//int32 holding shader flags
        //Count of path-shaders stored in int32
        //{Contiguous list of path-shaders}
        //Where each element is represented as:
        //Path name
        //Shader bytecode size in bytes (int64)
        //Shader bytecode
        //Count of path-timestamps stored in int32
        //{Contiguous list of path-timestamps}
        //Where each element is represented as:
        //Path name
        //Count of path-dependencies stored in int32
        //{Contiguous list of path-dependencies}
        //Where each element is represented as:
        //Path name
        //number of dependencies
        //[list of dependency paths]
        //Where each Unique element name is represented by a UTF-16 string, stored as:
        //Character count (int32)

        public static void Save(ShaderCompilationCache cache, string path)
            using (var archiveFileStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
                Save(cache, archiveFileStream);
 public void CopyFrom(string source, ShaderCompilationCache loadedCache)
     lock (CompiledShaders)
         //Just try every stage. Could be smarter about this, but nah.
         foreach (var stage in MetadataParsing.Stages)
             //The old cached data is still valid. Copy it over into the new cache and skip.
             //Note that there may be multiple compiled shaders due to shader permutations.
             string sourceWithExtension = source + stage.Extension;
             var    existingShaders     = from pair in loadedCache.CompiledShaders
                                          where pair.Key.Name == sourceWithExtension
                                          select pair;
             foreach (var entry in existingShaders)
                 CompiledShaders.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
         TimeStamps[source] = loadedCache.TimeStamps[source];
         var dependencies = new HashSet <string>(loadedCache.Dependencies[source]);
         foreach (var dependency in dependencies)
             TimeStamps[dependency] = loadedCache.TimeStamps[dependency];
         Dependencies[source] = dependencies;
 public static bool TryLoad(string path, out ShaderCompilationCache cache)
     if (!File.Exists(path))
         cache = null;
     using (var stream = File.OpenRead(path))
         return(TryLoad(stream, out cache));
        public static void Save(ShaderCompilationCache cache, Stream outputStream)
            //Save the number of shaders.
            using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(outputStream))

                //Save every path-shader in sequence.
                foreach (var element in cache.CompiledShaders)
                    //Write the element's name.
                    for (int i = 0; i < element.Key.Defines.Length; ++i)

                    //Write the size of the shader bytecode.
                    //Write the bytecode itself.
                    writer.Write(element.Value.Data, 0, element.Value.Data.Length);

                //Save the number of timestamped references.
                //Note that timestamps and dependencies do not have define permutations. Timestamps and dependencies do not change with respect to permutations.

                foreach (var element in cache.TimeStamps)

                    //Write the current time stamp onto the element.

                foreach (var pathDependenciesPair in cache.Dependencies)
                    foreach (var dependency in pathDependenciesPair.Value)
        private static void CollectCompilationTargets(string source, string workingPath,
                                                      ShaderFileCache shaderFileCache, ShaderCompilationCache loadedCache, ShaderCompilationCache cache,
                                                      List <ShaderCompilationResult> errors, List <ShaderCompilationTarget> compilationTargets)
            if (!shaderFileCache.TryLoad(source, out string shaderCode))
                lock (errors)
                    errors.Add(new ShaderCompilationResult("Shader", "", "", source, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Could not find file " + source));

            //Only compile this shader if the shader has been modified since the previous compile.
            var currentTimeStamp = File.GetLastWriteTime(source).Ticks;

            if (loadedCache.ShaderFlags == cache.ShaderFlags && loadedCache.TimeStamps.TryGetValue(source, out long previousTimeStamp)) //If this file was contained before, we MIGHT be able to skip its compilation.
                if (currentTimeStamp <= previousTimeStamp)                                                                              //If the file hasn't been updated, we MIGHT be able to skip.
                    //Check the timestamps associated with the dependencies of this file.
                    //If any are newer than the previous snapshot, skip.
                    bool allowSkip = true;
                    if (loadedCache.Dependencies.TryGetValue(source, out HashSet <string> loadedDependencyPaths))
                        foreach (var dependency in loadedDependencyPaths)
                            //The loadedCache is guaranteed to contain a time stamp for any dependency referenced,
                            //because the only time any dependency is added to the list the dependency is ALSO put into the timestamps list.
                            var previousDependencyTimeStamp = loadedCache.TimeStamps[dependency];
                            var currentDependencyTimeStamp  = File.GetLastWriteTime(dependency).Ticks;
                            if (currentDependencyTimeStamp > previousDependencyTimeStamp)
                                //One of the dependencies has been updated. This shader must be compiled.
                                allowSkip = false;
                        //One of the dependencies could not be found in the old cache. Implies a new dependency was added; must compile.
                        allowSkip = false;

                    if (allowSkip)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Shader up to date: {Path.GetFileName(source)}");
                        cache.CopyFrom(source, loadedCache);

            var localWorkingPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(source);
            var include          = new IncludeHandler(shaderFileCache, workingPath, localWorkingPath);

            var stages                = new List <ShaderStage>();
            var macroGroups           = new List <MacroGroup>();
            var metadataParsingErrors = new List <MetadataParsingError>();

            MetadataParsing.Parse(source, shaderCode, stages, macroGroups, metadataParsingErrors);
            //Prepass to collect include metadata. Seems hacky, oh well.
                ShaderBytecode.Preprocess(shaderCode, null, include);
            catch (CompilationException e)
                if (ParseCompilerResult(e.Message, out string filePath, out int lineBegin, out int columnBegin, out int lineEnd, out int columnEnd, out string description))
                    var errorChecker = new Regex("error X(?<errorCode>[0-9]{4}): ");
                    var errorCode    = errorChecker.Match(e.Message).Groups["errorCode"].Value;
                    lock (errors)
                        errors.Add(new ShaderCompilationResult("Shader", errorCode, "", source, lineBegin, columnBegin, lineEnd, columnEnd, description));
        public static bool TryLoad(Stream stream, out ShaderCompilationCache cache)
            using (var reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
                    cache = new ShaderCompilationCache((ShaderFlags)reader.ReadInt32());

                    byte[] data = new byte[16384];

                    var shaderDataCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                    for (int i = 0; i < shaderDataCount; ++i)
                        var shaderSource = SourceShader.Read(reader);

                        //Read the size in bytes of the content element data itself.
                        int sizeInBytes = reader.ReadInt32();

                        if (data.Length < sizeInBytes)
                            data = new byte[sizeInBytes];

                        reader.Read(data, 0, sizeInBytes);

                        ShaderBytecode bytecode;
                            fixed(byte *buffer = data)
                                bytecode = new ShaderBytecode(new IntPtr(buffer), sizeInBytes);
                        cache.CompiledShaders.Add(shaderSource, bytecode);

                    var timeStampCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                    for (int i = 0; i < timeStampCount; ++i)
                        var shaderSource = reader.ReadString();

                        //Read the time stamp.
                        long timeStamp = reader.ReadInt64();
                        cache.TimeStamps.Add(shaderSource, timeStamp);

                    var dependenciesCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                    for (int i = 0; i < dependenciesCount; ++i)
                        var shaderSource          = reader.ReadString();
                        var pathDependenciesCount = reader.ReadInt32();
                        var dependencies          = new HashSet <string>();
                        for (int j = 0; j < pathDependenciesCount; ++j)
                        cache.Dependencies.Add(shaderSource, dependencies);
                    cache = null;