Exemplo n.º 1
        public List<OptionGroup> AddOptionGroups(JsonArray childArray)
            List<OptionGroup> rootOptionGroups = new List<OptionGroup>();

            string id = "", name = "", description = "", price = "", max_price = "-1", type = "";
            string min_selection = "", max_selection = "";
            int sel_dep = 0;

            foreach (JsonValue ch in childArray)
                JsonObject child = ch.GetObject();

                id = child["id"].GetString();
                if (child["name"].ValueType.ToString() == "String")
                    name = child["name"].GetString();
                if (child["description"].ValueType.ToString() == "String")
                    description = child["description"].GetString();
                if (child["max_price"].ValueType.ToString() == "Number")
                    max_price = child["max_price"].GetNumber().ToString();
                type = child["type"].GetString();

                if ( type == "option group")
                    if (child["min_selection"].ValueType.ToString() == "String")
                        min_selection = child["min_selection"].GetString();
                    if (child["max_selection"].ValueType.ToString() == "String")
                        max_selection = child["max_selection"].GetString();
                    if (child["sel_dep"].ValueType.ToString() == "Number")
                        sel_dep = Convert.ToInt32(child["sel_dep"].GetNumber());

                    OptionGroup cOgroup = new OptionGroup(id, name, description, min_selection, max_selection, sel_dep, type);

                    // recursively get the children
                    if (child["children"].ValueType.ToString() == "Array")
                        cOgroup.childOptions = AddOptions(child["children"].GetArray());

            return rootOptionGroups;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task GetMenu()
            // keep these consistent
            client_id = (App.Current as App).client_id;
            secret = (App.Current as App).secret;

            // Call an HTTP GET request.  GET /merchant/{merchant_id}/hours
            string baseURL = "https://api.delivery.com/api/merchant/" + uniqueID    // the id of the merchant
                                                                      + "/menu?client_id=" + client_id;

            // Receive the response and parse it (Json)
            var responseString = await client.GetStringAsync(baseURL);
            JsonObject jsObject = JsonObject.Parse(responseString);

            // Get the menu schedule......

            // Check for warnings

            // Get the menu(s)
            int scheduleID = -1;
            JsonArray menusArray = jsObject["menu"].GetArray();

            foreach (JsonValue m in menusArray)
                JsonObject menuObject = m.GetObject();
                string id_menu = "", name_Menu = "", description_Menu = "", ob_type = "";
                id_menu = menuObject["id"].GetString();
                name_Menu = menuObject["name"].GetString();
                description_Menu = menuObject["description"].GetString();
                ob_type = menuObject["type"].GetString();

                // create the empty menu
                Menu newMenu = new Menu(id_menu, name_Menu, description_Menu, ob_type);

////////////////// Get the items of the menu
                JsonArray menuChildren = menuObject["children"].GetArray();
                string id = "", name = "", description = "", min_qty = "", max_qty = "", price = "", max_price = "", itype = "";
                foreach(JsonValue ii in menuChildren)
                    JsonObject itemObj = ii.GetObject();
                    id = itemObj["id"].GetString();
                    name = itemObj["name"].GetString();
                    if(itemObj["description"].ValueType.ToString() == "String")
                        description = itemObj["description"].GetString();
                    // get the schedule id array if it exists for this item
                    List<int> scheduleIDs = new List<int>();
                    if (itemObj.ContainsKey("schedule"))
                        JsonArray itemSchedule = itemObj["schedule"].GetArray();
                        foreach (JsonValue sVal in itemSchedule)
                            // get the id of the schedule that this item belongs to
                            scheduleID = Convert.ToInt32(sVal.GetNumber());

                    if (itemObj["min_qty"].ValueType.ToString() == "Number")
                        min_qty = itemObj["min_qty"].GetNumber().ToString();
                    if (itemObj["max_qty"].ValueType.ToString() == "Number")
                        max_qty = itemObj["max_qty"].GetNumber().ToString();
                    if (itemObj["price"].ValueType.ToString() == "Number")
                        price = itemObj["price"].GetNumber().ToString();
                    if (itemObj["max_price"].ValueType.ToString() == "Number")
                        max_price = itemObj["max_price"].GetNumber().ToString();
                    // get the item type
                    itype = itemObj["type"].GetString();

                    Item newItem = new Item(id, name, description, min_qty, max_qty, price, max_price, itype);
             // attempt to get this item's children (images, price groups, option groups)
                    List<OptionGroup> itemOptions = new List<OptionGroup>();
                    List<PriceGroup> itemPrices = new List<PriceGroup>();
                    List<Image> itemImages = new List<Image>();
                    if (itemObj["children"].ValueType.ToString() == "Array")
                        JsonArray itemChildren = itemObj["children"].GetArray();

                        // item's children
                        foreach(JsonValue child in itemChildren)
                            JsonObject c_Object = child.GetObject();
                            string  c_Type = "", c_name = "", c_description = "", c_ID = "",
                                    c_url = "", c_min_selection = "", c_max_selection = "";
                            int c_sel_dep = 0;
                            c_Type = c_Object["type"].GetString();
                            c_ID = c_Object["id"].GetString();
                            if (c_Object["name"].ValueType.ToString() == "String")
                                c_name = c_Object["name"].GetString();
                            if (c_Object["description"].ValueType.ToString() == "String")
                                c_description = c_Object["description"].GetString();

                            // treat differently depending on what the object is
                            if(c_Type == "image")
                                c_url = c_Object["url"].GetString();
                                Image newImage = new Image(c_ID, c_name, c_url, c_description, c_Type);
                            else if(c_Type == "price group")
                                if (c_Object["min_selection"].ValueType.ToString() == "Number")
                                    c_min_selection = c_Object["min_selection"].GetNumber().ToString();
                                if (c_Object["max_selection"].ValueType.ToString() == "Number")
                                    c_max_selection = c_Object["max_selection"].GetNumber().ToString();

                                PriceGroup newPriceGroup = new PriceGroup(c_ID, c_name, c_description, c_min_selection, c_max_selection, c_Type);
                                // add the price group's children
                                if (c_Object["children"].ValueType.ToString() == "Array")
                                    newPriceGroup.childOptions = AddOptions(c_Object["children"].GetArray());
                            else if(c_Type == "option group")
                                if (c_Object["min_selection"].ValueType.ToString() == "String")
                                    c_min_selection = c_Object["min_selection"].GetString();
                                if (c_Object["max_selection"].ValueType.ToString() == "String")
                                    c_max_selection = c_Object["max_selection"].GetString();
                                if (c_Object["sel_dep"].ValueType.ToString() == "Number")
                                    c_sel_dep = Convert.ToInt32(c_Object["sel_dep"].GetNumber());

                                OptionGroup newOptionGroup = new OptionGroup(c_ID, c_name, c_description, c_min_selection, c_max_selection, c_sel_dep, c_Type);
                                // add the option group's children. call the AddOptions function in this case
                                if (c_Object["children"].ValueType.ToString() == "Array")
                                    newOptionGroup.childOptions = AddOptions(c_Object["children"].GetArray());

                        newItem._optionGroup = itemOptions;
                        newItem._priceGroup = itemPrices;
                        newItem.Images = itemImages;
                    // add item to menu's children
                }   // end item

            int i = 0;
