction' with this change.

                    // Create the IMutableTableDataSource with the changes from this
                    // journal.
                    var mtable = master.GetMutableTable(checkTransaction, tableInfo.Journal);
                    // Get the current index set of the changed table
                    tableInfo.IndexSet = checkTransaction.GetIndexSetForTable(master);
                    // Flush all index changes in the table

                    // Dispose the table

                // And now refresh the 'changedTableSource' entry
                changedTableSource[i] = checkTransaction.GetTable(master.TableInfo.TableName);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public ITableSource CreateTableSource(TableInfo tableInfo, bool temporary)
            lock (commitLock) {
                try {
                    int tableId = NextTableId();

                    // Create the object.
                    var storeSystem = StoreSystem;
                    if (temporary)
                        storeSystem = tempStoreSystem;

                    var source = new TableSource(this, storeSystem, tableId, tableInfo.TableName.FullName);

                    tableSources.Add(tableId, source);

                    if (!temporary)


                    // And return it.
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to create source for table '{tableInfo.TableName}'.", e);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public TableSourceGC(TableSource tableSource)
            this.tableSource = tableSource;
            deletedRows      = new BlockIndex <int>();

            // lastSuccess = DateTime.UtcNow;
            // lastTry = null;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public TableSourceGC(TableSource tableSource)
            this.tableSource = tableSource;
            deletedRows = new SortedCollection<SqlObject, long>();

            // lastSuccess = DateTime.UtcNow;
            // lastTry = null;
Exemplo n.º 5
        internal void UpdateVisibleTable(TableSource table, IIndexSet indexSet)
            if (Transaction.ReadOnly())
                throw new Exception("Transaction is Read-only.");

            AddVisibleTable(table, indexSet);
        private CommitTableInfo[] GetNormalizedChangedTables()
            // Create a normalized list of TableSource of all tables that
            // were either changed (and not dropped), and created (and not dropped).
            // This list represents all tables that are either new or changed in
            // this transaction.

            var normalizedChangedTables = new List <CommitTableInfo>(8);

            // Add all tables that were changed and not dropped in this transaction.

                ChangedTables.Select(tableJournal => new { tableJournal, tableId = tableJournal.TableId })
                .Where(t => !DroppedTables.Contains(t.tableId))
                .Select(t => new { t, source = TableSystem.GetTableSource(t.tableId) })
                .Select(t => new CommitTableInfo {
                Master             = t.source,
                Journal            = t.t.tableJournal,
                ChangesSinceCommit = t.source.FindChangesSinceCommit(Id).ToArray()

            // Add all tables that were created and not dropped in this transaction.
            foreach (var tableId in CreatedTables)
                // If this table is not dropped in this transaction then this is a
                // new table in this transaction.
                if (!DroppedTables.Contains(tableId))
                    TableSource masterTable = TableSystem.GetTableSource(tableId);
                    if (!CommitTableListContains(normalizedChangedTables, masterTable))
                        // This is for entries that are created but modified (no journal).
                        var tableInfo = new CommitTableInfo {
                            Master = masterTable


        private TableSource[] GetNormalizedDroppedTables()
            // Create a normalized list of TableSource of all tables that
            // were dropped (and not created) in this transaction.  This list
            // represents tables that will be dropped if the transaction
            // successfully commits.

            var normalizedDroppedTables = new List <TableSource>(8);

            foreach (var tableId in DroppedTables)
                // Was this dropped table also created?  If it was created in this
                // transaction then we don't care about it.
                if (!CreatedTables.Contains(tableId))
                    TableSource masterTable = TableSystem.GetTableSource(tableId);

Exemplo n.º 8
        public VersionedTableIndexList(TableSource tableSource)
            TableSource = tableSource;

            eventRegistries = new List <TableEventRegistry>();
 private static bool CommitTableListContains(IEnumerable <CommitTableInfo> list, TableSource master)
     return(list.Any(info => info.Master.Equals(master)));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public IEnumerable <TableSource> Execute(IList <ObjectCommitState> objectStates)
            var changedTablesList = new List <TableSource>();

            // This is a transaction that will represent the view of the database
            // at the end of the commit
            ITransaction checkTransaction = null;

            bool entriesCommitted = false;

            try {
                // ---- Commit check stage ----

                // Tests passed so go on to commit,

                // ---- Commit stage ----

                var normalizedChangedTables = GetNormalizedChangedTables();
                var normalizedDroppedTables = GetNormalizedDroppedTables();

                // We now need to create a ITransaction object that we
                // use to send to the triggering mechanism.  This
                // object represents a very specific view of the
                // transaction.  This view contains the latest version of changed
                // tables in this transaction.  It also contains any tables that have
                // been created by this transaction and does not contain any tables
                // that have been dropped.  Any tables that have not been touched by
                // this transaction are shown in their current committed state.
                // To summarize - this view is the current view of the database plus
                // any modifications made by the transaction that is being committed.

                // How this works - All changed tables are merged with the current
                // committed table.  All created tables are added into check_transaction
                // and all dropped tables are removed from check_transaction.  If
                // there were no other changes to a table between the time the
                // transaction was created and now, the view of the table in the
                // transaction is used, otherwise the latest changes are merged.

                // Note that this view will be the view that the database will
                // ultimately become if this transaction successfully commits.  Also,
                // you should appreciate that this view is NOT exactly the same as
                // the current trasaction view because any changes that have been
                // committed by concurrent transactions will be reflected in this view.

                // Create a new transaction of the database which will represent the
                // committed view if this commit is successful.
                checkTransaction = TableSystem.Database.CreateTransaction(IsolationLevel.Serializable);

                // Overwrite this view with tables from this transaction that have
                // changed or have been added or dropped.

                // (Note that order here is important).  First drop any tables from
                // this view.
                foreach (TableSource masterTable in normalizedDroppedTables)
                    // Drop this table in the current view

                // Now add any changed tables to the view.

                // Represents view of the changed tables
                var changedTableSource = FindChangedTables(checkTransaction, normalizedChangedTables);

                // The 'checkTransaction' now represents the view the database will be
                // if the commit succeeds.  We Lock 'checkTransaction' so it is
                // Read-only (the view is immutable).

                CheckConstraintViolations(checkTransaction, normalizedChangedTables, changedTableSource);

                // Deferred trigger events.

                // NOTE: This isn't as fail safe as it could be.  We really need to
                //  do the commit in two phases.  The first writes updated indices to
                //  the index files.  The second updates the header pointer for the
                //  respective table.  Perhaps we can make the header update
                //  procedure just one file Write.

                // Finally, at this point all constraint checks have passed and the
                // changes are ready to finally be committed as permanent changes
                // to the Composite.  All that needs to be done is to commit our
                // IIndexSet indices for each changed table as final.
                // ISSUE: Should we separate the 'committing of indexes' changes and
                //   'committing of delete/add flags' to make the FS more robust?
                //   It would be more robust if all indexes are committed in one go,
                //   then all table flag data.

                // Set flag to indicate we have committed entries.
                entriesCommitted = true;

                // For each change to each table,
                foreach (CommitTableInfo tableInfo in normalizedChangedTables)
                    // Get the journal that details the change to the table.
                    var changeJournal = tableInfo.Journal;
                    if (changeJournal != null)
                        // Get the master table with this table id.
                        TableSource master = tableInfo.Master;
                        // Commit the changes to the table.
                        // We use 'this.commit_id' which is the current commit level we are
                        // at.
                        master.CommitTransactionChange(TableSystem.Database.OpenTransactions.CurrentCommitId, changeJournal, tableInfo.IndexSet);
                        // Add to 'changed_tables_list'

                // Only do this if we've created or dropped tables.
                if (CreatedTables.Any() || DroppedTables.Any())
                    // Update the committed tables in the Composite state.
                    // This will update and synchronize the headers in this Composite.
                    TableSystem.CommitToTables(CreatedTables, DroppedTables);

                // Update the namespace clash list
                if (ObjectsCreated.Any() || ObjectsDropped.Any())
                    objectStates.Add(new ObjectCommitState(Id, ObjectsCreated, ObjectsDropped));
            } finally {
                try {
                    // If entries_committed == false it means we didn't get to a point
                    // where any changed tables were committed.  Attempt to rollback the
                    // changes in this transaction if they haven't been committed yet.
                    if (entriesCommitted == false)
                        // For each change to each table,
                        foreach (ITableEventRegistry changeJournal in ChangedTables)
                            // The table the changes were made to.
                            int tableId = changeJournal.TableId;
                            // Get the master table with this table id.
                            TableSource master = TableSystem.GetTableSource(tableId);
                            // Commit the rollback on the table.

                        // TODO: Notify the system we're rolling back
                } finally {
                    try {
                        // Dispose the 'checkTransaction'
                        if (checkTransaction != null)
                        // Always ensure a transaction close, even if we have an exception.
                        // Notify the Composite that this transaction has closed.
                    } catch (Exception) {
                        // TODO: notify the error
                    } finally {
                        Done = true;

Exemplo n.º 11
        private void CheckConflicts(IEnumerable <ObjectCommitState> namespaceJournals)

            // Check there isn't a namespace clash with database objects.
            // We need to create a list of all create and drop activity in the
            // Composite from when the transaction started.
            var allDroppedObs = new List <ObjectName>();
            var allCreatedObs = new List <ObjectName>();

            foreach (var nsJournal in namespaceJournals)
                if (nsJournal.CommitId >= Id)

            // The list of all dropped objects since this transaction
            // began.
            bool       conflict5    = false;
            ObjectName conflictName = null;
            string     conflictDesc = "";

            foreach (ObjectName droppedOb in allDroppedObs)
                if (ObjectsDropped.Contains(droppedOb))
                    conflict5    = true;
                    conflictName = droppedOb;
                    conflictDesc = "dropped";
            // The list of all created objects since this transaction
            // began.
            foreach (ObjectName createdOb in allCreatedObs)
                if (ObjectsCreated.Contains(createdOb))
                    conflict5    = true;
                    conflictName = createdOb;
                    conflictDesc = "created";
            if (conflict5)
                // Namespace conflict...
                throw new ObjectDuplicatedConflictException(conflictName, conflictDesc);

            // For each journal,
            foreach (var changeJournal in ChangedTables)
                // The table the change was made to.
                int tableId = changeJournal.TableId;
                // Get the master table with this table id.
                TableSource master = TableSystem.GetTableSource(tableId);

                // True if the state contains a committed resource with the given name
                bool committedResource = TableSystem.ContainsVisibleResource(tableId);

                // Check this table is still in the committed tables list.
                if (!CreatedTables.Contains(tableId) && !committedResource)
                    // This table is no longer a committed table, so rollback
                    throw new NonCommittedConflictException(master.TableInfo.TableName);

                // Since this journal was created, check to see if any changes to the
                // tables have been committed since.
                // This will return all journals on the table with the same commit_id
                // or greater.
                var journalsSince = master.FindChangesSinceCommit(Id);

                // For each journal, determine if there's any clashes.
                foreach (var tableJournal in journalsSince)
                    // This will thrown an exception if a commit classes.
                    if (changeJournal.TestCommitClash(tableJournal, out var conflict))
                        throw new RowRemoveConflictException(master.TableName, conflict.RowId);

            // Look at the transaction journal, if a table is dropped that has
            // journal entries since the last commit then we have an exception
            // case.
            foreach (int tableId in DroppedTables)
                // Get the master table with this table id.
                TableSource master = TableSystem.GetTableSource(tableId);
                // Any journal entries made to this dropped table?
                if (master.FindChangesSinceCommit(Id).Any())
                    // Oops, yes, rollback!
                    throw new DroppedModifiedObjectConflictException(master.TableInfo.TableName);