public void SetMouseCursor(uint nodeId, NodePart nodePart, int index, ModifierKeys modifiers, bool isMouseButtonDown, double x, double y)
            if (0 == nodeId)
                // When the UI calls this method, we are only expecting two possible
                // value ranges for 'nodeId': a "uint.MaxValue" when the 'nodeId' is
                // invalid, or a positive number. This should not be zero, if it is,
                // do let me know. - Ben.
                throw new ArgumentException("121B20BE: Invalid argument!", "nodeId");

            if (currentDragState == DragState.NodeRepositioning)
                if (!isMouseButtonDown)

                foreach (DraggedNode draggedNode in dragSet)
                    if (visualHost != null)
                        VisualNode         node      = (VisualNode)draggedNode.node;
                        DrawingVisual      visual    = visualHost.GetDrawingVisualForNode(node.NodeId);
                        TranslateTransform transform = visual.Transform as TranslateTransform;

                        transform.X = x - draggedNode.DeltaX;
                        transform.Y = y - draggedNode.DeltaY;

                        node.X = transform.X;
                        node.Y = transform.Y;

                        this.TransformBubble(node, transform);

                selectionBox.UpdateSelectionBox(x, y);
            else if ((currentDragState == DragState.CurveDrawing) || (currentDragState == DragState.EdgeReconnection))
                if (nodePart != NodePart.None && nodeId == uint.MaxValue)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Nodepard and NodeId are not in consistent (914C54A64BFD)");

                VisualNode node = null;
                edgeConnection = EdgeConnectionFlag.None;

                if (nodePart != NodePart.None)
                    node = GetVisualNode(nodeId);
                    if (lastHoveredNodeId != uint.MaxValue && lastHoveredNodeId != edgeController.GetCurrentlySelectedNodeId())
                        node = GetVisualNode(lastHoveredNodeId);
                        node.PreviewSelected = node.Selected;//reset the original state of the node
                        RearrangeNodeAndBubbleVisual(node, false);
                List <IVisualNode> nodeToModify;
                edgeConnection = edgeController.AttemptConnectEdge(node, nodePart, index, out nodeToModify);

                if (nodePart != NodePart.None)
                    if ((edgeConnection == EdgeConnectionFlag.NewEdge || edgeConnection == EdgeConnectionFlag.ReconnectEdge) &&
                        (nodePart == NodePart.InputSlot || nodePart == NodePart.InputLabel || nodePart == NodePart.ReplicationGuide))

                    node.PreviewSelected = true;
                    RearrangeNodeAndBubbleVisual(node, true);

                if (edgeConnection != EdgeConnectionFlag.None && edgeConnection != EdgeConnectionFlag.Illegal)
                    edgeController.DrawConnectingEdgeTo(new Point(x, y));

                lastHoveredNodeId = nodeId;
                if (null != node)
                    node.Compose(); // Optionally redraw the node.