Exemplo n.º 1
        private void UpdateFade()
            if (FadeDuration > 0.0f)
                if (destructible == null)
                    destructible = GetComponent <D2dDestructible>();

                if (destructible != null)
                    if (FadeDuration > 0.0f && Life < FadeDuration)
                        if (startColor == default(Color))
                            startColor = destructible.Color;

                        var finalColor = startColor;

                        finalColor.a *= Life / FadeDuration;

                        destructible.Color = finalColor;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void UpdateBeforeBuild()
            if (cachedDestructible == null)
                cachedDestructible = GetComponent <D2dDestructible>();

            if (child == null)

                if (child == null)
                    child = new GameObject("Collider");

                    child.layer = transform.gameObject.layer;

                    child.transform.SetParent(transform, false);

            if (cachedDestructible.Ready == true)
                var w = cachedDestructible.AlphaScale.x / cachedDestructible.AlphaWidth;
                var h = cachedDestructible.AlphaScale.y / cachedDestructible.AlphaHeight;

                var offsetX = cachedDestructible.AlphaOffset.x + w * 0.5f;
                var offsetY = cachedDestructible.AlphaOffset.y + h * 0.5f;
                var scaleX  = w / 255.0f;
                var scaleY  = h / 255.0f;

                child.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(offsetX, offsetY, 0.0f);
                child.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(scaleX, scaleY, 1.0f);
        private void Stamp(Vector2 from, Vector2 to)
            // Main camera exists?
            var mainCamera = Camera.main;

            if (mainCamera != null)
                if (from != to)
                    var delta = to - from;

                    lastAngle = -Mathf.Atan2(delta.x, delta.y) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

                var positionA = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(from, Intercept, mainCamera);
                var positionB = D2dHelper.ScreenToWorldPosition(to, Intercept, mainCamera);
                var positionM = (positionA + positionB) * 0.5f;
                var length    = Vector3.Distance(positionA, positionB) * Stretch;

                if (length < Size.y)
                    length = Size.y;

                var size = new Vector2(Size.x, length);

                // Stamp at that point
                D2dDestructible.StampAll(positionM, size, lastAngle, StampTex, Hardness, Layers);
        public void UpdateMass()
            if (cachedRigidbody2DSet == false)
                cachedRigidbody2D    = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
                cachedRigidbody2DSet = true;

            if (cachedDestructibleSet == false)
                cachedDestructible    = GetComponent <D2dDestructible>();
                cachedDestructibleSet = true;

            var newMass = cachedDestructible.AlphaCount * MassPerSolidPixel;

            if (factorInSharpness == true)
                newMass *= cachedDestructible.AlphaSharpness * cachedDestructible.AlphaSharpness;

            if (newMass != lastSetMass)
                cachedRigidbody2D.mass = lastSetMass = newMass;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private bool TryFixTo(D2dDestructible destructible)
            var isDifferent = cachedDestructible != destructible;

            // Temporarily change parent
            transform.SetParent(destructible.transform, false);

            // Find world position of fixture if it were attached to tempDestructible
            var worldPosition = transform.TransformPoint(Offset);

            // Can fix to new point?
            if (destructible.SampleAlpha(worldPosition).a >= 128)
                if (isDifferent == true)

                    cachedDestructible = destructible;



            // Change back to old parent
            transform.SetParent(cachedDestructible.transform, false);

Exemplo n.º 6
 protected virtual void OnEnable()
     if (cachedDestructible == null)
         cachedDestructible = GetComponent <D2dDestructible>();
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void UpdateBeforeBuild()
            if (destructible == null)
                destructible = GetComponent <D2dDestructible>();

            if (child == null)

                if (child == null)
                    child = new GameObject("Collider");

                    child.layer = transform.gameObject.layer;
                    child.tag   = transform.tag;
                    child.transform.SetParent(transform, false);

            if (destructible.AlphaIsValid == true)
                var offsetX = destructible.AlphaRect.x;
                var offsetY = destructible.AlphaRect.y;
                var scaleX  = destructible.AlphaRect.width / destructible.AlphaWidth;
                var scaleY  = destructible.AlphaRect.height / destructible.AlphaHeight;

                child.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(offsetX, offsetY, 0.0f);
                child.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(scaleX, scaleY, 0.0f);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>This will store the specified D2dDestructible's state to this snapshot.</summary>
        public void Save(D2dDestructible destructible)
            if (destructible != null && destructible.Ready == true)
                var total = destructible.AlphaWidth * destructible.AlphaHeight;

                if (AlphaData == null || AlphaData.Length != total)
                    AlphaData = new Color32[total];

                for (var i = 0; i < total; i++)
                    AlphaData[i] = destructible.AlphaData[i];

                Ready       = true;
                AlphaOffset = destructible.AlphaOffset;
                AlphaScale  = destructible.AlphaScale;
                AlphaWidth  = destructible.AlphaWidth;
                AlphaHeight = destructible.AlphaHeight;
                Ready = false;
Exemplo n.º 9
        protected virtual void Update()
            if (ReplaceTextureWithSprite != null)
                if (destructible == null)
                    destructible = GetComponent <D2dDestructible>();


                ReplaceTextureWithSprite = null;

            if (ReplaceTextureWithTexture != null)
                if (destructible == null)
                    destructible = GetComponent <D2dDestructible>();


                ReplaceTextureWithTexture = null;
    void Start()
        gameManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <GameManager>();
        d2d         = GetComponent <Destructible2D.D2dDestructible>();
        score       = GameObject.Find("Scoreboard").GetComponent <ScoreAlpha>();

        startAlpha = d2d.OriginalAlphaCount;
Exemplo n.º 11
        protected virtual void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision)
            if (DebugCollisions == true)
                Debug.Log(name + " hit " + collision.collider.name + " for " + collision.relativeVelocity.magnitude);

            if (ImpactDelay > 0.0f)
                if (Time.time >= cooldownTime)
                    cooldownTime = Time.time + ImpactDelay;

            var collisionMask = 1 << collision.collider.gameObject.layer;

            if ((collisionMask & ImpactMask) != 0)
                var contacts = collision.contacts;

                for (var i = contacts.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    var contact = contacts[i];
                    var impact  = collision.relativeVelocity.magnitude;

                    if (impact >= ImpactThreshold)
                        if (DamageOnImpact == true)
                            if (DamageDestructible == null)
                                DamageDestructible = GetComponentInChildren <D2dDestructible>();

                            if (DamageDestructible != null)
                                DamageDestructible.Damage += impact * DamageScale;

                        if (OnImpact != null)

                        if (UseFirstOnly == true)
        public static void Fracture(D2dDestructible destructible, int count, float irregularity)
            if (destructible != null && count > 0)
                    var width    = destructible.AlphaWidth;
                    var height   = destructible.AlphaHeight;
                    var mainQuad = new D2dQuad();

                    quadCount  = 1;
                    pointCount = 0;
                    xMin       = 0;
                    xMax       = width - 1;
                    yMin       = 0;
                    yMax       = height - 1;

                    mainQuad.BL = new D2dVector2(xMin, yMin);
                    mainQuad.BR = new D2dVector2(xMax, yMin);
                    mainQuad.TL = new D2dVector2(xMin, yMax);
                    mainQuad.TR = new D2dVector2(xMax, yMax);

                    if (quads.Count > 0)
                        quads[0] = mainQuad;

                    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)

                    if (irregularity > 0.0f)

                    for (var i = 0; i < quadCount; i++)
                        var quad  = quads[i];
                        var group = D2dSplitGroup.GetSplitGroup();

                        group.AddTriangle(quad.BL, quad.BR, quad.TL);
                        group.AddTriangle(quad.TR, quad.TL, quad.BR);

        protected virtual void Awake()
            if (destructible == null)
                destructible = GetComponent <D2dDestructible>();

            // Get a snapshot of the current Destructible's alpha data
            snapshot = destructible.GetSnapshot();
Exemplo n.º 14
        private void Hook()
            if (cachedDestructible == null)
                cachedDestructible = GetComponentInParent <D2dDestructible>();

            cachedDestructible.OnSplitStart += OnStartSplit;
            cachedDestructible.OnSplitEnd   += OnEndSplit;
        protected virtual void OnEnable()
            if (cachedDestructible == null)
                cachedDestructible = GetComponent <D2dDestructible>();

            cachedDestructible.OnSplitStart += HandleSplitStart;
            cachedDestructible.OnSplitEnd   += HandleSplitEnd;
        protected virtual void Update()
            // Get the main camera?
            if (mainCamera == null)
                mainCamera = Camera.main;

            // Begin dragging
            if (Input.GetKey(Requires) == true && down == false)
                down = true;
                startMousePosition = Input.mousePosition;

            // End dragging
            if (Input.GetKey(Requires) == false && down == true)
                down = false;

                // Slice all Destructibles?
                if (mainCamera != null)
                    var endMousePosition = Input.mousePosition;
                    var startPos         = mainCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(startMousePosition);
                    var endPos           = mainCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(endMousePosition);

                    D2dDestructible.SliceAll(startPos, endPos, Thickness, StampTex, Hardness);

            // Update indicator?
            if (down == true && mainCamera != null && IndicatorPrefab != null)
                if (indicatorInstance == null)
                    indicatorInstance = Instantiate(IndicatorPrefab);

                var startPos   = mainCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(startMousePosition);
                var currentPos = mainCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
                var scale      = Vector3.Distance(currentPos, startPos);
                var angle      = D2dHelper.Atan2(currentPos - startPos) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

                // Transform the indicator so it lines up with the slice
                indicatorInstance.transform.position   = new Vector3(startPos.x, startPos.y, indicatorInstance.transform.position.z);
                indicatorInstance.transform.rotation   = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, -angle);
                indicatorInstance.transform.localScale = new Vector3(Thickness, scale, scale);
            // Destroy indicator?
            else if (indicatorInstance != null)
        protected virtual void Start()
            if (Stamp == true)
                var stampPosition = transform.position;
                var stampAngle    = StampRandomDirection == true?Random.Range(-180.0f, 180.0f) : 0.0f;

                D2dDestructible.StampAll(stampPosition, StampSize, stampAngle, StampTex, StampHardness, Mask);

            if (Raycast == true && RaycastCount > 0)
                var angleStep = 360.0f / RaycastCount;

                for (var i = 0; i < RaycastCount; i++)
                    var angle     = i * angleStep;
                    var direction = new Vector2(Mathf.Sin(angle), Mathf.Cos(angle));
                    var hit       = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, direction, RaycastRadius, Mask);
                    var collider  = hit.collider;

                    // Make sure the raycast hit something, and that it wasn't a trigger
                    if (collider != null && collider.isTrigger == false)
                        var strength = 1.0f - hit.fraction;                         // Do less damage if the hit point is far from the explosion

                        // Add damage?
                        if (DamagePerRay != 0.0f)
                            var destructible = collider.GetComponentInParent <D2dDestructible>();

                            if (destructible != null)
                                destructible.Damage += DamagePerRay * strength;

                        // Add force?
                        if (ForcePerRay != 0.0f)
                            var rigidbody2D = collider.attachedRigidbody;

                            if (rigidbody2D != null)
                                var force = direction * ForcePerRay * strength;

                                rigidbody2D.AddForceAtPosition(force, hit.point);
        public virtual void Fracture()
            RemainingFractures -= 1;
            RequiredDamage     *= RequiredDamageMultiplier;
            FractureCount       = Mathf.CeilToInt(FractureCount * FractureCountMultiplier);

            if (destructible == null)
                destructible = GetComponent <D2dDestructible>();
        protected virtual void OnEnable()
            if (cachedDestructibleSet == false)
                cachedDestructible    = GetComponent <D2dDestructible>();
                cachedDestructibleSet = true;

            cachedDestructible.OnModified += HandleModified;
            cachedDestructible.OnRebuilt  += UpdateMass;
Exemplo n.º 20
        protected virtual void Update()
            if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && Camera.main != null)
                var ray      = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                var distance = D2dHelper.Divide(ray.origin.z, ray.direction.z);
                var point    = ray.origin - ray.direction * distance;

                D2dDestructible.StampAll(point, Size, Angle, StampTex, Hardness, Layers);
 protected virtual void OnEnable()
     if (mainRigidbody2D == null)
         mainRigidbody2D = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
     if (destructible == null)
         destructible = GetComponent <D2dDestructible>();
Exemplo n.º 22
        public static int CalculatePointCount(D2dDestructible destructible, float pointsPerSolidPixel, bool factorInSharpness, int maxPoints)
            var points = destructible.AlphaCount * pointsPerSolidPixel;

            if (factorInSharpness == true)
                points *= destructible.AlphaSharpness * destructible.AlphaSharpness;

            return(Mathf.Min(Mathf.CeilToInt(points), maxPoints));
Exemplo n.º 23
        public static void Blur(D2dDestructible destructible)
            var alphaData   = destructible.AlphaData;
            var alphaWidth  = destructible.AlphaWidth;
            var alphaHeight = destructible.AlphaHeight;

            D2dHelper.ReserveTempAlphaData(alphaWidth, alphaHeight);

            BlurHorizontally(alphaData, D2dHelper.tempAlphaData, alphaWidth, alphaHeight);

            BlurVertically(D2dHelper.tempAlphaData, alphaData, alphaWidth, alphaHeight);
Exemplo n.º 24
        private bool CheckMet()
            if (damage == true)
                if (cachedDamage == null)
                    cachedDamage = GetComponent <D2dDamage>();

                if (cachedDamage != null)
                    if (cachedDamage.Damage < damageMin || cachedDamage.Damage >= damageMax)

            if (alphaCount == true)
                if (cachedDestructible == null)
                    cachedDestructible = GetComponent <D2dDestructible>();

                if (cachedDestructible != null)
                    if (cachedDestructible.AlphaCount < alphaCountMin || cachedDestructible.AlphaCount >= alphaCountMax)

            if (alphaRatio == true)
                if (cachedDestructible == null)
                    cachedDestructible = GetComponent <D2dDestructible>();

                if (cachedDestructible != null)
                    if (cachedDestructible.AlphaRatio < alphaRatioMin || cachedDestructible.AlphaRatio >= alphaRatioMax)

Exemplo n.º 25
        protected virtual void Update()
            cooldown -= Time.deltaTime;

            if (cooldown <= 0.0f)
                cooldown = Delay;

                var angle = Random.Range(0.0f, 360.0f);

                D2dDestructible.StampAll(transform.position, Size, angle, StampTex, Hardness, Layers);
Exemplo n.º 26
        protected virtual void OnEnable()
            if (cachedCollisionHandler == null)
                cachedCollisionHandler = GetComponent <D2dCollisionHandler>();
            if (cachedDestructible == null)
                cachedDestructible = GetComponent <D2dDestructible>();

            cachedCollisionHandler.OnCollision += Collision;
        protected virtual void OnEnable()
            if (destructible == null)
                destructible = GetComponent <D2dDestructible>();
            if (destructible.OnDamageChanged == null)
                destructible.OnDamageChanged = new D2dFloatFloatEvent();

Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>This will return a snapshot of the specified D2dDestructible.</summary>
        public static D2dSnapshotData Create(D2dDestructible destructible)
            if (destructible != null && destructible.Ready == true)
                var data = new D2dSnapshotData();



Exemplo n.º 29
        public static void TrySplit(D2dDestructible destructible, int feather)
            if (destructible != null)

                if (islands.Count > 1)
                    var baseRect = new D2dRect(0, alphaWidth, 0, alphaHeight);

                    if (feather > 0)
                        baseField.Transform(baseRect, alphaWidth, alphaHeight, alphaData);


                        for (var i = islands.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            var island = islands[i];
                            var sprite = destructible.SplitNext(i == 0);
                            var rect   = new D2dRect(island.MinX, island.MaxX, island.MinY, island.MaxY); rect.Expand(feather); rect.ClampTo(baseRect);

                            D2dHelper.ReserveTempAlphaDataClear(rect.SizeX, rect.SizeY);

                            island.Fill(baseField, baseRect, rect);

                            sprite.SubsetAlphaWith(D2dHelper.tempAlphaData, rect, island.Count);

                        for (var i = islands.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            var island = islands[i];
                            var chunk  = destructible.SplitNext(i == 0);
                            var rect   = new D2dRect(island.MinX, island.MaxX, island.MinY, island.MaxY); rect.ClampTo(baseRect);

                            D2dHelper.ReserveTempAlphaDataClear(rect.SizeX, rect.SizeY);


                            chunk.SubsetAlphaWith(D2dHelper.tempAlphaData, rect);

        public void UpdateFracture()
            if (RemainingFractures > 0)
                if (destructible == null)
                    destructible = GetComponent <D2dDestructible>();

                if (destructible.Damage >= RequiredDamage)