Exemplo n.º 1
        private static int? CreateDealContact(CookieCollection cookies, C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo blueDeal, DealDetailModel deepBlueDealDetail, out string resp)
            int? contactId = null;
            resp = string.Empty;

            DeepBlue.Models.Admin.EditDealContactModel model = new Models.Admin.EditDealContactModel();
            model.ContactName = blueDeal.AmberContactName;

            NameValueCollection formValues = HttpWebRequestUtil.SetUpForm(model, string.Empty, string.Empty);

            // Send the request
            string url = HttpWebRequestUtil.GetUrl("/Admin/UpdateDealContact");
            byte[] postData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(HttpWebRequestUtil.ToFormValue(formValues));
            HttpWebResponse response = HttpWebRequestUtil.SendRequest(url, postData, true, cookies);
            if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) {
                using (Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream()) {
                    // Pipes the stream to a higher level stream reader with the required encoding format.
                    using (StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.UTF8)) {
                        resp = readStream.ReadToEnd();
                        contactId = HttpWebRequestUtil.GetNewKeyFromResponse(resp);

            return contactId;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static string ImportDealExpenses(CookieCollection cookies, BlueEntities context, C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo blueDeal, DealDetailModel deepBlueDealDetail)
            int dealId = deepBlueDealDetail.DealId;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            string message = string.Empty;
            if (deepBlueDealDetail.DealExpenses == null || deepBlueDealDetail.DealExpenses.Count == 0) {
                List<C6_40tblDealExpenses> blueDealExpenses = context.C6_40tblDealExpenses.Where(x => x.AmberbrookFundNo == blueDeal.AmberbrookFundNo).Where(x => x.AmberbrookDealNo == blueDeal.DealNo).ToList();
                if (blueDealExpenses.Count > 0) {
                    foreach (C6_40tblDealExpenses blueDealExpense in blueDealExpenses) {
                        string resp = string.Empty;
                        int? dealExpenseId = ImportDealExpense(cookies, blueDealExpense, dealId, out resp);
                        if (!dealExpenseId.HasValue) {
                            string error = "Failed to import deal expense for amb fund#:" + blueDealExpense.AmberbrookFundNo + " ,deal#:" + blueDealExpense.AmberbrookDealNo + ", error:" + resp;
                            // Util.WriteError(error);
                        else {
                            message = "New DealExpenseID:" + dealExpenseId;
                else {
                    Util.Log("No deal expenses found to import..");

            else {
                message = "Deal:" + dealId + " already has deal expenses. Skipping Importing Deal Expenses";
            return sb.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static int? ImportDealSellerInfo(CookieCollection cookies, C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo blueDeal, DealDetailModel deepBlueDealDetail, out string resp)
            int dealId = deepBlueDealDetail.DealId;
            int? sellerId = null;
            resp = string.Empty;
            string message = string.Empty;

            if (!deepBlueDealDetail.SellerContactId.HasValue) {
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(blueDeal.SellerName)) {
                    DealSellerDetailModel model = new DealSellerDetailModel();
                    model.DealId = deepBlueDealDetail.DealId;
                    model.SellerName = blueDeal.SellerName;
                    model.ContactName = blueDeal.SellerCompany;
                    model.Phone = blueDeal.SellerPhone;
                    model.Email = blueDeal.SellerEmail;
                    model.Fax = blueDeal.SellerFax;
                    model.CompanyName = blueDeal.SellerCompany;
                    model.SellerTypeId = Globals.SellerTypes.Where(x => x.SellerType1.Equals(blueDeal.SellerType)).FirstOrDefault().SellerTypeID;

                    NameValueCollection formValues = HttpWebRequestUtil.SetUpForm(model, string.Empty, string.Empty);

                    // Send the request
                    string url = HttpWebRequestUtil.GetUrl("/Deal/CreateSellerInfo");
                    string data = HttpWebRequestUtil.ToFormValue(formValues);
                    messageLog.AppendLine("Form data:" + data);
                    byte[] postData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data);
                    HttpWebResponse response = HttpWebRequestUtil.SendRequest(url, postData, true, cookies);
                    if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) {
                        using (Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream()) {
                            // Pipes the stream to a higher level stream reader with the required encoding format.
                            using (StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.UTF8)) {
                                resp = readStream.ReadToEnd();
                                messageLog.AppendLine("Response: " + resp);
                                sellerId = HttpWebRequestUtil.GetNewKeyFromResponse(resp);
                else {
                    message = "Blue Deal: " + blueDeal.DealName + " doesnt have a seller";
                    return 0;
            else {
                sellerId = deepBlueDealDetail.SellerContactId;
                message = "Seller Contact already exists:" + sellerId;
            return sellerId;
Exemplo n.º 4
 private static int? ImportDealContact(CookieCollection cookies, C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo blueDeal, DealDetailModel deepBlueDealDetail, out string resp)
     int? contactId = null;
     resp = string.Empty;
     string message = string.Empty;
     if (!deepBlueDealDetail.ContactId.HasValue) {
         DealContactList dealContact = ContactsList.Where(c => c.ContactName == blueDeal.AmberContactName).FirstOrDefault();
         if (dealContact != null) {
             contactId = dealContact.ContactId;
             Util.Log("Found contact..");
         else {
             contactId = CreateDealContact(cookies, blueDeal, deepBlueDealDetail, out resp);
             if (contactId.HasValue) {
                 message = "New Contact created:" + contactId + " for deal:" + deepBlueDealDetail.DealId;
                 ContactsList.Add(new DealContactList { ContactName = blueDeal.AmberContactName, ContactId = contactId.Value });
         if (contactId.HasValue) {
             int? dealId = UpdateDealWithContact(cookies, contactId.Value, deepBlueDealDetail, out resp);
             if (!dealId.HasValue) {
                 resp = string.Format("Unable to update deal: {0} with contactId: {1}, Reason: {2}", dealId, contactId, resp);
             else {
                 string success = string.Format("deal: {0} updated with contactId: {1}, DealContactID: {2}", deepBlueDealDetail.DealId, contactId, dealId);
     else {
         contactId = deepBlueDealDetail.ContactId;
         message = "Contact already exists. ContactID:" + contactId;
     return contactId;
Exemplo n.º 5
 private static string ImportAssetInDeal(CookieCollection cookies, BlueEntities context, C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo blueDeal, C6_10AmberbrookFundInfo blueDealAmbFund, DeepBlue.Models.Deal.DealListModel deepBlueDeal, int fundID)
     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
     List<C5_10tblDealOrigination> blueAssetsInDeal = context.C5_10tblDealOrigination.Where(x => x.AmberbrookFundNo == blueDeal.AmberbrookFundNo).Where(x => x.DealNo == blueDeal.DealNo).ToList();
     DealDetailModel deepBlueDealDetail = GetDeal(cookies, deepBlueDeal.DealId);
     foreach (C5_10tblDealOrigination blueAssetInDeal in blueAssetsInDeal) {
         // This can either be a direct or a UF
         C7_10tblGPPaymentInstructions blueAsset = context.C7_10tblGPPaymentInstructions.Where(x => x.Fund.Equals(blueAssetInDeal.Fund, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault();
         if (blueAsset != null) {
             // Find the deal with the same DealNumber and DealName, and that belongs to the same Amberbrook fund
             if (blueAsset.FundType.Equals("Direct", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
                 List<KeyValuePair<C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects, string>> failedDirects = ImportUnderlyingDirect(cookies, context, blueAssetInDeal, deepBlueDeal.DealId, deepBlueDealDetail, fundID);
                 if (failedDirects.Count > 0) {
                     Util.WriteError("The following " + failedDirects.Count + " securities could not be imported:");
                 foreach (KeyValuePair<C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects, string> failedDirect in failedDirects) {
                     string errorMsg = "Cannot import direct:" + failedDirect.Key.Direct + " into the deal:" + deepBlueDeal.DealId + ", reason:" + failedDirect.Value;
                     sb.Append(" " + errorMsg + " ");
             else {
                 string resp = string.Empty;
                 int? underlyingFundId = ImportUnderlyingFund(cookies, blueAssetInDeal, deepBlueDeal.DealId, fundID, deepBlueDealDetail, out resp);
                 if (!underlyingFundId.HasValue) {
                     string error = "Failed to import underlying fund:" + blueAssetInDeal.Fund + " into deal:" + deepBlueDeal.DealId + ", error:" + resp;
                 else {
                     Util.Log("New DealUnderlyingFundID:" + underlyingFundId);
         else {
             string msg = "Unable to find record in C7_10tblGPPaymentInstructions with Fund:" + blueAssetInDeal.Fund;
     return sb.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static int? CreateNewDeal(CookieCollection cookies, C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo blueDeal, int fundID, int? purchaseTypeId, out string resp)
            int? dealID = null;
            resp = string.Empty;
            // Deal/Create
            DealDetailModel model = new DealDetailModel();

            model.FundId = fundID;
            model.DealName = blueDeal.DealName;
            model.DealNumber = blueDeal.DealNo;
            if (purchaseTypeId.HasValue) {
                model.PurchaseTypeId = purchaseTypeId.Value;
            model.IsPartnered = false;
            // GPP
            // NPP/
            // Total Costs
            // Syn
            // Syndicate
            // AmberBrook Contact Name
            // Seller Type DeepBlue has InvestorEntityType which has same values as SellerType. However, InvestorEntityType is on the Investor level
            // => Contact
            // Seller Name
            // Seller Company
            // Seller Phone
            // Seller Fax
            // Seller Email
            // Seller Comments
            // Comments
            // blueDeal.NAVAllocation

            // model.ContactId;
            // model.IsPartnered;
            // model.PartnerName;
            NameValueCollection formValues = HttpWebRequestUtil.SetUpForm(model, string.Empty, string.Empty);

            // Send the request
            string url = HttpWebRequestUtil.GetUrl("Deal/Create");
            byte[] postData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(HttpWebRequestUtil.ToFormValue(formValues));
            HttpWebResponse response = HttpWebRequestUtil.SendRequest(url, postData, true, cookies);
            if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) {
                using (Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream()) {
                    // Pipes the stream to a higher level stream reader with the required encoding format.
                    using (StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.UTF8)) {
                        resp = readStream.ReadToEnd();
                        dealID = HttpWebRequestUtil.GetNewKeyFromResponse(resp);

            return dealID;
Exemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet&lt;T&gt; property instead.
 /// </summary>
 public void AddToC6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo(C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo c6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo)
     base.AddObject("C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo", c6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo);
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="amberbrookFundNo">Initial value of the AmberbrookFundNo property.</param>
 /// <param name="dealNo">Initial value of the DealNo property.</param>
 /// <param name="dealName">Initial value of the DealName property.</param>
 /// <param name="grossPurchasePrice">Initial value of the GrossPurchasePrice property.</param>
 /// <param name="netPurchasePrice">Initial value of the NetPurchasePrice property.</param>
 /// <param name="totalCosts">Initial value of the TotalCosts property.</param>
 /// <param name="amberContactName">Initial value of the AmberContactName property.</param>
 /// <param name="sSMA_TimeStamp">Initial value of the SSMA_TimeStamp property.</param>
 public static C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo CreateC6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo(global::System.String amberbrookFundNo, global::System.Int32 dealNo, global::System.String dealName, global::System.Decimal grossPurchasePrice, global::System.Decimal netPurchasePrice, global::System.Decimal totalCosts, global::System.String amberContactName, global::System.Byte[] sSMA_TimeStamp)
     C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo c6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo = new C6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo();
     c6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo.AmberbrookFundNo = amberbrookFundNo;
     c6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo.DealNo = dealNo;
     c6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo.DealName = dealName;
     c6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo.GrossPurchasePrice = grossPurchasePrice;
     c6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo.NetPurchasePrice = netPurchasePrice;
     c6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo.TotalCosts = totalCosts;
     c6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo.AmberContactName = amberContactName;
     c6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo.SSMA_TimeStamp = sSMA_TimeStamp;
     return c6_15tblAmberbrookDealInfo;