public List <DeconvolutedEnvelope> RunEnvelopeParsimony(List <DeconvolutedEnvelope> envelopeCandidates, MzSpectrum spectrum)
            var parsimoniousEnvelopes = new List <DeconvolutedEnvelope>();
            var peaksBuffer           = new List <DeconvolutedPeak>();
            HashSet <double>            mzsClaimed           = new HashSet <double>();
            List <DeconvolutedEnvelope> overlappingEnvelopes = new List <DeconvolutedEnvelope>();

            // greedy algorithm. pick a set of mutually-exclusive isotopic envelopes, ordered by score,
            // until no more envelopes can be found in the spectrum
            DeconvolutedEnvelope nextEnvelope = GetNextBestEnvelope(envelopeCandidates, null);
            bool harmonicsRemoved             = false;

            while (nextEnvelope != null)
                DeconvolutedEnvelope chosenEnvelope = nextEnvelope;

                foreach (var peak in chosenEnvelope.Peaks)

                overlappingEnvelopes.AddRange(envelopeCandidates.Where(p => p.Peaks.Any(v => mzsClaimed.Contains(v.ExperimentalMz))));

                foreach (DeconvolutedEnvelope overlappingEnvelope in overlappingEnvelopes.OrderByDescending(p => p.Score))
                    int mzIndex = spectrum.GetClosestPeakIndex(overlappingEnvelope.Peaks.First().ExperimentalMz);
                    int candidateEnvelopeIndex = envelopeCandidates.IndexOf(overlappingEnvelope);

                    DeconvolutedEnvelope redeconEnv = GetIsotopicEnvelope(spectrum, mzIndex, overlappingEnvelope.Charge, peaksBuffer, mzsClaimed);

                    if (redeconEnv != null)
                        redeconEnv.NoiseFwhm     = overlappingEnvelope.NoiseFwhm;
                        redeconEnv.SignalToNoise = overlappingEnvelope.SignalToNoise;
                        redeconEnv.Baseline      = overlappingEnvelope.Baseline;

                    envelopeCandidates[candidateEnvelopeIndex] = redeconEnv;

                // remove all invalid isotopic envelopes
                envelopeCandidates.RemoveAll(p => p == null);

                //remove harmonics
                if (chosenEnvelope.MonoisotopicMass > 10000 && !harmonicsRemoved)
                    RemoveHarmonics(envelopeCandidates, chosenEnvelope, spectrum);
                    harmonicsRemoved = true;

                // get the next-best envelope
                nextEnvelope = GetNextBestEnvelope(envelopeCandidates, chosenEnvelope);

        public List <DeconvolutedEnvelope> GetEnvelopeCandidates(MzSpectrum spectrum, MzRange mzRange, List <int> optionalIndicies = null)
            List <DeconvolutedEnvelope> envelopeCandidates = new List <DeconvolutedEnvelope>();
            List <DeconvolutedPeak>     peaksBuffer        = new List <DeconvolutedPeak>();
            HashSet <double>            mzsClaimed         = new HashSet <double>(); // this is empty, no m/z peaks have been claimed yet
            HashSet <int> potentialChargeStates            = new HashSet <int>();

            // get list of envelope candidates for this scan
            for (int p = 0; p < spectrum.XArray.Length; p++)
                double mz = spectrum.XArray[p];

                if (optionalIndicies != null && !optionalIndicies.Contains(p))

                // check to see if this peak is in the m/z deconvolution range
                if (mz < mzRange.Minimum)
                else if (mz > mzRange.Maximum)

                // get rough list of charge states to check for based on m/z peaks around this peak
                potentialChargeStates = GetPotentialChargeStates(potentialChargeStates, spectrum, p);

                // examine different charge state possibilities and get corresponding envelope candidates
                foreach (int z in potentialChargeStates)
                    DeconvolutedEnvelope candidateEnvelope = GetIsotopicEnvelope(spectrum, p, z, peaksBuffer, mzsClaimed);

                    if (candidateEnvelope != null)

        public void RemoveHarmonics(List <DeconvolutedEnvelope> envelopeCandidates, DeconvolutedEnvelope previousBestEnvelope, MzSpectrum spectrum)
            List <DeconvolutedEnvelope> harmonicEnvelopes = new List <DeconvolutedEnvelope>();

            foreach (DeconvolutedEnvelope envelope in envelopeCandidates)
                for (int i = 2; i < MaxCharge / envelope.Charge; i++)
                    int    harmonicZ = envelope.Charge * i;
                    double mainMz    = envelope.Peaks.First().ExperimentalMz;

                    var    theoreticalHarmonicMz = (mainMz.ToMass(harmonicZ) + Constants.C13MinusC12).ToMz(harmonicZ);
                    int    ind = spectrum.GetClosestPeakIndex(theoreticalHarmonicMz);
                    double experimentalHarmonicMz = spectrum.XArray[ind];

                    if (PpmTolerance.Within(experimentalHarmonicMz.ToMass(harmonicZ), theoreticalHarmonicMz.ToMass(harmonicZ)) &&
                        experimentalHarmonicMz != mainMz)
                        var harmonicCandidates = envelopeCandidates.Where(p => p.Charge == harmonicZ &&
                                                                          p.Peaks.Any(v => v.ExperimentalMz == experimentalHarmonicMz || v.ExperimentalMz == mainMz))
                                                 .ToList(); // DEBUG

                        if (harmonicCandidates.Any())

                    // TODO: look for -1 dalton peak

            foreach (DeconvolutedEnvelope harmonicEnvelope in harmonicEnvelopes)
        private DeconvolutedEnvelope GetNextBestEnvelope(List <DeconvolutedEnvelope> envelopeCandidates, DeconvolutedEnvelope previousBestEnvelope)
            if (previousBestEnvelope == null)
                return(envelopeCandidates.OrderByDescending(p => p.Score).FirstOrDefault());

            List <DeconvolutedEnvelope> sameMassEnvelopes = new List <DeconvolutedEnvelope>();

            for (int i = -3; i <= 3; i++)
                double monoMass = i * Constants.C13MinusC12 + previousBestEnvelope.MonoisotopicMass;
                sameMassEnvelopes.AddRange(envelopeCandidates.Where(p => PpmTolerance.Within(p.MonoisotopicMass, monoMass)));

            if (sameMassEnvelopes.Any())
                return(sameMassEnvelopes.OrderByDescending(p => p.Score).FirstOrDefault());

            return(envelopeCandidates.OrderByDescending(p => p.Score).FirstOrDefault());
        public DeconvolutedEnvelope GetIsotopicEnvelope(MzSpectrum spectrum, int p, int z, List <DeconvolutedPeak> deconvolutedPeaks,
                                                        HashSet <double> alreadyClaimedMzs)
            double mz        = spectrum.XArray[p];
            double intensity = spectrum.YArray[p];

            if (alreadyClaimedMzs.Contains(mz))

            double mass = mz.ToMass(z);

            // get the index of an averagine envelope close in mass
            int massIndex = GetMassIndex(mass) + 1;

            if (massIndex >= mostIntenseMasses.Length)

            double[] averagineEnvelopeMasses      = allMasses[massIndex];
            double[] averagineEnvelopeIntensities = allIntensities[massIndex];
            double   monoMass = mass - diffToMonoisotopic[massIndex];

            int indOfMostIntense = Array.IndexOf(averagineEnvelopeIntensities, 1);

            // 1 is to the right, -1 is to the left in the envelope
            int isotopeDirection = 1;

            for (int i = indOfMostIntense; i < averagineEnvelopeMasses.Length && i >= 0; i += isotopeDirection)
                double isotopeMassShift            = averagineEnvelopeMasses[i] - averagineEnvelopeMasses[indOfMostIntense];
                double isotopeTheoreticalMass      = mass + isotopeMassShift;
                double theoreticalIsotopeMz        = isotopeTheoreticalMass.ToMz(z);
                double theoreticalIsotopeIntensity = averagineEnvelopeIntensities[i] * intensity;

                var peakIndex = spectrum.GetClosestPeakIndex(theoreticalIsotopeMz);

                //TODO: look for other peaks in the scan that could be this isotope that meet the m/z tolerance
                var isotopeExperMz        = spectrum.XArray[peakIndex];
                var isotopeExperIntensity = spectrum.YArray[peakIndex];

                double intensityRatio = isotopeExperIntensity / theoreticalIsotopeIntensity;

                double isotopeExperimentalMass = isotopeExperMz.ToMass(z);
                bool   withinMassTol           = PpmTolerance.Within(isotopeExperMz.ToMass(z), isotopeTheoreticalMass);
                bool   withinIntensityTol      = intensityRatio < IntensityRatioLimit && intensityRatio > 1 / IntensityRatioLimit;
                bool   unclaimedMz             = !alreadyClaimedMzs.Contains(isotopeExperMz) && !deconvolutedPeaks.Select(p => p.ExperimentalMz).Contains(isotopeExperMz);

                if (withinMassTol && // check mass tolerance
                    withinIntensityTol && // check intensity tolerance
                    unclaimedMz)    // check to see if this peak has already been claimed by another envelope or this envelope
                    deconvolutedPeaks.Add(new DeconvolutedPeak(isotopeExperMz, theoreticalIsotopeMz, z, isotopeExperIntensity,
                                                               theoreticalIsotopeIntensity, i, averagineEnvelopeIntensities[i]));
                    if (isotopeDirection == 1)
                        isotopeDirection = -1;
                        i = indOfMostIntense;

            if (deconvolutedPeaks.Count < 2)

            // calculate % intensity missing
            double sumIntensity           = deconvolutedPeaks.Sum(p => Math.Min(p.ExperimentalIntensity, p.TheoreticalIntensity));
            double expectedTotalIntensity = 0;

            double maxTheorIntensity = deconvolutedPeaks.First().TheoreticalIntensity;

            for (int i = 0; i < averagineEnvelopeIntensities.Length; i++)
                double expectedIsotopeIntensity = averagineEnvelopeIntensities[i] * maxTheorIntensity;
                expectedTotalIntensity += expectedIsotopeIntensity;

            double fracIntensityObserved = sumIntensity / expectedTotalIntensity;

            if (fracIntensityObserved < MinFractionIntensityRequired)

            // calculate correlation to averagine
            double corr = Correlation.Pearson(deconvolutedPeaks.Select(p => p.ExperimentalIntensity), deconvolutedPeaks.Select(p => p.TheoreticalIntensity));

            DeconvolutedEnvelope env = null;

            // this is just to save memory, but quality filtering can happen outside of this method after the envelope has been returned, if desired
            if (corr >= PearsonCorrelationRequired)
                // create + return the isotopic envelope object
                env = new DeconvolutedEnvelope(deconvolutedPeaks.ToList(), monoMass, z, corr, fracIntensityObserved);
                // see if a subset of the peaks is a valid envelope
                List <DeconvolutedEnvelope> subsetEnvelopeCandidates = new List <DeconvolutedEnvelope>();

                //TODO: calculate subsets of peaks that have been gathered. return the best one that meets the filtering criteria,
                // or all of the ones that meet the filtering criteria?
                var sortedPeaks = deconvolutedPeaks.OrderBy(p => p.TheoreticalMz).ToList();

                List <DeconvolutedPeak> subsetPeaks = new List <DeconvolutedPeak>();
                for (int start = 0; start < sortedPeaks.Count; start++)
                    for (int end = sortedPeaks.Count - 1; end >= start + 1; end--)

                        for (int k = start; k <= end; k++)

                        //TODO: make this more efficient by changing start + end
                        if (!subsetPeaks.Any(p => p.ExperimentalMz == mz))

                        corr                  = Correlation.Pearson(subsetPeaks.Select(p => p.ExperimentalIntensity), subsetPeaks.Select(p => p.TheoreticalIntensity));
                        sumIntensity          = subsetPeaks.Sum(p => Math.Min(p.ExperimentalIntensity, p.TheoreticalIntensity));
                        fracIntensityObserved = sumIntensity / expectedTotalIntensity;

                        if (corr >= PearsonCorrelationRequired && fracIntensityObserved >= MinFractionIntensityRequired && subsetPeaks.Count >= 2)
                            var subsetEnvelope = new DeconvolutedEnvelope(subsetPeaks.OrderBy(p => Math.Abs(p.ExperimentalMz - mz)).ToList(),
                                                                          monoMass, z, corr, fracIntensityObserved);


                // use the best subset isotopic envelope
                env = subsetEnvelopeCandidates.OrderByDescending(p => p.Score).FirstOrDefault();
